my pet is boss

Chapter 330 The Secret of Tenjin Island

Chapter 330 The Secret of Tenjin Island
"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect Ryan to give you the sword of the Brotherhood directly." Fat Tiger crossed his hands on his chest, tsk tsk in amazement.

"Why do I smell a sour smell in the air?" Shen Fei sniffed twice, although he was pretending, he still couldn't hide his smile.

Although the two bickered so much, they knew the real reason in their hearts.

Shen Fei forged a "Hammer of Destruction" for Aoun. Although this fake artifact was not recognized by the Creator God, its power was almost the same as the real artifact.

Ryan knew that the dwarf's luck could not bear the two "artifacts", especially since both of the artifacts were related to Shen Fei. In addition, Shen Fei needed the key of [Sword of Brotherhood], so he gave Shen Fei the artifact.

After Shen Fei put Ryan down, he only exchanged pleasantries with Ryan and Aoun for a while, and then embarked on the journey to Tenjin Island again.

Even with Ishia's flying ability, it would take four days to get there from the lonely mountain in the Northland to the Tenjin Island in the corner of the world.

Fat Tiger looked very excited. He took out the mirror and began to dress up as soon as the new journey started.It's hairspray and perfume, and it seems that it has established itself as the upper-class nobleman of the human empire.

"Gui Xianren has a knife mouth and a bean curd heart, Yang is a naughty guy, A Li's personality is similar to Xi Ya, as long as you tell her interesting stories outside, and bring her some novel gadgets from the outside world, you can get it done."

Fat Tiger gave Shen Fei and everyone information about the other gods on the island.

After hearing this, Shen Fei was a little relieved, it seemed that the other three gods were easy to get along with.But after thinking about it, I know that if these few people can sit in the position of gods, they must have nothing to say in terms of xinxing.

As for Fat Tiger...

Well, Shen Fei didn't say anything.

For this journey, Shen Fei chose the nearest route, which is to fly directly to Tianshen Island from Gushan.

Therefore, it is inevitable to pass through the territory of the apostles, which is the largest Evening Star City in the northeast.

Shen Fei didn't expect that his actions would have much impact on Evening Star City.

The people of the Apostle Kingdom have been in fear these days, and they are still immersed in the shadow of being madly pitted by Shen Fei.As a result, any suspicious NPCs in Evening Star City in the past few days, or NPCs who traveled from other places, will cause hostility and investigation from the players.

As a result, without any warning, Shen Fei rode a black dragon from Bright Star City on the opposite side of Dwarf City and appeared directly above Evening Star City.

Shen Fei maliciously let the dragon cub fly at a low altitude. When the black dragon covering the sky and the sun appeared, the entire Evening Star City was in chaos.

Shia didn't even breathe out the dragon's breath, and the number of players and NPCs in Evening Star City who were trampled to death in chaos had already reached three digits...

Especially when it was night, Shen Fei could clearly see the flames in the Evening Star City, and there were fleeing players and NPCs everywhere.

"It is estimated that this wave of shock can make them worry for a long time."

Fat Tiger sucked a lollipop and said, "You also let Xia fly westward, making it clear that this is flying to the kingdom of the apostles. I'm afraid these players are already reporting."

There was a bright smile on Shen Fei's face, anyway, just acting a little bit could make the apostles feel nervous, so why not do it.

When Xi Ya disappeared from the horizon and the Evening Star City could not be seen, Shen Fei then ordered Xi Ya to turn around and fly directly to Tianshen Island.

The result was indeed as Fat Tiger expected. When these players saw the guardian dragon of the earth flying to the west, they all panicked.

To the west, that is the location of the apostolic capital!

Is this bastard Shen Fei going to take the guardian dragon of the earth and the white tiger god to descend directly to the capital to slaughter the leader of the apostles, Pharaoh?

When he was in the holy city of mankind, Shen Fei killed the No. [-] leader of the apostles kingdom, Anubis, the god of death, "without any effort". beat.

Who can bear this!
"All players, hurry back to the capital and defend Pharaoh!"

"Defend the pharaoh, defend the dignity of the apostles!"

The slogans shouted by the players were so loud that no one would have guessed that Shen Fei had already driven the black dragon to Tianshen Island.

The apostle players are strictly on guard in the capital, and defend at the highest level day and night. All players and NPCs are facing the enemy, and even along the borders of the capital, sentry towers are arranged to monitor them. If there is any movement, immediately notify the capital to step up defense.

Even the pharaoh was a little flustered, knowing that it was the last time he attacked the human capital and killed the human regent of his first general Anubis, the god of death Anubis.

But two days passed, and the apostle players and NPCs were having trouble sleeping and eating, but they never came to Shen Fei.This not only did not let them breathe a sigh of relief, but also made them feel anxious.After all, Shen Fei still has an unknown method, which is to become an apostle NPC. Could this guy have already sneaked into the capital, and when they let go of their carelessness, they will deal a fatal blow!
Thinking of this, the apostle players and NPCs dare not be careless, and their nerves are more tense than before!

The apostle players do nothing all day long and just guard around the Pharaoh's palace. The password in the palace changes every day. If you want to enter the palace, you must answer the password correctly. Everyone is panicking.

Looking at Shen Fei again, after flying in the sea of ​​oblivion for two days, he finally saw an island wrapped in mist at the end of his field of vision.

Well, as long as it is an island, it is shrouded in mist. If there is no mystery, it is embarrassing to call it an island.

Fat Tiger couldn't hold back and stood up: "There is a magic circle in this mist, if you break through it forcefully, it will activate the test of Tianshen Island."

When Shen Fei heard the test, he immediately said: "The test of Tianshen Island, then I will try it..."

Fat Tiger glanced at Fuman beside him, and said helplessly: "Forget it, anyway, there is Fuman, these tests are useless."

Shen Fei thought about it, and it was the same, carrying Fuman with him, it was like playing a stand-alone game of Yinshan Ranger, without any gaming experience.

"This time I want to help you regain your godhead, and also answer the doubts in your heart."

Fat Tiger used his magic power to open the barrier of Tianshen Island, and the three gods in Tianshen Palace felt an extremely familiar atmosphere in an instant.

Yang and A Li jumped up from the futon and ran out of Tianshen Palace.

"Big Brother Baihu is back!" Ah Li jumped up and down, his two shofar braids trembled, looking extraordinarily cute.

Yang ran the fastest, but suddenly slowed down when he reached the door, the excited expression on his face suddenly became indifferent, but his eyes still shone with anticipation.

The two originally thought they could see the fat tiger directly, but as soon as the fog cleared, a huge black dragon appeared in front of them, and Yang and A Li were both a little breathless due to the dragon's majesty rushing towards them.

Yang looked at the black dragon in horror. The size of the black dragon was extremely terrifying, even bigger than the Tianshen Palace.

What frightened the two of them even more was the ancient aura emanating from the black dragon.

The two of them were true gods with divine stature, but now there is a black dragon that makes them feel fearful, this... is unreasonable!
Guixian came out of Tianshen Palace slowly, holding his waist. It wasn't that he didn't want to come out earlier, but that he accidentally slipped to his waist when he got up just now.

"Yang, Ah Li, put down your guard, whoever comes is a guest."

Gui Xianren recognized the black dragon at a glance.

Although the aura of the dragon on the black dragon was very surging, the Guixian could still smell the scent of the little lizard that was next to the fountain of eternity back then.

Since both the white tiger and the black dragon have come, it means that that one has appeared.

Hearing Guixianren's words, Yang and A Li still couldn't believe it.The two of them couldn't suppress this kind of black dragon at all. If the black dragon had any malicious intentions, wouldn't it be very dangerous?

"Haha, look who's back!"

Fat Tiger suddenly sticks out his head, and then...

"Hehehe, I didn't expect that you could actually get the artifact Brotherhood Sword." Gui Xianren looked at the sharp Brotherhood Sword in his hand.

Fat Tiger covered his face, followed sickly with his tail drooping.

There was a sudden wave of "surprises" just now, which seemed to Yang and A Li to be complete surprises. When they reacted, they gave Fat Tiger two straight punches, which turned him into a panda in an instant.

"I participated in the production of this sword, of course I can get it." Shen Fei followed Guixianren into the Temple of Heavenly God, and saw four statues of the gods, among which the fat tiger's statue was translucent and faintly visible.

Gui Xianren took a meaningful look at Shen Fei, then looked at the earth guardian dragon Xi Ya who was already familiar with Yang and A Li, waved his hands and said: "Yang, A Li, Bai Hu, the three of you with The guardian dragon of the earth and the little brother next to him...and this little pig, visit the island of the gods, I have important matters to discuss with Layman Shen."

Yang and A Li didn't think too much, and hurriedly greeted Xi Ya: "Let's go, I'll take you to visit Tenjin Island. There are many interesting places on the island."

After Yang learned of the identity of the guardian dragon of Xiya's land, he immediately canceled his previous grievances.

After all, Yang's identity is Qinglong, and the guardian dragon of the earth has the responsibility of controlling the dragon clan and protecting the earth. It's no wonder that Yang instinctively feared after seeing the black dragon.

Fat Tiger knew what Shen Fei was going to talk about, so he hurriedly greeted Xi Ya, Fu Man and Pai Qi to visit Tianshen Island and make time for Shen Fei and Gui Xianren.

The dragon cub Xiya was stupid, her eyes immediately lit up when she heard something interesting, and she took A Li's hand out of the Tianshen Palace without saying a word.

Everyone left, Guixian waved his hand, and the gate of Tianshen Palace slowly closed with a creaking sound.

"Tell me about the purpose of your visit this time. Bringing the artifact to Tianshen Island is definitely not as simple as helping Baihu regain his godhead."

Shen Fei sat cross-legged on the futon, and took a deep breath: "Since Gui Xianren, you have made it clear, then I will not hide it. This time I came to Tianshen Island, one is to help Fat Tiger regain his godhead, and the other is to use This key solves the doubts in my heart. You are the oldest person in Tenjin Island, and you are still so calm after seeing the Sword of the Brotherhood, so you must be the gatekeeper of Tenjin Island."

Gui Xianren stroked his beard and said with a smile: "The young man is very smart. I thought that no one would be able to make it this far before arriving at the new planet. The impossible task was accomplished..."

Hearing this, Shen Fei felt a huge wave in his heart.

An Xin played a few words that were too dazzling. As soon as these words came out, it directly revealed the true identity of Gui Xianren, he is also a human being!It's just that he has been playing the four gods in the game!
Thinking of this, Shen Fei actually felt a kind of panic in his heart.

If Guixianren is played by humans, what about other NPCs?
(End of this chapter)

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