my pet is boss

Chapter 327

Chapter 327

"Hurry up, we won't be able to keep up with the first wave of reclamation!"

"Don't panic, the boss in this world is a bit strong, and it's not a dungeon, let the people from the Great Guild in front of you explore the way first. Have you prepared all the fire resistance potions?"

"Haha, I made a piece of fire resistance equipment in a dungeon before. It was sold at a low price and no one wanted it. Today, the market price has increased by more than ten times!"

"Harvest fire grass! Collect a lot! Collect at a high price!"

Evening Star City has gone completely crazy, and the same situation is happening in the capital of the apostles at this moment.

The dam camp, the outpost of Thousand Needles, was crowded with people at the moment.

The surrounding players have completely gathered, and many of them have the words [Ma's Group Guild] on their heads.

"The temperature inside is too high, 5 points of blood will be lost every second, who can stop it!"

"We don't have enough treatment here now, so don't go in and take risks. I have already reported the general situation to Chairman Sloppy, and he will be able to bring the main combat troops to the dam camp in the afternoon."

"Although fighting the world boss has nothing to do with us, but this time the guild players we collect quests nearby can get a lot of rewards, which is not a loss!"

"But to be honest, it's really scary inside. I've never seen such a big boss before!"

"Don't talk about it, what we saw is probably less than one-tenth of this boss!"

"The limbs outside the camp should all be parts of the boss. From this posture, the boss may be bigger than the entire Thousand Needles..."

In the deluxe single room of the hotel in the dam camp.

Fuman ran in panting, and then quickly closed the door: "Master, everything is done!"

Shen Fei stepped forward quickly and asked, "How much did you earn in total?"

"The goods are all emptied, but I have earned three 10,000+ gold coins so far. Now the main players of the apostles are starting to rush towards Thousand Needles Stone Forest. We still have three warehouses in our warehouse. If we follow the trend of slowly releasing goods, the three All the goods in the warehouse are sold to the market, and the profit can be at least 1000 million gold coins."

When it comes to business, Fuman's expression is much more confident.

Shen Fei clicked on the desktop, thought for a while and said: "In the past few days, we will closely monitor the progress of the apostle players' strategy. When they break through the second stage, we must ensure that all the goods are distributed. Even if the price is lower at that time, it doesn't matter. ! At that time, I will completely collapse the medicine and equipment market in the entire apostolic kingdom!"

Fuman wrote down all the young master's words in a small notebook, for fear of missing anything.

"The next thing to do is to wait..."

Shen Fei walked to the window and looked at the crowds of people in the dam camp.

Things have to start three days ago...

Shen Fei entered the tunnel and saw the scene inside.

There is a long corridor in the tunnel. On the walls on both sides of the corridor, there are many exposed jointed limbs and squid-like tentacles.

I haven't seen the joint limbs before, but Shen Fei has seen many tentacles before. When he was in Touk County and Owendale, there were so many that he was about to vomit...

Seeing the tentacles at this place, Shen Fei actually felt an indescribable kindness, which showed that their previous deduction was very likely to be correct.And the whole place right now is very likely to be the heart of the earth recorded in the Gushan Ancient Scroll, so Ryan...

Shen Fei continued to explore inside, but unexpectedly, the tentacles on the side wall suddenly exerted force, trying to tie Shen Fei up.

Fortunately, Shen Fei reacted quickly, and immediately used the traction chain to pull himself to the front, but the tentacles from other places also stretched out immediately.

In the end, it was Fat Tiger who released a strong current against the walls on both sides, which made these tentacles restrained a lot.

Everyone passed the cave corridor, and after a turn, the scene of the cave in front of them suddenly opened up, and the ground turned into huge black and white floor tiles.Each piece of brick is ten meters long, and the height of the cave is hundreds of meters.If there were various limbs and tentacles around in the distance, it would really make people mistakenly think that this was the residence of some elegant giant, otherwise each floor wouldn't be so big.

The entire cave is so vast that it has at least ten football fields.

Fat Tiger used his aura to perform a scan, and then took a sharp breath.

"There are many traps buried under these floors. No, it should be said that most of them have traps buried, and only a very few can lead to the end. And these traps are changing at any time, and I can't tell which one is now The floor is safe."

The ever-changing traps reminded Fuman of the test in the selection of the monks of the Monk Chanyuan.

Fuman raised his hand and volunteered: "Maybe I can give it a try. I broke through a similar trap when I was selected in the Monk Temple."

Fat Tiger just wanted to speak to Fuman about these traps, but was stopped by Fuman: "It doesn't matter what is in the trap, anyway, they have no chance to see the sun again."

Look, how domineering this is!
Fat Tiger was speechless.

In fact, Fuman was afraid that after Fat Tiger finished speaking, he would not have the courage to rush out...

"Well, I won't tell you that there are beasts, poisonous gas, organs, puppets, and competitive challenges under these floors..."

Fuman stared at Fat Tiger with resentment, only to see that Fat Tiger had already put on a full set of armor, armed to the teeth.

Fuman glanced at the crowd, and said earnestly: "You must follow me closely, you must never leave the team, and don't disturb my thoughts."

Pei Qi and Xi Ya took the initiative to climb on the fat tiger, and Shen Fei followed behind the fat tiger alone.

Following Fuman's countdown, Shen Fei and Fat Hu followed Fuman into the underground hall.

Fat Tiger can see the trap, and saw Fuman rushing directly towards a trap with a big switch knife. Fat Tiger opened his mouth to remind him, but after Fuman ran up, the trap became normal again in an instant .

Then Fat Tiger saw Fuman running towards a corrosive solution trap, and then ran to the floor in front of him and changed, turning into a solid body to pass through safely.

Along the way, Fat Hu watched Fuman get through the door every time, but got through it safely. His heart seemed to be on a roller coaster, flying up and down quickly.

Another time Fuman raised his feet, but the trap remained the same, and Fat Tiger was so frightened that his face turned pale.At this time, Fuman stood there with his hips akimbo, gasped for breath, and took a break, perfectly avoiding the trap.

Fat Tiger shut up completely when he saw that in the end, Fuman's luck was no longer something that a "false god" like him could guess.

"Difficult" to break through the underground hall, at the end is an iron door.

The aggrieved Fat Tiger kicked open the iron door with violence, and saw two flaming lava giants inside.

"Sorry for the interruption, the interruption!" Fat Tiger nodded and bowed, and closed the door when he exited.

After he came out, Fat Tiger leaned against the wall and gasped for breath, and licked the inside with his thumb: "There are two fire giants inside, if you want to go there, you have to look at Xi Ya."

Xi Ya has the dragon's breath technique, and used the flames of the dragon's breath technique to suppress the two fire giants, and then Shen Fei, Fat Hu and others took the opportunity to sneak over.

Shen Fei and the others rushed through the second level and came to the third iron gate. Through the small window of the iron gate, they saw a familiar hypnotized figure from the back...

Only then did Shen Fei's monstrous plan come into being.

The two fire giants are extremely powerful, especially Shia's dragon's breath technique itself is fire damage, but for the fire giants of the fire attribute, it can't cause any damage except for the suppression effect.

According to Fat Tiger, these two fire giants have super high defenses, and all elemental skills cannot harm them, and only physical attacks can be effective.

Shen Fei, Fat Tiger, Xi Ya, Fuman and Qi Qi can be called physical attacks, only Shen Fei and Qi Qi, as for the physical attacks of these two, I won't say much.

So Shen Fei thought of a plan, let these apostle players work for him, and after these apostle players kill the fire giant, they will appear again to catch all the players and rescue Ryan.

On the basis of this plan, Shen Fei sent Fuman to hoard fire resistance equipment, fire resistance potions, and herbs related to potions on a large scale in the apostle market, earning a fortune.

This is the reason why the apostle players are now in a crazy picture.

"The apostle's combat force is estimated to arrive within a day or two. We'll join in the fun at that time. These two fire giants each have 1000 million blood points, and the apostle players will have to spend a lot of effort to kill them."

After lunch break, Shen Fei heard loud noises coming from outside the window.Opening the window, I found that a large number of well-equipped apostle players came to the dam camp, all of them had the name of [Mar Group Guild] on their heads.

Shen Fei patted Fuman backhand: "Okay, the big fish has taken the bait, let's start to release the net, and try to release all the goods before noon tomorrow!"

After Fuman responded, he exited the room smartly.

Shen Fei tidied up and walked out of the room with Fat Hu and others, "Let's go, let's see how the sloppy leader of the world's number one guild will lead his men to defeat the two fire giants."

In the last battle to defend the Holy City, because Fu Man took the lead in killing Sloppy, Shen Fei and Sloppy did not confront each other head-on.

Even if Fuman hadn't killed Sloppy at the time, and when Sia appeared later, there would be no one to live under the breath of the dragon, and Shen Fei's attention would be on Anubis, the god of death, so he certainly wouldn't have noticed such a "little character" as Sloppy.

The combined blood volume of the two fire giants is 2000 million, plus the health points of the two fire giants are connected to each other, so there is no such thing as losing one in seconds and then hitting the second.The fire giant has its own [Fire Halo] skill, and it will lose blood every second, which will bring great pressure to the treatment.Moreover, the fire giant's attack is even more terrifying. The tanks in the front row basically take one hit at a time. Those with better equipment can carry it for a while. After they have a [Vulnerable] abnormal state on their bodies, they will never last a second time.

Shen Fei wanted to see what Ma Hu would do in the face of this situation.

A few NPCs are completely inconspicuous in a team of 10,000+ people.

Fortunately, Shen Fei and the others are now NPCs of apostles, so players will automatically give way to them when they meet them.

After all, "Big Era" has been proven to be a highly interactive game. Although there are no missions issued now, it may cause some butterfly effect if these NPCs are provoked.

(End of this chapter)

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