my pet is boss

Chapter 319 Advance, Elven Island!

Chapter 319 Advance, Elven Island!

Shen Fei came back to his senses, and said with a long breath: "So up to now, our task is to find a way to find Ryan. Judging from the situation that he has not heard from him for so many years, it is very likely that he is trapped in a certain place. place."

After Shen Fei finished speaking, he shuddered, because this situation was extremely terrifying.

Even Ryan holding the artifact is trapped, so how dangerous is this place?
Ao En also reacted belatedly, if it was really according to what Shen Fei said, then the journey to find Ryan must be extremely dangerous.

"The dwarves have sent a lot of eyeliners to investigate Ryan's disappearance over the years, but unfortunately they found nothing. If we are really going to investigate this matter, then we must consider the possible situations we may encounter and assess the risks." Aoun's words were faint There was a sense of rejection, mainly because from Shen Fei's mouth, he heard that the search this time must be dangerous, and there is no need to drag humans and elves into the water together...

Shen Fei also heard the meaning behind Aoun's words, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he put his arm around Aoun's shoulder and said: "The alliance agreement has been signed, do you think you can make decisions on this matter alone? The dwarves tried this before. There have been no clues for a long time, but now with the addition of humans and elves, both in terms of number and efficiency, there has been a huge increase, maybe we can really find some useful information.”

Shen Fei paused, and Aoun couldn't find any reason to refute the next sentence.

"Lucien disappeared for three years and I found it. Ryan will definitely be able to find it. What's more, seeking the help of the elves in this matter has a better chance of winning."

The elves are the oldest race on this continent, and they are favored by the goddess of the moon. There is also a World Tree and the Fountain of Eternity on the elves island. In terms of strength and configuration, they are definitely the highest among all races.

Simply put, this is a race blessed by heaven and earth.

"This time I plan to come to Gushan to pass on the ultimate forging technique to you first, and then go to Elf Island to meet the priestess and Landos, and ask about the dragon cub being chosen by the God of Creation back then. But now I can Ask the priestess to help divination about Ryan's location."

The seriousness on Ornn's face gradually melted away, replaced by a glimmer of hope.

"Then this time I'll really trouble you. I'll hurry up and organize preparations on the dwarf side. As soon as you have news from your side, let me know immediately."

Shen Fei stretched out his hand and made a gesture of no problem.

"Okay, I will let you know as soon as I have news."

Not long after, Shen Fei and others reappeared on the Dinglongping outside the lonely mountain. The surrounding dwarves who were "enclosed and cute" were not kind enough to dig them out, and they were still half buried in the soil. It looks like a stump tamped into the ground.

The dragon cub, Xiya, turned into a huge black dragon with a bang, prostrated on the ground, her wings clinging to the ground.Fat Tiger took out the VIP seat from the tiger skin pocket, wrapped it around Xi Ya's body and tied it tightly.

"Before I leave, I still want to say that the dwarves are no longer an isolated and helpless race. You don't have to worry too much, you also have a pseudo-artifact in your hands now, practice hard to master it during this time, humans also have the legendary Supreme Emperor Lucien, me, the archmage, etc., and the two true gods Fat Tiger and Sia, and the elves have the priestess and Landosi, so whether it is facing a war or a huge threat, we all have the strength to fight."

Shen Fei's words greatly comforted Aoun. The current situation is not a few months ago when the united front alliance was strong.Ryan held the artifact in his hand and was trapped somewhere, but now he also has the artifact in his hand, and has powerful allies, even in extremely dangerous places, they have the strength to find out.

You must know that in Owendale, the combination of Xi Ya and Fat Tiger killed some ancient gods!

"Pretentious words are not my style, and the journey is smooth sailing."

Aoun waved at Shen Fei who had already boarded the dragon, and Xia kicked her legs and spread her wings and flew straight up, kicking up a huge cloud of dust to cover the entire Dragon Terrace, and then countless dwarves walked from the stop to Long Ping ran out, and these dwarves were the wooden pile dwarves who served as the indicator light before.

"I didn't expect things to become more and more complicated. What do you two think about Ryan's disappearance and being trapped?"

Fat Tiger didn't eat the ham in a serious manner, but the fat on his forehead was getting more and more, and the entire "Wang" character had been wrinkled into a bold "one".

"Ryan said he was going on an expedition, but in my opinion it must be going to the Heart of the Earth. Judging from the fact that he hasn't come back for decades, this guy may really have found the Heart of the Earth and was trapped in it."

Fat Tiger's analysis was very careful, and he refused to miss any details.If Ryan is exploring without rules, then the dwarves have been searching for so many years, and a dwarf is running around the world with an artifact, so he must rest and replenish, right?


Not at all!

Not a single clue was found.

In addition, Ryan has opened the Gushan ancient scroll, and the motivation and conditions are all there.With the character of dwarves who love "death" adventures, it is obviously impossible for Ryan to forget this matter.

"Xia, what do you think?" Shen Fei asked Dragon Cub's opinion on this matter again.Although Shia's mental age and actual age are not very old, she can only be regarded as a young dragon, but since she transformed into a dragon, she has been exposed to the top-level rules, and her vision is still very high.

"Fat Tiger is right!" Shia said perfunctorily, mainly because its thoughts had already gone to the food on Elf Island.

The crunchy biscuits, sweet spring water, and fresh air of Fairy Island are definitely a good place for vacation and leisure.

It only takes one and a half hours to fly from Lonely Mountain to Elven Island.

The snow-capped mountains in his field of vision gradually shrank, and Shen Fei even saw the outline of the northern continent, and a corner of the southern continent in the extreme distance.

"That place is the Twin Cities on the border of the North and South Parkways."

The dwarves and the apostles each built an impregnable city here, and they fought against each other.

It was another half an hour, and Shen Fei could only see the outermost outline of the northern continent. Under his feet was a vast black ocean, which looked dead and lifeless, and there was no sparkle on the sea, giving people the feeling of staring into the abyss .

Looking far away, you can see a cloud of gray sea fog lying across the sea, and the thick fog is rolling continuously, as if it is constantly swallowing.

"It's coming soon."

Seeing the thick sea fog, Shen Fei couldn't help unbuttoning his seat belt and getting up.

Elven Island is shrouded in thick sea fog. If you don't know the way, you will lose your way in the sea fog with extremely low visibility, and you may even be attacked by the elf sky guards.

But Shen Fei is very familiar with Elf Island, the closer he gets to Elf Island, the more Shen Fei can feel a mysterious natural force calling him and guiding him.

Of course, Shen Fei knew in his heart what was reacting to him.

It was the bud of the World Tree that he planted by himself 95 years ago, and now it has grown into a towering tree.

The black dragon soared in the air and plunged into the sea fog.

The surrounding visibility decreased rapidly, and there was a fog outside the protective cover, and the protective cover also isolated the noise, resulting in the silence around everyone.Shen Fei had the feeling of coming to Silent Hill, as if some monster might rush out of the fog at any time and launch an attack.

"Xia, I have already sent you the location, you can just fly according to the route."

Dragon Cub is now Shen Fei's pet, so he can share the map with Xi Ya on Shen Fei's system panel.

Shen Fei marked it on the map, Xi Ya only needs to fly towards the place marked by Shen Fei.

As for the defensive barrier of the elves, Shen Fei didn't take it seriously.

After the end of the Owendale battle, Landos gave Shen Fei a high elf badge, with which he could enter and exit the elf barrier at will.Secondly, the enchantment on Elven Island is maintained by the energy of the World Tree and the Fountain of Eternity. Shen Fei has unshakable sovereignty over the current World Tree. Even if there is no badge, the World Tree will take the initiative to release Shen Fei Come in.

A dazzling light flashed in the mist, but it disappeared immediately.

Fat Tiger caught the movement keenly, but when its eyes looked over again, there was still only fog.

"Am I dazzled, why did I see the light burst just now?"

Fat Tiger rubbed his eyes with the soft ball of flesh in his palm, and said with a look of surprise.

Shen Fei was not surprised, and explained to Fat Tiger: "This situation is normal in the sea fog. The sea fog of the elves is actually an enchantment. There are often some creatures that break in by mistake. These lightnings are all enchantments. Defense, intimidating and deterring these strays, or countering those with ulterior motives."

As soon as Shen Fei finished speaking, suddenly an elf riding a hippogryph ran straight into Fat Tiger's protective cover.

The protective cover has added a soundproof circle, so there is no sound.The surrounding fog is also quite serious, and the visibility is basically only one meter.

But the elf riding the hippogryph was firmly attached to the protective cover.

Shia's flying speed was extremely fast, and the huge acceleration made the elf's body firmly stick to the protective cover, unable to move.

"I feel the breath of other creatures around me!" Xi Ya communicated with Shen Fei with consciousness.

Shen Fei saw the Sky Guard badge on the elf's cuff, and hurriedly said: "Fat Tiger, remove part of the protective cover and let him in."

"Then you all fasten your seat belts, and I'll open a gap to pull him in." After Fat Tiger said, several people tightened their seat belts, and Fat Tiger controlled the protective cover to reveal a gap that could just accommodate one person. The tentacles pulled the elf and his hippogryph inside, and immediately closed the protective cover.

Pei Qi was already dizzy by the huge suction just now, his eyes were covered by his two big ears like cattail fans, and he was trembling all over.

Fuman consciously unbuckled the seat belt, pressed one palm on the elf's body, and used the life force of Qinglong to stop the elf's bleeding wound.After a while, the white elf gradually woke up, and saw big tigers staring at him.

The White Elf's stress response was to dodge, but just as he was about to walk away, he felt a piercing pain all over his body, and the tearing sensation from the wound was like an electric current spreading all over his body in an instant, making him unable to move.

"Your wound is healing, so you must not make large movements, or the wound will burst open again." Fuman is extremely talented, and he has fully mastered most of the skills of monks, priests, and mages in just a few months. Some forbidden techniques are only at the theoretical level, because there is no environment for him to perform them.

"What happened to Elven Island, and why was the Sky Guard attacked here?"

The white elf was still confused, when he saw a man approaching, he saw the high elf badge on his chest at a glance.

This person's appearance is clearly human, but he wears a high elf badge.

"My lord, please forgive me for not being able to stand up and salute now."

The badge of the elf is made with special magic, and it can only be worn by the elf when it is sent by the elf with sincere friendship.If it is snatched from other people, the elf badge will automatically turn into dust.

The white elf clutched his injured chest. The wound that had been opened just now was healed surprisingly. It seemed that hundreds of ants were biting the wound. The elf knight knew that this was a sign of tissue regeneration.

"It's the night elves who suddenly provoked the patrolling air and sky guards. The two sides are now fighting fiercely in the sea fog."

Shen Fei frowned, and muttered to himself: "Didn't the night elves have been driven to the south of the elf island to survive, how could they still have the guts to provoke them?"

As the No.1 non-elf who was favored and blessed by the goddess of the moon, Shen Fei still knew this history.

The elves on Elf Island were originally of the same family, living in peace for thousands of years.

It's just that in this generation, two outstanding figures have emerged from the Temple of the Moon God.

One is a priestess who advocates nature, and the other is a grand commander who advocates magic.

The priestess believes that the elf island can last forever because of the World Tree and the Fountain of Eternity. The elves need to get close to nature and feel the energy emanating from the World Tree and the Fountain of Eternity.

The Grand Commander believes that the elves must adapt to the changes of the times, and they cannot hold a treasure pool without knowing it. He suggested that the world tree should be transformed to extract the arcane energy in the fountain of eternity, so that the elves can embark on the path of "second evolution". the way.

The ideas of the two were completely opposite, and after the mission of the priestess of the previous generation of the Moon God Temple ended, the priestess and the chief commander became candidates. A person blessed by the goddess of the moon is called the incarnation of the moon by the elves.

The commander-in-chief failed in the competition, and felt that Luna himself was too partial to stand in the field, so he led his supporters to leave in a fit of anger.Before leaving, the Grand Commander wanted to take away part of the World Tree and the Fountain of Eternity, but was stopped by the priestess, and eventually violence occurred, and only then did the exiled elves come into being.

These exiled elves were driven to the most desolate place on Elf Island, but in fact the Grand Commander succeeded in stealing the Fountain of Eternity, using the energy in it to infect a large lake, and absorbing the energy to form an energy barrier. The elves call themselves.

This is where the night elves come from.

And 96 years ago, when the frost orcs first crossed the ocean to attack Elven Island and burned the World Tree, the night elves not only did not help, but even made trouble, which raised the hatred between the two parties to a new height.

Fortunately, Shen Fei was given a branch of the World Tree by the Goddess of the Moon before, and buried it next to the Fountain of Eternity on the eve of the establishment of the Three Mountains Council. This gave the White Elf a new World Tree.

(End of this chapter)

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