my pet is boss

Chapter 284 The Demon God Comes

Chapter 284 The Demon God Comes
Fat Tiger and Zhanxiong also appeared halfway up the mountain with the teleportation.

The two battle pets are at the forefront, leading the cavalry behind them.

The thunder force from Fat Tiger's body covered all the cavalry, as if the heavenly soldiers descended to earth.

Seeing the cavalry descending from the sky, Zorak couldn't close his mouth in surprise.

As the strategist of the frost orcs, he knew very well how much damage such an impact would cause to the orc troops.

There are five or six thousand cavalry of the three tribes, and the damage caused by such a charge can be increased by five or six times!
The combination of large-scale spells, cavalry, and terrain to increase damage is simply brilliant.

Zorak stared at Landos with resentment in his eyes, seeing that all this was the "masterpiece" of this white elf.

The rune warrior Ornn crushed another rune and turned into a warrior of flames.

Coupled with the consumption and harassment of Shen Fei and Landosi, Eugene has gradually been at a disadvantage.

I believe that if there is regret medicine, Eugene will never say "brother Ryan" to provoke hatred.

Zorak used the soul well to absorb many undead souls.

The Undead Emperor was furious and led his subordinates to kill all directions. Aiken continued to absorb the souls of orcs and transformed them into ghostly blue undead, sweeping the entire rear battlefield.

Originally, the frost orcs had the upper hand, but who would have thought that both the dwarves and the white elves would come to help the humans, and the undead would attack them behind them, so the situation of winning was gone.

Zorak felt that the number of Frostcold orcs was exhausted. Not only did Owendale not be captured in this battle, but the Frostcold Empire seemed to lose all its strength here.

Even if Great Chief Eugene could escape back, he might not be able to do so.

Frostbite orcs need at least decades of recuperation to recover.

The cavalry rushed down from the mountain, and the huge impact directly tore the orc army in half.

Zorak's sacrificial ceremony has reached its final stage, and the final results will soon appear.

This is an existence that can instantly turn the tide of battle, but at a great price.

The red vortex of the Hellgate is still churning, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

It seems that something is inspired to descend from the Dark Portal.

The air in the entire main battlefield began to tremble violently, as if some giant was approaching.

The air detonation makes a sound like rolling thunder.

Everyone has a bad feeling in their hearts.

"What's that sound?"

Landosi and Shen Fei looked at each other.

Shen Fei has seen a lot, and the Landos white elf also has a history of thousands of years, and has seen countless visions.

But neither of them can explain the phenomenon in front of them, but they both have a feeling of being shrouded in shadows, as if something terrible is watching.

Shen Fei glanced at the battle platform of the Chinese army, but he didn't see the figure of the old warlock Zorak, and guessed that it was probably this guy who did the trick.

"Do you have anything with you that can seal the true god?"

Shen Fei approached and asked, he had a premonition that there would be a doomsday staged next.

Lan Duosi was dumbfounded. According to Shen Fei's question, would a real god-level enemy appear out of thin air next?

But thinking of the demon legion that rushed out of the Dark Gate just now, and seeing that the air is trembling violently now, as if a shadow covering the sky and the moon shrouded everyone's hearts, it is not impossible...

"Who would bring this kind of thing when going out?"

Landosi thought for a while and said, "However, if it is a temporary exile, there is still a way, but the price is a bit high."

"What price?"

Landos glanced at [Zakarum's Howling Longbow] in Shen Fei's hand, and said with a smile: "At least three such weapons are needed."

Three purple weapons, easy to handle!

"It's no problem, leave it to me!" Shen Fei immediately agreed, if he had three purple weapons, he could exile this guy who breathed like a real god dozens of times.

However, Landos shook his head and said, "It must be a weapon in the hands of a legendary hero."

Shen Fei was speechless.

The legendary heroes on the battlefield can be counted by hand.

Any of the weapons in their hands is a battle between the South and the North, and the hero has gained a great reputation.

Three weapons have to be sacrificed at one time to implement exile, and the difficulty level is raised from easy level to hell all at once.

Lan Duosi took out the [Shadow Moon Wheel] from behind and looked at Shen Fei: "Now I just need to find another one..."

Not far away, Emperor Ornn, who was fighting fiercely with Frost and Frost Chief Eugene, heard Landosi's words, and immediately interjected: "My mithril hammer can also be taken out, but Chen Fei, you must promise me one..."

Before the words fell, Eugene found a flaw in Emperor Aoun, kicked him flying tens of meters, rubbed against the ground, rolled and braked all the way to stop in front of Shen Fei.

"After the end, help me build an artifact."

Only the strongest forging technique passed down by the Dwarf King Ryan can create a divine weapon, not to mention that there is only one divine weapon in this world, and that is the [Sword of the Brotherhood] jointly created by Ryan and Shen Fei.

Emperor Aoun's request is equivalent to asking Shen Fei to teach him the strongest forging technique of the dwarves.

"make a deal."

Shen Fei's strongest forging technique was intended to be taught to Aoun.

At that time, in the battle of fighting the evil dragon in the lonely mountain, although Shen Fei killed the evil dragon, Ao En was seriously injured in the fight and fell into a coma.

Ryan, who regained his homeland, firstly wanted to thank Shen Fei for his contribution to the dwarves, and secondly, to rebuild the country, he needed an artifact to hold the country down.

Originally, Ryan decided to cooperate with his younger brother Aoun as his deputy. Unfortunately, Aoun was seriously injured and comatose. He didn't know when he would wake up, so he just followed the trend and taught Shen Fei the strongest forging technique, and worked together with Shen Fei to forge the strongest artifact in the world. ——[Sword of the Brotherhood].

Afterwards, because the casting was exhausting, Ryan recuperated, Shen Fei went to Elven Island to help the White Elf solve the crisis, and then Shen Fei disappeared on the eve of the Sanshan Council.

After a few months, Ornn gradually became sober, but the two brothers were busy rebuilding the Lonely Mountain and consolidating the dwarven territory, so they had no time to teach it systematically. Later, Ryan took the [Sword of the Brotherhood] out to explore and failed, and the strongest forging technique of the dwarves was lost. .

Aoun asked Shen Fei to forge an artifact to protect the country with him, that is, he indirectly wanted to learn the strongest forging technique of the dwarves.

It's all about returning the property to its original owner, Shen Fei naturally agreed.

After collecting three legendary heroes' weapons, the next step is to wait for this terror to descend.

The red vortex of the gate of darkness became more and more urgent, and the gate of darkness tens of meters high began to tremble violently, and cracks began to appear, as if it could not bear the arrival of this person.

The Dark Portal collapsed suddenly, and a shadow really appeared in the night sky, completely obscuring the moonlight.

Zorak spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell to his knees directly on the ground, the skull in his hand was overwhelmed and turned into powder.

"Hahaha, I succeeded. You will all die here today. The Frost Empire is still the final winner!"

The existence that reversed the victory finally arrived, but the entire battlefield was covered by shadows, and all that could be seen was a majestic, huge shadow, which was even as high as the peaks on both sides of Owendale, hundreds of meters high.

Upon seeing this, Archmage Jordan immediately manipulated the Mage Tower and the Magic Eye.

All the magic circles of True Sight, Illumination, and Appearance were gathered together, and the light directly hit the shadow that covered the sky and the moon.

Suddenly, a ferocious demon with black flames burning all over his body and two horns on his head appeared in front of everyone.

The ferocious demon was irradiated by the white magic enhanced by the mage tower, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

The ferocious demon raised his arm, only then did everyone see a huge sword in this guy's hand.

The entire giant sword is also hundreds of meters high. If it is cut towards Owendale, it can directly split the pass into two sections.

When Archmage Jordan saw this guy slowly raising his long sword, his heart suddenly tightened, and he had a bad premonition.

All kinds of protective magic circles were stacked together like money. In just five seconds, Jordan stacked at least 72 defensive spells in his hands, all of which were reflected through the center of the mage tower, turning into a white shield in front of the mage tower.

The giant sword came down with a bang, and many cracks appeared on the white shield.

Jordan, who cast the spell, was shocked and his heart rate became unstable, and he spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

The claw hoof, the demon burning with black flames, saw Zorak on the battlefield at a glance, and his voice was like thunder before a storm.

"Zorak, remember your promise!"

The corner of Zorak's mouth was bleeding, but he bowed solemnly with a smile: "As you wish, the great master of Borderlands."

Shen Fei heard the conversation between the two, but his expression was bewildered.

Demons belong to Borderlands, but there are rumors that there are many demons in Borderlands, and there has never been a real demon to lead all demons.

Lan Duosi's face was solemn, and he had read the records from the ancient books written by the white elves thousands of years ago.

"The land of no master does not mean a chaotic land without a master. The evil goat's hooves, the black flames radiating from the whole body, and the horns. If I guess correctly, this is the great lord of the devil's land [Nothing]."

Shen Fei opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. It turned out that this is how Borderlands came about.

High Lord of Chaos Demons, leader of all demons.
"Moon God is above, [Wu] is the master of a world, a full-fledged demon god in full bloom!"

Shen Fei also saw the attribute of [Nothing].

【Lord of All Demons·None】

Type: Ultimate Demon Lord BOSS
grade:? ? ?
HP: 100
Attack: 50
Skills: Chaos Storm, Demon Priest, Summoning Demons, Doomsday Calamity...

Description: Lord of Demons, God of Chaos, the most powerful lord of the Chaos Land, the most powerful existence in the Chaos Land.The entire planet can feel the demon god's anger, and the star soul is trembling...

As soon as Shen Fei released the detection technique, [Wu]'s gaze shifted immediately, and he found Shen Fei in the crowd.

"Which Xiaoxiao is spying in the dark..."

The Fat Tiger on the battlefield was dumbfounded, Shen Fei, an idiot, faced a complete demon god, and actually used the detection technique in front of him.

"That idiot!"

Shen Fei also opened his mouth wide, and broke out in a cold sweat. He completely forgot that this detection technique was developed by Fat Tiger just now. [Wu] is a demon god, and he is much better than the half-assed Fat Tiger. I forgot to turn off the flash when I was a girl, what a difference!

The birthday boy hanged himself—seeking death!
PS: Today is Chapter 1, and...

(End of this chapter)

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