my pet is boss

Chapter 33 All Talented Players

Chapter 33 All Talented Players
After receiving the task, the five of them came to the wooden thorn fence at the entrance of the village together.

Going out of the wooden thorn fence means entering the active area of ​​wild wolves, and the dungeon officially starts timing.

"Agou, do you know how to pull wild monsters?"

Shield War Agou patted his shoulders: "No problem, just hold back the taunt. If there are too many monsters, I'll just use copper and iron walls to defend."

Shen Fei would fight as soon as he heard this, but he didn't know why he was able to kill it more than a dozen times before.

The wild monsters in the level 6 dungeon "Rise of the Human Race" are all wild wolves in small groups.

Although there are only three or five wild monsters in each group, which is not too many, but from here to in front of the pale wolf king in the depths of the woods, densely packed almost blocked the entire road, relying on density to win.

Moreover, if you pull a group of wild monsters, if you make a mistake in your positioning, you will easily attract the nearby wild monsters, which will put a lot of pressure on the team, and it is easy to directly destroy the group.

"Agou, remember to pull back the wolf monster after you mocked it later." Shen Fei reminded again worriedly.

Shield Armor Zhan Agou looked calm and calm: "Don't worry, it's my fault that I have dragged it more than a dozen times."

Shen Fei doesn't want to say, it's because you pulled it more than a dozen times and it still wiped out, so I don't feel at ease.

"Well, let's try it first."

Among the crowd, only the pastor's sister, Ayou, was a little nervous. This was the first time she played a dungeon. As the most important healer in the team, Ayou felt that the burden on her chest was heavy.

"Take a deep breath, relax your body and don't be nervous, and slowly enter the state."

Shen Fei comforted Ayou, and saw that her mood was more stable before he said: "Are you ready, I'm going to ejaculate."

Ayou's face was serious, the shaking of her chest was much smaller, Shen Fei could see that she was really better.This is a girl who can't hide any emotions. Maybe her expression and words can lie, but her breasts can't.

As Shen Fei hit the wild wolf with a poisonous snake sting, the five wild wolves almost reacted backwards and forwards, and rushed towards Shen Fei.

Agou said "grand thief", and directly pulled the hatred of the front wolf, and the hatred of the four wild wolves also transferred to the nearest Agou.

Ayou added a recovery effect to the tank in advance.

Shen Fei was not in a hurry to output, and wanted to wait for Agou's hatred to be more stable before outputting. You must know that he is now level 10, with explosive damage, and he can successfully grab the monster's hatred by outputting casually.

But at this moment, Xiao Yin waved his staff and rushed towards A Gou, shouting, "A Meow, I'm here to help you!"

Shen Fei was dumbfounded on the spot, originally thought little Yin Wenwen was quiet, but unexpectedly he was so irritable!What the hell is an elemental mage rushing up with his staff instead of casting spells behind him?

At the next moment, Xiao Yin's staff hit the wild wolf's head directly, and shouted as he struck, "I let you hit my partner, let you hit my partner!"

When Ah Gou heard this, tears burst into tears. Who said that licking a dog until the end leaves nothing?

A support guard directly stood in front of Xiao Yin, with a solemn and resolute face: "Let me guard Xiao Yin!"

Before Shen Fei, Ayou and Zhuifeng had time to express their opinions, they were fighting and retreating. At this moment, Xiao Yin made a movement, raising his hands above his head, palms up like a lotus flower in full bloom.Immediately afterwards, a burst of purple arcane power surged from Xiao Yin's body, and an arcane ball exploded centered on Xiao Yin, successfully blasting the surrounding wild monsters, attracting three teams of wild wolves at once.

"Actually releasing [Acanon Blast] in the monster pile, I finally know why they can be destroyed more than a dozen times."

It's fine if you're in secondary school, don't you just look at your skills?
Although Shen Fei didn't know the specific introduction of this skill, but just now he saw that the diameter of [Arcane Explosion] is about twenty yards, which has already exceeded the warning distance of fifteen yards for wild wolves. As long as he releases the cliff once, it will attract monsters. !

"Ayou, hurry up and treat Agou with all your strength."

"Zhuifeng, let's hurry up and kill monsters to share the pressure!"

Zhuifeng's fists flashed with lightning, and behind him was a white tiger showing its true form. Zhuifeng, who was blessed with the effect of [White Tiger's Fury Thunder], directly rushed into the pile of wolves without saying a word.

Shen Fei gave each wolf a [Poisonous Snake Sting] at the back, during which time the bow and arrow Gaefengding also triggered several times of flame arrows.

The wild wolves in the dungeon are all level 5 monsters. I learned from the previous conversation with Zhuifeng that the health of these wild wolves is 400 points.

After all, Shen Fei skipped these wild monsters in the last mission, so he didn't know the blood volume of the wild wolf.

A Gou was surrounded by wild wolves, unable to move an inch, and directly opened the [Bronze Wall and Iron Wall].Xiao Yin on the side was crying like a tearful man, while crying, he released [Acanon Blast], and finally after three times...successfully exhausted his mana.

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't you just fight a monster, it feels like filming Qiong Yao's movie." After beating, she will cry, after crying, she will fight again, and then she will still cry.This girl has been killed more than a dozen times before, I am afraid she has burst into tears long ago, right?This is not blind, it is simply talent!

Shen Fei's output is very high, each arrow has more than 30 points of damage, just after being stabbed once, and then shooting another arrow, he successfully drew the hatred of all the wild wolves.

Even though Ayou's milk volume is bigger than Zhuifeng's fist, Agou's blood volume is still dropping rapidly.

After all, being besieged by a group of level 5 wolves, even a shield battle of the same level would not last for a few seconds with healing.

Shen Fei was wearing new leather boots, his movement speed was 25 points, faster than before!More than a dozen wild wolves abandoned Agou in front of them, and all went after Shen Fei.

"Quick, taunt one, pull away and kill him!"

Because it is the first group of wild monsters, the distance left for Shen Fei to pull the monsters is not very large. Fortunately, with this pair of new leather boots, Shen Fei can open the distance from the wild monsters faster. , this distance is estimated to be overtaken by the wild wolf behind him soon.

The four of them also understood Shen Fei's words, and taunted the last wild wolf, successfully drawing hatred.The four immediately rushed up to beat up the wild wolves and killed one of them.

Ayou's pressure has been greatly reduced. He almost used up his mana for the treatment just now. At this moment, add a [Recovery] skill to the tank to slowly recover blood.

After fighting with this method for a while, everyone finally killed all the wild monsters pulled by Shen Fei, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"You can actually pull monsters like this, Shen Fei, you are a real bully!" A Gou was completely dumbfounded, Shen Fei's hand pulled monsters without any injuries, and there were more than a dozen wild monsters behind him alone, in a small place Dodging around, and turning around to attack from time to time, the scene shocked the four of them out of their eyes.

Shen Fei wanted to cry but had no tears, but the first wave of wild monsters almost overturned. Fortunately, his calm brain and flawless performance successfully saved the situation.

"No, no, you two are the real bullshit!"

PS: Thanks to the leader of Chasing the Wind, the trench has been turned over!Believe me, Ayou with big fists is already on the way to arrange!
In addition, I would like to thank the moderator, the anti-heavenly snake god, for the rewards, and sister Xiaoyue for the rewards.

Wanjun is definitely a dog licker, it smells so good!

(End of this chapter)

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