my pet is boss

Chapter 328 The 4th Calamity

Chapter 328 The Fourth Natural Disaster
Sloppy and resolute, without any rest after arriving at the dam camp, waved to the guild players in charge of this area, and took them to the ground to have a look.

"Boss, after discovering this underground palace, we immediately issued a notice, and earlier we had some players from other guilds organize an attack. After breaking through the checkpoint after the black and white chessboard, we encountered two [-]-meter-high The fire giant..."

"So we speculate that these two fire giants must be guarding some kind of treasure, which is in the iron gate behind!"

Sloppy walked and listened to the reports from the players around him. By the time he got to the underground stairs, he already knew the whole situation.

Standing in front of the steps of the cave, Ma Hu didn't go straight down, but raised his hand and said, "Go on, this time we and players from other guilds will work together to take down the boss, and the good things we get will be distributed according to the guild's contribution. Anyone who wants to join the guild will not refuse the invitation."

The sloppy words surprised some of the cronies around him, and they looked at each other in blank dismay.

This is completely different from the boss's previous style.In the past, with the chairman's dominance, he would definitely have booked the venue directly. If anyone dared to approach, he would directly ask his subordinates to fight back.Unexpectedly, this time it turned out to be uncharacteristically, and chose to join forces with other guilds to jointly develop without disputes.

"Not going yet? What are you doing here?"

The sloppy tone suddenly became serious, and the surrounding guild members and deputy all seemed frightened, nodded and left quickly to call other guilds to "join in the grand event".

After these people left, the deputy stepped forward cautiously and asked, "Chairman, why did you go out of your way this time and ask other guilds to join in and share a share?"

The rest of the peripheral guild members have been blown away, and now only Sloppy and his bodyguards are left without outsiders, so he said: "According to the description just now, this underground palace is very difficult, basically it needs to be paved with human life. If only our Ma Group guild goes in, even if we can win the treasure, the average level and equipment will drop by a notch. Instead of doing this, it’s better to let them come together to save their lives.”

"Come on, let's go down and see for ourselves what's going on!"

Sloppy waved his hand and walked down the stairs first.

Seeing this, the deputy hurriedly rushed up: "The president still let me come first, if there are any traps, I can block them all! It doesn't matter if I die, you must not have anything to do, president!"

Sloppy glanced at the exaggerated expression of the deputy, and snorted coldly: "The situation below has been reported just now, so there is no danger!"

The Ma Clan Guild has an open attitude towards this "relic" and welcomes the cooperation of other guilds, which is unexpected by others.In order to prove the truth, many players from other guilds actually came to try and found that there was really no one to stop them. They entered the underground ruins one after another, and were immediately shocked by the magnificent hall.

Shen Fei and the others came underground with ease.

These apostle players called this place very accurately, directly naming it the underground ruins.

This is the center of the world, where the heart is, and it is really appropriate to be called the heart of the earth.

Afterwards, Shen Fei saw sloppy instructing the members of the guild to try the black and white chessboard.

"There is still something about this sloppy. After we came down from the stairs, he has arranged for players to guard the first cave level to prevent the tentacles of the ancient gods on the walls on both sides from hurting people at all times, so that later players can pass through smoothly." Fat Tiger whispered Said in Shen Fei's ear.

Shen Fei also nodded. The most powerful guild leader he has ever met is Leng Qingqiu who is in charge of the Leng Group's guild.However, it is understandable that one is the world's largest electronics company, and the other is an ordinary listed company that inherits from their parents. The magnitude difference between the two is tens of thousands of times.

When Shen Fei and the others came to the black and white chessboard in the player's mouth, they saw Sloppy standing still in front, and the deputy beside him was trying hard to direct.

"All the warlocks come to the front, whether they are from our guild or other guilds, come and line up."

The deputy stands at the front to direct, the players behind are whispering, and there are all kinds of chaos. In short, the scene is quite chaotic.After all, it is not a guild, and the more people involved, the more complicated the situation will be.

"What are they going to do? Why are they only picking warlocks? There are probably 5000 or [-] warlocks in these dozens of teams?" Fat Tiger couldn't understand what Sloppy was doing.

But the more you don't understand, the more curious you become.

Shen Fei had some clues, but he still wasn't sure, so he didn't answer Fat Tiger.

The deputy clapped his hands, and shouted to all the warlocks in the front row: "Remember, don't dodge back and forth, run in a straight line! Don't be afraid of death, our goal is for three people to pass through the trap and get to the back!"

These recruited warlock players are also very excited.

Usually, it is a profession that no one cares about and no one loves. Playing dungeons is also known as the existence of "sugar door rolling".I didn't expect to be so valued this time, and an army of thousands of warlocks was recruited and entrusted with important tasks!

Warlock players usually bear the names of "black hand" and "non-chieftain", although it is not known when it came out.But this time is their best chance to prove themselves!
In addition, Sloppy also promised that for Warlock players who can run to the opposite side smoothly, they will be rewarded with 1000 gold coins!
1000 gold coins, this is not a small number, it is 10 in credit points!
Of course, these warlock players are righteous, and they all come here to prove themselves, and absolutely no one admits that they come here for money.

With the deputy shouting, all the warlock players rushed out like wild horses that had run wild.

As soon as he stepped on the huge black and white floor tiles, a player triggered the mechanism.

It was spitting fire and poisonous gas again, so frightened that the deputy hurriedly protected Sloppy and signaled everyone to back off.

Seeing this, Fat Tiger suddenly realized that this sloppy was going to use the crowd tactics to kill him directly, and there would always be a few of thousands of people who could run to the opposite side.In addition, warlocks can open the portal, and as long as there is a portal, players on the other side can be slowly teleported there.

Fat Tiger was overwhelmed by this idea, "This method is okay. As long as you can kill three warlocks, you can open a portal. After that, you can teleport other warlocks to open more portals, until finally all players teleport past……"

In this way, the black and white trap of this level is useless.

"I used to think that it would take them a day or two to kill the fire giant, but now it seems that I underestimated sloppy and these players."

Fat Tiger patted Shen Fei's shoulder to comfort him: "It's normal, after all, you're so used to being alone now, it's hard to think of the specialties of other professions when you encounter things."

Shen Fei nodded, it is indeed so.I have been separated from the player group for too long.Not to mention anything else, if he was asked to name the housekeeping skills of several professions, he might not be able to answer all of them.

"But that's good too. It seems that our plan will be implemented soon. I hope that Fuman can speed up the shipment."

Just a few minutes later, tens of 10 people fell silent at the same time.

In the team of 5000 warlocks, none of them crossed the finish line to the other side.

"Black person!"


"This is a big face-slapping scene!"

The revived warlocks lowered their heads in shame. Originally they wanted to prove that they were not non-chiefs, but now they have confirmed their title. It seems that the team that fights in the future will refuse to the end.

Shen Fei and Fat Hu also mixed in the crowd, covering their mouths to hold back their laughter.

After seeing Fuman's strong luck against the sky, and watching these apostle warlocks, a well-planned plan turned into a funny movie.

It wasn't until the second time that the warlock players gathered together and charged again, that only five of them managed to reach the other side. They raised their smiles and showed their gleaming white teeth. They only had to pull up a banner saying "Happy to mention [-] gold coins."

More and more apostle players were teleported over, and hundreds of portals were erected on the opposite bank, which looked spectacular.

Shen Fei and Fat Hu gave the players some money in advance and asked them to pull them over through the portal.

The NPC had a request, and there was still money to be taken, so the apostle player naturally responded with a smile.

In one afternoon, hundreds of thousands of players were all teleported to the other side.

Then the deputy waved his hand and said, "Okay, now all of you warlocks pull the candy, and then you can get out."

After the verification of the first batch of players' strong attacks, the two fire giants only take physical damage, and the players' various elemental damages have no effect. What pops up is resistance or immunity.

Sloppy and the other guild leaders divided the team into physics department and non-physics department.

All the healers are only responsible for adding blood to the physics department, and all the non-physics departments are all pushed to the front row to output, attracting the attack of the boss.

You must know that facing these two fire giants, the advantages of the tank profession cannot be highlighted at all.

It doesn't matter if you are a tank or a cloth armor, you will get a biss with one punch.

After all, it is land reclamation, and making various preparations does not guarantee success at the first time. It is better to keep familiarizing yourself with it during the battle.

Arranged properly, under the command of Sloppy and his deputy, the first wave of legal professions who came forward to die rushed in.

The deputy looked at the warlock standing at the farthest point doing nothing, raised his hand and said, "Why don't you guys help too!"

Soon physics occupations appeared on the field and began to output.

Shen Fei and others stood behind and watched, because of the blood recovery effect of the rattan sword, the flame halo of the fire giant did not take effect on them.

An attacking team of tens of 10 people threw various skills at the two fire giants.

The fire giant's defense is extremely high, and the player's attack can only do a few points of damage. If it is higher, it can explode more than ten points, which is enough to attract attention.But even so, the fire giant's blood volume was dropping by tens of thousands of points every second.

At this speed, maybe these apostle players can really kill two fire giants in one round.

"Although the damage of these players is not high, they can't stand up to many people. This only takes effect with physical damage. If it can cause magic damage, the speed will be faster!"

Shen Fei was already planning to find an opportunity to make a move.

At this moment, Shen Fei heard a panting sound behind him.

"My lord, luckily, the goods are all sold out!"

Fuman suddenly appeared behind him, making Shen Fei unexpected.

(End of this chapter)

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