my pet is boss

Chapter 3 Draw your sword!

Chapter 3 Draw your sword!
"I think you don't have to waste time going up to this altar."

"Don't try to provoke me with words, the people in front are all weaklings, you still have to see me make a move," Zhuifeng said confidently.

As soon as these words came out, all the players standing in front of Zhuifeng turned their heads angrily, wanting to see who would call them weak chickens.

In the end, when they saw Chasing Wind like a hill, they were all scared, and turned around to pretend that they didn't hear it.

Shen Fei stood beside Zhuifeng, suppressing a smile.

The players in front came down from the altar, all sighed and shook their heads repeatedly.

This is the first trigger mission in Novice Village. If it can be obtained, wouldn't it be able to directly open the gap with other players?

Take advantage of the fact that there are not many people who know the news now, so hurry up and win it!
It's a pity that after trying so many people, none of them could pull out the wooden sword successfully.

After a round of trials, it was finally Zhuifeng and Shen Fei's turn.

Zhuifeng rolled up his sleeves, turned his head and said to Shen Fei: "I'll show you how I can pull out this wooden sword!"

Rushing like a shooting star, he strode up to the altar in great strides, and the posture of Zha Mabu was quite standard.

The players around whispered, seeing Zhuifeng's strong momentum and movements, they all had a premonition that this wooden sword would definitely be pulled out by him.

"If this big guy can't pull out the wooden sword, then no one in the whole village can pull it out, right?"

At least they swept through the entire village, and couldn't find anyone who was stronger than this monk.

Zhuifeng held the qi formula in his hand, and suddenly a statue of the white tiger god appeared behind him, causing a slight wave of air, and his whole temperament suddenly changed, majestic and serious, the muscles and veins on his body exploded, full of incomparable strength.

"Is this the monk's [White Tiger's Wrath Thunder]?"

"It looks very strong!"

The smile on Shen Fei's face gradually froze. Seeing the power of the white tiger behind Zhuifeng's back made him feel inexplicably familiar.


Zhuifeng shouted loudly, holding the right arm of the wooden sword, and the white lightning flashed faintly, looking very imposing.

The slender electric light gradually became thicker, and the light was so strong that it even surged from the arm, but the wooden sword remained motionless.

Zhuifeng struggled on the stage for more than ten seconds, his face turned slightly pale, and his foot began to become unstable, showing signs of losing strength.

After a while, sweating profusely, he let out a long sigh, and the white lightning disappeared invisible.

"No, I can't pull it out!"

Zhuifeng wiped off his sweat, and jumped off the stage carelessly.

The players around were stunned. With Zhuifeng's strength and momentum just now, they couldn't pull out the wooden sword. I'm afraid no one in the whole village would pull it out.

"I'm afraid I can't pull out this sword at all!"

"Cut~ What kind of hidden mission is triggered, it's a fool!"

"The kung fu of drawing a sword here, other novice tasks have been completed and upgraded to two levels, it's a big loss!"

The middle-aged villager who was guarding the altar was flushed and jumped anxiously: "This sword can be pulled out. It is left by the warrior who founded the village before he left. It has been passed down from my grandfather to me. This wooden sword The sword is enshrined by the whole village as a treasure, protecting the village for generations. According to Grandpa’s last words, whoever can pull out the sword will be the guardian of the village, the warrior!”

What the NPC said made the player excited again.

They have already met the old village chief who worked tirelessly as a repeater, and they also learned part of the history when they entered the game.

The person who established this novice village was the well-known human king of Lion City, so isn't this wooden sword left by the king?
It is no longer important for the important man to be able to pull out this wooden sword and get the title of village warrior. What is important is that he can gain a relationship with King Lucian.

Just when everyone was sighing that he missed such a good hidden mission, Shen Fei walked up to the altar unhurriedly.

Shen Fei walked up the altar step by step along the stone steps without taking big strides like chasing the wind.

"Shen Fei, what are you doing up there? I didn't even pull it out, and you definitely can't pull out your little arms and legs." Zhuifeng grinned, not laughing, but just because Shen Fei's self-indulgence was amused .

The other players couldn't help laughing when they saw Shen Fei's slim figure.

In the game "Big Era", the character's height, shortness, fatness and thinness are completely taken from the real state and cannot be adjusted. The system only gives 50% facial adjustment.

"Yeah, we didn't succeed. You're just making a fool of yourself when you go up. You'd better come down."

"Some people nowadays really don't have any b numbers for their own strength."

"Some people are eager to make a fool of themselves, but we can't stop them, so let them go!"

Some of the other players' words were pure caring, while others were simply ridiculed.

There was a relaxed smile on the corner of Shen Fei's mouth, these fast-talking guys would soon be embarrassed by their ignorance.

Looking at the weather-beaten wooden sword brought Shen Fei's thoughts back to 95 years ago...

Xinshou Village was established by Shen Fei and Er Gouzi. On the eve of Shen Fei's trek to the White Elf Sea Mountain, the villagers saw each other off. Before Shen Fei left, he untied the wooden sword and handed it to a child in the village, telling him to grow up. When I grow up, I will take up the sword to protect the people in the village.

Unexpectedly, they took a joke of encouragement a hundred years ago, and they actually took it seriously.He also respectfully placed the wooden sword on the altar.

Shen Fei stroked the wooden sword lightly with his right hand, and a familiar feeling came to his heart.

Although 95 years have passed between the two awakenings, to Shen Fei, everything is vivid in his memory as if it was yesterday.

too fast!
time flies!
With a flick of a finger, things change.

"Your grandfather must have guarded the village very well, right?"

There was a hint of sadness in Shen Fei's tone, the eyes of the middle-aged man guarding the altar lit up, a smile opened on the corner of his mouth, and he nodded emphatically.

"Playing mysteries, pretending to be gods and ghosts! If you want to draw your sword, draw your sword. What are you doing with so much nonsense?"

"Brother Shen Fei, if you're timid, come down, I'll cover them to make sure they don't dare to say anything!" Zhuifeng's chest in the audience slapped loudly, scaring the others to take two or three steps back, and pulled with him. distance.

Shen Fei was still calm, with a smile on his lips.

"Pull out the wooden sword, what's so difficult about it?"

"Tch, if you're still stubborn at the end of the day, then I'll see how you pull out this wooden sword!"

The players present are not fools either. The monk's [White Tiger's Wrath Thunder] is a rare skill that can increase strength and attack power from the beginning. Even this mountain-like monk has spent a lot of effort. If you haven't pulled it out, how can you, a player who can't stand still in the wind,...

But before everyone got ready, Shen Fei had already pulled out the wooden sword lightly.

Where did it come from? The person who drew the weapon is the warrior of the village. This is nothing more than the wooden sword that Shen Fei gave to the child before. After the child died of old age, the ownership of this wooden sword returned to Shen Fei's hands.

The wooden sword made by Shen Fei himself has long been a bound weapon, if other people can pull it out, it would be hell...

"I just want to know what's so difficult about it?" Shen Fei waved the wooden sword, making a whistling sound.

Looking at the group of people under the altar, they were dumbfounded, as if they were all fools.

He couldn't pull out the wooden sword with all his strength, and it fell into the hands of others so easily?
Moreover, the action just now didn't seem to be pulled out, so I just mentioned it casually...

Mind broke!
Shen Fei took a look at the attributes of the wooden sword, and his eyes immediately brightened.

【Ancient Rattan Sword】

Quality: Normal

Physical attack power: 1-1
Magic Attack Power: 1-1
Durability: never wear out
Faith: The power of faith is infinite, absorbing the power of faith can upgrade this weapon favored by time
Power of Faith (Lv1): 1/100
Manufacturer: Shen Fei
Shen Fei never expected that the wooden sword he carved casually, because of the villagers worshiping and praying day after day, would be tainted with the power of faith, turning an ordinary weapon into an upgradeable weapon. Inherit weapons!
"This warrior, since you have pulled out your wooden sword, you are the new guardian of Xinshou Village. This is the first generation guardian of Xinshou Village, come and pay respects with me."

The middle-aged man guarding the altar suddenly took out a scroll and hung it in the center of the altar. As the old scroll unfolded, Shen Fei sprayed out a mouthful of salt soda.

What the hell is this!

On the scroll is the back of a young man, holding a wooden sword and fighting a wolf.

"Hiss, there's something in this scroll! This young man looks weak, but his willpower is as firm as a mountain. With such a body, he bravely fights against the evil wolf. He is impassioned and makes people's blood boil!"

"With just a few strokes, it outlines a bleak and bleak scene, highlighting the heroic and fearless spirit of the young man from the side! Excellent work! Excellent work!"

"Didn't you say that King Lucian built this village? This boy should be the king when he was young, right?"

"As expected of a man who single-handedly built the Holy City of Lions. He has such courage at such an age. Just looking at this back gives people an inspiring power!"

Shen Fei turned his back to the players, and his face felt a little red at the moment. Although these people are blind, they still have the ability to appreciate and appreciate...

"How about, let's kneel down and worship the first-generation guardians together, maybe His Majesty the King can feel our sincerity from the bottom of our hearts."

With a smile on the corner of Shen Fei's mouth, he turned around and said.

He lowered his head and glanced at the few players who were swearing at each other just now, and said again: "As for you, leave now!"

PS: That’s right, the cover was drawn by myself, Zhuge Wanjun. This cover has a high combination of artistry and literature, and it also has the beauty of postmodernism and Gothic architecture. It’s beautiful!Do not accept any rebuttal (manually funny)
In addition, the partners don’t need to do it, just don’t need to stay for 10 minutes to do it. This is for many books that can’t be signed.Wan Jun's contract will be mailed around next Tuesday or Wednesday, and the double update will be resumed after the contract status is changed.
(End of this chapter)

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