my pet is boss

Chapter 322 There is still salvation!

Chapter 322 There is still salvation!
The taste of the Fountain of Eternity was completely different from what Shen Fei expected.

It looks pure and bright, and in such a pleasant environment like a fairyland, the taste is at least a little sweet.

But the moment the eternal spring water entered, Shen Fei regretted it.This smell is like the smell formed by mixing 84 disinfectant with swill and leaving it in the open air for a week.This thing is even worse than the Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water that Shen Fei drank on Earth.

Shen Fei forcibly suppressed the urge to vomit, squeezed his nose and drank all the holy water in the crystal bottle in one go.

After drinking, Shen Fei sat down on the shore directly, gasping for breath: "It turns out that the water containing arcane energy has this taste, and this bottle of water completely broke my good impression of magic."

At the same time, Shen Fei felt a stream of blood moving in his body, it felt like a swimming fish, treating blood vessels as big rivers, lakes and seas, swimming in them non-stop.And Shen Fei found that the power of this blood was growing continuously.

The system also sent a reminder to upgrade the bloodline, Shen Fei's dragon bloodline is improving little by little...

After about 5 minutes, the last bit of dragon blood was purified, and now Shen Fei's dragon blood has reached the 85% mark.

Seeing that there were only 15% left to be fully promoted, Shen Fei took a little water of eternity with a crystal bottle, pinched his nose and drank it, but after waiting for a long time, his body and system did not respond.

"It's a big loss, I wouldn't drink it if I knew it earlier." Shen Fei shook his head helplessly, the eternal water was indeed the same as the priestess said, drinking too much is useless.

Shen Fei's every move fell into the eyes of the priestess, and she shook her head helplessly through the mirror of the Moon God Temple.Shen Fei was indeed a person who didn't like rules, he had already told him that drinking too much was useless, but in the end he had to verify it himself before he would give up.

The matter on Elf Island was over, and before Shen Fei left, he patted the World Tree again, telling it to grow well and become the pillar of Elf Island in the future.Especially the canopy and trunk can grow more luxuriant, so that it can carry the wooden house on the tree.

You must know that the elves have a strict hierarchy, and the high elves are proud to live on ancient trees.

Because the world tree a hundred years ago was destroyed, this new world tree can only be counted as "young", so the priestess stipulated that the high elves cannot build houses on the world tree for the time being.Wait until the world tree grows stronger, and then place the high elves in batches.

"Grow it well and absorb more nutrients from the Fountain of Eternity every day. The faster it grows, the higher elves can move to the tree in advance. When they settle down, I will come to collect rent sometime later."

The crown of the World Tree rustled, and Shen Fei pointed at the World Tree solemnly: "Okay, then I will take it as your agreement!"

Shen Fei left the holy land of elves, and called Fat Tiger, Xi Ya and Fu Man to prepare to leave.

Before leaving, Shen Fei waved his hand in the direction of the Moon God Temple: "Let's go, don't miss me."

Inside the Moon God Temple, the priestess blushed for a while, and said angrily, "Tch, who would miss you, stop dreaming!"

The priestess saw Shen Fei walking out of Silvermoon City through the mirror, and said: "Landuosi, Shen Fei and the others have left, you go and send them off."

Lan Duosi, who was outside the Moon God Temple, heard the voice of the priestess, and was stunned for a moment, then frowned, complaining about Shen Fei's leaving without saying goodbye: "This guy left without saying anything, it's really embarrassing!" Said Seeing that Landos had already got up, took off her maid's gown, put on a capable military uniform, and quickly summoned a hippogryph to chase after it.

The priestess returned to the moon in the Luna Temple, re-boarded the observer disc, and re-entered the state of omniscience and omnipotence to observe the universe.

Although the feelings in the world are beautiful, as the leader of the white elves, personal feelings cannot be equated with the survival of the race.

The priestess wandered the universe, and a comet caught her attention.

The tail of this comet trails a light blue comet tail, which is filled with a lot of magical energy.

When the priestess was close to observe the high-speed moving comet, she saw the true face of this "comet", a jade plate containing a large amount of data.By understanding its cause and effect, the priestess also knew the course of the comet.

It turned out that the apostles attacked the holy city of mankind on a large scale. At the time of human life and death, the human prince Joshua and the commander-in-chief Fuman decided to pass on human civilization, and launched discs related to various human cultures into the sky deep into the starry sky. fly everywhere.

The priestess glanced at the deep space of the universe, and raised her hand to slightly change the direction of the jade plate.

"Go there, there is your real destination."

At the same time, the priestess also assisted the jade plate, making its speed double, and it disappeared into the vast universe in a blink of an eye.


"Have you finished talking with your old lover?" Fat Tiger leaned beside Shen Fei with a gossiping face, and kept probing with his elbows.Fat Tiger has always liked this kind of gossip.

Xi Ya on the side pretended not to care, and lowered her head with her hands behind her back along the way, but her ears moved slightly from time to time, obviously her attention was all on the conversation between Shen Fei and Fat Hu.

There were only Fuman and Peiqi, and they were extremely happy along the way, as if they were out for an outing.

"What nonsense are you talking about, I'm just talking about business."

Fat Tiger didn't end the questioning because of Shen Fei's words, and raised his voice: "You two have flirted with each other before. On the eve of the establishment of the Sanshan Council, didn't you almost enter the Elf Island? If the priestess had no interest in you, how could you agree to this plan. It's a pity that you were an elm-headed person back then, but you refused directly, and you missed a great opportunity to reach the pinnacle of your life!"

Shen Fei was dumbfounded, and murmured in his heart: Wasn't Fat Tiger still an ordinary big orange cat with piebald spots at that time?

Shen Fei hurriedly defended with a sharp voice: "Why can't I understand a word of what you said?"

Shen Fei suddenly had an idea, straightened his back, and was full of confidence: "You have the face to criticize me when you come to Elven Island? What did you and Xi Ya think at that time to drink the fountain of eternity? If there is no special contract, you The two drank the fountain of eternity that contains arcane energy, and died suddenly!"

Before Fat Tiger came, he was still a little worried, for fear that Shen Fei would ask about the mutation between it and Xiya, but he did not expect this guy to discuss related topics with the priestess.

Now that Shen Fei is investigating, Fat Tiger can only temporarily avoid the edge and choose to play dead.

"What did you say, why can't I understand a word?"

Fat Tiger returned what Shen Fei said before, and Shen Fei pinched his forehead and suddenly felt his blood pressure rise.This looks very much like a child who has entered the rebellious period of youth, and he can't be scolded.

Fortunately, this topic stopped abruptly, and neither of them continued to poke each other's sore spots.

"Shen Fei!"

As soon as Shen Fei reached the take-off point, he heard someone calling his name behind him.

Landosi rode the hippogryph and gradually landed in front of Shen Fei.

"You are too mean, aren't you? Leave without saying a word?" There was a trace of sullenness between Landosi's brows.

Shen Fei didn't intend to tell Landosi at first, but she didn't expect her to chase him out. It must be the priestess who told Landosi the news.

"You know me. I hate trouble the most. If I tell you, I will inevitably come out to see you off with great fanfare. It's better to leave quietly. Anyway, I won't see you again."

Landos didn't want to discuss this topic any more, and pressed down the corner of his mouth: "Okay, let's go all the way!"

Fat Tiger watched from the side and shook his head again and again.

stupid!How stupid!How can I have such a stupid master!

Shen Fei rubbed the dragon cub's head, Xia obediently walked to the open space, and changed back to her original black dragon appearance.Fat Tiger took out the seat from his pocket and started to install it with ease.

"Okay, then I'll go." Shen Fei waved at Landosi, turned around and prepared to go to Xi Ya.

Landuosi frowned slightly, her ten fingers were about to wring out water, but she couldn't hold back in the end, she moved her lips and asked, "Where are you going next?"

Shen Fei was stunned for a moment, then turned around and replied: "Next, I plan to investigate the disappearance of Ryan by myself first."

Landosi was also aware of this matter, Shen Fei had asked her before, hoping that she would spare no effort to help find Ryan.

Landos has promised Shen Fei that he will send a large number of people to inquire about Ryan's news, as the alliance's first formal cooperation.

After thinking about it, Lando finally said, "If you want to find Ryan's whereabouts alone, I suggest you go to the southern continent to try."

"Lian is holding the artifact in his hand. Since he is not dead and there has been no news for so many years, it is very likely that he has encountered the same situation as Xiya at that time. The three caves of the ancient god Cunning Rabbit, many years of planning in the northern continent have been destroyed, and he must choose to go dormant. Then, apart from the northern continent, there is only the southern continent and Elf Island. I haven’t heard that there is any problem with the priestess sitting on Elf Island, so there is a high probability that it will be in the southern continent.”

"You analyzed these yourself?"

Landos nodded affirmatively.

On the contrary, Shen Fei calmed down in his heart.This is the same as his previous analysis, the actions of the ancient gods in the northern continent have been destroyed by Shen Fei.Even if there are some slight residues left, nothing can be done.The ancient gods must hide after this defeat. Anyone who is not a fool can see that the alliance of humans, dwarves and elves is unstoppable, and the frost orcs themselves are hard to protect, let alone the ancient gods. There is no room for him in the northern continent. place.

Gushan ancient scroll, artifact key, heart of the earth, ancient god.

These elements have been connected almost perfectly through evidence and speculation.

Shen Fei gave Landos an OK gesture, indicating that she would go to the southern continent next.

Finding Ryan is the main task, and secondly, it is also a good choice to fight guerrilla warfare and harass on the apostle's territory.

Sitting on a line of "supersonic" aircraft like the guardian dragon of the earth, almost no one in the whole world is an opponent of Shen Fei in terms of speed in the air.

With Xi Ya's dragon's breath and Fat Tiger's white tiger power, even the apostles with a large army can easily destroy them.

More importantly, in the battle of the holy city, the apostle's general Anubis died in battle, and the Pharaoh lost a capable general. At this time, Shen Fei came to a wave of "Open the door!" The apostle feared.

Shia waved her wings, and the shadow of the black dragon covering the sky and the sun once again passed over Silvermoon City.

Fat Tiger took out a steel helmet from his tiger skin pocket and put it on his head, and he was about to start provoking Shen Fei!

After all, he was in the front row, so in order to prevent Shen Fei from taking the lead, he put on his helmet first.

Fat Tiger couldn't help applauding his wit.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Shen Fei didn't see it, you are quite welcome."

Shen Fei was still wondering why Fat Tiger suddenly wore a steel helmet, but what this guy said made him puzzled.

Seeing that Shen Fei was pretending to be stupid, Fat Tiger was ready to kill with one blow: "Landuosi seems to be interested in you too, did you not see the resentful look in her eyes when you left..."

Only then did Shen Fei realize that Fat Tiger was still thinking of finding his way back after the show just now ended!
This time Shen Fei's reaction was beyond Fat Tiger's expectation, he didn't give a surprise or change the subject, but said directly: "Do you think I don't know? Why did I reject that proposal back then? It wasn't because of the damned tradition of elves. "

"What tradition can make you refuse to go to the pinnacle of life?"

Shen Fei gazed into the distance, giving people a feeling of deep memories. He raised his hand slowly, and stretched out his index finger and middle finger.

"Well, here it is for you."

Fat Tiger watched Shen Fei's movements, and subconsciously handed cigarettes to the boss, even the lighter was ready.

Regarding the past, a cigarette or a glass of wine are catalysts for memories.

Shen Fei glanced at the cigar that Fat Hu was holding on his fingertips, a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes, Fat Hu must have done it on purpose!
"I mean two people."

"The priestess is the leader, and Landos is the servant of the priestess, the chief maid. According to the tradition of the elves, if I really marry the priestess, the chief maid will serve as a dowry."

Fat Tiger suddenly realized, clapped his hands and said: "So that's the case! So you refused because of this consideration?"

After saying that, Fat Tiger shook his head and sighed with regret, his face was relieved for a while, and entangled for a while.

Shen Fei saw that Fat Tiger was speechless, a smile flickered across the corner of his mouth, his feigning was very successful, Fat Tiger had nothing to say.

After a while, Fat Tiger suddenly reached out and handed over a medicine bottle, solemnly raised Shen Fei's hand, and clasped it in his palm.

"I only know your difficulties now. I was a little dereliction of duty before. As a pet, I can't solve the problems of the owner. Take this thing well, take it on time every day, and it will cure you! Don't be discouraged."

After Fat Tiger finished speaking, he immediately turned his head, and inadvertently raised his hand to rub his eyes, and said to himself: "Hey, the wind and sand in the sky are so strong, I lost my eyes..."

Shen Fei spread out his palm, and saw the small white medicine bottle in his hand, on which there were four large characters written by Fat Tiger crookedly - Fat Tiger Kidney Treasure.

Shen Fei fell silent.

What he said before just wanted to express that he was a good man from the beginning to the end.

Why is this happening now?
My Chinese scores are not bad!
"Fat Tiger, do you know what the first thing I wanted to do after I found Ryan?"

Fat Tiger didn't look back, just shook his head vigorously.

"The first thing I saw Ryan, I borrowed the brotherhood sword from him and cut off your dog's head!"

(End of this chapter)

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