my pet is boss

Chapter 331 Question and Answer of Tenjin Palace

Chapter 331 Question and Answer of Tenjin Palace

Guixian seemed to understand Shen Fei's eyes, raised his hand and pressed down: "Don't panic, things are not what you think, there are only three NPCs played by humans, and they are all on Tenjin Island now. This is just an old man with two Just a bit of bad taste from a naughty grandson."

Originally, Shen Fei came here to find out the problem. He thought that after taking out the sword of Brotherhood, he would open some hidden mission at Guixianren, or there would be a hidden room on Tianshen Island to solve his doubts.

But Shen Fei never expected that the three gods on Tianshen Island were all played by humans, which was completely beyond what Shen Fei could accept.

My own doubts have not been answered, but now I have more doubts.

Who is this turtle fairy?

The game "Big Era" clearly claims that the main brain evolves on its own, but why is there a setting for humans to serve as NPCs in the game, especially the true God of Tenjin Island certified by the Creator God.

After Shen Fei had a problem with the dormant compartment, a bug in the system forcibly sent him into the game ahead of time, and formed a bond with the NPC in the game. After the official launch, some of his "little actions" triggered a butterfly effect, making his game even worse. The road went smoothly.Is it the same for these three people on Tenjin Island?
Gui Xianren had a faint smile on his face, as if he had seen everything through.

Gui Xianren raised his hand and said: "I know you have a lot of questions now, don't rush to ask them one by one, we still have plenty of time."

Shen Fei pondered for a moment in silence, then asked his first question.

"Who are you, and how did you become the god of Tenjin Island? According to Fat Tiger, you entered the game more than ninety years ago."

Gui Xianren nodded slightly, as if recalling: "I am an ordinary person, you must have never heard of the name. You were accidentally sent in by the main brain program because of a design failure in the dormant compartment in District D, and I was in When the game started, I came in as an inspector."

Another new term, Overseer.

"You haven't said your name yet."

Gui Xianren looked at Shen Fei's serious face, laughed and said: "Is a name so important? Well, my name is Chu Sheng, Chu of the Chu River and Han Realm, born endlessly, I hope you don't misunderstand."

After hearing the name, Shen Fei suppressed a smile, his face turned into a pig's liver color.Now he finally knew why Gui Xianren kept his mouth shut and was unwilling to reveal his real name.In other words, he certainly wouldn't say it.

It's just that Shen Fei looked at the image of Gui Xianren carrying a turtle shell, and then thought about his real name, Shen Fei nodded subconsciously: "Actually, this name quite fits."

Then Shen Fei kept searching for this peculiar name in his mind, but he couldn't think of any famous people with this name.This name is so weird, if it comes up, I will never forget it.Shen Fei, a well-known official of the Earth Federation, also searched, but still did not find any similar traces.

"How do you know that I was sent in because of a malfunction in the dormant chamber? What else is an inspector?"

Shen Fei didn't pay attention to the name for too long, which made Gui Xianren heave a sigh of relief. What he was most afraid of was that Shen Fei had been entangled in the name Chu Sheng for too long.

"Before answering your question, I want to ask you what kind of image I am in your eyes."

"Thousands of years old...a respectable image of an old man."

Shen Fei almost uttered the picture he imagined in his mind just now, but luckily his mouth stopped at the last word.

Gui Xianren's face was already dark at this moment, although Shen Fei didn't finish his words, but the real meaning was ready to come out.

Gui Xianren asked this to guide Shen Fei, but he didn't expect this kid's answer to make people's blood pressure rise.

Guixian simply pretended that he didn't hear it, and said to himself: "You are not in front of me as a teenager now. Your body is made up of groups of codes. From your codes, I have seen your experience. That's why I know that you were thrown into the game ahead of time because of an accident in the dormant compartment."

"Aura code?" Shen Fei asked tentatively.

Guixian was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately: "Your statement is novel, but it is very appropriate."

Gui Xianren then pointed to the Sword of Brotherhood in Shen Fei's hand: "This sword of Brotherhood is an artifact, and it was also recognized by the Mastermind. The embodiment of the Mastermind in the game is the God of Creation, but in the Ark ship, it represents human beings. The greatest system with independent thinking in history. This artifact seems to be just an unstoppable weapon, but it is actually a key, a key to open the back door of the mastermind."

Now Shen Fei fully understands that the so-called key is not just the key to see the Creator God in the game, but the back door key that can directly enter the entire Ark ship system.

What is the main brain? It is the core that drives the Ark.

Although the 30 billion human beings are on the ark, they all rely on the guidance of the master brain to land in their new homes outside the galaxy.The key that can enter the back door of the mastermind, this thing...

Shen Fei glanced at the Brotherhood Sword in his hand, and suddenly felt that it was extremely heavy.

The key is just a tool, and it may be nothing if it falls into the hands of good people, but if it falls into the hands of bad people, and after entering the back door of the mastermind and making random manipulations, the mastermind system will be damaged, then not only the game will be unsustainable, but the voyage in reality may also be destroyed. Because of a deviation, it was impossible to reach the new home in the end.

Shen Fei just thought about it for a while, and felt a chill running down his back.

It took a long time for Shen Fei to come back to his senses. With the answers to the questions, not only did his doubts not decrease, on the contrary, as he approached the truth step by step, more and more...

"Then if the sword of the Brotherhood is the key and the mastermind is the God of Creation, then what is the ancient god who has been fighting against the God of Creation? It bewitched the former dwarf king Ryan before and got the sword of the Brotherhood."

Guixian couldn't help applauding, Shen Fei asked this question well.

"Do you know about computers?" Gui Xianren didn't answer, but asked first.

Shen Fei frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment and said: "Since you can see my data stream, you must know my age and identity."

Shen Fei smiled self-deprecatingly: "If it's programming or high-tech, then I definitely don't know it, but if it's basic computer knowledge, I still know a little."

"It's enough to know the basics. Then you should know that as long as the computer starts to run a program, it will inevitably generate redundant memory. Not only is this memory useless, but it will also slow down the computer's running speed and occupy a certain amount of space."

When Gui Xianren said this, Shen Fei still didn't understand that the ancient gods were the redundant memory generated by the main brain when running the game, and their function was to hinder the normal operation of the game.

"Because the main brain itself is the system, and the redundant memory generated is also part of itself. The system cannot kill itself. At this time, it needs to rely on a third party to solve these problems. Fortunately, after the game has been running for 100 years, The system has chosen you as its agent to solve the Old God for it."

Shen Fei suddenly realized, but then he was stunned.

So, he is now an anti-virus software in the eyes of the mastermind?
It was only now that Shen Fei realized that after helping the dwarves regain their homeland, the mastermind arranged for Shen Fei to gradually get in touch with the key through Ryan's mouth, paving the way for future anti-virus software to eliminate the ancient gods.

As for why the ancient god didn't destroy the key, it was obvious that with some of its strength, it couldn't destroy the backdoor key that the system had personally created.

Some of the doubts in my mind were answered, but new questions followed.

"Then why didn't the mastermind choose you as the anti-virus software? After all, I entered the game five years in advance and then went into hibernation again. But you have been in the game for 100 years. If you are allowed to hold the key, then there is no such thing as the ancient gods." Something happened. Also, you have seen the little fat man next to me, you should be able to tell that he has unparalleled luck, if he is allowed to do this job, he will definitely clean up completely. "

After hearing this, Guixian couldn't help stroking his beard and laughing.

"Your logic is fine, but you forgot to consider one thing."

"What's the matter?" Shen Fei leaned forward slightly, with a premonition that the news that came next would definitely shock people.

"The game program originally designed by the mastermind is a perfect program. Players should wake up and enter the game after 100 years, but you, me, and those two little guys are all entrants, and the originally balanced game has changed. It's like this bottle..."

Guixian conjured a bottle full of water out of thin air, and four more stones in his hand.

Throw pebbles into the jar one by one, and water will overflow from the jar.

"If you have something, you have to give up. The game is no longer balanced. Our addition has brought new redundant programs to the system. You were appointed by the system as an anti-virus software and got a proper identity, but I am different, I have not been recognized by the system , so there will be variables used to balance me..."

Gui Xianren spread out his palm, and a holographic image appeared in his palm. Shen Fei gasped when he saw it.

The variable corresponding to Guixianren is none other than Shen Fei's loyal servant Fuman!

Guixian laughed self-deprecatingly: "From the moment he came in just now, I knew that the variable I created was him. He is really an extremely lucky person!"

An extremely bad luck, after entering the system, an extremely lucky variable is created for neutralization.

Fuman is this variable.

Shen Fei came to his senses and stared blankly at Gui Xianren, his expression gradually changed.

If it is said that Fuman's strong luck against the sky is the setting of neutralization given by the system, then the turtle fairy named Chu Sheng in front of him, isn't it... bad luck against the sky?

Thinking of this, Shen Fei's eyes were full of pity.

His name is Chu Sheng, and he is also burdened with bad luck. What kind of power has supported this old man for so many years.

Shen Fei also suddenly realized that Xi Ya and Fat Tiger should be the variables of Azure Dragon God and Suzaku God.

Just after marveling, Shen Fei pointed out his index finger: "One last question."

Gui Xianren raised his hand to signal Shen Fei to speak out.

"This game was co-created by the federal government. May I ask what is your identity, old man, to allow the federal government to agree to enter the game in advance of such a dangerous move."

Shen Fei is now eager to know the identity of Gui Xianren, because even the ministers of the Federal Council of Presbyterians do not have the authority and qualification to enter the game in advance.

Shen Fei didn't find any information about the turtle fairy in front of him, but he has the authority to enter the game, and his identity is absolutely extraordinary.

"My identity..."

(End of this chapter)

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