my pet is boss

Chapter 34 Don't Come Over! ! !

Chapter 34 Don't Come Over! ! !
Four groups of wild monsters were killed dangerously and dangerously, and the activity area of ​​everyone was also much larger.

"Xiao Yin, let's just pretend that we haven't learned the [Acanon Blast] skill along the way, okay?"

Seeing Xiao Yin using this AOE skill to fight monsters, Shen Fei panicked in his heart. A melee mage who rushed up to fight with a staff and could use area damage skills, Shen Fei only had one word - a real warrior!
As for Agou, Shen Fei was even more speechless.

Use your life to pull monsters, use love to help and protect.

As for whether the team is destroyed or not, the sublimation of the relationship between the two in the dungeon is more important.

The attitude of these two people is completely a copy of cancer!

Xiao Yin was stunned for a moment and replied with interest: "But this skill book was bought for 80 silver coins. Wouldn't it be a pity not to use it?"


80 silver coins!

Shen Fei's hands were trembling, which grandson had no bottom line, a skill book was actually priced at 80 silver coins, and the most important thing was that he really sold it!
Shen Fei just wants to say one word now - envy!
To Xiao Yin's question, Shen Fei only said four words: "Listen to my command, and you can win battles."

"I'll pull the monsters later, you four can just pull them over and kill them one by one like just now." This is the safest way at present, and the active area is larger now, just hold Xiao Yin and don't Let her rush up and release [Acanon Blast], everything is easy to talk about.

"Don't worry, it's all right, don't you worry about us!"

Shen Fei rolled his eyes wildly, if Zhui Feng said this, he might still believe it, but how can you, Agou, have the confidence to say such a thing?
The back is so straight, it looks like your kidneys are good, right?
Sure enough, the licking dog knew nothing about the number.

When Ayou recovered enough milk, ah, no mana, Shen Fei stepped forward and pulled a group of wild monsters first.

Stinging while running, he firmly held the hatred of the five wild wolves.

Then Agou pulled the last one according to the method just now, and the remaining few people output together. The damage of a single wild wolf is not high, and Ayou doesn't even need to deliberately increase the blood. Recover 3 points of blood in 15 seconds, wait for the interval between killing wild monsters to replenish one, and the blood volume will automatically return to above the safety line.

Shen Fei's level is very high, he has a full 310 points of mana, and it is completely enough to release [Viper Sting].

Pulling the wild monsters around, there were only three wild wolves left behind, and their blood volume had already exceeded half due to the double consumption of Shen Fei's spikes and flame arrows.

Now the rhythm of pulling monsters is very good, Shen Fei pulled the remaining wild monsters to the front, saw the patrolling elite wolf also came over, and simply hit the elite wolf with a spike, directly killing the patrolling elite wolf and the surrounding monsters. The two piles of dozens of wild monsters all pulled over.

Shen Fei's mana consumption is enough to pull two waves of monsters, and Ayou's healing pressure is not too great, and the position of the elite wolf is very good, Shen Fei thought about pulling them together to solve them.Otherwise, I will approach and pull the two elite wolves later, for fear that something will happen to the loving dogs.

But when Tank Agou saw that Shen Fei pulled two waves of wild wolves plus an elite wolf, dozens of wild wolves rushed towards Shen Fei aggressively, he panicked immediately, thinking that Shen Fei had thrown the wrong skills to attract the monsters .

"Shen Fei, don't panic, I'll help you!" A Gou raised his knife in his hand, and they just killed a wolf in front of him, and A Gou rushed towards Shen Fei.

Shen Fei was stunned, this guy rushed over aggressively, the key is that he also activated [Rescue]!
The skill of support can make the shield warrior quickly move to the front of the teammate, resist the damage for the teammate, and absorb all the hatred value of the teammate.

That is to say, as long as Agou rushes in front of Shen Fei, he will take away the hatred value of all wild monsters. More than a dozen wild monsters, plus an elite monster will rush forward. The same as paper.When the tank fell, it would be difficult for Shen Fei to re-establish hatred!

"Don't come here!!!"

Shen Fei shouted, the expression on his face at this moment was exactly the same as when Bu Jingyun held Kong Ci's body in his arms and shouted to Nie Feng and Qin Shuang not to come over.

But Ah Gou's face is extremely firm at this moment, as if he has made a great sacrifice, and even the top of his head is emitting a dazzling light.

It's just that Shen Fei knew that it wasn't the holy light or the iron will of a warrior, it was seborrheic dermatitis, one of the main culprits of baldness!

Seeing that Agou was still ten yards away from him, Shen Fei put his heart on Agou and directly used the dog leash with one hand——【Leave the chain】

[Drawing Chains]: Survival Master uses his superb animal taming chains to restrain the target, pull himself to the target, and imprison the target for 3 seconds at the same time.

At this moment, Shen Fei could only use this trick to stop the mad Agou.

As soon as the dog chain came out, A Gou was directly locked in place, and Shen Fei jumped in front of A Gou holding the chain, and the two almost had an intimate contact.

"Go and pull the monsters, I'm fine here."

After Shen Fei said a word, he immediately turned around and added a few spikes to the monster group. This time, he opened the distance and bought him more time.

The effect of Agou's chain restraint was over, but the pack of wolves had already rushed over, and the fastest runner among them was the huge elite wolf, even stronger than Chasing Wind!Let alone 250 catties!
Don't look at the resoluteness of A Gou rushing to rescue and protect just now, but now seeing such a group of monsters, his legs trembled with fright, and his rheumatism broke out.

Standing there trembling, all the wolves bypassed Agou directly and continued to chase Shen Fei.

When the wolves rushed past, Agou's plate armor was already covered with wolf fur, as if he had been ransacked.

The elite wolf has slightly more health, a full 1000 health points.

However, under the division of labor, it was finally successfully killed.

When returning to Lan after a break, Ayou sat beside Shen Fei to recover, his eyes were full of little stars of admiration.With his chin resting on his hands, he looked nympho: "Shen Fei, you looked so handsome when you jumped up just now..."

Shen Fei pulled the wild monster alone, and trapped A Gou with a chain. When he jumped up, he moved more than ten yards in an instant, his movements were elegant and smooth, and he was extremely handsome!

Even Xiao Yin, who was eating bread, nodded in praise, this kind of displacement looks really handsome!

Ah Gou on the side couldn't sit still anymore, pointed hard at himself and asked, "Xiao Yin, Xiao Yin, isn't that assistant commander I just now handsome?"

Xiao Yin stopped and thought for a moment: "You look like a dog when you were tied up just now!"

Sitting in the corner, Zhuifeng looked aggrieved, and took out a small notebook to write something.

[Today, the sky is fine and the sun is shining brightly, but my mood is a bit gloomy.The goddess I like, Ayou, said that Shen Fei's displacement skills are super handsome, and she was sitting next to him, and I felt like my heart was about to break.I am chasing the wind here, facing this sky, facing this earth, I swear!In the future, I will learn a more handsome displacement skill than Shen Fei! 】

PS: Haha, it seems that everyone has discovered that the title and cover of the book have been changed!The title of the book is because it has the same name as another book, so I changed it to a more appropriate one, and the cover is because Wan Jun finally saved enough money to change the cover!
(End of this chapter)

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