my pet is boss

Chapter 323 Open the door, fellow!

Chapter 323 Open the door, fellow!
Fat Tiger quickly shrank his neck, and he still wore a dark green steel helmet on his head, so the fat on the back of his neck was piled up more than two times. It was no longer a rich bag, but a rich circle.

While Shen Fei was fighting with Fat Tiger, Fu Man bowed his head and wrote vigorously.

Fat Tiger stretched his head and took a look, and found that there were many buildings densely drawn on the paper, and there were some text notes beside it.

"Are you...planning a city?"

Fat Tiger found that, in addition to individual buildings, there are also detailed city bottom views, water and power systems on the paper.

Fuman didn't raise his head, and was still concentrating on planning, putting the thoughts in his mind on paper.

"Well, didn't you say that the Great Guangming Principality is going to be established, and a city needs to be built east of Green Tooth Peak, so I just want to make a city plan in my free time."

Shen Fei also leaned over, and couldn't help but have a look in his eyes.

Fuman's planning is very detailed. Whether it is architectural style or urban overall planning, they all pay attention to a unified style.Fuman abandoned the urban style of the holy city surrounded by steps, and turned to a general style of terraced fields.The bottom is the civilian area, which occupies the outermost part of the city, followed by the commercial area, which is on the middle floor, and the top is the so-called royal area, which occupies the smallest area.

Design according to the required area. Once such a city is built, it will definitely attract a large number of people to live in.

Shen Fei had only heard of this similar style in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon depicted in the book.

Shen Fei turned on the system and glanced at the map, set a coordinate near Green Tooth Peak and said: "Xia, let's go back to Green Tooth Peak to rest first, and then cross the sea and enter the southern continent."

Seeing Fuman's design, Shen Fei decided to go back to the Human Empire first, turn Fuman's design drawings into reality, and then find a dark and windy night for a month to "smuggle" to the apostle's kingdom in the southern continent.

The entire southern continent is the apostle's chassis, riding a black dragon to look for someone in a big way, it feels a bit arrogant no matter how you look at it.At that time, the pharaoh will probably use the power of the whole country to deal with Shen Fei. When they return to the home court, those apostle players will definitely not give up.

Even Anubis, the god of death, was blown away by Shia, and Shen Fei really didn't pay attention to the pharaoh.

After all, the combination of dragon cub and fat tiger is enough to run rampant in the world.In addition, there is also a pendant called Fuman, which increases luck, how can Feilong lose by riding on his face!
Shen Fei is naturally not afraid to fight head-on, but his main task is to find Ryan and the Heart of the Earth. It will be very uncomfortable if the apostles are always harassing him.So Shen Fei had to think of a way.

"Xia, turn around now, let's bring warmth to the night elves!"

Shen Fei suddenly ordered to turn around, and Fat Tiger, Xi Ya, Fu Man even got together, and everyone's eyes were all close to each other in an instant.

Shen Fei had an inscrutable expression on his face. If he remembered correctly, the night elves had a unique treasure that could help Shen Fei avoid the troublesome harassment of apostle players.

"We thwarted the apostle's conspiracy to steal the house, and killed their second most powerful figure, Death God Anubis. If we ran to the apostle kingdom with such a big fanfare, we would definitely be hunted down by the enemy. Although Xi Ya and Fat Tiger His strength can overwhelm everything, but he can't stop this group of players from looking for trouble like tarsus maggots."

Fat Tiger thought about it according to Shen Fei's train of thought, and couldn't help but shudder.

It's okay to deal with the pharaoh or the army of apostles, after all, killing it is really killing it.But let it face the apostle player who can be resurrected from the dead, then the battle will hardly stop.As long as there are enough ants, they can devour an elephant, and the same goes for players.

"What is so miraculous, why don't I know?" Fat Tiger has received 93 years of compulsory education in Tianshen Island, so he still has some knowledge. He has never heard of night elves having any powerful things that can hide the truth.

Now it's Shen Fei's turn to popularize for several people.

"It's normal that you don't know about this matter. After all, it's a secret story that happened hundreds of years ago. I didn't know this until the priestess talked about it before."

Shen Fei paused and continued: "At that time, the civil war between the elves was inextricably fought. The white elves were mainly from the natural sect with priestesses as the main force, and the exiled night elves were from the arcane sect with the grand commander as the main force. There is not much difference in strength between the two sides, the night elves who have absorbed the arcane energy of the Eternal Fountain have the upper hand in the situation, and the Grand Commander also has a three-element orb in his hand, which doubles his combat power."

"These three-element orbs are the magic-binding orb, the deceitful orb, and the elemental orb. The three-element orb was originally the treasure of the elves, and was finally obtained by the commander when it was split. Especially the deceitful orb, through the deceitful orb, it can be arbitrarily Changing the appearance of the caster, through this method in the elf civil war at that time, the white elves suffered a lot of losses, and it was only later that the elf badge was developed to distinguish ourselves from the enemy."

Fat Tiger suddenly realized: "So you want to steal the deceitful orb, and after entering the kingdom of apostles, we will become like apostles and run amok?"

Shen Fei nodded, as long as they steal the deceitful orb, they will run rampant in the huge territory of the southern continent.

"Then do you know where the orb of deceit is hidden?" Fat Tiger asked.

Shen Fei shook his head, he has never been to the territory of night elves, how could he know?
"However, something as important as the three-yuan orb must be kept by the commander himself. Especially a orb that is the size of a bowling ball, it is unrealistic to hold it in your hand every day. It is either in the treasure room or in the secret room."

Shen Fei's analysis is all right, but now a group of people rush in rashly and don't know where the things are, can they stand provoking the night elves like this?
Shen Fei's face remained calm as usual: "In order to collect the eternal water containing magical energy in the moon well, the night elves used magic to isolate the sun and create a kingdom of eternal night. Since it is night, we can quietly Sneaking in without a sound. As for the job of finding the deceitful orb, it will naturally depend on us..."

Shen Fei's words were still unfinished at the end, but everyone turned their eyes to Fu Man again.

There is no one better suited to do this than him.

Others want to know where Dong XZ is, and they have to go through repeated and careful analysis to determine a rough range.It doesn't have to be so troublesome for Pai Fuman to play this BUG. This guy exists to contrast the extent of other people's luck.

Fat Tiger pondered for a moment and then said: "I think this plan is feasible!"

Of course, it's not how seamless Shen Fei's plan is, it's mainly because of Fuman's luck.

Is there any difference between Shen Fei's plan and directly rushing to people's faces and shouting "I want to rob"?The core of the whole plan is still the almighty ACE Fuman.

Shia made a big circle in the air and changed her course, heading towards the south of Elven Island shrouded in mist.

When they came to the sky above the night elves' territory, there was a huge magic shield that blocked the external sunlight. They even saw a huge mechanical device in the sky, which transformed the absorbed sunlight into softer moonlight through the device.

Shen Fei couldn't help but marvel at the creativity of the night elves, which is simply the perfect combination of science and magic.

"The night elves have been provoking frequently recently. It seems that there is some trick to suppress the bottom of the box. Be careful when we go in later."

The night elves were exiled to the south of Elf Island, relying on magic barriers to isolate the white elves.During this period of time, I felt like I was about to "turn out of nowhere". I fought against the white elves frequently, and seemed to have forgotten the history of being suppressed and exiled back then.

Shia came to the center of the southern part of Elven Island, and through the translucent purple magic cover, she saw the magnificent and huge radiating star-shaped magic city below her feet.

The magic power is transmitted to all parts of the city through a transparent energy network, tall buildings are lined up, and the magnificent magic-driven incinerator is burning...

The eyes of several people on Long Zaizi were different, Shen Fei was completely shocked by this huge magic city, Fat Tiger and Fu Man were all thinking about where to find the deceitful orb.There was also a trace of awe in Shia's eyes, a magical city of this scale was more than a hundred times larger than the floating city.

Shen Fei never expected that it took the night elves 200 years to turn the uninhabited southern part of Elf Island into a magical city.

And looking at this magical city from a height, there is a thin layer of purple arcane energy floating over the entire city, making this city look like a dream.

The design of this magical city made Shen Fei feel more familiar. This is clearly the urban composition of modern humans, and it is still a super-large city with developed industries, but traditional energy such as oil has become arcane energy.

Shen Fei now faintly feels that the entire evolution route of the night elves is a bit like the industrial revolution of the eighteenth century.In just 200 years, "from scratch", a qualitative change has taken place in human society.

In the center of the city is a huge magical melting pot, from which purple arcane energy spreads and radiates throughout the city.

Next to the magic furnace, there is a towering skyscraper, which is much taller than the surrounding buildings, and the arcane energy entering this skyscraper is also more than the surrounding ones.

"That should be where the Grand Commander is. The Sanyuan Orb is very likely to be here as well."

If he only looked at the height and size of the building, Shen Fei would not be so sure.But seeing the huge energy supply, it must be the Grand Commander.

This guy is also a magic and technology madman. Such a large-scale energy supply must be for various magical experiments.

"This guy is also a strange person. If it weren't for the hostile forces, you can really talk to him about your experience."

Shia turned back into a little girl, and everyone rode on the fat tiger's back.Because Qi Qi was too fat and had no room, his limbs were tightly locked on the tail of the fat tiger, and he was swinging at an altitude of several thousand meters.

Shia's figure is too big, and it is easy for the enemy to detect when she breaks through the magic shield.

Shen Fei and the others came to steal orbs of deception, not to come and guide them with great fanfare.

Fat Tiger's stature is small, especially under the background of the night, unless someone is sincerely looking at the sky, it will never be noticed.

"A protective program has been added to this magic cover. If there is any foreign object intrusion, the network connected to the magic cover will issue a warning. But don't worry, give me 5 minutes, and I will crack the entire magic cover..."

Fat Tiger separated a ray of mana and attached it to the magic cover, and then started the control program to control the flow of this ray of mana into the magic cover.

The four mana towers located at the southern tip of Elven Island are responsible for the operation of the magic shield. All the energy of the mana towers comes from the arcane energy of the eternal water in the moon well.

The magic shield, to put it bluntly, is arcane energy.

The reason why Fat Tiger can attach his mana to the magic cover, and invade the mana tower through the magic flow of the magic cover, directly cracked the defense system of the mana tower.

For example, this magic cover is like dipping in soapy water and blowing bubbles. The surface of the bubbles is still in a fluid state. Fat Tiger invaded the defense system by relying on the fluidity of the energy of the magic cover.

"Huh? Interesting! This defense system is actually connected to the magic pipeline of the entire city."

Fat Tiger was completely immersed in the thrill of the invasion, and couldn't stop at all!

"Give me another 10 minutes, and I can directly destroy their air defense and building security systems, so that we can directly land on the building without triggering any alarms."

"Then you break through slowly, we are not in a hurry."

Fat Tiger's level of hacking is as powerful as Fuman's luck, Shen Fei is very relieved about this.Since all the defenses can be breached in a row, waiting for an extra 10 minutes is not a problem.

Fat Tiger smiled silly while invading.

"I have to say that the city system of the night elves is very powerful. This magical pipeline extending in all directions not only provides energy supply, but also transmits information through different magical energies. This is simply a pioneering move!"

"Hey, but this can also show the arrogance of the night elves. In this way, once a hacker invades, through the energy corridor, they can quickly blast any point in the city and affect the whole body."

Fat Tiger directly invaded the security system of the building through the energy pipe corridor, and at the same time infiltrated the city's defense system, and placed "time bombs" at several key nodes.

After about 15 minutes, Fat Tiger let out a long breath and said, "Okay, now we can go in and give the warmth away!"

As Fat Tiger said, he passed through the magic hood directly, and the magic hood didn't send out any alarm or return damage.

Then Fat Tiger drove the crowd straight to the building.

Assuming that the magic pipe corridor is above the city, and since there are no night elves who have nothing to do to look up to the sky, Fat Tiger's journey will be smooth.The air defense system within the core circle of the central furnace has been completely paralyzed by Fat Tiger.

The night elves sitting in front of the city defense monitor saw only a broken static picture.

"Mom, there's a pig flying in the sky!"

Within the city circle, a little night elf girl pointed out the window and shouted.

"There are pigs flying in the sky, do you think that I will let you off the hook for failing the magic test?"

"What I said is true!" The little girl shouted hysterically.

"Besides, your magic cat is gone..."

(End of this chapter)

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