my pet is boss

Chapter 325 Departure, Kingdom of the Apostles!

Chapter 325 Departure, Kingdom of the Apostles! (6.1k)

Although Fuman doesn't know what the young master is going to do, one of Fuman's biggest advantages is not his luck against the sky, nor is it his natural protagonist template, but obedient, extremely obedient to Shen Fei's words!

Although he didn't know why, Fuman rushed back to the collection room without saying a word, found a metal pillar as thick as an arm, and hugged it tightly in his arms.

Hearing the hurried footsteps in the collection room and vaguely seeing the open password door, the commander was already furious!

The password of the collection room is only known to him, and no one has disclosed it. Moreover, this password will be changed every month, and the camera can't take pictures of this location at all.More importantly, the defense system of the building did not call the police, what does this mean!This shows that the insider committed the crime!
"I provide you with magic power to relieve your addiction to magic, but in the end, there are ghosts in my territory..."

The Grand Commander tightly held the diamond scepter in his hand, no matter who the insider was, he must capture it alive and publicly execute it as a warning to others.

But when the commander walked to the door and saw Fat Fuman holding the steel pipe tightly, he froze in place.

The commander thought about countless possibilities in his mind, and even doubted all the cronies around him during the few steps he walked, but when he saw Fuman, the commander still didn't react.Why is there a human and fat man in the Modu Building?
Fuman also saw the black crow feather coat, the commander holding a diamond scepter.

The two looked at each other, speechless.

"Master, hurry up..." Fuman clenched his teeth and hesitated.

The commander glanced around, and found that the display counter at the end of the collection room was opened, and the place where the three-yuan orb was originally placed was empty.

"Although I don't know how you sneaked in and cracked the code, you have to pay the price for it." The commander's face was gloomy. The three-yuan orb is the most important wealth of the night elves besides the moon well. This time, a human The outsider successfully sneaked in and stole it. If he hadn't been restless, he would have to come to the collection room to take a look. I'm afraid that the three-yuan orb would be stolen a few days later before he realized it later.

"Do you have any other accomplices?"

The commander-in-chief's eyes are breathtaking, making people involuntarily want to speak their minds.

Fuman quickly stretched out a finger and pointed at it, and then quickly pulled on the steel pipe, not daring to let go.


The commander looked up at the ceiling, but saw no one.

The commander raised his hand, and the black crow cage gradually protruded from the ground, trapping Fuman in groups.

At this critical moment, there was a sudden roar from the Modu Building, and then the whole building began to vibrate violently. The sturdy and defensive collection room was not spared, and the roof began to collapse.

The black crow cage that was about to be closed at the end was also destroyed by the violent shock and turned into pieces.

The Grand Commander's eyes were distracted, and he didn't realize what happened for a while, so he immediately used arcane energy to put up a protective shield.

Immediately afterwards, Fuman saw that the roof of the collection room collapsed, and a large black mass suddenly appeared, directly stepping the commander into the ruins downstairs, running through several floors.

A gust of howling wind blew past, and the roof of the storage room was directly lifted. Looking up, one could see countless flying sand and dust in the sky, as well as a huge black dragon figure.

"Fuman, come up quickly!"

Shen Fei stood on Xi Ya, threw a rope down, and landed right in front of Fuman.Without further ado, Fuman wrapped the rope around his waist, and tightened his limbs to hold the rope firmly.

Because the dragon cub suddenly turned into a black dragon form in the Modu Building, with its huge weight and huge body, it directly cut off the Modu Building. All those above the 222nd floor were pushed up by Shia's body, and then smashed hard towards the ground. Below the 222nd floor, because it could not bear the weight of the black dragon, it gradually collapsed.

Shia kicked her feet hard, and the entire Modu building collapsed immediately.But these are no longer what they need to consider.

Shen Fei and Fat Hu were gathering the rope, and Fuman below was also yelling to report: "Master, I got it, I got all the three-yuan orbs!"

When Shen Fei heard this, he immediately laughed out loud, throwing away all the three-yuan orbs at once, the commander would probably be so angry that he vomited blood.

Because the building was close to the magic furnace in the center of the magic city, the tallest building collapsed directly, causing riots among the night elves in the city.

At this time, Fat Tiger took out the loudspeaker to add fuel to the fire.The effect of the speaker with the amplifying array is much more confident than the small electric speaker of "Jiangnan Tannery is closed down". When it makes a sound, it floats over the entire magic city.

"Enemy attack enemy attack! White elves and human coalition forces are coming in!"

Anyway, over the entire Demon City, due to the collapse of the building, the smoke filled the air at this moment, and the leaked arcane energy mixed with the dust, forming a large cloud.The night elves in the city could only hear someone shouting from the sky, they couldn't see who it was, and subconsciously believed it.

Fat Tiger's pair of tiger pupils pierced through the fog, and saw that the night elves below were completely confused, because the whole city was in a panic just now.When these night elves heard that there was an enemy attack, their first reaction was not to take up weapons to resist, but to desperately search for shops and vending machines.

The war is coming, we must hoard enough arcane energy, otherwise the magic addiction will make life worse than death!
The rope was retracted, and Fuman climbed onto Shia, gasping for breath.

This rescue is too exciting, right?If I hadn't held onto the steel pipe tightly just now, or a second later, I would have been tightly bound by the black crow prison, and buried alive along with the ruins of the building.

"Okay, now it's done, let's withdraw!"

Shen Fei accepted it as soon as he saw it. The original plan was to steal the deceitful orbs, but now he directly stole all the three-yuan orbs. It can be said that Fuman overfulfilled the task. If he doesn't leave now and wait until the commander reacts, it will be difficult.

Shia shook her wings and began to raise her height.

At this moment, a person rose slowly from the ruins of the collapsed building.The pores of the Grand Commander's body overflowed with arcane energy, his arms were open and his whole body was suspended in the air.

The Grand Commander's diamond scepter hung in front of his chest, and countless arcane energy from his body was injected into the scepter, and even the arcane energy floating in the air was all absorbed into the Grand Commander's body.

Seeing this, Shen Fei couldn't help taking a breath.

The commander's personal strength is already abnormal. If he still absorbs external energy, how terrible the damage will be?
"Shia, I think we can hurry up..."

The arcane energy that is visible to the naked eye in the entire magic city gathers on the Grand Commander like a wandering dragon.

Although the Grand Commander didn't know how these humans and black dragons managed to bypass the defense system and sneak into the territory, they all had to die today!

Because of the existence of the black dragon, the grand commander had to mobilize all the arcane energy that escaped in the city.

Even if these energies are not mobilized by themselves, they will be wasted floating in the sky. Now it is better to use these energies to kill the enemy.And if you want to kill a black dragon, what if you don't have much energy?
Not only Shen Fei felt the threat, even Fat Tiger also noticed that the Grand Commander had absorbed too much arcane energy.If this blows out all of a sudden, even the guardian dragon Sia, who was endowed with functions by the God of Creation, will not be able to withstand this blow!

Fat Tiger began to build various magic circles, and Fuman also took out three orbs from his backpack, and began to assist in building a protective magic circle.

It's just that the mana on Fat Tiger's body, how can it be compared with the moon well energy condensed by the moon essence?

Shen Fei had taken the water of eternity before, and knew how powerful arcane energy was contained in this water.

To put it bluntly, the arcane energy contained in a drop of eternal water is enough for a magic apprentice to conduct magic experiments for more than half a year!
The magic circle built by Fat Tiger and Fu Man has begun to take shape, but it is tantamount to fantasy to resist the attack of the Grand Commander.

Shen Fei's brows became a little more dignified, and he felt that the air between the Grand Commander and them had become a little sticky.

"With the strength of the two of you, this defensive circle cannot withstand this blow."

Shen Fei put his hands on the shoulders of Fat Hu and Fu Man, signaling them not to waste any more mana.

"Fat Tiger, wrap the strongest rope around my waist, the kind that won't break when arcane energy hits it."

Fat Tiger thought about it very seriously, then shook his head: "No!"

Shen Fei was stunned, your tiger skin pocket has great powers, it connects dimensions, it has all kinds of ham, sunglasses and magazines, why is it that you just need a rope and it’s gone?
"No rope will survive that kind of arcane energy unscathed."

"But I have a way!"

Fat Tiger said as he pinched his own tail, and then kept getting longer and longer and longer, wrapping around Shen Fei's body, and tied a dead knot.

"That's no problem. There is nothing stronger than the flesh of the true god."

Strong arcane waves emanated from the Grand Commander's body, even to the point of distorting the space.

Shen Fei stood on Xi Ya's back, slightly bowed and panted heavily.

"Just block this and we'll get away."

Fat Tiger also reacted and understood what Shen Fei meant.

The Heart of Light worn by Shen Fei has a resurrection effect, Shen Fei just wanted to use his own body to bear the damage, and then use the Heart of Light to resurrect and escape successfully.

"Although that is the case, it is better to have an extra layer of protection. Fuman, continue to draw a defensive circle to offset part of the damage first."

Fuman used his own mana to draw the defensive circle very seriously. At first, he continued to follow the pattern of the fat tiger, but at the inner core, he completely changed his routine and drew according to his own ideas.

Fat Tiger glanced at it, but didn't say much.Now, at the critical moment, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the defensive circle, isn't it picking sesame seeds and throwing watermelons?

The Grand Commander's arcane energy was concentrated to the maximum. At this moment, there was no free arcane energy in the sky above the entire magic city, and all of them were sucked into his body by the Grand Commander.Because of this, his body has more than doubled in size, and he is four or five meters tall.

"The Ultimate Flash!"

The Grand Commander's diamond scepter spun in front of him, and all the arcane energy poured out through the diamond scepter, forming a pillar of arcane light with a diameter of five meters, rushing into the sky like a searchlight.

Fuman immediately threw out the defensive magic circle, and almost at the same time, Shen Fei jumped from Xi Ya's back and bumped into the position of the commander's big move "Ultimate Flash".

The arcane energy drew a stunning ray of light in the sky, and hit the defensive magic circle first.

Shen Fei saw that the defensive circle did not break directly, but blocked the arcane energy, and then many cracks appeared on the defensive circle.

The commander-in-chief didn't expect a small defensive circle to stop his "Ultimate Flash", and he couldn't help being shocked, the arcane energy in his body galloped out like a wild horse that had run loose.

With a strong follow-up, this is not something that a defensive circle can stop.

With the crackling sound of "click", the energy of the defensive circle collapsed, and the arcane energy roared and hit Shen Fei's body...

After all the energy was poured out, beads of sweat condensed on the brows of the Grand Commander, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

I have to die!
But when the "ultimate flash" faded, he saw a person hanging from the very center of the attack, and this person was floating in the air intact, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Fat Tiger quickly retracted his tail, put Shen Fei down, hugged his half-burnt tail and whistled.

Xia accelerated her ascent, and had already rushed to the edge of the protective cover, and directly slammed into it with the power of the black dragon, knocking out a huge hole in the protective cover.

The sunlight from the outside came in through the hole, and the brightness of the moonlight suddenly decreased. Many night elves who were exposed to the sunlight showed expressions of pain and struggle.

Because I have lived in the dark for too long, I am instinctively afraid of the sun.

In addition, only in the state of night, the moon well can generate eternal water.Now that the sun was shining, a lot of the eternal water in the Moonwell began to evaporate, including the arcane energy on the night elves, which still escaped through the pores of their bodies.

"My arcane energy!"

"Please don't go..."

"Energy, give me all energy..."

All of a sudden the whole city was in chaos.

Seeing such a scene, the commander-in-chief even gritted his teeth and bled. He no longer cared about chasing a few people, and immediately returned to the magic city to maintain law and order to solve the problem.

Shen Fei and the others escaped from the sky and flew to the sky, all exhaling foul air.

Even Xia, who had transformed into a black dragon, felt lingering fear, "I feel that violent energy, if it hits me, I'm afraid it won't be able to fly out."

Shen Fei was also a little scared, and touched the Heart of Light on his neck.

If there is no such thing, several people will have to explain here today.

Fat Tiger came to his senses, looked at Fuman with rather complicated eyes, and hesitated to speak.

This guy casually improved the defensive magic circle, which increased the effect by more than ten times, blocking the first wave of the strongest "Ultimate Flash".

Then Fuman took out the three-yuan orb and placed it in front of everyone. Shen Fei looked at the three-yuan orb, and the system immediately showed their effects.

"With this thing, we can run rampant in the Apostle Continent, and even provoke trouble everywhere!"

Shen Fei discovered that the deceitful orb can be used five times a day, and if the effect is not canceled actively, the effect can last up to one month.

After messing around in the night elves' territory, I got the most important orb.

"Then shall we go directly to the southern continent?" Shea asked.

"No, let's go back to Green Tooth Peak first, finalize the construction of the main city, and then directly cross the strait and quietly enter the southern continent." Shen Fei said confidently.

Fat Tiger flicked his tail back casually, rubbing his hands with excitement on his face: "It will be interesting to come to the Kingdom of the Apostles..."

In half a day, Shia returned to Green Tooth Peak from Elf Island.

Because of the king's decree, the generation of Green Tooth Peak has gathered a lot of people.

Standing on Xi Ya's back, Shen Fei saw that many villages, large and small, had gathered near the Green Tooth Peak. These villages were all relocated from nearby, just to respond to the call for the establishment of the Great Guangming Principality.

With his hands on his hips, Shen Fei had a look of satisfaction on his face: "Look, I, Shen Fei, still have a good reputation, and these people come here for their fame, we must not neglect them, otherwise we will not let them down. "

Fuman and Fat Hu nodded again and again.

There are endless villages beside the Green Tooth Peak, and it is early in the morning. The fireworks rise with the rising sun, which looks quite artistic in the sky.

Shia lowered her height, and the shadows passed over the heads of the big and small villages, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

Many energetic children cheered excitedly after seeing the black dragon, and many of them ran along with them, hoping to catch up with the black dragon.

"It's the Black Dragon! It's the Regent and the Great Bright Emperor!"

The children raced to tell each other, and the adults also came out of their tents or earthen houses. When they saw the black dragon soaring in the air, they raised their hands above their heads and cheered non-stop.

Xi Ya found a deserted river and landed, and waited until Shen Fei and the others slid down from their wings, then they changed into human form and returned to the appearance of a dragon cub.

Immediately afterwards, countless people rushed over from a distance, with the most innocent smiles on their faces.

Shen Fei was very excited in his heart, he was able to win the support of so many people under his management, a sense of satisfaction and pride welled up in his heart.

"Hey, people's hearts are sometimes so easy. If you really treat the people well, they will naturally support you sincerely." Shen Fei seemed to be talking to himself, but to Fat Hu's ears, it was just showing off.

Only Fuman seriously took out his small notebook, copied down the young master's famous sayings and epigrams, and kept them firmly in his heart.

Shen Fei saw a group of people stumbling towards him, and shouted loudly: "Everyone, don't worry, slow down, safety first!"


Shen Fei saw these common people running with more vigor.

"Hey, this damn charm, I can't stop it!" Shen Fei shaved his hair back with both hands, revealing a large smooth forehead, as if radiating charm.

These people were getting closer and closer, Shen Fei simply opened his arms.

Although I know that I will definitely be overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of these people, but there is no way, who let this be the hearts of the people, this is the popularity?

Shen Fei closed his eyes, both physically and mentally, he was already ready to meet this damn enthusiasm.

Shen Fei only felt a strong airflow all over his body, and then people sneaked under his arms, or walked around him.No one rushed up to give him a hug, and no one was so excited to hang directly on him and kiss him on the cheek.

"Great Guangming Emperor, you are finally here!"

"Great Guangming Emperor please let me be your most loyal subject..."

"Great Guangming Emperor, please lead us to make a fortune!"

Countless people rushed up to push Fuman down and submerge him, even Fat Hu and Xiya who were standing aside were affected, but luckily they hid quickly.

It's just that they are not so lucky, the whole pig is crushed in the crowd, only a handful of small tails are exposed.

Shen Fei opened his eyes, the expression on his face was incomparably stiff, with [-] points of embarrassment.

Dare to pretend for a long time, didn't this group of people come to look for him?

On the contrary, it was Fuman, who was under the pressure and was still in a daze.Shouldn't this group of people jump at the young master? What's a fat guy doing to him?
After a mess, Fuman was lifted up by the people and treated with enthusiasm.

As for Fat Tiger and Xi Ya, they had already run far away, their faces turned red, and they squeezed each other's mouths tightly, for fear of laughing out loud...

Looking at this scene, Shen Fei couldn't help sighing, human nature is so cold!

Several people stayed at Green Tooth Peak for two days.

In the past two days, in addition to many human villages and towns immigrating, a large number of dwarves also came to the Green Tooth Peak area.

After communication, Shen Fei learned that these dwarves were called by the king in the dwarf country to come to help with the construction and build a world-famous city for the Great Guangming Principality.

And these dwarf craftsmen who were summoned here are the best group in the entire dwarf kingdom.

Shen Fei was greatly moved, and asked Fuman to hand over his design drawings.

After the dwarf saw Fuman's design drawings, his hands were shaking.

Dwarves are good at casting and building, and many great projects have been born in their hands, so they are naturally familiar with design.Originally, the dwarves had prepared several plans for the construction of the capital, and they were waiting to present them for Shen Fei to choose.

But before they could open their mouths, Shen Fei directly took out Fuman's design drawing, which immediately shocked the dwarves into heaven.As for the several sets of plans they prepared, they had to pretend that they had never happened.

"This set of designs is already very complete, almost covering everything. With these design drawings, I guarantee that the city can be built magnificently, and the contents of the design drawings can be perfectly presented!"

The dwarf craftsman was overjoyed holding the blueprint.

"It is an honor in itself to be able to participate in this kind of project and build the city from the blueprint!"

"Then may I ask, what is the name of this city?"

Fuman has always been focusing on the design drawings, and never thought about the name. He looked at Shen Fei pitifully, hoping that the young master could give him some advice.

Shen Fei waved his hand and kicked the ball to Fuman: "You are the king of the principality, so you have to name the city yourself!"

Fuman suddenly fell into a dilemma.

After thinking about it for a while, he quietly said: "Since there is already a holy city, the capital of the principality should be similar. The one level lower than the holy is the emperor, so let's just call it the imperial city!"


All the water Shen Fei drank was sprayed out.

The name Imperial City is too...

"Master, isn't that a bad name?" Fuman asked worriedly.

"No, this name is very good, as long as you like it!"

I don't know anything else, Shen Fei is sure that if this city is named "Imperial City", players will definitely be indispensable.

After explaining everything, Fuman left a check that was huge enough to pay for the construction of the imperial city, and then followed Shen Fei in the middle of the night, and took the "Dragon Cub" flight across the strait to the southern mainland.

"Master, where is our first location?"

Shen Fei glanced at the map and set the coordinates in a city: "The first stop, let's go to the Twin Cities first! This is the bridgehead of the apostolic kingdom, you can go here first to inquire about news."

(End of this chapter)

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