my pet is boss

Chapter 324 Secret Infiltration

Chapter 324 Secret Infiltration
Fat Tiger successfully landed on the roof of the building with everyone. Looking around, there was a faint layer of arcane energy flying over the city, dyeing the city in lavender.

Standing on the roof hundreds of meters away, Shen Fei could still clearly see the scene on the street below.

The urban traffic tracks built with the magic net, large-scale mechanical transportation equipment, and groups of night elves hurried out of the car, and then dispersed to various buildings through the roads extending in all directions, just like the white-collar office workers on the earth.

Highly modernized, with the perfect combination of technology and magic, it took only 200 years for the night elves to grow from nothing to what they are now.

Shen Fei lowered his gaze, if the night elves continue to develop like this, the natural white elves will definitely not be able to fight.

The Natural School, which emphasizes the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, has made little progress in the past few hundred years. Even in the fight against the night elves, it was only with the support of the leader priestess who had the blessing of the moon god that all the rebellious elves were exiled.In the past hundred years, there was finally a rising star, Landosi, who slightly shared the burden on the priestess, allowing her time to improve her own strength.

At this moment, a night elf who was walking quickly on the street suddenly fell to the ground and twitched all over, as if he had been hit by a stun gun, his body bent into a shrimp.

All the night elves around were in a hurry, and walked directly past the twitching night elf, without any intention of stopping to help, and they didn't even pay attention to it, as if they didn't see it at all.

The night elf, who fell on the ground, struggled to crawl to a "telephone booth" on the side of the road, and dropped a few coins into it from the wallet at his waist.The automatic "telephone booth" suddenly stretched out something like a breathing mask, and the night elf quickly pressed it on the nose and mouth, and the dense atomized arcane energy sprayed out from the breathing mask.

The night elf greedily sucked the refined and atomized arcane energy, the sluggish look on his face gradually improved, and after a while, he completely returned to normal.After coming out of the "telephone booth", I tidied up my clothes and started to go to work again as if nothing happened.

Shen Fei witnessed this scene completely. At the same time, night elves in other blocks also showed the same symptoms. In the end, without exception, they all entered the "phone booth", and came out full of vigor and radiance.

Fat Tiger's previous mana has invaded every corner of this magic city, and he explained: "They are addicted to magic. The small independent house on the side of the road is used to replenish magic power. Such simple equipment is almost everywhere in the city. corner."

Shen Fei did not expect that the night elves' thirst for and dependence on magic had reached such a point. Once the magic addiction formed, there was no possibility of a cure. If they were not supplemented with arcane energy for a long time, the night elves' mental state would completely collapse, and they would be completely reduced. A slave to arcane energy, he became a walking dead with only natural instincts and no individual will.

At first, Shen Fei thought that the magic city was incomparably magnificent, and the fusion of magic and technology was a feat, but now he saw that everyone in the night elves has such a serious addiction to magic, especially that this addiction is integrated into the blood and will be passed on to future generations!The fusion of magic and technology is not very optimistic right now.The night elves have such a big problem, even if they fight the white elves in the future, it will be a great hidden danger.

As long as Landos sends a sharp-knife troop to destroy the Moon Well in the Demon City alone, or directly attack the sunlight conversion equipment in the sky, the night elves will lose their source of magic, and the battle will collapse...

Thinking about this clearly, Shen Fei was not worried anymore. The combination of magic and technology seemed extremely powerful, but excessive reliance on magic also caused many hidden dangers.

"Go, it's important."

Fat Tiger has opened the skylight, and now the security system of the entire building is under the control of Fat Tiger. As long as he doesn't bump into the night elf patrol head-on, walking freely in the building, it doesn't matter if he is caught by the magic surveillance.

"I checked the magic network of the whole building just now, and found that the magic network on the 178th floor and the 214th floor is extremely dense, so in these two places, one is the collection room for storing three-yuan orbs, and the other is the big one. The Commander's Office."

"Then, Fat Tiger, how can you determine these two rooms? If it is directly pasted on the commander's face, then our plan this time will fail."

"There is a way, but we have to go to the monitoring room on the 222nd floor first. As long as we take down the monitoring room, we can control the magical closed-circuit cameras around the building, so that I can determine what the two floors are."

Everyone entered the building through the ventilation duct on the roof of the building.

There is no sunrise in the night elves' territory, so naturally there is no such thing as working during the day and resting at night. All work is done in two shifts, and there are enough people to work in the magic city at all times.

Although the magic closed-circuit device is ineffective for several people, you will suddenly meet other night elves who are working in the building.So Fat Tiger suggested to enter the monitoring room on the 222nd floor through the ventilation duct.

A few people climbed all the way to the vent above the monitoring room on the 222nd floor, and a heavenly soldier came directly, and directly knocked out the three night elves drinking tea tree juice in the monitoring room.Without saying a word, Fat Tiger imprisoned the three of them by magic, their limbs were bound, and they could not speak or move.

"Huh, next time I don't want to climb the ventilation duct again." Fat Tiger gasped.

In the whole team, only Shen Fei and Long Zaizi had qualified bodies and could move freely in the ventilation duct.

Fat Tiger, Fu Man and Qi Qi, especially Fat Tiger's figure, almost completely blocked the vent, and Shen Fei who was following behind couldn't see a little light at all. He just grabbed Fat Tiger's tail and felt that there was something in front of him. The wall is slowly advancing.

Fat Tiger connected his mana to the magic closed-circuit system, operated the control panel, and soon the footage of the entire building appeared in front of Fat Tiger. Coupled with the analysis of mana connected to the magic network, Fat Tiger finally determined that the collection room was on the 178th floor.

Everyone turned their attention to Fuman: "The next step is up to you."

Fuman knew that he couldn't escape, so he raised his hand and cast a silence and levitation spell on himself, before crawling back to the vent.

"Fuman, I have connected to your spiritual frequency band. You will go straight ahead later, and I will direct you through the spiritual link. The door of the collection room does not use magic technology, but the most primitive eight-digit scroll wheel password. This thing I can't help you, you can only rely on yourself."

Fuman hummed, and wriggled his body to climb towards the 178th floor.

The rest of the people stayed in the monitoring room, and Shen Fei saw the operation of the whole building through the magic monitoring system.

There are many laboratories in the building, and it can be clearly seen from the screen that they are all conducting magic-related experiments.

There are attempts to inject magic power into animals, resulting in sudden death of animals, or successful fusion into monsters.There are also people who develop magic food and feed it to night elves who are locked in cages and have a magic addiction. As a result, the dose is too large, causing the night elves to die of cardiac arrest directly.besides……

While the magic power provided the night elves with great convenience, it also made them addicted to arcane magic without exception.

Now this "carriage" driven by arcane energy can't stop at all, and can only run like crazy. Once there is any external force blocking it, the car will crash and people will be killed, and the social system will completely collapse.

Shen Fei's face became more and more serious after reading it, animal mutations, illegal human experiments, food additives, etc...

Beneath the grand, modern exterior of the night elf capital, the interior is rotten and sickly.

"Okay, I'm already in place, Fat Tiger, check to see if there is anyone near the 178th floor."

Fuman's honest and honest voice came from the headset.

Fat Tiger's two fat tiger legs were raised on the operating table, and he did not know when he was holding a walkie-talkie: "I called the cameras on the 178th floor and the upstairs and downstairs floors. No one has passed by now. This floor I have also temporarily disabled the alarm equipment, you can try it with confidence."

Seeing this, Fuman climbed out of the ventilation duct and landed on the ground neatly.

Fat Tiger picked up the walkie-talkie in his hand and said: "The door in front of you is the door of the collection room. All the magic power networks are concentrated on this door. There is no magic power network inside the door, as if there is dead silence. In addition, this eight-digit mechanical password door was originally smart to try the password three times, but I destroyed one of the lines, so you now have ten chances to try. Finally, don’t ask me why I didn’t just use my power to destroy this password door, ask It's just that the magic power is complex and huge, and it can't be deciphered in two or three days."

While Fat Tiger was explaining, Fuman had already walked in front of the eight-digit code door, closed his eyes and began to fluctuate the numbers on the knob at will.

The moment Fat Tiger finished speaking, Fuman had already fiddled with the eight-digit number, and finally opened his eyes and pressed the start button.


A crisp sound appeared along with the lingering sound of Fat Tiger's last word, and this sound was transmitted to everyone's ears through the communication equipment.


Fat Tiger swallowed his saliva, is this going to happen?Isn't this too casual?
He just said that he had ten chances to try, but Fuman slapped him in the face without saying a word!Sorry, once is enough, twice is too much.

Fat Tiger picked up the walkie-talkie with difficulty and asked, "What password did you enter, why did you get in right away?" Fat Tiger was so shocked that he spoke in dialect.

The door opened slowly, and Fuman walked into the collection room, surrounded by various treasures on display.

Fuman even saw many precious items recorded in the books of the Master Academy, the Zen Temple and the Holy Light Cathedral on the display rack.

Fuman replied as he walked: "I don't know what password I entered, I fiddled with each digit a few times at random, and it will be what it stops at."

This sentence directly made several people in the monitoring room shut themselves up.

What is called the son of destiny, what is called against the sky and strong luck, that's it.

Fuman saw the three-yuan orbs displayed at the end of the collection room, and each orb exuded a unique energy fluctuation.

"I saw the three-yuan orb, but I want to take it off. It may take a while." In front of the display cabinet, there are three mechanical ciphers. Fuman found that these three ciphers are interrelated and must be turned on at the same time to open. showcase.

Several people continued to wait in the monitoring room, but at this moment, Shen Fei noticed a sudden movement on the monitoring screen on the 214th floor.

A man wearing a black crow feather coat and holding a half-human tall crystal scepter came out of the house.

The guards behind him followed immediately, and it could be seen that this person had an extraordinary identity.

Shen Fei recognized the Grand Commander walking out of the office at a glance.

When the white elves visited before, Shen Fei saw the half-destroyed, collapsed and abandoned statue of the Grand Commander. The upper body of the statue was cut off directly, and it was surrounded by barren weeds.

The commander of the black crow feather coat raised his hand to stop the guards behind him: "I'm a little restless today, I have to go to the collection room, you don't have to follow."

The Grand Commander entered the elevator alone.

Fat Tiger quickly reached out to operate on the console, and cut out the picture inside the elevator. The button lit on it was the 178th floor where Fuman was.

The Grand Commander felt that something was wrong, and glanced at the magic monitoring equipment in the elevator.

Fat Tiger grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Fuman, what's going on with you? The commander-in-chief is going down the elevator, and he will be on the 178th floor soon."

Fuman looked at the three cipher disks in front of him, and started to rotate without saying a word: "My side will be ready soon, it will be ready soon..."

At this time, the indicator light on the elevator had indicated that it had reached the 178th floor. After waiting for about a second, the elevator door opened with a "ding".

At the same time, Fuman also whispered excitedly: "It's done! It's opened!"

As the showcase opened, Fuman stuffed the deceitful orb into his magic backpack without saying a word, glanced at the magic-binding orb and the elemental orb next to him, looked back at the door, gritted his teeth, and put the other two orbs as well. It's all stuffed in.

The commander stepped out of the elevator and appeared in the corridor, but Fuman hadn't come out yet.

Shen Fei and the others were already impatient.

Now at this time, as long as Fuman comes out, he will definitely bump into the commander-in-chief.

"How to do?"

Fuman definitely has no way to escape now.Invisibility, which is weak, is no different from the emperor's new clothes in front of the leader of the race.

Shen Fei patted Fat Tiger's fat head and ears: "Quickly think of a way!"

Fat Tiger scratched his head, with a sad expression on his face: "It's useless to think about it now, Fuman will definitely be discovered."

Shen Fei frowned, thought for a moment and said: "There is only one way now, everyone hold on to Xi Ya..."

On the way to the storage room, the commander suddenly found traces of an open vent above the door of the storage room, instantly confirming his conjecture.

"Sure enough, I always feel restless today, which makes sense..."

Fuman, who was in the storage room, heard the rustling footsteps outside, and his heart immediately rose to his throat.The next thing I have to face is the leader of the night elves, the Grand Commander!

At this moment, the young master Shen Fei's voice suddenly came from Fuman's earphones.

"Fuman, find a firm place to hold on to, and don't fall off later."

Fuman was stupefied when he heard this, what does the young master mean by this?Why grab a firm place and don't fall off later?

What is this going to do, blow up the building?
(End of this chapter)

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