my pet is boss

Chapter 318 Looking for Nicholas Jianguo

Chapter 318 Looking for Nicholas Jianguo
Aoun also understood at this time that this must be the solution left by Ryan when he taught the ultimate forging technique.

"What is this Gushan Ancient Scroll? Why can we find the answer from it?" Dragon Cub Xia asked curiously.

Fat Tiger didn't know when he had already put on a British hat, gold-rimmed glasses, and a delicate pipe dangling from his mouth. He turned into Hurmes, and finally found something that Shia didn't know. How could he easily let go of this flamboyant? Chance?
"I've heard about this Gushan ancient scroll. It is said to be an ancient scroll buried in Gushan a long time ago. The ancestors of the dwarves excavated this treasure here, so they chose Gushan as a treasure for generations of dwarves. It is the home and ancestral home of generations. And this Gushan ancient scroll is said to have the power of prophecy. It’s just that this thing has not been opened except for the first generation of dwarf ancestor Nicholas.”

Dragon Cub continued to ask: "Why haven't you opened it? Is it because Nicholas broke the Gushan Ancient Scroll?"

Fat Tiger hadn't responded yet, and Aoun sprayed it out directly, and really didn't know how to answer this...

"Actually, there were also dwarf kings who wanted to open the ancient scroll of Lonely Mountain. Unfortunately, this thing seems to have its own consciousness. Except for the first ancestor, none of the previous kings could open it." Aoun shrugged his nose. It's also very helpless, after all, few people are willing to speak out about such "embarrassing things".

The first ancestor could open it, but none of the later kings could open it. What does it mean?Does it mean that the ancient scrolls of Gushan do not recognize these former kings?

Therefore, this matter has always been a taboo in the mouths of the former kings. Generally, only the most core dwarves know about it, and they will never let go of it.

"Only Emperor Nicholas opened it, and no one behind him can't open it? This obviously means that you don't agree with what you mean!" The dragon cub, Sia, clapped her hands, and suddenly reacted, and said her speculation without restraint. .

Now Aoun's expression became even uglier.Just guess what you know in your heart, why do you want to say it?

But for the sake of being the Guardian Dragon of the Earth, Shinobu!

Shen Fei suppressed a smile, and sure enough, one thing fell one thing.

"Aoun, have you ever tried to open the Gushan ancient scroll? Because according to what Ryan told me, I suspect that he has opened the ancient scroll before." Shen Fei did not play around with a few people, but keenly From the words left by Ryan before, the judgment closest to the truth can be drawn.

Why does Ryan say that if there is an accident in the forging artifact, he will go to the Gushan Ancient Scroll to find the answer.

One meaning of these words is that the answer is in the Gushan Ancient Scroll, but another meaning is that Ryan once opened the Gushan Ancient Scroll.Otherwise, how would he know that the answer to the problem would be in the ancient scroll.

Shen Fei's words were like a key, which suddenly caught the eyes of several people.

Aoun's dark face immediately turned cloudy, and he clapped his hands with a happy smile: "Yes! Since the eldest brother said this, it means that he must have opened the ancient scroll of Gushan and knew something. Why didn't I just now Think of it!"

Shen Fei smiled, just now this guy's face was almost darkened into a non-chief, how could the fans of the authorities think of this.

Everyone came to the Gushan Palace together.

The Lonely Mountain Scroll is hidden under the table in the secret room of the brotherhood meeting room, and usually only the dwarves who inherit the throne can get the key to the treasure box.

Along the way, Ornn was thinking about it, and Ryan didn't tell him when he opened the ancient scroll.

You must know that except for the ancestor Nicholas, none of the previous 33 ancestors had opened the ancient scroll.His brother Ryan opened the ancient scroll, and this alone can be counted as the second greatest king in the history of the dwarves.What an honor!It's a pity that Ryan covered it up so hard that he didn't even mention his own brother!

In short, the few people listened to Aoun's complaints all the way to the secret room.

Aoun quickly activated the mechanism, took out the box from the hidden compartment, and placed it in front of several people.

Aoun held the box in both hands, slightly nervous.

He certainly wasn't nervous before. After all, none of the previous kings had opened an ancient scroll, so it was normal for him not to be able to open it.

But now that Ryan has opened it, if he can't open it...the gap between the two brothers is too big?
It's like going to the exam together. If the whole class fails the exam, then when you go home and report the results to your parents, you will have an excuse. Everyone failed. Why do you insist on me passing?This time the question is really difficult!
But if everyone has not passed the test, only Xiao Ming next door has passed the test. The key is that this Xiao Ming usually has similar grades to yours. You have passed, and your ranking in the last exam is about the same as his? Why can't you if he can do it?"

Shen Fei glanced at Ao En from the corner of his eye, this guy was already sweating on his forehead, the big beads of sweat almost dripped on the big round table made of golden nanmu.

"Shen Fei, do you think I can open the ancient scroll?" Aoun's tone trembled a little, and the smile on his face seemed to be forced out by someone holding a knife on his neck.

To be honest, Shen Fei didn't know either!

He is only sure that Ryan has opened the ancient scroll, but what can Aoun say if he can open it?
"Believe in yourself, trust is the greatest courage and strength!"

Shen Fei was like a motivational speaker, who specially said some ambiguous and useless words.

Insert the key into the case hole and twist slightly.


Don't worry, there will definitely not be such a bloody plot where the key is broken.

The casing of the box popped up with a click, and Aoun lifted the lid and saw the ancient scroll of the Lonely Mountain lying peacefully in the wooden box.Just looking at the old and yellowed sheepskin roll skin, you can know that this thing has a long history.

Ornn froze for a moment, the Lonely Mountain Ancient Scroll was in front of him, but he suddenly became at a loss.

This thing doesn't seem so difficult to open, wouldn't it be enough to just open it?Why has none of the previous kings been able to open it.They are all warriors who are good at fighting, and they can open the pages of the book with a flick of a finger, but why...

Aoun took a deep breath to regain his senses, and everyone's eyes were on him.

Stretching out his hands to touch the Gushan ancient scroll, a sense of primitive simplicity spread through his hands.Aoun held the ancient sheepskin scroll in the palm of his hand, the beads of sweat on his forehead became denser, and some small beads of sweat even unconsciously gathered together and turned into large beads of sweat, which sank into the red beard along Aoun's cheeks, and then disappeared without a trace no trace.

After carefully placing the ancient scroll on the table, Ornn let out a long breath, as if he had lifted a heavy burden.

The dragon cub Sia looked blank, it was obviously just a piece of closed parchment, and Aoun made it look like it weighed a thousand catties, and the acting was quite similar...

Aoun's tone was a little cramped, he glanced at the crowd and said, "Then I'll start."

Everyone's eyes were focused on the Gushan Ancient Scroll, and Aoun stretched out his hand to lift the ancient scroll, but directly picked up the entire ancient scroll.

No one expected this kind of situation, as if you wanted to open a book, but the pages were all glued together, and you picked up the whole book directly.

Aoun tried to break the ancient scroll with his other hand, the veins on his face gradually popped up, but the ancient scroll still did not respond.

Aoun tried several times, his expression became more ferocious, but there was no response from the ancient scroll.

Fat Tiger, the expression of the dragon cub also changed along with Ornn, but seeing that there was no response after several attempts, Xia couldn't help complaining: "The expression is gradually constipated."

Ornn let out a long breath, his face full of exhaustion and helplessness.

Facts have proved that, like those previous kings, he is not qualified to open the ancient scrolls of Gushan.

"I think, this time we failed."

Shen Fei also fell into silence, now the Gushan ancient scroll cannot be opened, and the problem of Doomhammer cannot be solved.

Shen Fei picked up the Gushan ancient scroll and looked at it for a while, trying to "break" it apart, but the result was the same as Ao En's situation, except that the face was gradually congested and the expression gradually became constipated, but there was no reaction.

"No, let me try!" Fat Tiger rolled up the fat on his two arms, spat on his hands twice, rubbed his hands together and stepped forward.

The white tiger is furious!

Fat Tiger, blessed with the power of thunder, was covered with purple lightning, looking extremely powerful.But the ending is the same as Ao En and Shen Fei before, with gradually constipated expression.

"Huh! Well, I'll give up too!" Fat Tiger put the ancient scroll back on the golden nanmu round table in frustration.

The dragon cub, Xi Ya, stood on tiptoe, with her hands resting on the edge of the round table, a pair of cute big eyes blinking, shining with a light that was ready to move.

"How about I try too?"

Everyone could only feel a soft voice below the waist, if they hadn't lowered their heads, they would never have found Xi Ya's position.

Aoun took the Gushan ancient scroll, handed it to Xi Ya and said, "Here, try it too."

Aoun still has expectations for this. After all, he is the guardian dragon of the earth bestowed by the God of Creation. Whether it is godhead or strength, he is the strongest among everyone. Aoun is not cute by the dragon cub blinded.

Xi Ya took the ancient scroll from Gushan, holding the ancient scroll half the size of her in her two small hands, looking extremely uncoordinated.

Shea worked hard, her cheeks swelled like an angry puffer fish, her fleshy face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the ancient scroll didn't change at all.Even later, when Pei Qi saw that the cub's feet were not stable, he leaned forward and used his generous body to support Xi Ya, preventing her from falling.

"Huh! It doesn't seem to work!" Xia Ya threw the ancient scroll back on the wooden table with both hands. The harder she tried, the ancient scroll would return with the same force, until finally it was too much to lift.

The disappointment on Ornn's face couldn't be hidden. Even the guardian dragon of the earth couldn't open the ancient scroll, so no one in this world would be able to open it.

If you can't open the ancient scroll, you can't solve the problem of fake artifacts.

"If it doesn't work, let's use it like this first. At least the power of this Doomhammer has surpassed the Brotherhood Sword." Aoun comforted himself as he looked at the dark Doomhammer in his hand.

Shen Fei also fell into silence. Unexpectedly, Fat Tiger and Dragon Cub couldn't open the ancient scroll. There is something in the dwarf ancient scroll!Even the true god can't handle it.

Now the problem suddenly became difficult, and Aoun obviously said this to ease the embarrassment, but Shen Fei felt sorry for himself!
At this moment, Shen Fei's eyes suddenly brightened, and he noticed Fuman who had no sense of existence.

"Fuman, try to open the ancient scroll."

Fuman was repeatedly waved by Shen Fei's cue: "I'm sure I can't do it! You can't open it, and I definitely can't open it with this little strength."

But before Fuman refused, Shen Fei had already forcefully stuffed the ancient scroll into Fuman's hand, with an extremely solemn expression: "This time, you have to open it no matter what, if you can't open it, I will kick you out!"

The lethality of Shen Fei's words is great, far more exaggerated than the Holy City being breached.

Fuman's hair burst all over his body, and his eyes suddenly became sharp from dodge.

If he can't open it, the young master will kick him out.

Without saying a word, Fuman held the Gushan ancient scroll and flipped through it casually...

The Gushan Ancient Scroll opened without any hindrance, and the ancient parchment scroll appeared in front of everyone.

Several people were all silent.

Just now they tried their best not to open the ancient scroll, but they casually flipped it over in Fuman's hand, and the whole parchment scroll was presented in front of everyone.

The dragon cub Shia puffed her cheeks, not very happy.I am the guardian dragon of the earth, what I didn't even open, but let this stupid servant open it, what's the matter?

Fat Tiger covered his forehead, feeling ashamed to face others.This room is full of people with super strength and high status. Even after being influenced by music, the meat quality of Pei Qi has surpassed the quality of the legendary Seria ham, and it cannot be regarded as a mortal pig. Top quality pork.

But none of them were able to open the ancient scroll, but it was this "ordinary" human fat man who opened the ancient scroll of Gushan.

"For Fuman's luck, I, Fat Tiger, are really convinced!"

Although Shen Fei had no expression on his face, his heart was still extremely shocked.

This guy is really the son of destiny!Among the dwarf kings of all dynasties, only two had ever opened the ancient scrolls of Gushan, but they could be opened easily in Fuman's hands without any obstacles at all.The problem that had troubled everyone for a long time was finally solved.

"Maybe, in the future, if you encounter something that needs to be unlocked, or a trap to break through, you can let Fuman go up first..."

Shen Fei was already thinking about a hundred ways to use Fuman.

Ornn was completely stupefied.

Wait, let everyone try it just casually, he never expected that the little fat servant beside Shen Fei would easily open the ancient scroll.

How does this count now?
Is a human being more qualified to be recognized by ancient scrolls than a dwarf?
He was still standing behind Long Zaizi before he was ready, but when he saw this situation, he quietly slipped to Fuman's side with great insight.

This is too real!
Shia jumped on tiptoe, wanting to see the contents of the ancient scroll.

"Look, look at what's written on it!"

Xi Ya's voice woke everyone up, and they gathered together to take a look at the text on the ancient scroll.

Well, there is a lot of detailed content.


can't read.

"This, it seems to be written in dragon language." Both Shen Fei and Ao En have a certain understanding of dragon language, and they can see at a glance that the ancient scrolls are all written in dragon characters.

But think about it, more than 30 generations of dwarves have been passed down to this day, and this thing has been passed down for at least a thousand years. That was the era when the dragon clan dominated.

"Xia, please read what is written here." Shen Fei, Aoun and Fat Tiger all have very little dragon language vocabulary, and only know a small part of the text, but Xiya is the guardian dragon of the earth, and the dragon language expert The existence of eight.

Shen Fei directly carried Xi Ya to the table, making it easier for her to watch.

Xi Ya began to translate word by word, but upon hearing the first sentence, the hearts of Shen Fei and Ao En sank directly to the bottom of the valley.

"An artifact is an existence recognized by the Creator God, and it is unique..."

Following Xi Ya's translation, everyone finally knew the function of the Gushan Ancient Scroll.

The artifact is not only an incarnation of power recognized by the Creator God, but also a key to open the real heart of the earth.

The gem dug out by the dwarves is called the heart of the earth. It turned out to be an extremely rare gem. When it is close to the heart of the earth, it will emit a strange light, which acts like a radar.

After Shen Fei listened to the narration, the previously broken clues suddenly connected.

"So, before Ryan said that he would go out on an adventure and bring the Sword of the Brotherhood with him, it is very possible to find the Heart of the Earth?" Shen Fei guessed.

Aoun was stunned, "But when he went out, he didn't bring the Heart of the Earth gem! Or did he already know the exact location of the Heart of the Earth?"

"According to the ancient scroll, the recognized artifact itself cannot be destroyed. Only when the owner of the artifact dies, the artifact will automatically lose its effect. Now the Doomhammer we forged has not been recognized by the Creator God, which means that Ryan Didn't die."

Shen Fei peeled back the cocoon, and finally said: "So Ryan is still alive!"

Aoun's eyes lit up, the task now is not a fake artifact, but to find a way to find Ryan.

Fat Tiger looked at Shen Fei, then at Ao En, took out a small notebook from the tiger leather pocket, and wrote a line.

[Follow-up task: Find Nicholas Jianguo]

(End of this chapter)

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