Chapter 4

Ruthlessness and unwillingness flashed in the eyes of those people immediately, and one of them simply tore his face, with an expression of what you can do to me.

"Hmph, even though you have the title of guardian, you have no right to drive us away!"

"Yes, you don't let us worship today, but we still want to worship, in front of your face! Let's see what you can do to us!"

Several people knelt down as they spoke.

The people around them also distanced themselves from them, as if they were ashamed to stand together so shamelessly, and also afraid of being affected by a few people and losing this rare opportunity.

Shen Fei frowned slightly, sighed lightly, and simply turned his head away, leaving only one sentence: "You can worship if you want!"

This group of people insisted on kneeling down to worship him, it is impatient not to worship him, what do you think Shen Fei can do?
A bunch of people behind him knelt down on the ground, only Zhuifeng stood there, rubbing his head and looking at each other.

"You are stupid, pay homage to His Majesty the King when you were young, maybe you can activate the hidden mission!"

Zhuifeng had no intention of bowing down at all, and said: "Our monks believe in the four gods of Tianshen Island, and we don't believe in His Majesty the King, so there is no need to worship."

The people around looked at Zhuifeng like a fool, and the player next to him sighed, mourning for his indisputability.Kindly treat it as a donkey's liver and lungs, what did you plan for yourself?
"Forget it, whether you like it or not, just don't regret it when the time comes!"

Shen Fei didn't turn his head back, at this moment his rationality told him to keep his style.

Holding the wooden sword with both hands, Shen Fei knelt down on one knee and raised his hands respectfully.

There is nothing wrong with worshiping yourself and being "pious".

Shen Fei felt that he had almost done it, but he didn't expect the middle-aged man who was guarding the altar beside him to kneel down on the ground with a plop, and the whole person spread the pavement like a big salute, Shen Fei was completely dumbfounded .

Seeing this, the players under the altar plopped their knees and knelt down, only to be spread out on the ground.

Countless people knelt together, and the dust was blown up, Shen Fei felt a whirlwind behind him, sweeping over.

Shen Fei's whole body was covered in dust and smoke, but for the sake of them all bowing down to him, he endured it!
Players from other places were all stunned when they saw this scene. What the hell are you doing when you just entered the game?
Why are so many people saluting a "native" with a sword in both hands?

"This group of people are all kneeling, there must be something good!"

"That's right, this group of people won't kneel in vain, let's go! Let's hurry over too! We won't be able to catch up any later!"

Players follow the crowd.

If a person is kneeling on the ground, everyone will definitely call him a fool.

If two people kneel on the ground, everyone will definitely scold the idiot.

But a group of people kneeling on the ground must be something good!
More and more players rushed over to join in the fun. Seeing that even the NPCs were kneeling on the ground, they followed suit and knelt down.

"May the new guardians protect Xinshou Village, and may the heroic spirits of the first-generation guardians protect Xinshou Village."

The players kneeling below looked at each other in blank dismay, and didn't know what the process was, so they had to repeat it with the middle-aged NPC.

The voice rose suddenly, and even Shen Fei was startled by the sound behind him.

How many people did this gather?

Soon, Shen Fei saw that the vine wood sword in his hand was shining with light.

The light is very faint, and it is hard to see clearly at a distance.

Immediately afterwards, the system panel began to prompt, and countless +1 power of faith was poured into the vine wood sword.

The entire worship process lasted for about 1 minute, and Shen Fei's vine wood sword was directly upgraded from lv1 to lv5!Attributes have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

【Ancient Rattan Sword】

Quality: Excellent
Physical attack power: 5-10
Magic Attack Power: 5-10
Durability: never wear out
Recovery: Passive recovery of HP 2 points/second

Faith: The power of faith is infinite, absorbing the power of faith can upgrade this weapon favored by time
Power of Faith (Lv5): 134/1000
Manufacturer: Shen Fei
Shen Fei also saw some tricks, the quality of the vine wood sword has been upgraded from ordinary white board to green excellent, and both physical attack and magic attack have increased.

There is also a passive skill recovery that restores blood, which is really useful.

When other players still need to sit on the floor to eat bread and drink spring water to recover, he can rely on the passive to slowly recover blood, which can save a lot of money!

As the worship ended, the players kneeling on the ground became suspicious.

Why haven't any tasks been triggered, or any prestige rewards opened?
Nothing happened, there was not even the slightest hint, and there were disgraced players all around.

"Why is there nothing? Does anyone have any hints? Any hints are fine!"

As a result, when they glanced over, everyone was stunned, and no one seemed to get any hints.

Zhuifeng grinned with a grin, these guys made their heads look ashamed, and they all knelt down in vain, haha!

"Shen Fei, do you have any hints?" Zhui Feng asked curiously.

Shen Fei was still immersed in the upgrade of weapons and the kneeling of the whole people and couldn't extricate himself. Hearing this and seeing the resentful player, he immediately put on an expression that I don't know anything, and shook his head in denial.

Being worshiped by so many people is the first time I have experienced such a strong feeling of exhilaration.

Shen Fei believed that if he told the truth, he would probably be beaten to death on the spot.

Many players pointed their fingers at the middle-aged NPC. If he hadn't plopped down on his knees just now, they wouldn't have foolishly followed suit.

"Kneeling to a portrait has no effect at all, the king did not protect me, you liar!"

More accusations flew towards the middle-aged NPC.

The middle-aged man who guarded the altar also had a confused face, scratched his head and said, "When did I say that the first guardian is His Majesty the King?"

As soon as these words came out, the boiling "vegetable market" suddenly became quiet, and no noise could be heard.

Everyone's eyes turned green, but the original guardian wasn't His Majesty the King?
So they knelt down for a long time, who did they worship?

"If you don't speak clearly today, don't even think about leaving here!"

"That's right, tell me who we are kneeling down to!"

A group of people all gathered around, trying to find an explanation for their mental retardation and find a way to go.

Shen Fei took this opportunity to wear a wooden sword and slipped away quietly among the crowd.

If this guy bursts out the word "Shen Fei" later, it will be a lot of fun!
"Huh, it's finally out."

Squeezing out from the crowd, Shen Fei greedily breathed in the fresh air that didn't cost money.

At the entrance of the village, densely packed players surrounded the door.

Familiar scenes are still happening even after a hundred years.

It used to be to go to the morning market early in the morning to grab the freshest fruits and vegetables, but now the grandpa and aunt are perfectly integrated into the game, and it has become a monster hunt.

Because just now, a player with a handsome face but a seasoned tone passed by him, and Shen Fei listened to the conversation with his companion.

"Hey, I thought how difficult it is to play games. Isn't it the same as when we go to the morning market to be the first ones! These young people will definitely not be able to beat me!"

As for why Shen Fei is so familiar with the morning market, it's not because it's cheap.

Fireballs, Frostbolts, incomprehensible rune magic, and various attack methods constitute a bizarre scene.

Shen Fei had already entered once before the first game was officially opened.

At that time, he was still wondering why he was the only one in the whole game, and there was no hint yet.

But with the progress and changes day after day, Shen Fei was shocked to find that he seemed to be sent to the game that hadn't officially run in advance because of some kind of accident.

Then I stayed in the game for five years and got to know many "natives" in the game.

As a result, on the eve of the establishment of the Sanshan Council, I suddenly felt a biting chill, and then lost consciousness and fell into the boundless darkness.

Then came this awakening.

This time the service is officially opened, which means that the spacecraft has been wandering in the boundless universe for 100 years.

The last time Shen Fei accidentally logged in the game early, he remembered the time every day.

The day before the establishment of the Sanshan Council was the 1825th day he entered the game. This was a very special day, so Shen Fei remembered it very clearly.

Shen Fei originally thought that he would stay until the game officially opened, but he didn't expect that on the first day of the fifth year, he would be sent back to the "cold palace".

All he knows now is that in these 95 years, Shangguan Ergou has become the king of the human empire admired by thousands of people.

Looking at the vine-wood sword in his hand, Shen Fei knew.

Under the influence of time, some things have quietly changed...

PS: Please collect new books, please recommend!

(End of this chapter)

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