my pet is boss

Chapter 281 Battle of the 5 Armies

Chapter 281 The Battle of the Five Armies
All kinds of demons rushed out from the gate of darkness.

The faces of the people on the city wall of Owendale changed in shock.

Shen Fei knew that a great warlock like Zorak could sign a contract with demons, but he didn't expect that he could summon the Dark Gate, allowing a large number of demons from Borderlands to enter this world.

Forget about the strengthened blood orcs, and now there are demons from the land of no man.

Everyone's expressions were extremely dignified.

Throwing stones and flying arrows fell like a heavy rainstorm, and the orcs in the front row were finally hit and fell down in pieces.

But compared to the number of 10,000+, these orcs who fell did not even make waves, and were quickly trampled by the roaring orcs behind them, as if they had never appeared.

The Mage Tower was attracted by the evil energy in the Dark Gate, and automatically put all its skills into the Dark Gate, and the demons rushing out of it easily blocked the attack of the Mage Tower.

Looking around, these demons that appeared were the same as the demons that Zorak summoned to Mount Doom before, all of them were of the same level? ? ?Demon boss level.

This is equivalent to releasing dozens of bosses at once.

The combat power of the orcs, humans, and dwarf coalition forces rapidly tilted.

"Come on, let me down, I'm going to smash the heads of these bastards from another world!"

Emperor Aoun was very excited when he saw the demons ranging in height from a dozen to tens of meters, and wished to fight hand-to-hand immediately.

Shen Fei sensed the movement of [Aiken's Memoirs]. The Undead Emperor led the undead creatures in the undead forest and had already arrived at the predetermined location. Now only needing an order from Shen Fei, he would launch a fatal blow from the back of the orc.

Some orcs had rushed to the city, and the long-range archers of the orcs were already in place, and began to shoot at the top of the city.

Archmage Jordan saw that all the attacks from the Mage Tower were absorbed by the Hellgate, so he immediately took control of the Mage Tower's initiative and began to manually cast spells to attack.

Shen Fei put on [Blizzard Ballista] and output crazily against the rain of arrows.


The damage poured out, and the orcs under the city fell in pieces.

Logs, hot oil, stones, these things crashed down from the top of the city, harvesting the lives of the orcs.

The fanatical blood orcs had already reached the bottom of the city, and the siege equipment not far away was also approaching.

Shen Fei glanced at the blood orc, and immediately sucked in a breath of cold air.

Normal orc pawns have only [-] HP, and blood orcs...

【Blood Orc】

Type: Frostbite Orc

Level: lv50+
HP: 90
Attack: 1500
Skills: Rampage, Bloodlust, Invigorate Blood, Deadly Frenzy
Description: The cursed Frost Orc Elite became Blood Orcs after taking the cursed blood. They have strong recovery ability, and killing is the only reason for their existence.careful!The less blood they have, the stronger their damage and attack speed will be!

After Zorak's evil ritual, these orcs have increased by 10 levels, both in terms of blood volume and attack, have greatly improved, even comparable to BOSS.

Looking at the elite soldiers on the human and dwarf side, their blood volume is only [-] to [-], and their attack power is only a pitiful [-] to [-].

Thinking of the number of [Blood Orcs] at [-], Shen Fei felt his scalp go numb.

When will this kill be the head?
The orc's siege ladder has been transported to the front line of the battlefield, and it is in chaos everywhere, and gunpowder smoke is everywhere.

Shen Fei took out [Aiken's Memoirs], contacted the Undead Emperor, and asked him to send troops immediately.

The orcs on the frontal battlefield are menacing, and the siege equipment is like waves after waves.

Dozens of siege ladders stood at the top of the city, and the melee troops on the wall immediately tried to push the ladders down.

This is not over yet, the second round of ladders has already been killed.

With such a dense attack, the soldiers on the front line have no chance to breathe.

The attack outside is getting stronger and stronger, and the crash has also been transported to the forefront.

Shen Fei fell off the forward crash car in seconds, watching the blood orcs on the ladder successfully climbed up the city wall, and the melee troops rushed up, but Emperor Aoun forced a way out.

"Get out of the way, leave this person to me!"

Speaking of a hook hammer, the hammer hit the blood orc's chin, and the blood orc who had just stood still took off from the same place and fell directly from the city wall.

"It's gone? Vulnerable!"

Aoun curled his lips, this blood orc was too easy to beat, he was gone with a hammer.

More and more ladders were built on the city wall, Shen Fei wanted to knock down the blood orcs on the ladders, but also be careful of the enemy's car crashing into the city gate.

The city gate of Owendale is built with the solid stone of Daxue Mountain, and is opened by mechanical belt and gear transmission.

Even Shen Fei felt a little overwhelmed, not to mention the soldiers at the top of the city had to avoid the orc arrows outside.

There are a small number of priests on both sides of the city, treating the coalition soldiers to restore blood.

The ground shook and the mountains shook on the battlefield, and the sky-shattering shouts even dispersed the clouds and mists in the sky.

"The siege ahead is fierce, why did the military commander let us stay at the rear of the army?"

At the end of the orc army are ten thousand blood orcs.

They didn't understand the strategist's decision, but the leader of the blood orcs grabbed the doubting orc and said viciously: "The chief and the strategist will never make mistakes in judgment! Let us stay here, then guard it!"

The team leader calmed down the restlessness of the blood orcs in an instant.

As soon as the voices of the few people fell, the land not far away began to swell slightly.

In this deforested forest, the soft ground began to turn up, and bone arms stretched out from the ground. The picture was strange.

"What are those things?"

Seeing this scene, the blood orc couldn't help but gasp.

The scene in front of him made one's scalp tingle, even the blood orc who had been strengthened and full of vitality could not help but feel a chilly wind blowing towards his face.

"This forest is weird!"

The other blood orcs gave this fool a blank look.

Nonsense, even an orc can see that this felled forest is weird. Is it normal for so many bone arms to grow on the ground for no reason?
"There were no rumors before. The direction we are facing now was the battlefield of World War I 40 years ago, and countless people were buried here..."

"Tell me, could it be the group of undead from the Fountain of Youth..."

"What are you criticizing? The Fountain of Youth is hundreds of kilometers away from here. How could the group of undead come here quietly?"

But what are these dense white bones if they are not undead?

The bone arm continued to struggle, and another arm stretched out from the mud, followed by the head and body...

Countless white bone skeletons stood up, shaking off the dirt from their bodies.

Then a black wind blew in the ruined forest, and after a sharp whirl, the Undead Emperor appeared.

A faint blue energy quickly swayed around the Undead Emperor, all the undead absorbed the energy, and two will-o'-the-wisps ignited in their eye sockets.

Will of the dead!

The skeleton, who had awakened the will of the undead, directly raised his sword and killed the blood orc.

At the same time, countless flesh puppets and undead guards crawled out of the ground.

Centered at the foot of the Undead Emperor, the land in the entire forest quickly dried up and turned into rotten soil. The rotten soil continued to eat away and spread, just like the undead that had been killed.

"Strong flesh and blood, the best raw material for making perfect works of art."

The Undead Emperor's eyes were shining brightly. The surging blood of these blood orcs was the best raw material for making perfect puppets.

A clever woman cannot cook without rice, and a great artist cannot produce outstanding works of art without good materials.

The blood orc didn't expect that the undead really came to kill him, so he had to bite the bullet and rush forward to meet the enemy.

Tens of thousands of undead crawled out of the abandoned forest, forming a huge sea of ​​skeletons with the same number of people.

There are also all kinds of weird and terrifying undead creatures, harvesting orc soldiers like a meat grinder.

The undead suddenly came out, and the orc army was in chaos.

Even if there were [-] blood orcs in the formation, it would cause a lot of commotion.

Even Great Chief Eugene and Military Advisor Zorak at the forefront felt the commotion in the back row.

Great Chief Eugene looked gloomy, and snorted coldly: "Sure enough, the choice of these undead is as disgusting as their bodies, and they even choose to help humans! After breaking through Owendale, you immediately send people to clean up the undead forest. , I don't want to see an undead on the land of the Frost Empire!"

Zorak nodded.

The sent war envoys and the second elder of the Warlock Council never heard from, and none of them returned. This is a strange thing in itself.

Later, Zorak used the soul-calling ceremony to find the damaged soul of the second elder, and learned the truth through the incomplete memory.

The undead chose to cooperate with humans, and the mission sent by the orcs to the undead forest was wiped out.

So during the war, Zorak saved his hand and left ten thousand blood orcs in the last row of the army to resist the sudden army of undead.

"Don't worry, I have prepared a big gift for the undead."

Zorak grinned ferociously.

Humans think that seeking the support of the undead will have a chance to turn the tide of the battle, so today he will let humans know what it means to lift a rock and shoot themselves in the foot.

Undead are tough to deal with, yes.

But the undead have one thing that is very precious, and that is the soul.

An undead without a soul is a walking dead, and the undead in the undead forest all have a complete soul.

For a warlock, or the most powerful warlock in the world, there is no more powerful means of attack than the soul.

The power of a complete soul erupting in the hands of a warlock is no less than that of a magician possessed by a magician.

Thousands of undead, in the eyes of Zorak, are inexhaustible souls, which can be used for him to cast the most powerful spells.

There is a price for releasing 【Finger of Death】.

The price is the soul.

Only one hundred of the most complete souls can release one [Finger of Death].

Thousands of complete souls are needed to release the indiscriminate [Finger of Death] capable of destroying gods.

At the end of the battlefield, Zorak secretly buried a soul well to collect the souls of the undead.

The strengthened blood orcs do not have a complete soul.

Frost and cold people on the battlefield have low intelligence and no brains, and their soul strength is pitifully low.

Only the souls of undead creatures are the most perfect energy for warlocks to release spells.

The Undead Emperor and the undead creatures under his command did not lose the slightest bit in front of the blood orcs, and even the blood orcs, who were overwhelmed by the number of skeleton seas, retreated repeatedly.

But as the blood line of the blood orcs was suppressed, the madness of the mad blood swallowed up their only sanity, and began to erupt with the most powerful fighting power.

The skeleton soldiers at the top of the line began to shatter. After death, the blue soul floated in the air, ready to return to the hands of the Undead Emperor, but the soul that flew halfway suddenly struggled wildly, and the trajectory of the return also changed, and quickly flew into the soul well.

The Undead Emperor didn't expect this change, souls in the sky were constantly being sucked into the soul well, but he didn't have a soul in his hands.

The Undead Emperor walked towards the soul well. The closer he got to the soul well, the more he could feel an extremely powerful suction inside, which seemed to be pulling his soul.

Even he feels this way, not to mention the skeleton soldiers and undead creatures under his command.

Standing on the city wall, Shen Fei couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth when he saw a layer of white in the last row of orcs.

The undead have already been dispatched, and the orcs in the back row are in disarray. Now is the time for the front row to increase their firepower.

"Our allies have launched a surprise attack from the back row, we must suppress the orcs from the front!"

Emperor Ornn heard his allies, and tiptoed to see clearly, but he was not as tall as the city wall, so he couldn't see the outside scene at all.

"Allies? Are elves coming? I knew it!"

Shen Fei smiled sassyly: "It's not an elf, it's an undead!"

Ornn froze in place when he heard the undead, trembling with fright.

"What? The undead have become our allies? This is really a hell..."

God knows how terrified Ornn is of undead creatures.

Boom, boom, boom!

Amidst the beating of drums, the orc's heavy armored corps appeared, guarding the arrow tower and the giant crash car.

This time, the steel crash car was huge, dragged by hundreds of huge ogres acting as trackers.

The 30-meter-high arrow tower is filled with goblin mercenaries.

Dozens of arrow towers made creaking noises as they moved forward, and the arrow rain was even more wave after wave, specially hitting the city head,

Shen Fei suddenly discovered that other than himself, there was no way for anyone else to raise their heads and fight back.

"Fei Gong, quickly find a way to deal with these arrow towers and crash cars, if you let them get close, the city will be destroyed!"

Shen Fei is definitely not alarmist, there are grapples on these arrow towers.

Once it got close to a certain level, the grapple shot directly at the city wall, and then countless ladders directly climbed up.

Compared with orcs, goblins are nimbler and smaller. Once they are allowed to climb to the top of the city in a large scale, everyone can only retreat to the bottom of the city to defend and counterattack.

Ferdinand's eyes were red with blood, and he glanced outside the city with a look of horror.

The commanding soldiers were frantically waving the flag to send coordinates, but there were too many crash cars and arrow towers, and it was too late for the catapults to destroy them all.

"In this case, we can only leave the city!"

The setting sun sheds blood, and the earth is stained with blood.

Suddenly, the entire sunset seemed to be covered by a huge plate, the sunlight quickly converged, the heat in the air also quickly disappeared, and there was even a cold wind in the air.

The "tacit" truce between the enemy and us on the battlefield looked at the sudden full moon in the sky with horror on their faces.

The full moon was eerie, emitting a cool light.

"What happened?"

Great Chief Eugene hurriedly turned his head and asked.

Zorak also looked dazed, the setting sun was covered, and the full moon was in the sky.

Moreover, the brightness of the moonlight is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it will cover the scorching sun after a while.

Chi Chi Chi!
The moonlight that sprinkled all over the earth suddenly condensed into several white lines, projected on the battlefield.

All the rays of light in other places converged, just like the searchlights on the stage, all the rays of light hit together in one place.

There are more than a dozen focal points projected by the moonlight on the ground, and each focal point has a diameter of 300 meters.

The deserted moonlight actually radiated a fiery temperature, turning all the orcs in the focus into ashes.

The orcs didn't even have time to scream and howl before they turned into ashes.

The moonlight is booming!

Everyone subconsciously covered their eyes.

After Huaguang, the full moon above his head returned to coolness.

Although not as dazzling as the sun, it is enough to illuminate the entire earth.

And in the focus just now, is the white elf in full armor.

Lando Siwu held a long halberd in his hand, and swiped to kill a demon boss that was raging on the battlefield.

"White Elf, come to join the battle!"

Shen Fei on the city wall smiled brightly when he saw the heroic Landosi.

Frost Orcs, Humans, Lone Mountain Dwarves, White Elves, Undead Forest Undead.

The Battle of the Five Armies officially begins!
PS: I have something to do during the day, so I stayed up late to write a chapter and send it out in advance!

(End of this chapter)

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