my pet is boss

Chapter 320 Opening of Moon God Temple

Chapter 320 Opening of Moon God Temple

The night elves took the initiative to provoke, which Shen Fei never expected.

This group of "addicts" who regard magic as everything, instead of nesting in a corner, actually came out to fight the Sky Guard. When did the night elves become so confident?

Due to time constraints on the battlefield, Shen Fei and Landos had very little communication, and then immediately teleported back to the holy city for rescue.

"Master Landos led the elite troops to support Owendale, and another elf troop was preparing to land on the northern continent and gather with the dwarves. As a result, they were ambushed by the enemy after leaving the port. The friction increased, I didn't expect that this time they would choose to attack the Air and Sky Guard..."

White Elf spoke out of breath, when suddenly a tearing pain surged up in his chest, and he shivered in pain.

Shen Fei glanced at the horn on the white elf's waist, bent down and pulled it off, "Let me use your horn."

"Fuman, let's add a sound amplification circle."

Without further ado, Fuman superimposed a loudspeaker circle on the protective cover.

Shen Fei blew the horn, and the unique sound of the horn conveyed instructions.

The air and space guards fighting in the fog heard the order, gave up the fight without saying a word, and flew towards the direction of the sound.

This order is a signal to call everyone back to defense, and it is the highest level signal that cannot be questioned.

Shen Fei and Landosi have a very good relationship, and they participated in the battle between the white elves against the orcs 96 years ago, so they know all the command signals of the white elves like the back of their hands.

All the horned eagle knights flew in the direction of the horn.

But after getting close, he pushed through the fog and suddenly took a breath, and almost didn't fall off the hippogryph.

This is an extremely huge black dragon, and the strong breath of the dragon in its breath made these hippogryphs panic.

But there are two humans and two pigs standing on the black dragon's back, although I don't know why one pig has long hair.

Similarly, they also saw the white elf teammates sitting on the black dragon's back waving to them, and the hippogryph crawling on the black dragon's body trembling.

After confirming that there was no danger, they immediately flew to the belly of the black dragon, and followed the safest position with the help of the black dragon's rising airflow.

The horned eagle knights gathered more and more, and soon all the air and sky guards gathered behind the black dragon, and those who did not come were sacrificed in the battle with the night elves.

"Xia, use Dragon's Breath immediately!"

The dragon cub took a deep breath, and a large amount of sea mist swept into Xia's nostrils like dust meeting a vacuum cleaner.

The surrounding haze began to fade, and black figures began to walk through the mist.Shen Fei saw that it was a night elf riding a black rodent bat.

Similarly, the night elves vaguely saw a huge black monster, waving its wings and stirring up the wind and clouds.

Under the black wings, a cloud of deep red began to glow.

"Quick, run!"

When the night elves realized the danger, the hot flames had already evaporated the mist, as if a beast was rushing towards them, leaving them no chance to escape.

The night elf's Batrider was wrapped in the breath of the dragon in an instant, and turned into ashes in an instant.

Some bat riders in the distance did not touch the dragon's breath head-on, but they were still burned by the boiling air and fell from the air to death.

The surrounding sea fog for several sea miles disappeared under the breath of the dragon, and the surrounding scene suddenly opened up.Seeing such a terrifying sight, the remaining Batriders fled in an instant.

The red pupils of all the night elves were filled with fear, they didn't understand why such a huge black dragon suddenly appeared in the sea fog.This black dragon is dozens of times larger than the largest wild elf dragon ever seen on Elven Island.

Shia immediately pursued the remaining fleeing Batriders, as if a cat saw the ball of yarn and regarded the entire sea area as its own playground.

The dragon cub didn't even use the dragon's breath anymore, and directly hit it with his head. The powerful impact was enough to smash Batrider to pieces.

The little bat flapped its wings more than a dozen times, and it didn't even fly as far as Shia flapped its wings. The entire sea surface returned to calm within a few minutes.There was no sound of killing or shouting.

"Thank you, my lord, for helping us solve the sneak attack of the night elves."

The elf captain of the Sky Guard stepped onto the back of the black dragon, his feet trembling slightly.After all, the dragons are all legendary existences. Being able to stand on the backs of the dragons makes the elves extremely nervous. There is a kind of danger of dancing on the edge of a cliff, and they may fall to their death at any time.

Shen Fei raised his hand and said: "It's just a little effort, but I didn't expect that the night elves have stretched their hands out of the island now, it seems that the tranquility of the elf island has been broken."

The night elves have lived in the barren land of Elf Island for hundreds of years, and there has been a lot of movement in the past 100 years. It seems that the Grand Commander is no longer willing to live in the barren land, and has begun to move around.Doesn't this mean that the night elves have successfully used and transformed the Fountain of Eternity?

Shen Fei followed the white elf into the white elf's protective circle, and instantly changed from the invisible sea fog to the pleasant and refreshing Wizard of Oz.

Everywhere is covered with lush vegetation, and dense flocks of birds are flying freely in the air, forming an S shape for a while, and forming for a while...

Shen Fei was familiar with Elf Island, and flew straight to the direction of Silver Moon City.

"Has your lord been to Elf Island before? It seems to be very familiar with Elf Island." The injured white elf knelt on the ground, maintaining the elegance of an elf at all times even though he was seriously injured.

The corner of Shen Fei's mouth raised slightly: "It seems that your Air and Space Guard is newly established, right? You don't even know me."

The white elf was stunned. What this human said was right, and judging by the fact that he can command the black dragon, his status is definitely not low, and he knows so much about Elf Island, so he must be old with the higher-ups.

The injured elf was thinking hard, and suddenly remembered that when the maid came back with a large army, she vaguely heard from other elf soldiers that a giant guardian dragon of the earth appeared during the frontline battle, and finally the human regent successfully surrendered it , preventing the disaster from happening.

This huge black dragon is bigger than all the elf dragons on Elf Island, so it must be the guardian dragon of the earth, right?If the black dragon is the guardian dragon of the earth, then this human man controls the dragon, and he also has the high elf noble medal, his identity is ready to be revealed!
"You are Shen Fei, the Regent of the Human Empire!"

Shen Fei smiled and nodded, seeing the light of admiration from the young elf's eyes, it seems that after the first battle of Owendale, he was still quite prestigious among the young elves.

The Air and Sky Guard returned to the base, and the injured elf followed Shen Fei to Silvermoon City, hundreds of kilometers away, to report the discovery of the night elf during the sea patrol.

Originally, it took half a day for the Horned Eagle Knight to reach Silvermoon City from the base, but now relying on the Black Dragon, Shen Fei can reach the inner core of Silvermoon City from the edge of Elf Island in only 10 minutes.So after consideration by the captain of the Air and Space Guard, he decided to return the large force to the base to supplement their recuperation, and let the injured elf soldiers report to Silvermoon City.

After all, the night elves have the guts to provoke off the island, and there is likely to be another move in the future. They must replenish a little at the base and continue patrolling the border. No matter what conspiracy these night elves rebels have, they must completely wipe them out!

In Silvermoon City, Landos was correcting documents when he suddenly heard the voice of the priestess from the dome of the Moon God Temple.

"The distinguished guest is coming, you go and greet me for me."

When Landos heard the distinguished guest, his eyes shone with a moving brilliance.

Being able to startle the priestess and say the word "honored guest" from her mouth, the identity of that person is ready to be revealed!

"Shen Fei arrived so soon? I thought it would take a while." Landosi hurriedly put down the pen in his hand, got up and walked out of the room to meet Shen Fei.

A shadow suddenly appeared in the sky of Silvermoon City, covering the sky and the sun, passing over everyone's heads.

After many elves reacted, when they looked up, they only saw a tail of the black dragon.

Just a tail is so huge, comparable to some statues in Silvermoon City, how huge is the whole dragon?

I am not afraid that all the dragons will come out, but I am afraid of this kind of "looming", only a part of it will appear, which will easily cause the elves to think blindly.

There are still hundreds of thousands of players in Silvermoon City. The news of the giant dragon above the head spreads from ten to ten, and soon all the players get the news that there is a fierce black dragon on the top of Silvermoon City!

As soon as Landos came out of the room, he felt the faint coercion of the dragon in the sky.

"It's Shen Fei who is right."

Landosi slowly raised his hand, and a butterfly made of moonlight flew out from his fingertips, and he flew into the air with all his strength, guiding Shen Fei in the direction of landing.

Shen Fei saw the butterfly and followed behind to find the landing place.

As soon as the front foot landed, Landosi rushed over with the back foot, and the smile on his face never stopped.

"I didn't expect you to come here so soon." Landosi was thinking before that the human beings returned from Owendale's victory class and had to deal with some domestic government affairs, as well as the alliance of the three races, and the dwarf king Ao En also repeatedly asked Shen Fei went to Gushan for a trip, so Lan Duo thought that Shen Fei would spare time to travel long distances to Elven Island, and it would be half a year later.Unexpectedly, ten days after the end of the war, Shen Fei came to Silver Moon City.

Shen Fei also had a faint smile on his face: "Owendale said goodbye in a hurry. Your voice, appearance and appearance are lingering in my mind. After solving the affairs of the holy city, I came here without saying a word. In addition, tell me Good news for you, Lucien has also been found and returned."

Landosi's shock was beyond words. Lucian had been missing for three full years, and human beings spent all their money and material resources without any clues or news. How could he be found all of a sudden?
"I'll tell you about this later. Before I came to Silvermoon City, I went to the Lonely Mountain to teach Ornn the ultimate forging technique and to forge an artifact. As a result, the weapon I created was not created. The God of the World agrees, but let us discover the mystery in the Gushan Ancient Scroll..."

Shen Fei and Landosi talked while walking, during which Landosi also learned the ins and outs of the matter.

By the time Shen Fei finished speaking, the two of them had already arrived at the Temple of the Moon.

"Don't worry, this time the elves will also send people to find Ryan's whereabouts."

Landos paused and expressed his opinion: "I think this matter should be related to the Old God. The previous big incidents were all caused by the Old God. After more than forty years of planning, two wars were launched behind the scenes, in order to break through the underground seal of the Northland."

"We can expand our thinking further. The entire planet is the cage of the ancient gods, but why are the ancient gods so paranoid that they want to find a breakthrough from the northern continent? Moreover, they have been extremely active in the northern continent in recent years, waiting for opportunities to cause trouble. , it is very likely that he has already broken through the seal of the southern continent, so he is extremely eager to undo the seal of the northern continent and come to the world again."

"For us, the heart of the earth represents the heart of the earth. But for the god of creation, this is also very likely to be the entrance to the prison where the ancient gods are held!"

The more Shen Fei listened, the more frightened he became, and at the same time, his brain was running fast thinking about the possibility.It seems that, as Landos said, this heart of the earth is the place where the ancient gods are imprisoned.It is very likely that Ryan saw the description in the ancient scroll of Lonely Mountain, took the sword of the "Key" Brotherhood, and went to the heart of the earth, only to meet the ancient god who broke free from the cage...

Shen Fei and Landos exchanged a look.

Their guesses certainly did not come out of thin air, they were all supported by clues.The two now sincerely feel that the truth of the matter is likely to be what they expected.

"Is the priestess still retreating in the Moon God Temple?" Shen Fei took a sip of the elf scented tea, a warm current passed from the mouth through the esophagus, and finally sank into the stomach slowly.It was as if a pair of slender and slender hands were doing a massage, making Shen Fei's throat uncontrollably let out a refreshing sound.

"Well, but I think in your capacity, entering and exiting the Moon God Temple should not be a problem."

Shen Fei was blessed by the Moon Goddess, so entering the Moon Goddess Temple was not a problem at all.

"Okay, I'll go into the Moon God Temple and ask Cuihua some questions, and we'll talk later when I come out."

Shen Fei walked freely into the Moon God Temple surrounded by stars.

There is an endless starry sky under your feet, and countless stars will be lit up every step you take.At the end of the Temple of the Moon God is a round moon that rotates by itself, and only those who are personally approved by the Moon Goddess can enter it.

In the entire elf family, only priestesses are eligible to enter.

Of course, now that Shen Fei came here, there was a second person.

Walking to the end of the "Galaxy", the moon in front of him became brighter and brighter, as if calling Shen Fei.

Shen Fei stretched out his hand to touch the moon, and countless rays of light suddenly flashed under his feet, from his feet to his legs, and gradually spread to his waist, chest, and head, until finally covering Shen Fei completely, and then Shen Fei disappeared in place, as if Never showed up.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

When Shen Fei opened his eyes again, he came to an independent space beyond the original world.

There are countless stars in the vast universe above the head, and everything in front of you is close at hand, just like a frisbee across the universe.

"To be precise, it should be 95 years, but Cuihua, you are still so bright and charming, your face seems like yesterday."

(End of this chapter)

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