my pet is boss

Chapter 321 God of Creation

Chapter 321 God of Creation

"After so many years, you are still so good at talking."

Even in the universe, Shen Fei still saw the slight blush on the priestess' cheeks.

"I heard that Lucian is back too?"

Shen Fei frowned slightly and said, "Are you overhearing my conversation with Landosi?"

The priestess slowly landed in front of Shen Fei from the disc flying object: "Now I have completely merged with the disc, and I am an all-knowing and omnipotent existence in this space."

Shen Fei pointed to the direction behind him and said, "Then shall we go out and talk?"

Omniscient and omnipotent, which means that any creature in this space, the priestess can control it at will, and can also enter their thoughts and understand everything they know.The priestess' eyes were like X-rays, one glance at Shen Fei could tell what he knew and thought.

The priestess walked ahead and was about to go out, but a hand suddenly appeared on her shoulder to stop her.

"Okay, I'm just kidding, anyway, you already know it, it doesn't make any difference whether you get out or not."

The priestess returned to her "throne", Shen Fei paused and said: "Then you should know what I want to ask, right?"

The priestess had neither joy nor sorrow on her face, like an emotionless robot.

"Why do you think I'm pathetic now?"

The priestess didn't answer Shen Fei's question, because she felt that Shen Fei's brain felt that she was not well now, which was completely different from her real feeling.

"Do you think it is unfortunate to have no feelings?" asked the priestess again.

Shen Fei nodded. As long as Cuihua sits on the disc representing omniscience, she will lose her biological instinct and become a machine that observes the universe without emotion.

"I still feel that you who stepped off the disk are the real you."

No fluctuations could be seen in the eyes of the priestess, and her pupils were like a pool of water, reflecting the stars and everything in it.

From her eyes, Shen Fei saw the deep and boundless galaxy universe.

"No, on the contrary, I think that sitting here, my vision and state of mind have been improved. To be sentimental to all things is to be ruthless. People are always used to observing things with their own vision, but when I stand in this position, I feel It is the pulse of the entire planet, and even the principles of the universe. Standing in this position, if there is affection, it is an affair, it is favoritism, and it is unfair to other things."

Shen Fei shrugged helplessly. There was nothing wrong with what the priestess said, and he admitted that he was persuaded.It's just that he can't stand at that height, and he doesn't want to observe everything from a "ruthless" perspective.

"So the question I want to know, can you give me an answer."

What Shen Fei wanted to ask was about Xi Ya being favored by the God of Creation and becoming the guardian dragon of the earth.

Xi Ya had told Shen Fei in detail when he was in the holy city.

After Fat Tiger was taken away by Gui Xianren, Xi Ya continued to wait under the World Tree, and suddenly one day the goddess of the moon appeared and said that she would take Xi Ya to a place.Shia didn't doubt him, and followed the Moon Goddess to the Moon God Temple.Here, Sia heard the call of the Creator God, and accepted the gift of the Creator God on the [Observer Disc], and became a guardian dragon connected to the earth and leading the dragon clan.

After that, things were much simpler. Sia assumed her own responsibilities, and ended up near Mount Doom, because she was bewitched and brainwashed by the ancient gods out of curiosity, as an important part of unraveling the sealing conspiracy of the northern continent.It's just that the ancient god didn't expect such a variable like Shen Fei, otherwise everything would go according to the ancient god's expectation.

"Actually, all of this started when Fat Tiger and Xiya drank the Fountain of Eternity after you disappeared, and the turning point of fate also started from here..."

"Originally Fat Tiger and Xia were just ordinary beasts, tigers and lizards. But they secretly drank the water in the Fountain of Eternity. You must know that the water in the Fountain of Eternity is the holy water of elves, which contains extremely strong energy. Originally, they drank the water in the Fountain of Eternity. Water will die suddenly afterward, but because they signed a soul contract with you, they entered a certain 'immortal' state, and their bodies began to mutate during this process, which can also be said to evolve."

The priestess spread her arms, and holographic images of white tigers and black dragons appeared in the space.

"As you can see, the tiger evolved into a white tiger with the highest bloodline in the tiger category, and the lizard evolved into a supreme dragon. The God of Creation sensed this change beyond the rules, so there was the later Guixian who traveled thousands of miles from Tianshen Island. Go to the Elf Island, let Fat Tiger become the White Tiger God and teach him carefully, and the God of Creation also made Xia the guardian dragon of the earth through the Goddess of the Moon."

Now there are only four words to describe Shen Fei, and that is jaw-dropping.

Shen Fei knew that the Fountain of Eternity contained arcane energy, but he didn't expect the energy in it to be so powerful that most animals would die suddenly after drinking it.He just thought that the Fountain of Eternity and the World Tree were sacred places of the elves, and these places were sacred and inviolable, so no one messed around here.

"Actually, it's not just animals. Even elves who drank the water from the Fountain of Eternity will die due to the riot of magic power in their bodies," the priestess added.

Thinking of this, Shen Fei gasped abruptly. If he hadn't signed a contract with his pet, these two little guys would have been dead since they drank the Fountain of Eternity.

"As for what you want to know about the God of Creation, I can only say that you need to bring the key to Tianshen Island, and there will naturally be someone who can answer all your questions."

Before Shen Fei opened his mouth, the priestess helped him answer the doubts in his heart.

Shen Fei smiled awkwardly, keeping the priestess' words firmly in his heart.

He already knew what the so-called "key" was, and it was the sword of the Brotherhood, the artifact in Ryan's hand.It's just that Shen Fei didn't expect that the place where he could finally answer his questions would be Tianshen Island where Fat Tiger escaped.

But it's true, in order to escape from Tianshen Island, Fat Tiger gave up his hard-won godhead. Before that, he planned to return to Tianshen Island with Fat Hu to intercede when he had the strength.It was only later that Fat Tiger told Shen Fei quietly that it seemed that after it left, its shattered godhead recovered, which was why it could still receive mana from Tianshen Island.

So everything went around and around, and finally came back to finding Ryan.

Only by finding Ryan and getting the key of Brotherhood Sword can Shen Fei go to Tianshen Island to get the answer he wants to know.

"By the way, let me tell you something more. When I came overseas, I encountered a battle between the Sky Guard and the Batrider of the night elves. I heard that the night elves seem to be dishonest recently."

"Landos told me before that a troop she sent to join the dwarves was attacked by night elves at sea. It should be that the commander already had some cards in his hand, so he started to act recklessly. It's a pity that he was observing You can only see the vast truth of the universe on the disc, but you cannot see what happened in the night elf territory."

The priestess slowly fell from the disc, and the blunt expression on her face softened at a speed visible to the naked eye: "Okay, the business is over, and it's time for us to catch up on the past."

Seeing the priestess changing her face so quickly, Shen Fei couldn't help asking: "You have such big mood swings every day, don't you have mental problems?"

The priestess smiled, and Shen Fei froze on the spot, this smile seemed to be caught off guard by spring.

"If I said that I had been sitting on the Observer's Disc when I was retreating before, and this time you came down on purpose, wouldn't you be flattered?"

Shen Fei nodded, it was indeed surprising.

Afterwards, Shen Fei and the priestess drank afternoon tea, talked about the past, and lamented that it had been a long time since they had such a leisurely time.

"I still need some branches of the world tree to make arrows when I leave."

"The ownership of the entire tree is yours, and you don't need my consent to do what you want to do."

"Then if I uproot the World Tree and take it away, don't you mind?"

The priestess smiled, and took out a purse from her bosom, which contained a seed that exuded a tender green light.

"Well, it turns out that you still have a seed of the World Tree, no wonder you have nothing to fear."

The priestess carefully put the seeds of the World Tree into her purse: "The World Tree has three seeds in total. The first one was given by the goddess to plant on Elf Island when the elves believed in the Moon Goddess. It was bestowed by the Moon Goddess, and yours is the same."

"By the way, when I was on the Observer's Disc just now, I noticed that you have a rare dragon blood in your body. When you go to the Holy Land to collect branches of the world tree, you can collect a bottle of Eternal Spring and take it."

Shen Fei's scalp became numb in an instant: "Didn't you say that a mortal body would die suddenly after drinking the fountain of eternity? Why do you keep encouraging me to take a sip? In fact, you are still worried that the world tree will be taken away by me, so you use this A way for me to self-destruct, right?"

Even though Shen Fei said so, he couldn't help but feel a little interest in his eyes when he heard the priestess' words.

The priestess was speechless, this guy was still running the train with his mouth full of words like before, and even said what hurt him, but the priestess still explained to Shen Fei seriously: "Because you have part of the dragon blood in your body, so the Eternal Fountain's After the energy enters the body, it will be absorbed by the dragon blood, thereby promoting the generation of blood and improving your human blood, making your dragon blood more pure."

After the priestess' explanation, Shen Fei finally understood the reason.

During the Owendale battle, the blood of the dragon was purified by killing the giant rock-breaking worm, and now drinking the spring water of the Eternal Spring can also improve the blood. Shen Fei can't wait to want tons of tons.

"But you don't need to drink too much, because the spring water of the Eternal Spring contains arcane energy. The dragon blood in your body is limited, so the improvement is also limited. It is not possible to improve wirelessly by drinking more blood."

Shen Fei curled up and leaned back, and asked vigilantly: "Can you be omniscient even outside, why do you know everything I think?"

The priestess laughed, Shen Fei's thoughts were all written on his face, even if he was another person, he could see it.

"Okay, I was joking just now. Seeing that you are not greatly affected by the observer's disc, then I am relieved. I don't want you to become ruthless and desireless one day in the future."

There was a smile on the corner of the priestess's mouth, "Can I understand that you are worried about me?"

Shen Fei hurriedly got up, pretended to be confused and slipped away: "I think I should go to the Fountain of Eternity to get a bottle of water." He also took out an empty crystal bottle from his arms.

Looking at the back of Shen Fei running away in desperation, the priestess pursed her lips together and murmured: "Fool, you can really be cowardly..."

After Shen Fei ran out from the Moon God Temple, he patted his chest and let out a long sigh of relief: "It's dangerous, it's dangerous!"

How can Shen Fei not know the implication of the priestess, but Shen Fei also has his own ideas, as a human being, he definitely cannot be tied to the Elf Island.

As the saying goes, "A good man has his ambitions in all directions". When they were in the Three Mountains Council before, when several people were discussing the resolution in the secret room, they had a suggestion. The priestess admired Shen Fei very much and wanted him to stay on Elf Island.Shen Fei was originally a human being, but possessed the top forging skills of dwarves, and was favored by the Moon Goddess.As the link figure of the bridge of communication between the three races.

This plan was agreed by Lucian, Ryan and the priestess herself, but Shen Fei himself rejected the plan.

Turning a good alliance into a marriage, not to mention whether he appreciates the priestess or not, this solution alone makes Shen Fei feel weird.Because Shen Fei was the person involved, after rejecting this plan, the others had nothing to say and could only discuss another alternative method.

Shen Fei came to the side of the World Tree, and felt the kindness and intimacy from the whole tree.

The world tree has a huge canopy, and it has grown into a towering tree in less than 100 years.

Shen Fei stood under the World Tree, stroking the bark with the traces of time, the crown above his head shook slightly, and the leaves made a rustling sound, as if he was acting like a baby with Shen Fei.

"I'm here this time. I want some branches that can be used as arrows. I might offend you."

The World Tree shook more frequently, and the entire canopy made a rustling sound.

Shen Fei raised his head and took a look, it felt like a strong wind of level [-] was coming, and it was about to overturn the entire tree canopy.

"Don't you want to? Well..."

As soon as Shen Fei finished speaking, he suddenly felt something hit his head, just a slight hit.Immediately after the feet, a branch with buds appeared, the length and size were just right, just remove the buds above, and it would be a perfect arrow.

"You are..."

Afterwards, Shen Fei saw branches falling from the sky.

"Okay, that's enough, you'll be bald if you fall again!"

Shen Fei started to put all the branches into the backpack, at least there were hundreds of them.

Of course, the World Tree that Shen Fei personally planted is less than 100 years old, so in terms of killing effect, it is definitely not as good as the previous World Tree that was treasured before. It is a branch of a thousand-year-old tree that contains surging power.But after all, it is a world tree that has grown up by absorbing the energy of the moon and the fountain of eternity, and its power will not be much worse.

"I didn't raise you in vain, you continue to thrive, and strive to become a giant like the previous World Tree!"

Shen Fei patted on the tree trunk, then walked to the side of the Fountain of Eternity, and filled a bottle of holy water with a crystal bottle.

"Drink this thing, and the blood of the dragon can be improved."

ton ton ton...

Cough cough cough!This smell is too strong! ?How did Fat Tiger and Xi Ya drink it?

At this moment, a sentence floated in Shen Fei's mind - bitter wine hurts his throat.

 New books for old students, not to mention py recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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