my pet is boss

Chapter 326 Unusual News

Chapter 326 Unusual News
twin cities.

Located in the eastern part of the North and South Continent.

This is the junction of the southern continent and the northern continent, and it is also the bridgehead for the confrontation between the kingdom of the dwarves and the kingdom of the apostles.

As the largest city in the eastern part of the apostolic kingdom, there are a large number of apostolic troops, NPCs and players gathered here.

Where there are more people, there will be more news exchanges, and perhaps a lot of information can be collected here.

Because of the setting of the game, the currencies of the major forces are unified gold, silver and copper.Shen Fei and his party took advantage of the night to land a hundred miles away from the Twin Cities, and used the deceitful orbs to change their appearances into apostles.

What's even more coquettish is that after using the orb of deceit, you can also name the new apostle.

Shen Fei and the others simply pretended to be rich businessmen who came to the Twin Cities to purchase from other places.

Fuman played the role in his true colors, and was Shen Fei's servant who ran errands before and after. Long Zaizi pretended to be Shen Fei's daughter, Fat Tiger changed into a suit and became a big housekeeper, and even Pei Qi was transformed by Shen Fei into a big dog.

The city on the apostle's side of the Twin Cities is called "Evening Star", and the dwarf city twenty miles away is called "Huixing". The name also has a feeling of falling in love and killing each other.

Shen Fei and his party entered the city smoothly.Just like the Holy City of Humanity, Evening Star City was bustling with people, and it was extremely lively.

After all, twenty miles away is the dwarf territory. Every night when the tide recedes, the only natural barrier between the two cities disappears, and the sea twenty miles away becomes a shallow beach. At this time, many players or NPCs come out to collect resources in the shallows.

There is a special ore resource in the Twin Cities. This kind of ore only exists in the deep sea and comes to the strait along with the ocean current.

After the tide recedes, it will run aground on the tidal flats, shining like stars under the moonlight.The apostles called it "evening star", and the dwarves used to call it "bright star", which is also the origin of the names of the two cities.

This scarce ore resource still exists in the belly of fish and shrimp. By dissecting fish and shrimp, extract trace ore elements through centrifugation technology.

Of course, when it comes to the function of this ore, it contains huge arcane energy.

So every night, a large number of players and NPCs will come out of Evening Star City and Bright Star City to occupy as much of the chassis as possible, obtain a large amount of ore resources, and then return to the city to exchange for rewards.

Every night, there will be such a carnival feast in the Twin Cities.

Some people got a lot of prestige and gold coin rewards because they dug high-quality ore, and then turned into compradors in the market to strengthen themselves, and after they came out of the auction house and market, they turned into powerful players.

There are also some powerful players with excellent equipment skills who were targeted and beaten during the shallow battle. Not only did they fail to get the ore, but they even exploded their equipment. They were reduced to low-level players overnight and started all over again.

Shen Fei also saw this kind of ore in the market, and he was still a housekeeper with sharp eyes, so he immediately saw the origin of this kind of energy ore.

"Master, as expected, this ore should be the arcane ore on the night elf island. It is probably because the water of eternity seeped into the ground, causing the underground ore on the elf island to absorb the arcane energy to mutate, and then it was washed away by the waves. Came to the Twin Cities with the current."

Fat Tiger's mana invades the arcane defense system of the overnight elves, so he knows this energy all too well.

In addition, the arcane energy of the eternal water is unique, and it is impossible to confuse it with other energies.

Shen Fei understood that he planned to mix in the matter of the ore before, but since he knew it was a product of the night elves, there was no need for it.

"Master, how should we proceed with the investigation now?" Fat Tiger asked, the scale of the twin cities far exceeded the imagination of several people.Although there will be more information exchanges in such a large city, the difficulty of collecting and screening intelligence in disguise will also increase.

"For you, Fuman, you can wander around the city to collect information by yourself, and Fat Tiger and I are in the hotel, issuing missions as NPCs, and collecting some useful information through missions."

Shen Fei wants to grasp it with both hands, and both hands must be firm!
Not much nonsense, Shen Fei and Fuman immediately began to implement the plan.

For Fuman's luck, no one is not convinced now. This guy is the one who opened the eight-digit password of the commander with his eyes closed. It is estimated that the commander is still in a state of confusion. He does not know that a foreign human is How to open his mechanical password door.

Maybe Fuman can really find out some big news when he strolls around the street.

Shen Fei was in the hotel with the others and released the task.

There are a lot of apostle players in Evening Star City, because there is a big battle in the shallows every night, causing a large number of players to gather here.

Since there are battles, there must be a large number of forging, pharmacist, mining and other daily life players. These players' footprints are almost all over the game. After all, the battle takes place in concentrated shallows, but if you want to collect ores and medicinal materials, you must go deep into the wilderness. They will also have more information.

It was an unremarkable day.

In an unremarkable shop in Evening Star City, there was an NPC who issued a mission suddenly, and the mission of this NPC is extremely simple, just tell him what strange things happened in the Apostle Kingdom recently, and you can get 50 silver coins rewards.

For the Evening Star City Apostle players who have worked so hard to deliver keepsakes and love letters to idiots in the south and north of the city, and only after running back and forth four or five times can they get 10 silver coins as a reward, this task is simply a free gift!
Although the currency exchange is now open, 50 silver coins is not too much, but why not take the money for nothing?
The news spread to the entire Evening Star City very quickly.

It is daytime now, most of the players have nothing to do, and they rushed over when they heard that there was money for nothing.But when they heard the news and arrived, they found that there were hundreds of meters of players in line, and even some NPCs who often went out, obediently waiting in line to submit exclusive information.

Players need money, and NPCs also need money to live!
Shen Fei sat in his seat and was in charge of entertaining, while Fat Hu acted as a temporary "secretary" to record all the news.

However, not everyone can get the money for this task. For some news that has been repeated, Shen Fei can only express regret and ask them to ask them to return.

Even so, in half a day, Fat Tiger has densely recorded more than 1 pieces of information without repetition.

"It only took more than 5000 gold coins to get this news. This wave is not a loss."

Fat Tiger looked at the full news and sighed: "These are not only abnormal news from various places, many of them also have information on the strength of troops stationed in various places, or information on resource reserves. I will use statistics to integrate these data tonight and upload them as patches to It's clear on your map."

Having a pet like Fat Tiger, who is proficient in hacking techniques, really has a lot of aspects.

This is equivalent to the fact that everyone is using the same system, and Shen Fei can also apply enhanced patches and even open "auxiliary software".

Later, Fuman also came back from the outside.

"Fuman, did you gain anything outside today?"

Because Shen Fei offered a large-scale reward for the news today, all those who had news gathered in the hotel to queue up to sell the news, but Fuman who was outside didn't have much to gain.

Fuman scratched his head, and said in frustration: "Today, all the people who have news outside have come to the hotel. I didn't find any news outside, and finally only found one piece of useful news." In his notepad, he read the news he got one by one.

"In the central part of the Apostle Continent, earthquakes have occurred frequently in the past ten years, causing the plates to tear and change the terrain. The originally fertile inland rivers quickly dried up, and the terrain was sunken to form a unique stone forest landscape, and strange huge arthropods and wind tunnels appeared underground. The types of creatures have also changed, mostly swarms, crystal shell lizards, and desert spiders..."

Fuman also showed several people the drawings in the small notebook.

"These are drawn by the merchants who passed by according to their memories. From the time and place, I think this place is a bit strange."

There is also a planet pattern drawn by Fuman next to it, extending from this point to the southeast and northwest, stretching to the entire planet, you can clearly find that the Thousand Needles Forest is located at the navel of the planet.

Others don't know what the tens of meters high joint limb is, but Shen Fei understands it!

As a person on Earth, these elements are properly the characteristics of the Old Gods.

After Shen Fei came to his senses, he smiled wryly and looked at Fat Tiger: "It seems that our day's effort today was wasted, and more than 5000 gold coins were wasted."

Fat Tiger shrugged helplessly, who is the protagonist!Both it and Shen Fei collected information on a large scale, but the result was not as efficient as Fuman.

Fat Tiger took another look at the [-] pieces of information recorded in his notebook, and found that none of them seemed to be as obvious as Fuman's information.

Shen Fei didn't procrastinate, and simply ordered: "Since the news about Fuman is the most suspicious now, let's go to this Thousand Needles Stone Forest to investigate first tomorrow, and if it is not to search other suspicious places. As for Fat Tiger, you The collected information is still aggregated, which is of great use to us.”

In this strange place of the Apostle Continent, it is no different than the Northern Continent.There is no harm in having more information.

After a night of silence, the next day when the sky turned pale, Shen Fei and the others checked out and left Evening Star City, all the way west.

It wasn't until tens of kilometers away that Xi Ya turned into a dragon and flew towards the rising sun.

An early riser in Evening Star City saw a giant flying in the direction of the sun, but when he brought others to share it, he saw nothing.

Fat Tiger put a light-transmitting spell on Shia, so that others would not be able to see the huge monster in the sky.

"I have compiled all the information from yesterday, made it into an expansion pack and loaded it into your map. You can take a look."

Shen Fei opened the system map, and saw that there were many places with fog of war on the apostle map, all of which had been opened.In addition, what resources, strongholds, and even military strength this place has are all written clearly.The location of the world boss, drop information, everything.

"It seems that the five thousand gold coins are not in vain. Why can such a complete map information save a lot of trouble?"

At the same time, Shen Fei also noticed that there was an apostle gathering point on the plain fifty miles away from Thousand Needles Forest, the destination of their trip.

Originally, this was where a dam in the lower reaches of the Inland Sea was located. However, after geological changes occurred ten years ago, the Inland Sea dried up and the Thousand Needles Forest was formed. This place was transformed into an oil collection point. Apostle workers and passing merchants gradually formed a mobile Very high small town with garrisons at the same time.

"The Thousand Needles is in front of you." Fuman pointed to the place below the sunken horizon not far away, where there are towering "cylinders" everywhere, which is a major feature of Thousand Needles - Stone Forest.A unique beauty formed after severe geological changes.

In addition, Shen Fei also saw many huge arthropods at an altitude of several thousand meters.

These joints are like dead spiders buried upside down in the soil, with only the joints exposed.There are many tens of meters of huge jointed limbs, and they are still vibrating rhythmically, giving people a feeling that they are not completely dead.

"What kind of prehistoric creature is this arthropod? It's so big..."

Shen Fei glanced over, and found that these exposed joints were tens of meters high, and some were several meters high.

The same thing is that these joints are shaking irregularly.

It seems that this is not just one arthropod, but many...

Shen Fei also saw a black round sphere in the middle of the largest jointed limb in the air.

"Xia, we will land nearby, be careful not to get too close to those jointed limbs." Shen Fei is not sure whether these things are alive or dead, it is important to stay away first to protect yourself.

"Do you need me to take a sip of dragon's breath to clear the place?"

"Forget it, let's land first, don't startle the snake."

Everyone landed on the Gobi Desert in Thousand Needles, and the surrounding scene became even more treacherous.

The howling wind, as well as various insects and swarms, are extremely aggressive.As soon as Shen Fei and the others landed, they swarmed up, but Fat Tiger slapped them with the power of thunder, and they were all roasted into coke.

Shen Fei took a look at the Gobi, and found that there were many bones of apostles and animals on the ground, and there were many pictures of the last struggle during his lifetime. It seemed that they all died at the hands of these swarms.

When Shen Fei approached the largest joint, and reached out to touch it, he found that this joint was as hard as a rock.

As for the black ball in the center, it is even more suspicious, the surface is shiny and shiny, and it does not seem to be formed naturally at all.

Shen Fei leaned close to his ear and knocked, wanting to hear if this thing was hollow.

At this moment, the black sphere suddenly opened a gap slowly, revealing golden vertical pupils!
Shen Fei got close and turned his head sideways so he didn't see it at all.But Fat Tiger and Xi Ya who were behind all gasped, Fuman was simply stunned, and Pei Qi took small steps to hide behind Fat Tiger.

Such a big black ball turned out to be a big eyeball!
Fat Tiger and Xi Ya looked at each other, their eyes kept colliding with sparks.

If Shen Fei was told this, he would definitely startle the snake.But if you don't say it, the scene now is too exciting!

Fat Tiger gave Xi Ya a look, and Xi Ya blinked for a while, and finally nodded weakly.

While Shen Fei was still knocking, he suddenly heard a violent sonic boom sound from behind him. This was the bursting sound of the air expanding instantly after being ignited by high temperature.

Then Shen Fei felt himself melted.

Don't be surprised, this immersive online game "Big Times", known as the second world, has the form of accidental injury...

After all, standing under the dragon's breath technique, it would be too disobedient to stand unharmed.

Fortunately, Shen Fei had the special resurrection effect of the Heart of Light, and he was resurrected in a blink of an eye.As for the big eyeballs in front of him, they had already disappeared.

Just as Shen Fei was about to question, he saw that the place where the big eyeballs used to be was empty, but a stairway appeared on the ground, leading to the underground, and there was a faint light of fire.

Shen Fei walked in involuntarily, and Fat Tiger, Xi Ya and Fu Man quickly followed.

Everyone feels that the distance from the truth is getting closer...

(End of this chapter)

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