my pet is boss

Chapter 317 Artifact No 2, Gushan Ancient Scroll

Chapter 317 The Artifact Is Unparalleled, The Gushan Ancient Scroll

After Aoun threw out the kryptonite in his hand, he stepped back subconsciously.

Under the influence of the dragon's breath and lightning, the core temperature of Warhammer soared, reaching a level where a quantitative change caused a qualitative change.Aoun is also a legendary forging master. He has dealt with countless forgings in his life, and countless famous products have been born in his hands.But he has never heated an unformed weapon to the current temperature.Not to mention him, even his brother Ryan.

The materials Shen Fei forged this time were legendary, and even the auxiliary energy was rare.

The guardian dragon of the earth, the white tiger god of thunder and lightning, the dwarf kings of all ages would never be able to do these two things, at most they worked hard on the materials.

After the kryptonite approached the war hammer, it was suddenly captured by a strong suction force and firmly fixed on the surface of the war hammer.

Shia's dragon's breath and Fat Tiger's lightning were still entangled outside the warhammer, generating huge heat that gradually melted the rocks and crystals attached to the surface of the kryptonite, leaving a crystal that exuded a faint green light.The crystallized shell gradually peeled off as the temperature rose, and some dull impurities on the surface dissipated little by little under the impact of flames and lightning, becoming more and more pure.

"It really didn't explode!" Aoun was shocked. Under such a strong impact, Krypton Gold not only did not explode, but also seemed to usher in a cleansing and rebirth.All the impurities on the surface fell off, the pure kryptonite energy inside became more and more pure, and the dark green radiation emitted became more and more intense.

At first, the dragon's breath and lightning had the upper hand, and gradually the light of kryptonite had a faint place, and then it was on par with the other two forces.

"If it is normal energy, once the kryptonite shatters and the radiation leaks, it will cause an irreversible energy burst. But I used these ores to create an alloy with extremely high stability, which is far stronger than all previous metals, and has Extremely strong energy conductivity. A single kryptonite energy can easily cause riots due to instability, but now there are dragon breath and lightning energy, which just keeps the three in an orderly balance."

Ornn understood right away.

If the energy of kryptonite is triggered alone, once the energy is released, it will cause a state of disordered explosion, so the dwarves have not found a way to use the energy of kryptonite reasonably for so many years.But the existence of Shen Fei provided a possibility.Find two energies with similar levels, and let the three form a delicate balance.

Just like the water potential, if the water levels of the upstream and downstream are different, then after the upstream gate is opened, a large amount of water will be vented downstream until the water levels of the two reach an equilibrium state.But if the upstream and downstream water levels are at the same height, when the gate is opened at this time, there will be no monstrous water waves pouring down, but it will be as calm as a mirror.

Coupled with the fact that the three elements are now interacting, we must know that the triangle has the best stability, so the kryptonite is constantly stripped and purified at such a high temperature, but it does not have the slightest tendency to explode.

The dragon cub Xiya's face turned slightly pale, and she wanted to ask when it would stop, but she couldn't make a sound because her mouth kept breathing fire.With all his strength at the moment, even telepathy couldn't be used well.

Shen Fei's attention was all focused on the warhammer. Whether he could successfully forge the artifact would depend on the next step.

The dragon's breath was ferocious, and the dragon's breath sprayed out by Sia was sucked into the hollow structure of the warhammer, forming a stable energy fireball.

After a while, Fat Tiger also felt a strong suction force, and the lightning mana on his body was rapidly draining, and the white tiger stripes faded to black at a speed visible to the naked eye.Fat Tiger saw that his mana was draining rapidly, and his tone was a little flustered: "When is this a head? I feel that I am going to die soon. Shen Fei has a suicide note written in advance in my tiger skin pocket. When I go, send me His ashes are scattered on Tenjin Island, remember to provide me with a few servings of good Seria ham every year, and I will be satisfied..."

Shen Fei glanced at it, and saw that there were more than a dozen white stripes on this guy's body, and the "battery" was at least 30% left, he was simply a show-stopper.

The thunder and lightning also gradually gathered inside the warhammer, forming an energy ball that was evenly matched with the dragon's breath flame.

The outermost kryptonite crystals exude a strong dark green light at this moment, and they are also advancing bit by bit into the hollowed-out interior of the warhammer.

"Dragon cub, you start to reduce the breathing of the dragon's breath now, remember to be slow."

"Fat Tiger, increase the output again, just hold on for five seconds, and stop when I call to stop."

After Shen Fei explained, he saw that the flames of the dragon's breath gradually decreased, and the radiation of kryptonite once had the upper hand. At this moment, Fat Tiger immediately increased the power, suppressing the kryptonite with the power of thunder and lightning.

The others were already stunned, having never seen such a scene.

Taken out alone, the three forces are enough to cause destructive energy, but now they coexist "harmoniously".


Shen Fei shouted loudly, Fat Tiger's energy stopped abruptly, his tired legs collapsed and fell to the ground.

All the power of thunder was concentrated at one point, and was quickly sucked into the war hammer.The two forces had already entered the center of the Warhammer. After struggling for a long time, the last kryptonite also entered the center of the Warhammer with a crisp "Zheng".

All the light disappeared, and the appearance of the warhammer, which was so bright and whitish, began to cool rapidly to metallic black, and some incomprehensible lines began to appear on the surface.

Shen Fei took off his thermal insulation suit, and elbowed Aoun next to him: "It's time for you to go out now, hit all the runes of the Rune King on the handle of the hammer."

As a blacksmith master, Aoun naturally knew what to do. Looking at the cooled war hammer, he was eager to try.

Ornn yelled, and turned into a rune warrior mentality, surrounded by several runes of different colors.

Aoun extracted the rune and hit it on the handle of the warhammer. This is to allow the warhammer to maximize the power of the rune. With the three-element core of the warhammer, the power of the burst increases several times!
When Aoun hit all the rune cores on the handle, the war hammer fell from the air calmly, and when it was about to hit the console, Aoun jumped up and squeezed it in his hand.


Ornn gasped. There was no blazing heat coming from the handle of the warhammer. Instead, there was a chill that penetrated his heart. Even his eyebrows and head were covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

"I didn't expect this warhammer to emit such a strong chill."

When Aoun picked it up, he was even prepared to burn his hands. After all, this level of temperature will definitely not dissipate in a while.

"Because the core temperature is too high, and the three element forces competed with each other just now, the structure of the alloy has changed. You should understand the principle that things must go against each other, right?"

Aoun nodded half-understanding, but the chill on his hands finally eased a little.It's just that this slightly tingling feeling is still very uncomfortable, and he is already considering using buckskin as a handle in the future.

"Because of the changes in the internal structure, its conductivity to energy has become exceptionally good, not only without any loss, but even has an additive effect. You can understand it as a superconductor."

Aoun muttered and memorized the new term.

Holding the war hammer in his hand, he carefully looked at the ternary core inside the war hammer.Dragon flames, thunder and lightning, and kryptonite radiation remained calm in an extremely harmonious posture, and the irritable energy turned into a well-behaved baby.

Ornn swung the warhammer, and found that the position of the ternary core remained unchanged, as if it had been fixed.

"This structure is quite stable. Even if Dragon Cub and Fat Tiger release the same power now, they will not be able to break the current stable core. And you don't have to worry about depleting the elemental power in the future. Now the three cores of Warhammer are the purest elemental cores. , they will automatically absorb the three elements in the air as a supplement."

Aoun's eyes were fiery, and he held a real artifact in his hand.

"Now it's time for the last ceremony, to give this war hammer a name. You are the forge of the war hammer, so you must be the one who came up with the name." Aoun said seriously, this is the most important of all forging links, Also the last step.Only when it is given a name by the maker can this artifact have the status of existing in the world, can it truly touch the seal, and become an artifact recognized by heaven and earth.

Shen Fei looked at the dark alloy warhammer, there were three bursting elemental cores inside, various names quickly appeared in his mind, and then they were quickly rejected.

"This warhammer is powerful and contains the energy to destroy the world, why not call it [Hammer of Destruction]!"

"Doomhammer, what a name!"

"Now hold up the war hammer and call out the name of the war hammer. It will be unsealed when it is recognized by the world. At that time, you will see a scene that is earth-shattering and unforgettable in this life." Shen Fei crossed his hands on his chest and said confidently.

Ornn held up the hammer, calling out the name the hammer was given.


A high-pitched and clear voice floated back and forth throughout the forging room, but there was no other response.

Aoun had never seen the scene where the artifact was unsealed, so he looked back at Shen Fei, asked for his opinion, "Is this all right?"

Fat Tiger and Dragon Cub watching the excitement also focused their eyes on Shen Fei, as if they were asking: Does the promised earth-shattering, unforgettable scene in this life refer to the scene in front of you?

Shen Fei looked embarrassed, and fell into a daze at the moment.

According to the previous forging experience, after calling the name, he will be born with a different phase, agree with the birth of this artifact, and bestow this weapon with a "Godhead".

But why this time, apart from Ornn's loud voice, there is no feedback from heaven and earth?

Could it be that he was scared away by Ornn's loud voice?

Just thinking of this unreliable answer, Shen Fei wanted to laugh.Something must have gone wrong.

Shen Fei touched his nose, and said awkwardly: "You try shouting again."

Without saying a word, Ornn raised his warhammer again and shouted the name of "Doomhammer".

Boom boom boom...

This time, there was finally a little feedback. The entire forge was shaking slightly, deep in the lonely mountain, and the lava on the ground was shaking, as if responding to Ornn.

Aoun looked back at Shen Fei again, and the expressions on everyone's faces were a little embarrassed.

Shen Fei remained silent. The last time could be said to be an accident, but this time he gave very little feedback, which was almost equivalent to no. There must be something wrong.But this is also the first time he has encountered this situation, and he doesn't know the solution at all.

"When Ryan taught me, he didn't say what he would do in such a situation..."

Shen Fei's brain was running fast, and he raised his head and said, "Let's go outside to test the power of the Doomhammer first."

Aoun didn't know what happened at the moment, but judging from Shen Fei's description and expression, it seemed that something went wrong, and it was the kind of problem that Shen Fei had never encountered before.

"Okay then, let's go outside and test the power of Doom Hammer."

Everyone returned to the ground from the forging room at the core of the lonely mountain, and took a mine cart to the foot of the Daxue Mountain not far from the lonely mountain.

"This plain is uninhabited, and the mines in Daxue Mountain in the distance have also been mined and abandoned for many years. It is best to experiment here."

This is the area where the dwarves first mined. It has been abandoned for decades and has long been deserted.

"Well, this is indeed the best test site in no man's land. Let's try the power of Doomhammer now. I hope it will work."

When Shen Fei said this, Aoun knew that something must be wrong.


Ornn took the Doom Hammer and took a few steps forward. Because he couldn't find the buckskin temporarily, a roll of rags was wrapped around the handle.The new, dark hammer contrasted sharply with the rags on the handle.

Shen Fei and the others all backed away, and Ao En stood alone on the Gobi, facing the Daxue Mountain mine in the distance.


Ornn was adjusting his breathing, and at the very moment, his body suddenly became mana, and the warhammer in his hand slammed on the ground.


The ground in front of Ornn was torn a huge hole, and a flash of flame, lightning and green light energy was like a cash cutter tearing the ground.The energy was extremely concentrated, and he rushed directly to the Daxue Mountain like a splash all the way.Aoun even saw this ray of light soaring along the peak of Daxue Mountain until it disappeared on the top of Daxue Mountain's cloud-covered mountain.

Aoun didn't move, and asked in a slight tone: "Is this the end?"

To be honest, Ornn is disappointed, this kind of power can also be achieved by his previous Warhammer.According to Shen Fei's previous description, the Hammer of Doom in his hand seemed to have failed, did it not become a divine weapon?

Ornn got up and put away the Doomhammer, at this moment there was a thunderous sound from the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the crack in front of him became wider and wider, stretching all the way to the foot of Daxue Mountain.

With a loud explosion, it was as if millions of tons of explosives had been buried in the Daxueshan Mine. It was detonated from countless openings in the mountain wall, and a crack appeared in the entire Daxueshan Mountain visible to the naked eye, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

Aoun's heart skipped a beat, his eyes were a little dull, he looked at the Daxue Mountain, and then at the Hammer of Doom in his hand.

With a hammer, he split the Daxue Mountain open!

Although it is really just a seam from a distance, Aoun's current location is at least dozens of miles away from the foot of Daxue Mountain.

Going down to open mountains and split rocks with a hammer, this kind of damage is definitely not something that ordinary weapons or legendary weapons can cause.

In other words, the power of Doomhammer has indeed reached the level of an artifact, and it is even more powerful than the sword of the Brotherhood that Ornn has seen!
Now it was Shen Fei's turn to be silent.

It either works or it doesn't.

Right now, it has the power of a divine weapon, but it is not recognized by the world, what does this mean?
Shen Fei suddenly thought of what Ryan said at that time, if you have any doubts in the forging of the artifact, you can find the answer in the Gushan Ancient Scroll.

"Aoun, do you know the Gushan Ancient Scroll?"

A slight surprise flashed in Aoun's eyes, and he nodded: "The ancient scroll of the Lonely Mountain is the most important item of the dwarves of the Lonely Mountain besides the gem of the heart of the earth, but it has been kept secretly in the brother council and has never been displayed or displayed Described existence, how do you know?"

Shen Fei raised his finger to touch the Hammer of Doom and said, "Perhaps, we can find the cause of this false artifact from the Gushan Ancient Scroll."

(End of this chapter)

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