my pet is boss

Chapter 329 Shen Fei, it's Shen Fei again!

Chapter 329 Shen Fei, it's Shen Fei again!
"Why did you sell out the goods so quickly?"

Shen Fei was a little surprised at Fuman's speed. Didn't he say that all the goods were delivered within a day and a half?Why did it take only half a day, and all the goods in the third warehouse were sold out. Could it be that they were all sold at a low price in the end?

Fuman was gasping for breath. He ran the black and white grid again just now, and he was quite tired.

"I saw a lot of resurrection points near the dam camp. The number of dead players suddenly increased. I thought it must be here. The first resurrection was all warlock players. I thought that the warlock must be used to run the map and open the portal. The way to pass the first level. But after that, a large number of other legal professions began to die. I guess they must have hit the fire giant.

Hundreds of thousands of players, with a pile of heads, can also beat the fire giant to half, so I immediately started selling it when I saw it.It just so happened that some grand guilds came to the dam camp at this time and smelled this business, so I quickly sold the goods in the warehouse in five waves, a total of 500 million gold coins! "

After Fuman finished speaking, Shen Fei and Fat Hu fell into silence.

Fuman guessed everything that happened here, and the goods were sold quickly, not only did not "sell cheap", but the price was higher than the previous sale price!
The main reason is that the market is too confident. The outside merchants and second-hand traffickers all feel that this relic cannot be opened so easily, so they can grit their teeth and buy the equipment at a high price. Anyway, it will be sold at a higher price when the time comes!
You must know that there are more players who are eager to hear the news. After learning that Sloppy has played the slogan of "cooperation and win-win", they are rushing to the Thousand Needles Forest Dam camp. They are not afraid that no one will digest these equipment and supplies.

After hearing this, Shen Fei patted Fuman on the shoulder and said, "Fuman, you did a good job this time."

Fuman took a look at the situation on the field, and couldn't help being surprised: "I didn't expect the apostle's progress to be so fast. It seems that we can directly take down these two fire giants today."

Shen Fei whispered his work to Fat Hu and Xi Ya, and now he just waited for the fire giant's blood volume to decrease, and then took over the boss.

The fire giant's health dropped rapidly, but the losses of the apostle players were even greater.

Because of the double flame aura, even the players hiding in the distance are losing blood every second, and the healing profession has to add blood to the large army and restore blood to themselves. When there is almost no time to stop, the mana is very fast Bottom.

There are still a small number of warlock players in the rear, constantly sending new players over as new forces.

The fat tiger is about to move, it likes stabbing people in the back of the butt the most.

"Shen Fei, can't you get in now?"

Shen Fei glanced at the fire giant's blood volume, and now the blood volume of the two fire giants is suppressed to about 20%, and there are about 10 people on the field at a glance.

Shen Fei looked back at the "Sugar Gate Rollers" who were still trying to teleport outside, and explained: "Fat Tiger, after Xiya transforms later, the first thing you need to do is to deal with these warlocks behind and kill the apostle players." way."

Fat Tiger patted his fat-covered chest, expressing his reassurance.

"As for Shia, it's the same as before. After transforming, she will be responsible for carrying the two fire giants, and leave the rest of the output to me."

Shen Fei's output is not weak, and he found a lot of benefits from the World Tree on Elven Island, and directly used the twigs of the World Tree to make arrows, and the damage exploded.

The apostle players in front of him fell down again, and the fire giant's blood volume reached 15%, and Shen Fei immediately became violent when he saw this.

Fat Tiger took the lead in launching the attack, showing his original shape and turning into a flash, instantly killing all the teleporting warlocks.

At the same time, Xia directly transformed into a black dragon, and her huge size directly crushed many players.

This upheaval was unexpected by all players. Many players looked up and saw the menacing black dragon, and the brains of the apostle players who had participated in the raid on the Holy City were immediately shut down.I don't understand why the black dragon from the northern kingdom suddenly appeared in the ruins of the southern kingdom.

But Sia didn't give them a chance to react. Following the prompt "Sia took a deep breath..." on the interface of all the apostles, the player disappeared into white light in the fiery dragon's breath.

Shen Fei also started to output at this time. The arrows made by the branches of the world tree have special damage effects. Not only do they cause a hundred times critical damage, but they also have various effects such as bleeding, armor piercing, and stun.

During the Thunderstorm, all the apostles on the field were wiped out. No one expected that there would be a huge change at the last moment of rushing the fire giant.

At this moment, at the resurrection point of the Thousand Needles dam camp, a group of people are all waiting for the resurrection with dark faces.

All the players were stunned when they saw the black dragon, but now they all realized after death that there are human undercover agents among us!
"I remembered that today, apart from the players, there were also a few apostle NPCs who also teleported over. They have been watching behind us, and there is no sign of doing anything. Because it is because of the NPCs, everyone didn't pay much attention."

"White Tiger God, the Earth Guardian Dragon, aren't these all Shen Fei's pets!"

Gradually, more players responded and provided a lot of useful information.

Sloppy's face turned dark.

Shen Fei, it's this Shen Fei again!
It is unbearable to sabotage his plan time and time again!
The cemetery erupted with soaring resurrection light, and Sloppy immediately ordered after the resurrection: "Everyone follow me, kill back to the underground palace, and kill the human regent Shen Fei!"

The news that the human regent had sneaked into the underground palace was like flying all over the dam camp with wings.Many new players didn't know anything about the underground palace. When asked these revived players, they all kept silent and faltered. They only said that they were attacked by Shen Fei, but they didn't give any details.

As soon as everyone rushed to the entrance of the underground palace, a rumbling earthquake suddenly came from the ground.

All the apostle players were shaken left and right, and it was even worse in the dam camp. Many buildings collapsed and became a mess.

The earth creaked, and the cracks grew wider and wider.

At this time, the murderous intent of the apostle player dissipated, and only horror and escape remained in his mind.

But by the time they reacted, it was already too late.

Boom boom boom!
With three loud bangs, Xia rose directly from the ground to the sky, and countless earthworks and stones collapsed, bringing countless players down to the underground palace.

If you fall, just fall, at most you will fall on the ruins.

But when these players fell, they realized that they were thinking too much.

The underground palace didn't know when it changed. It wasn't ruins or fire giants that caught them, but hot lava.

The black and white checkerboards and smooth roads in the underground palace all disappeared at some point, and there were only galloping magma roaring and slapping the rock wall.


The apostle player fell into the magma, making the sound of roasting meat, and disappeared in place with the black smoke turning into white light.

After many players were revived, they were distraught: "My equipment exploded!"

But looking at the original underground palace, it has now been completely destroyed and turned into a huge void.Looking down, there are many equipment scattered on the magma, ranging from white boards to purple equipment...

This irritable magma has no place to stand at all, and it will be wiped out in an instant when you jump down. How can you get back the equipment you exploded?
The fire giant is gone, the underground palace is gone, and even their equipment is gone!
Fighting so hard, they got nothing but wasted time and died twice!
In order to conquer the underground palace this time, they bought fire resistance equipment and potion mixtures, but in the end they didn't get anything.

Some businessmen and Erdao traffickers in the dam camp suddenly realized that they rolled their eyes white and fell down in anger.

The underground palace has disappeared, and the fire giant has disappeared. Does it mean that the fire resistance equipment and fire kang potions they bought at a high price are useless?
Boo!It's all in the hands!Now even if it is a cheap sale, no one will want it!

Looking up again, the black dragon in the sky had already turned into a small dot, flying towards the north.

The corners of Shen Fei's mouth almost reached below his ears, no matter the flood behind him.

Ryan, who was rescued, was still dazed, his eyes lost.

Fat Tiger and Fuman made a diagnosis for Ryan just now, and finally came to the conclusion that people are still normal, because they have been brainwashed by the ancient gods for too long, and they can't react after temporarily getting out of trouble. .

This wave of Shen Fei cheated the apostle players, not to mention cheating their money, and made them become the ultimate wage earners. In the end, Iron KB Shen Fei came out and took the loot and experience of the two fire giants.

As for the ancient god occupying the heart of the earth, after feeling the breath of Xi Ya and Shen Fei, he had already decisively fled.When Shen Fei pushed open the iron door and went in, he only saw Ryan in a daze, where could he see the figure of the ancient god.

It is said that the cunning rabbit has three caves, and it seems that this ancient god is also well versed in this way.

However, the Heart of the Earth cannot be left to the Ancient God, so before Shen Fei left, he asked Xi Ya to use the power of the earth to directly tear up the Heart of the Earth and expose it to the broad daylight without giving it to the Ancient God. leave any hope...

"Fortunately, Ryan is a dwarf and has a certain resistance to mental attacks. Otherwise, if he is brainwashed for ten years, he will be crazy even if he is not stupid." Fat Tiger took off his stethoscope, took off his white coat and stuffed it into his tiger skin pocket.

Shen Fei held the artifact Brotherhood Sword and looked at it. This artifact was as sharp as ever, just like it was forged from the forge in the center of the earth back then.

Now that he had this supreme artifact, Shen Fei really wanted to fly directly to Tianshen Island, ask the ins and outs of the matter, and clear up his doubts.

But seeing Ryan like this now, Shen Fei resisted the desire in his heart and decided to send Ryan back to Gushan first.

The Kingdom of the Apostles can be reached in half a day from the Lonely Mountain.

Ryan was in a daze along the way, but when he saw the lonely mountain, his eyes suddenly lit up, the expression on his face changed several times, and all the memories of ten years returned to their place.Looking at Shen Fei's eyes again, there was some sparkle.

As for the players from the Apostle Kingdom, they were tricked by Shen Fei again.Coupled with Shen Fei's ability to transform into an apostle NPC, the attitude of the apostle players for a period of time towards NPCs will be suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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