my pet is boss

Chapter 282 1 enemy 3

Chapter 282: One Enemy Three
Seeing the moonlight in the sky, Emperor Ornn shouted excitedly: "Haha, let me just say it, the elves will definitely come."

Ferdinand and the others wept with joy when they saw the white elf elite troops under the moonlight.

This combat force solved the urgent need and destroyed the orc's siege troops.

There are more than a dozen moonlights of the white elves, and the number is about [-].

The full moon in the sky was still casting moonlight on the ground, and the moonlight burned the orc's siege vehicles to ashes.

The white elves that appeared went straight into battle.

Don't underestimate these thin elves.

Elves are born with the talent of archery. Every elf is an archer who is good at shooting, but at the same time, they are agile.

"Ranger troops, charge!"

Landos waved the halberd in his hand, pointing directly at the orc army in the distance, where Great Chief Eugene and Military Advisor Zorak were located.

Shen Fei and Emperor Aoun looked at Ferdinand together.

Ferdinand was encouraged.

Although the three major races of the light camp are "connected with each other", they have not had friendship for many years. I did not expect that this time when human beings are dying, the dwarves and white elves will help at the same time.

Now that the white elves had surrendered the Frost Orc troops outside the city, as the supreme commander on the battlefield, Ferdinand couldn't have been indifferent to the white elves' wear and tear outside the battlefield.

"The cavaliers are ready, the guards are ready, charge into the city, protect the friendly army!"

When Ferdinand said a word, the soldiers in Owendale burst into endless cheers.

There are three cavalry units.

One is the human cavalry, the second is the cavalry composed of militia and herdsmen, and the third is the dwarf cavalry.

Although there are only two regular troops among the three cavalry units, you can't tell from the appearance which one is a cavalry team composed of militia and herdsmen.

Human beings are good at building towns, but the grass and water in the eastern part of the empire is fertile. The herdsmen in the east grew up on horseback since they were young. In terms of bow horses, they are even better than specialized cavalry.

For fighting immediately, they are as confident as anyone else.

The cavalry unit is in place, followed by the melee unit of the combined human and dwarf forces.

Shen Fei rode on the fat tiger, ranked first in the cavalry unit, and led the coalition forces to charge.

The door of Owendale was smashed with a bang, and dust and gravel kept falling down.

Shen Fei turned his head and glanced at the crowd, and looked firmly at the gate.

Then he raised his hand to signal to the soldiers guarding the gate, and the soldiers on both sides immediately turned the capstan, and the gate of Owendale slowly opened with a muffled sound.

The moment the city gate opened, the archers on both sides of the city gate fired a volley of arrows, directly shooting and killing the first wave of frost orcs who rushed in on the spot.

But the orcs piled up at the door are like the zombies of the doomsday, endless.

Before the first wave of orcs fell to the ground, the second wave of orcs had already rushed in.

"Fat Tiger, I leave it to you!"

Shen Fei touched Fat Tiger's head, and then a thunderbolt as thick as two people's hugging directly surged out from the city, turning into a forked lightning that directly annihilated the flying ashes from the orcs.

The turbulent forked lightning did not disappear directly. As the gate opened and closed, it became more scattered, and immediately wiped out all the orcs who tried to rush in at the gate of the city.

Shen Fei raised his bow and shouted: "Long live the Sanshan Council!"

Aoun's eyes lit up when he heard the word Sanshan Council.Now that Shen Fei is back, the Sanshan Council has come into effect again. As the regent, Shen Fei can represent the will of mankind.

"For the Alliance of Light!" Aoun rode a big bear, swung his hammer and rushed up, shoulder to shoulder with Shen Fei.

Landos, the head maid of the white elf who was fighting with demons and orcs outside the city, heard the voices of Shen Fei and Ao En, and the corners of her mouth slightly curled up: "It's still the same!"

Then the halberd was raised, another burst of dark green blood splattered with rancid smell, and a demon was split in half and fell to the ground.

"For the Alliance!"

Seeing that the gate of Owendale was wide open, Shen Fei and Aoun led the cavalry to charge. Landos took the lead and directly charged into the orcs and demons, Wushuang mowed the grass.

Landosi killed all directions, armed with a long halberd, and the severed limbs of blood orcs and demons fluttered in the air.

The orcs under the gate of Owendale had been cleared by the white elves, and Landos used his own strength to forcefully kill a vacuum circle.

Union troops were encouraged.

Fat Tiger was running wildly, stunned, and couldn't help sighing: "This woman is still so violent!"

But Shen Fei was laughing loudly: "I have Shufen, which is better than a hundred thousand soldiers!"

Ornn swung his warhammer, urging his crotch to fight against the bear, wishing to rush to the enemy's formation immediately, beheading orcs and demons.

"Let the elves out of the limelight! The dwarves can't lag behind!"

The fat tiger and the big bear go hand in hand, and neither of them is far behind.

The cavalry poured out from the gate of Owendale, as if entering no one's land.

Like a sharp blade, it stabbed directly at the opponent's army formation.

"Ranger troops, pay attention!"

Shen Fei and Fat Hu rushed to the front line, and were about to merge with the white elves.

Shen Fei opened his mouth to remind the white elf ranger troops, reminding them to pay attention to dodge, otherwise the cavalry will charge and attack and seriously injure the ranger troops first.

Landosi saw Shen Fei and Ao En rushing towards her at the same time, and his eyes were locked on Shen Fei.

He turned slightly sideways, ready to pass by the two of them.

"All rangers, get on your horses!"

Landos raised the halberd in his hand, and when he passed by Shen Fei in the next second, he suddenly grabbed Ao En's carefully braided red beard behind him.

Aoun staggered and almost fell off the bear.

Landos used his strength to turn over in the air.

Face to face with Shen Fei, the two of them are no more than two fists away from each other.

"Shen Fei, long time no see."

The corner of Shen Fei's mouth raised: "I'm relieved when you come."

Landosi rode behind Zhanxiong, wielding a halberd in his hand, and rushed into the enemy line with Ornn and Zhanxiong.

Ornn wields a hammer in front, and Landos wields a halberd in the back.

Shen Fei was one with the tiger, the arrows and the white tiger's attack did not stop for a moment.

Together, the three race leaders tore open a hole in the orc army, and headed straight for the frost orc chief Eugene and the military strategist Zorak in the middle army.

The other white elves followed Landosi's method, all went up to the back row of the horses, took out their bows and arrows and shot in volley.

The undead emperor in the last row of the battlefield, paid the price and exploded the soul well, and countless undead souls floated above the battlefield.

Seeing this, Zorak immediately cast a spell, and forcibly transferred some of the souls to the soul well beside him. Looking at the three invincible leaders of the race, the evil thoughts in his heart rose sharply.

Zorak was about to cast a spell, but Great Chief Eugene suddenly reached out to stop the old warlock.

"These three people came straight to me, let me meet these three people and suppress their momentum!"

Zorak took two steps back and reminded: "Great chief, be careful, that human is the regent of the human empire, the dwarf next to him is Ornn, the younger brother of Ryan from the blood of Nicholas in the dwarf kingdom, and the white elf is Changlan, the maidservant of the priestess of the Temple of the Moon God." Dosi, these three are legendary heroes."

Great Chief Eugene bared his fangs and said with a sinister grin: "It's even better, defeating all the legendary heroes of the three races at once, and the Allied Forces of the Light Alliance will collapse without a fight!"

PS: Everyone, I'm sorry that there is only one small chapter of 2200 words today, because Wan Jun is busy making materials and procedures to order a car at the auto show today, and I made an appointment with everyone, and I will break out for you on May 5!

(End of this chapter)

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