my pet is boss

Chapter 283 The Charge of Decisive Victory

Chapter 283 The Charge of Decisive Victory

Great Chief Eugene stretched out his hand in the air: "Take my weapon!"

Two robust orcs in the personal guards behind them stepped forward with a giant axe, their expressions were rather strenuous.

Eugene raised the giant ax with one hand, and the blade of the ax exuded a piercing chill.

"Today I'm here to meet the legendary heroes of the three races."

The giant ax in Eugene's hand was the weapon used by his father, the former chieftain, during his lifetime.

Eugene stood up from the throne, his figure was huge, much taller than ordinary Frost Orcs, even the strengthened Blood Orcs were just "weak chickens" just reaching their chests in front of him.

Eugene jumped 20 meters away, and the surrounding Frostbite orcs gave way to a huge "vacuum" stage.

The combination of Shen Fei, Fat Tiger, Aoun, Landos and Zhanxiong, no matter how terrifying the line of defense the orcs and demons build, will be torn to pieces in front of these people.

Wherever a few people went, there must be corpses everywhere.

The fat tiger and the bear after the battle were exhausted, and rushed all the way to the center of the 10,000+ army.

The cavalry directly attacked the frontal battlefield in an arrow-shaped formation, and the follow-up infantry and players also charged out from Owendale.

The "first" alliance of the three major races of the light camp has given everyone a shot in the arm, and the alliance has the same momentum at this moment.

Several people pierced through the last layer of defense, and their eyes suddenly became clear.

All the orc soldiers were watching from a distance, and there was only one person standing a hundred meters away—the Great Chief Eugene of the Frostbite Orcs.

"Be careful, this guy is as difficult to deal with as his father."

Shen Fei and Landosi could tell at a glance that this guy was the Great Chief of the Frost Cold Orcs.

The main reason is that Eugene and his father look so much alike, they are almost carved out of the same mold.

95 years ago, the frost orcs forcibly crossed the sea of ​​nothingness and landed on Elven Island.

At that time, the leader of the frost orcs, the Great Chief, was Eugene's father, who was in his prime.

The white spirit and Shen Fei exhausted all their efforts to repel the Frost Cold Beastmen. As a result, Shen Fei won the favor of the Moon Goddess, and issued the second will and blessing since the millennium.

Shen Fei also became the first non-elf to receive the blessing of the Moon Goddess in the thousands of years of elf history.

In the human-orc war 40 years ago, the old chieftain died of exhaustion on the way back from defeat, and the infant Eugene inherited the Frost Orc orthodoxy.

Eugene is young and strong now, just like the old chief who was vigorously conquering Elven Island back then.

Both Shen Fei and Landosi had seen how powerful the old chief was, so they naturally did not dare to underestimate Eugene.

In the distance, Zorak staggered down from the admiral's platform.

Although a soul well was smashed and cracked by the Undead Emperor, and half of the soul was recovered, the remaining half of the soul is complete and fresh, which is enough.

Zorak found an inconspicuous place, and took out a palm-sized skull from his arms.

Zorak was holding the skull in one hand, and the other palm was waving gently against the skull. He muttered something, and a blue smoke rose from the skull's eye sockets for a moment.

"I would like to sacrifice these complete souls, and implore the devil to come to the world..."

Two touches of scarlet suddenly appeared in the eye sockets of the skull.

The mandible began to close and close to speak.

"Too few, these souls are too few! There are only more and more precious souls..."

The cavalry smashed the formation of the frost and cold orcs, and then the infantry of the coalition army took over the battlefield.

The demons that were originally so flaming were now only left alone, three or two, lingering on the battlefield.

Archbishop Mailer appeared at the head of Owendale, constantly releasing the ring of healing.

The priests and paladins of the Holy Light Monastery rushed out of the city with the infantry, providing treatment in the rear.

The blood orcs were indeed quite powerful. It would take a lot of work for a human, a dwarf and a white elf to deal with a blood orc.

There are also a large number of shamans and warlocks in the back row of the orcs, who cast healing and dark spells.

The battlefield is well-structured, only Shen Fei, Aoun and Landosi went deep into the enemy's interior, completely isolated from the coalition forces.

"These three people rushed too deep." Ferdinand stood on the wall of Owendale to look at the overall situation, and saw a vacuum area behind the densely packed battlefield.

The orc troops surrounded a colosseum, and the three of Shen Fei and the great chief Eugene stood in the center of the arena to duel.

Shen Fei checked the attributes of Eugene, the Great Chief of the Frost-cold Beastman, and his face suddenly changed.

【Chieftain of the Frost Empire · Eugene】

Type: Orc BOSS
grade:? ? ?
HP: 8
Attack Power: 5
Skills: Ax of Wrath, Furious Crit, Slash, Bloodlust, Landslide...

Description: The great chief of the Frost Empire with the blood of the king conquered 372 tribes of the Frost Empire with his bravery, and even surpassed his father in strength, the strongest warrior in history!
Being rated by the system as the strongest fighter in history, especially with a blood volume of up to 800 million and an attack point of 5000, Shen Fei felt the pressure.

Aoun has 200 million HP, Landos only has 80 HP, Shen Fei is even more pitiful, only has [-] HP.

Ornn has rough skin and thick flesh, and Landos has low blood but has super high attack and critical strike.

Shen Fei thought for a moment and said: "Try to let me contain Eugene, Shufen, you are mainly responsible for the attack, and Aoun, you are from the side to assist."

If it were Ferdinand who said this, Aoun would be the first to object.

But the person who spoke was Shen Fei, and Ao En and Landosi didn't feel that there was anything wrong in their hearts.

Landosi jumped off the big bear, glanced around, hooked his hands and called the fat tiger over.

Fat Hu was still a little scared of this "violent woman", so he hesitated for a while and moved closer to her.

Landosi rubbed the fat tiger's fleshy head, and said with a smile: "I heard that the fat tiger was taken to Tianshen Island by Gui Xianren to become the White Tiger God, and it is indeed more powerful than before."

Fat Tiger squinted his eyes, and kept thinking in his heart: It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years...

Then Landosi quietly whispered something in Fat Tiger's ear, Fat Tiger's eyes widened instantly, with a surprised expression on his face.

"Do you hear clearly?" Landos asked.

Fat Tiger nodded fiercely, the fat on his face trembling.

Then Fat Tiger turned around and found Zhanxiong, "Old Xiong, I will take you to do great things."

Da Zhanxiong nodded, and rushed out of the battlefield with Fat Tiger.

With one kill and one sweep, the orc guards on the battlefield couldn't stop the two giant beasts at all.

Eugene didn't stop him. In his eyes, it didn't make any difference whether it was five people or fifty people.

Eugene came up dragging the huge axe, and the blade of the ax dragged on the ground with a clanging sound.

The faces of the three of them were extremely solemn, as if the ax blade was not cut on the ground, but on several people's hearts.

[Phantom flashes]!
Shen Fei directly used the phantom flash to open the distance, and it is better to strike first.

The damage done by the main body and the avatar was not bad, and Eugene's blood volume directly became 99% in just two seconds.

Charge, war jump.

Eugene's skills also come with landslides and ground cracks, smashing pits and trampling effects on the battlefield.

Shen Fei [Phantom Flash] three times, as if dancing on the tip of a knife, each time a little faster or slower, the opponent will seize the opportunity to cause damage.

[Phantom Flash] After the release, the cooldown period started, and Eugene suddenly appeared behind Shen Fei, and raised his huge ax to strike at the head.

Shen Fei didn't dodge or dodge, and took out the vine-wood sword the moment Eugene jumped down.

A big MISS floated above Shen Fei's head, but a 10 point damage burst out on Eugene's head.

In the next two attacks, Shen Fei used the vine-wood sword to hold the orc chief's attack firmly and firmly, and feedback all the damage.

[Counterattack Storm] It can withstand four physical attacks, but Shen Fei is not greedy, it is enough to block three times, did you see that Eugene's face is black?

Use [Traction Chain] to pull it to Aoun's place, and after landing, seeing Eugene rushing over furiously, Shen Fei patted Aoun's shoulder and said: "Okay, it's time for you to show off your might."

Ornn is eager to try, he is a legendary fighter himself.

Seeing the more powerful Eugene, the glory of the warrior made his blood boil, and he wished to compete with Eugene immediately.

As soon as Shen Fei retreated, Aoun directly accelerated and rushed towards him with a hammer in his hand.

Eugene's original first target was Shen Fei, but seeing the warrior Ao En, who was already burning with crimson anger, his arrogant posture provoked his nerves.

With the honor of being warchief and warrior, Eugene chose to face Ornn's challenge head on.

The two "mountains of meat" collided, and the air waves formed by the momentum of the confrontation pushed the surrounding orcs away.

Shen Fei and Landuosi immediately took the opportunity to output.

The halberd in Lan Duosi's hand has turned into a glazed bow, the whole body is transparent, shining with the light of the stars and the moon. The glazed bow has no arrows, and when the bowstring is drawn, there will be "arrows" condensed by white moonlight.

Zorak continued the ceremony in the corner, seeing the great chief Eugene single-handedly picking up three people, with full momentum, and preventing the orc soldiers from besieging together for the glory of the so-called warrior, he couldn't help sneering.

"I knew for a long time that I would be exhausted by the glory of the fighters. Fortunately, I still have a plan."

Ornn snorted, abruptly blocking the impact of Eugene Howling.

"As expected of the blood of Nicholas, the younger brother of Dwarf King Ryan, he is not an idiot, and has the qualifications to fight me."

Eugene bared his fangs and grinned, with relief written all over his face.

On the other hand, Ornn's veins are bulging, and his small body is carrying the orc chief several times taller than himself. The picture looks very different.

"Again, my name is Nicholas Aoun!"

Aoun's whole body was burning with red anger, and he even brought back the disadvantage little by little.

Dwarf King Ryan is the strongest warrior and blacksmith of the Lone Mountain Dwarves.

Aoun has always set Lane as the benchmark and strives to catch up with those who surpass him.

This doesn't mean Ornn will always live in Ryan's shadow.

Eugene's words directly angered Ornn.

"Now the great chief of the orcs will suffer." Landos had a chuckle on his face.

It is not wise to provoke the king of the dwarves.

Although they are all warriors, as the heir of Nicholas, Ornn's warrior identity is different from others. This is a rune warrior exclusive to dwarves.

Ornn's pupils were shining with blue flames, and six rune stones engraved with spells appeared around him.


The thunder rune on Aoun's body was shattered, and the power of lightning poured into his whole body.

The figure that had just arrived at Shen Fei's chest gradually swelled and became huge, his skin petrified and solidified at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was an extra stone battle ax in his hand.

The ground under his feet shone with the power of azure blue thunder, blasting countless cracks.

The disbelief on Eugene's face was vividly expressed. He could never have imagined why a warrior who knew rune magic would suddenly increase in size and become comparable to himself.

And during the wrestling, Eugene found that the opponent's strength had also multiplied, enough to compete with him, and even faintly overwhelm him.

Fat Tiger and Da Zhanxiong returned to Owendale, and Fat Tiger went to the Mage Tower to find Jordan whispering in his ear.

"Is this possible?"

Jordan looked at the chaotic battlefield, thought for a moment and said, "You can try it out."

Jordan sighed in admiration, "The tactical command of this priestess and headmaid is really strong. If it succeeds, the formation of the Frost Orcs will be completely disintegrated."

Jordan begins casting spells in the Mage Tower.

The most important thing about large-scale teleportation spells is to distinguish between friend and foe.

The melee between the two armies, coupled with the different races, led to the need for more precise selection when casting teleportation.

Jordan chose the unique inspiring skills of the first three races as the anchor.

Dwarves' battlecry for reducing damage.

The war song of mankind.

The blessing of the moon from the white elves.

The magic crystal used to power the mage tower quickly dried up, and Jordan used magic projection to directly form a teleportation circle with a size of more than ten kilometers on the frontal battlefield.

All coalition cavalry within range are summoned.

No one on the battlefield could fail to see this large-scale terrifying spell. Except for the brutal blood orcs who were still attacking wildly, the orcs in the rear were a little panicked.

No one knows what the function of the magic circle from human beings under their feet is, and whether it will burst out suddenly.

Zorak saw at a glance that this white magic circle was a teleportation spell, but his current sacrifice ceremony was halfway through and could not be interrupted.

With such a large-scale teleportation spell, Zorak frowned deeply, not knowing what humans were going to do.

The orc chief Eugene was still fighting with the three of them.

From the incomparable aura just now, to the back and forth now, it can be foreseen that as the battle time increases, Eugene will gradually fall into the disadvantaged.

But as long as his sacrifice ceremony is over, the situation on the entire battlefield will undergo tremendous changes, and these sacrifices now are all worthwhile.

Jordan projected all the ends of the teleportation circle to the mid-mountain on the west side of the battlefield.

A huge magic circle and spells are reflected on the slope of the mountain.

Landosi poked Shen Fei with his elbow, motioning him to look at the masterpiece on the west mountain.

Countless cavalry turned into white light and disappeared from the frontal battlefield, and suddenly appeared on the west mountain.

After a brief panic, the cavalry found themselves on the hillside.

At the foot of the mountain is a dense army of orcs and a frontal battlefield.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then ecstatic.

For the cavalry, the most lethal charge is to go down the hillside and go straight to the central army.

With the help of the inertia of the slope and the charge of the cavalry, it will cause several times the impact damage.

Almost all the cavalry came to Fulin's heart in an instant, and at the same time leaned over with their horses, and began to charge their horns towards the frontal battlefield in the plain area at the foot of the mountain.

Shen Fei's eyes sparkled, as expected of the "Military God" Landosi, his ability to grasp the situation on the ever-changing battlefield, as well as his unbridled creativity, are amazing!
This is definitely a decisive charge!
Divide the battlefield and establish the victory!

PS: Happy Labor Day everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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