my pet is boss

Chapter 35 Good Girl

Chapter 35 Good Girl
The ensuing battle wasn't difficult at all, Agou, who was chained by Shen Fei once, no longer dared to rush up impulsively [Rescue], obediently pulled monsters aside, and killed them.

Shen Fei's output ratio was extremely terrifying. Basically, the wild wolves ridiculed by A Gou only had half of their HP left.Shen Fei discovered that the flame arrow with the special effect of the bow and arrow Gale has a very high trigger effect. A 15-second [Poisonous Snake Sting] can usually trigger the flame arrow effect once or twice.

After killing all the wild monsters in front of the boss, Chasing Wind rose directly to level six during this period.

When the five people appeared in the wilderness, A Gou and Xiao Yin were very excited, hugged each other again and burst into tears.

The regiment was wiped out more than a dozen times, and finally met the boss under the leadership of Shen Fei.

This is the Level 6 Pale Wolf King, because Shen Fei fought it once before, so he can see the Pale Wolf King's HP, which is 8600 HP.

"The boss battle is also very simple. It is basically equivalent to a stake boss. Everyone can output with all their strength. The only thing to note is that every time the wolf king's blood volume decreases by 20%, he will use a skill called [Culling] to attack the designated target area. Cause a lot of damage, and I will remind you in advance when the time comes, whoever is targeted can just run away from the current area, remember to move quickly."

"Also, later, Agou, go up and taunt the BOSS to start monsters, and everyone else should not make a move. I say fight and fight again." Shen Fei was also afraid that the tank would not be able to hold back the hatred at first, so he would focus on the hatred and mess it up.

The five of them were ready, and Ah Gou rushed directly to a [taunt] to attract the BOSS, and then hit the damage to increase the hatred value.

Ayou slowly added blood to the tank in the back, and did not dare to add too much for fear of drawing hatred.

After ten seconds, with Shen Fei's order, Xiao Yin and Zhuifeng started to output.

Shen Fei started with a [Venomous Snake Sting], and soon the Pale Wolf King's blood volume was ground to about 80% of the blood line.

Following the pale wolf king looking back together, a circle of bloody red marks appeared under Xiao Yin's feet.

"Xiao Yin, run!" Shen Fei yelled, the [Culling] skill of the Wolf King is randomly named, and has nothing to do with the hatred value.

Xiao Yin noticed the bloody red mark under his feet, and was a little flustered for a while: "Should I run to the left or to the right?"

A Gou, who pulled the monster, saw that his object was marked, and was more anxious than Xiao Yin himself.

"Honey I'm coming!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed towards Xiao Yin with a skill of [Rescue and Protection].

The thing Shen Fei was most worried about happened, and it really didn't matter how good he said beforehand, no matter how good the promise was, as long as he saw the object in danger, Ah Gou would always [rescue] him immediately.

Without saying a word, Shen Fei threw a dog chain directly, restraining Agou in place.

"Let me out, let me out quickly!" Agou was very emotional, if he didn't observe carefully, he would think that he was a berserker with a blushing neck and a thick neck.

Xiao Yin seemed to have finally remembered what Shen Fei said before he started the monster, and immediately ran to the side.

As soon as the front foot left the range of the mark, the pale wolf king landed directly on the back foot with a [cull], and he could feel the killing intent and blood even with his back turned.

Unshackled, Agou crazily expressed his anger towards the boss.

With Xiao Yin's correct demonstration, the next battle was much easier.

As the simplest introductory dungeon, its significance lies in exercising the cooperation between players and telling some history.

The only thing to pay attention to in this dungeon is the two patrolling elite wolves, and the Pale Wolf King's [Culling] skill.

As long as you know these two things, it is actually not difficult to get through the dungeon.

The difference is just how much time it takes.

When the pale wolf king's blood volume dropped below 50%, Shen Fei's damage had crushed the entire group, and the boss broke away from Agou's control several times and ran towards Shen Fei.

In the end, Shen Fei didn't dare to attack normally, so he had to use a spike, and then relied on the spike and the burning effect of the flame arrow to deal damage, and the output still ranked first in the team.

Following the unwilling howl of the pale wolf king, a sweep of the tail kicked up a large amount of dust, and then hid in the dust and ran away directly.

After successfully clearing the dungeon, Shen Fei let out a long sigh of relief. He felt that carrying these two treasures was even more tiring than brushing alone, so much to worry about!

"Hey, don't run away, you bastard, give me another sword strike!" A Gou wanted to catch up, but unfortunately, the Pale Wolf King was too fast, and quickly disappeared into the deep forest.

"Okay, the dungeon has been cleared, and the reward is in the box on the ground."

Chasing the wind rolled up his sleeves and smashed open the mound of dirt on the ground, grabbed the handle of the treasure chest and pulled it up.

Originally, he wanted to show off his muscles in front of his goddess Ayou, but when Ayou saw the treasure box, he couldn't wait to push Zhuifeng away and open the treasure box to see it.

"Hey, lick the dog until there is nothing left."

Shen Fei looked at Zhuifeng and shook his head helplessly, Ren Ayou never looked at him directly from the beginning to the end.

This time the rewards also appeared, a blueprint for forging a staff, a skill book, and a blueprint for a leather wrist.

When Ayou saw the leather-making blueprint, he jumped up excitedly, and then ran to Shen Fei non-stop: "This leather-making blueprint..."

Shen Fei didn't care much about the blueprints for leather making, he put all his attention on the blueprints for forging, and his eyes lit up when he saw the blueprints for forging the staff.

Xiao Yin is an elemental mage, who happens to use a staff, and now he can kill Agou again.

"I have already collected money before playing the dungeon, so let's roll the dice to decide these things. Whoever has the highest points will get it. After all, everyone paid for the dungeon." Shen Fei's decision was agreed by everyone, who rolled Whoever gets the higher points is fair.

Under Ayou's strong request, the first thing to upload was the leather-making blueprint.

I don't know if it was God's will, but Zhuifeng Yao got the highest points and got this leather-making blueprint.

The second is the bard's skill book [Battle Triumph], and in the end, Shen Fei got the most points.

The last drawing of the staff was obtained by Xiao Yin himself.

A bright smile finally appeared on Zhuifeng's face, and when he smiled, the fat creases on his face could almost be used for puff pastry.

Unable to stop Ayou's enthusiasm, Zhuifeng discovered for the first time that besides being drunk, he was also drunk.

Dazed, he traded the blueprint directly to Ayou, without taking any money, which is quite grand!

Zhuifeng felt that the foreshadowing had come, so he sent a friend request to Ayou, but within two seconds, he was directly rejected.

"Sorry, my family doesn't allow me to casually add friends with strange men." Ayou apologized.

Chase was moved and cried, Ayou was afraid that he would think too much, and was explaining to him!
If this doesn't make sense to you, don't bother to explain it, right?

Ayou explained, showing that she still has a very high status in her mind.

Zhuifeng took out his diary again and wrote:

[It’s sunny today, and my mood turned cloudy as I rolled to the leather-making blueprint. It turns out that the goddess can be so beautiful when she smiles. Although Ayou rejected my friend application, this let me know that she is a self-respecting and self-loving girl. Good girl. 】

PS: Today's chapter is a bit late. Wanjun has caught a cold for the past two days. She was sleepy after taking medicine today, so she took a nap first.When the weather is cold, everyone should wear more clothes, so don't catch a cold like me.

(End of this chapter)

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