my pet is boss

Chapter 316 The Artifact Appears

Chapter 316 The Artifact Appears
After entering the center of the earth forging room, Fat Tiger smelled a smell of roasted pork. After sniffing carefully, he found that the smell was coming from behind.

"Pi Qi, when did you come in?" Fat Tiger looked back and was startled when he saw that Pei Qi was there. Doesn't this pig know what to do?This place is also where it can come?I'm afraid it didn't turn into a roast suckling pig before forging.

Fat Tiger casually added a layer of shield to Pei Qi, and then Pei Qi jumped up and down again.

Shen Fei walked to the material box next to the Void Anvil and took a look, then turned around and asked, "Are there any more advanced materials, we want to create the best ones directly."

Ornn walked to the console next to him without saying a word, pressed the green button, pointed at the transmission system next to him and said, "Transport all the treasured ores over here!"

Shen Fei circled around the Void Anvil a few times, the last time he saw this behemoth was more than [-] years ago.Looking at it now, there is quite a feeling that things are right and wrong.

Just as Shen Fei was looking at activating the Void Anvil, a batch of ore shining with dazzling light was sent to the forging room through the track.

Shen Fei casually picked up a piece of krypton gold ore emitting green radiation and weighed it: "You really took out all your wealth?"

Kryptonite is an extremely rare stone. A piece the size of a fingernail has super strong radiation energy. If it is crushed, the energy of the radiation emitted is more than a thousand times higher than that of an equivalent magic crystal.The piece of krypton gold ore in Shen Fei's hand is at least the size of a fist and priceless.If you have to set a value for it, it should be no problem to change to Mithral City.

Aoun was very proud with his hands on his hips: "This is the family property of the dwarves. Since it was excavated from the depths of the Daxue Mountain 30 years ago, it has been regarded as a treasure. Apart from the heart of the earth, this is the most precious ore of the Lonely Mountain dwarves. gone."

Holding the kryptonite in his hand, Shen Fei felt that his five fingers were starting to heat up. He put down the ore casually and said, "I'm afraid it's because you don't have top-notch forging techniques, so you can't control the huge energy that kryptonite spills out during forging, right?"

Embarrassment flashed across Aoun's face, he scratched his beard and his expression returned to normal: "That's right, this piece of krypton gold ore is really too big, if the energy that erupts is not controlled well, it will be enough to wipe out the entire lonely mountain." Ping. The dwarf craftsmen have been working on how to control the radiation of kryptonite these years, but with little success."

Shen Fei picked out a few pieces of ore from the ore cart, pushed it to the front of the Void God's Anvil with the cart, spread out a brand new parchment roll on the workbench, and began to write and draw on it.

"It's okay, there is a method in the ultimate forging technique that can effectively control the energy spillage, this time it will help you digest this ore."

After saying that, Shen Fei pulled the gate.The gate of the Void God's Anvil has not been activated for a long time, and the turntable is covered with a thick layer of rust.

With the crisp bang bang sound, pieces of rust on the turntable gears fell off, and the gate slowly opened, and the magma in the center of the earth flowed into the groove, gradually forming a complex and huge red forging platform on the black Void Anvil forging platform. runes.

Fat Tiger took out the sunglasses from the tiger skin pocket and distributed them to the others. The fire in the center of the earth was far hotter than imagined, and the light was too strong.Only forging masters like Shen Fei and Ao En dared to resist this degree of burning with their naked eyes.

"There are a lot of things in this rune circle, and even I can only understand [-]% to [-]% of it." Fat Tiger took out a notebook from the tiger's leather pocket, and copied the rune circle according to the same pattern.

Shen Fei had already put on the insulated suit for forging, looked at the Fat Tiger who had transformed into a "scientific research tiger" and said, "Don't waste your time, the magic circle of the Void Anvil is random every time, and only those who have mastered the rules can do it." untie."

Fat Tiger lowered his hands and looked helpless when he heard the words: "Why didn't you say it earlier..."

Aoun on the side was not idle either. After changing into the heat-insulating suit, he helped Shen Fei transport the ore.

Shen Fei was laying on the workbench to make a weapon design drawing, and at the same time instructed Aoun: "Throw these ores in first and melt them, and put these and kryptonite last."

Shen Fei quickly designed and built a prototype on the workbench based on the materials he currently had.

"Extremely high-strength rare ore, kryptonite, Sia's dragon's breath flame, Fat Tiger's lightning, and Ornn's Rune King warrior energy..." Shen Fei took all factors that could facilitate forging into consideration.

The drawings on the workbench are filled and perfected little by little from scratch, and finally become finished drawings.

Aoun watched from the side after carrying it, as if he was a well-behaved student standing by, anxiously watching the teacher correct his homework.

"The design of this hammer is quite exquisite, but is it too risky in these aspects?" Aoun pointed to a few points on the blueprint. Although he knew that teaching must be accompanied by the birth of a divine weapon, Shen Fei's current design, It's not walking in the direction of the artifact, but directly preparing to take a big step, above the artifact.

Ornn was sure that if this design could be forged, it would definitely be stronger than the Brotherhood sword that my brother forged.

Turtle, the materials and workmanship used in this war hammer can no longer be made with pure dwarven workmanship.

The corners of Shen Fei's mouth curled up and he smiled and said: "That's right, it's what you think. You want to master the peak forging technology, so why don't I want to break Ryan's record. After all, I, Shen Fei, personally forged it." Artifact, can’t be weaker than Brotherhood Sword?”

Aoun swallowed his saliva. He was always bold and took the lead. He rushed to the front when faced with difficulties, but this time he was surprisingly cowardly.

Shen Fei took too big a step. Although Aoun was looking forward to it, he was also afraid of accidents.

"Don't worry, I won't do things that I'm not sure about, let alone..." Shen Fei looked back at Fuman, and continued: "It's impossible to fail."

Shen Fei started the console, and after the console was lit up, various buttons appeared. Shen Fei's hands were like a pianist, operating quickly and non-stop.

The newly designed blueprints were scanned onto the operating table, Shen Fei output various data, and the entire earth center forging room began to hum.

The few people who came in to "join in the fun" were all stunned, and Fuman whispered: "I thought the whole forging was no different from the blacksmith's forging in Tuk County. They were all made with a sledgehammer..."

Aoun laughed, and explained Fuman's confusion: "Ordinary weapons or armors can be used with a sledgehammer. But now for this level of construction, some auxiliary force must be used, otherwise it is only the hardness of the material. And the energy of the explosion, when the hammer hits it, the material may not react yet, and the hammer shatters first.”

Fuman responded with a "Oh": "So advanced materials should be forged in a more advanced way."

As Shen Fei entered all the data, the whole forging room began to emit a sound similar to a train passing quickly on the rails.

Eat, eat, eat, eat...

Fat Tiger took out a piece of ham from the tiger skin pocket, and gnawed it leisurely.

No way, this background sound seems to be hinting at something constantly, I'm hungry to hear it.

Not long after, a black, square metal block rose from the console.Extend a probing claw from the mechanical equipment above the head, lift the metal block high, and place it in the center of the smelting rune circle.

Everything is highly mechanized design, after all, some handling work is difficult to be done by manpower.

The center of the rune magic circle has its own induction. When the metal block is put down, it begins to separate layers and gradually sink, revealing the exquisite internal structure.

Now anyone can see that this is a mold, a container for filling metal liquid.

From the hammer body of the war hammer to the handle, Shen Fei's design is coherent and unobtrusive, directly using a one-piece structure.

More importantly, the exquisite hollow structure inside the Warhammer looks quite sci-fi in the case of molds.

Fat Tiger and the others couldn't understand the next operation steps. It was the kind of operation that they really saw with their own eyes but couldn't understand.

All kinds of ores are smelted into liquid or viscous by the fire in the center of the earth, and poured into the mold.

Shen Fei carefully taught various skills and key points to Aoun who was on the side, and the expression on Aoun's face was wonderful.Some unbelievable views are constantly bombarding my habits and inherent ideas, and every step is a challenge to the previous forging experience.

In the end, Aoun simply let out a long breath and sighed: "I am also a person at the level of a forging master, but this time learning the ultimate forging technique, there is always a kind of wrong idea that the previous forging is wrong, which really shocked me. All ideas."

Shen Fei didn't have these troubles at the time. After all, he was captured by Ryan at the time. He didn't have any forging experience, and he was completely blank, so he was more acceptable.Now Aoun has to learn new advanced knowledge and break up the previous habits and experience, his face is full of entanglement and torture.

Fat Tiger and Shia were still watching the forging process at first, but later found it boring and incomprehensible, so they simply turned their attention to Aoun.After all, everyone can understand face changing.

As the metal in the mold began to solidify, Shen Fei observed the fire and immediately waved: "Xia, come here, it's your turn now."

When the dragon cub Xi Ya heard that it was her turn to contribute, she hummed a nursery rhyme and walked up briskly, asking excitedly, "What should I do?"

He couldn't understand forging, and the epic sense of creating artifacts was completely destroyed by Shen Fei's foolishness. Now Xi Ya should focus on participating.

Shen Fei performed a series of operations on the console, and the table below the mold gradually rose, raising the height by four or five meters.Afterwards, many metal tentacles appeared from the console, and the tops were all extremely thin, like the tentacles of spiders.

The metal tentacles pushed up the mold from all sides, and the table supported below gradually shrank back, and the whole red-hot mold exuding fiery energy seemed to be suspended in the air.

Shen Fei pointed to the hot metal mold, walked to the side of the dragon cub Xiya, pointed and said: "You use your strongest dragon's breath to spray this mold now, don't stop until I tell you to stop."

When Xia Ya heard this request, her disappointment was written all over her face: "Ah? Just this request, isn't it too simple?"

Shen Fei snorted and smiled: "Simple? Don't cry and beg for mercy later!"

Shia had a bad premonition, but she still took a step forward, snorting arrogantly.

Shen Fei and Ao Enqiqi backed away, the temperature of the dragon's breath of the guardian dragon of the earth was far stronger and more violent than the fire in the center of the earth.

Shia stood on the spot and prepared for a while, cleared her throat, and suddenly took a deep breath.

The air in the entire forging room seemed to be evacuated instantly, forming a strong air current.

Pei Qi was the first to react, hugged Fat Tiger's tail, wrapped his limbs tightly around it, and didn't let go even if he said anything.It seems that this guy now also knows who among this group of people is most capable of protecting it.

Fuman also squatted behind. He had seen Xi Ya showing off her power when he was in the Holy City. This little girl usually looks cute, but if she speaks, it will be different.

Shia brewed for a moment, then suddenly spewed out a fierce dragon's breath flame from her mouth.

The dragon's breath instantly wrapped the metal mold, and the violent flames even sprayed directly on the rock wall in the center of the earth.

The problems in the forging room suddenly increased a lot, Fat Tiger opened the protective cover to isolate most of the heat.But Xi Ya's dragon's breath this time was too strong, even inside the protective cover, Fat Tiger and Fuman's foreheads oozed bead-sized beads of sweat, and they even felt a little suffocated.

Under the strong energy package, the temperature of the metal shell of the mold continued to rise, and then it began to become liquid and drip some, but then it did not continue to drip, but directly vaporized under a stronger high temperature.

Shen Fei used the high temperature of Xi Ya's dragon's breath to make the mold peel off directly.In the process of the mold gradually heating up, the internal temperature will be increased once again, which is used to temper the core of the warhammer.Of course, the most important thing is to activate the core of the warhammer with flames after the shell of the mold falls off completely, forming a stable flame of dragon's breath inside.

Shia looked relaxed, at this level she can spray until tomorrow!
He glanced at Shen Fei complacently, as if he was saying to see if I was strong or not.

Shen Fei is now wearing heat-insulating clothing and protective equipment on his head, so Shia didn't see Shen Fei's expression clearly.

But gradually, Shia felt that her dragon's breath had no effect on the warhammer, and it seemed that there was a force in the warhammer that was frantically absorbing the energy of the dragon's breath.

This feeling, as if something is parasitic on the warhammer, sucking blood!
Xi Ya's eyes panicked a little, she glanced at Shen Fei from the corner of her eye, and found that he was not moving, so she continued to spit.

Shen Fei glanced at the progress, then pointed at Fat Tiger and said, "Fat Tiger, you come too, use your strongest thunder power!"

Fat Tiger's activation was very easy, with the power of thunder and lightning all over his body, he pushed forward with both hands, and all the power of thunder was concentrated on the warhammer.

The hottest flames and the strongest lightning are putting the final hammer to the test.

The Warhammer emitted a dazzling light, even comparable to the brightness of the sun.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Shen Fei slapped Aoun beside him with his elbow, and said through the helmet: "Aoun, throw the kryptonite in now!"

Aoun gasped, stunned for a moment, and then asked, "If you throw kryptonite into this kind of energy, it will definitely explode!"

The ray energy emitted by this fist-sized kryptonite is enough to flatten the entire lonely mountain and turn a hundred miles around into barren land.

Shen Fei put his hand on Aoun's shoulder and said, "Trust me, it won't explode!"

Aoun picked up the kryptonite suspiciously, hesitated for a moment to strengthen his confidence, he believed that Shen Fei would not fight an uncertain battle, and also believed that he would never make fun of his life and the lives of all the Lone Mountain dwarves.

"Then I'll throw it away!"

Aoun said, raised his hand and threw kryptonite towards the center of the flame and lightning...

(End of this chapter)

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