my pet is boss

Chapter 315 First forge an artifact and practice your hands!

Chapter 315 First forge an artifact and practice your hands!
Shen Fei originally planned to let Fuman stay to preside over the overall situation in the holy city, but this guy stalked him and insisted on following, saying that there was no one who could take care of the young master's daily necessities along the way.

For this kind of criticism, Fat Tiger and Xi Ya looked up at the sky, pretending not to hear.

So, before departure, Shen Fei was surprised to find that he had assembled a team of five "persons".

Shen Fei, Fat Tiger, Xi Ya, Fu Man, all matched.

Don't ask why Qi Qi also followed, but the roast suckling pig can save lives when the ammunition and food are exhausted.

When they walked out of the holy city and came to the wide field, Xi Ya turned back to her original form from a little girl, and suddenly a giant dragon covered with hard black dragon scales appeared in front of her.

Xi Ya's wings were tightly attached to the ground, and her body also crawled down, making it easier for Shen Fei and others to climb onto their backs.

Fat Tiger took out two rows of two-seat chairs from his tiger skin pocket, and then fastened them in a circle around Xia's body, and the first-class seats were set up.

Shen Fei, Fat Hu, Fu Man and Pei Qi all sat in their seats and fastened their seat belts.

"Later, if you want to eat or drink, remember to tell me..." Fat Tiger glanced back, and found that Shen Fei and Bi Qi had already reclined their chairs, each with a bottle of iced coconut juice and wearing a wearing a pair of sunglasses.

Shen Fei raised his sunglasses to his forehead, looked at Fat Tiger and said, "Fat Tiger, what are you talking about?"

Fat Tiger waved his hand and responded awkwardly: "It's okay, it's okay." Then he angrily took out a ham from the tiger's leather pocket, which he would enjoy even more than a pig.

Shea felt that several people were sitting firmly, and slowly raised her body. Then her legs kicked off the ground, her wings flapped, and the strong airflow bent all the vegetation on the field.After a while, several people felt the feeling of vacating.

Shen Fei had already gotten used to the feeling of flying on Xi Ya's back, and Fat Tiger could fly by itself, so he didn't feel much about this sudden acceleration, and even ate it more vigorously.

Fat Tiger glanced at Fuman beside him, only to see that this guy unhurriedly took out a delicate pocket watch inlaid with gold and diamonds from his pocket, and pressed the timing button, without any panic due to acceleration.

The people in the back seat didn't seem to be in the slightest panic, and they sipped iced coconut juice through a straw, which was very pleasant.

Fat Tiger wanted to see the surprise on the faces of the two pigs, but it was a pity that he was disappointed.The two pigs seemed to be all right, and Fat Tiger didn't see the surprised expression of the country bumpkin entering the city at all, and he felt no pleasure at all.

Xia quickly flew to the clouds, and Fat Tiger Yong's mana formed a windshield, blocking all the swift and fierce wind.

Fuman stretched his neck and looked down, and saw the human imperial capital shining with white holy light, getting smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a small dot.What you see more in front of you is a continuous jade dragon, traversing east and west.

This is the Daxueshan mountain range that separates the frost orcs from the human empire, like the backbone of the human empire, extending to the entire border.

Xia flew very fast, and within an hour, she could already see the lonely mountain that was sent to the top of the cloud.

The reason why it is called an isolated mountain is that it is surrounded by plains, a high mountain rises abruptly from the same spot, and the top of thousands of meters is submerged in the clouds.

This is the center of the dwarven kingdom, the Lonely Mountain.

Suddenly, a giant black dragon appeared in the sky, hovering on the top of Gushan Mountain.Many dwarves have discovered the dark shadow in the sky.Many people recalled the story that the lonely mountain was once occupied by the evil dragon Kersu.Some dwarves were tense and began to run around shouting: "The soul of the evil dragon Keersu is coming to seek our lives, run!"

The dwarf players near the lonely mountain were extremely excited after seeing the dragon.

"Call everyone here, a giant dragon boss appears in Gushan!"

"Fuck, the battle between humans and the Frost Orcs has just ended. Is it our dwarves' turn so soon?" In the small town outside the lonely mountain, the forging player put down the blacksmith hammer in his hand, eager to try.

"Wait, if I remember correctly, this seems to be the guardian dragon of the earth, the black dragon on the battlefield of Owendale!" A few strong dwarf players who were selected to support Owendale saw it in the sky. The giant dragon that kept lingering, the memory of the previous few days resurfaced.After all, such a "calling the wind and calling the rain" black dragon has almost become the absolute VIP on the battlefield that day, and it's hard not to remember it.

The news that there was a black dragon lingering on the top of the lonely mountain quickly reached Ornn's ears.

Aoun jumped off the throne without saying a word, and hurriedly organized his staff: "Quick, all the Patriarchs of the Brotherhood Family, follow me outside to greet them!"

After Aoun came back from the front line, he counted with his fingers every day when Shen Fei would come over.He thought that it would take a month before there was any movement. After all, the holy city had just been flattened, and there were still many things to deal with in the aftermath.It's just that he didn't expect that Shen Fei would bring Xi Ya to Gushan in just a few days.

The Patriarchs of the Brotherhood also reacted very quickly. In less than a few minutes, Aoun led the Patriarchs out of the Lonely Mountain to greet them.

The dwarf players were all stunned. These are big bosses that are rare to see on weekdays. It is harder to meet a boss in the wild than to guard a boss in the wild. I didn't expect all of them to come out today.Even the dwarf king Aoun, who has always been aloof, stepped down from the throne and came out in person. It seems that this time the matter is not small.

Shen Fei quickly saw the dwarf's instructions on the ground, and there was a special guiding landing position.

A large group of dwarves placed arrow symbols on the ground, and then formed a big circle hand in hand, indicating that the black dragon would land here.

As a race that is very close to the earth, the dwarves didn't feel horrible when the guardian dragon of the earth kept approaching. Instead, they had a natural sense of closeness.

Shia continued to descend, and her black shadow on the ground became bigger and bigger, bringing all the surrounding dwarves under the shadow of her wings.


As Shia landed on all fours, dust rose around her.

Shen Fei glanced at it and said, "We'll wait until the smoke clears before going down."

After a while, the smoke and dust cleared, Xi Ya returned to the dark loli state, and Shen Fei and the others landed safely.Only the dwarves who were in charge of guiding around them were all submerged in the soil from the waist down.

After all, Shia is the guardian dragon of the earth. It is the largest existence among all the dragons from ancient times to the present. Just a gale of wings can set off a bitter cold wind and snowstorm on the mountain.

Aoun opened his hands and rushed forward enthusiastically.

"Shen Fei, my good brother!"

Aoun bumped his head on Shen Fei's stomach, almost knocking out all the food he ate in the air intact.

"I know you are in a hurry, so I came over immediately after dealing with the matter of the holy city. By the way, I have a good news for you."

Aoun raised his head and looked at Shen Fei suspiciously. Is there any news comparable to the dwarf's "long-lost" top-notch forging technique?

"I found Lucien, and now this guy is starting a retirement life for the emperor in the holy city."

Shen Fei said it easily, but when Aoun heard this, his eyes were as big as copper bells, and he hurriedly asked: "How did you find him?"

Lucian's return gave Ornn the illusion that if Lucian could be found after being missing for three years, then his brother Ryan would definitely be found too!
Shen Fei bowed slightly, put his arm around Ornn's shoulder and said: "Let's go in and talk about it slowly, the most important thing this time is to teach you the dwarf's forging technique..."

On the way from "Tinglongping" to the Gushan Palace, dwarf guards in golden armor have already been arranged on both sides.

The dwarf players rushed forward to join in the fun.

"So it was the human regent who came to visit. What about the giant dragon just now?" The dwarves were naturally short, and they were standing in the crowd trying to stand on their toes, fighting for carrots one by one.

"The little girl in the black dress is a black dragon, and she transforms immediately after landing."

"This human regent is a bit big, but he's still a dragon knight. It's a beast!"

"Wo Cao, what did I see? On the top of the piebald pig next to it, why does it have the words [White Tiger God] on it! Isn't the White Tiger God the Four Great Gods of our monks!"

Fat Tiger's ears trembled, and he accurately found the dwarf monk player who was surprised just now from the crowd.

Seeing this, the other players hurriedly moved out of the way, and let the monk player who spoke just now come out, and they all pitied the player with a look of "your number is gone".

The four gods who can describe their occupations as piebald pigs, brother respects you for being a man!

The monk player turned pale instantly, is his account really going to disappear now?

"Okay, Fat Tiger, stop making trouble." Shen Fei patted the Fugui bag on the back of Fat Tiger's head, urging this guy to keep up.

Fat Tiger stared at the dwarf player, and muttered in a low voice: "Piebald pig, right? I'll let you see what a real piebald pig is!"

After finishing speaking, Fat Tiger snapped his fingers at the monk player, flicked his tail and walked away with a step of denial.

As for what Fat Tiger did, will know when this player uses the monk skills related to White Tiger.

The monk player was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, touched his body and found that all the parts were there, and looked at the skill bar, there was nothing abnormal, and there was no situation where the skill could not be used.

After being stunned for a moment, the monk player suddenly smirked, "Hey, it's okay! I'm actually okay!"

It's just that the players around looked at him with regret and pity.

Look, a good guy, stupid!
Sure enough, speaking in front of a BOSS-level NPC, you still have to weigh it.Otherwise, like the player in front of him, the account that he worked so hard to practice will be directly useless.

Aoun brought Shen Fei and others to the lonely mountain. On the way, Aoun smiled not to mention how bright it was. Behind him were the Patriarchs of the Brotherhood, most of whom participated in the eradication of evil dragons. Looking at Shen Fei, they were both familiar and unfamiliar. background, each one was extremely excited.

This is the famous dragon slayer, and he also masters the most quintessential forging technique of the dwarves.

Some young patriarchs looked confused, and other respected patriarchs around them gathered together and told each other about Shen Fei's magnificent history.After the speech, the Patriarchs of the Brotherhood behind them had another pair of shining and adoring eyes.

"You haven't been to Gushan for more than ninety years, have you? Look at Gushan's changes now!" Aoun opened his arms, showing Shen Fei the changes in Gushan in the past century.

When Shen Fei came last time, the excavation inside the Lonely Mountain was not perfect, especially after the evil dragon Kersu entrenched here, many dwarf buildings inside the Lonely Mountain were all destroyed. In the final battle, Shen Fei and the evil dragon even more It was the incarnation of the "Demolition Office", which almost destroyed the entire Gushan palace.

The Gushan Palace, which has undergone reconstruction, is even more magnificent.

"The evil dragon breath left by Kersu did not dissipate for a long time, and many dwarves appeared mentally abnormal. Sometimes I suspect that my brother did not come back after going out for a long time because of the attack of the disease." Said, Shen Fei has been listening without interrupting.

"Tonight I ordered someone to prepare a grand banquet for the most important friend of the dwarves."

Shen Fei raised his hand to stop Aoun, and said: "I think everything about the banquet can be put aside first, have you prepared all the materials, I will teach you the forging technique first."

When Aoun was talking about being excited, he was suddenly interrupted by Shen Fei. Unexpectedly, Shen Fei was even more anxious than him.

"You really should try Dwarf's freshly squeezed yellow beer first. We have improved the production process, and now the taste is even better than before!"

Shen Fei's Adam's apple twitched, and he couldn't help laughing: "The dwarf's yellow beer is indeed an irresistible temptation. You can ask someone to send the yellow beer to the forging room. We should get down to business first."

Aoun didn't expect Shen Fei to be so anxious, he hesitated for a moment and sighed: "Okay, since you are so persistent, then let's go to the forging room first, the Void Anvil is ready."

The strongest forging technique of the dwarves, if it is said directly, it will not have any effect.This skill only works when forged.And if you want to fully teach the ultimate forging technique, you must give full play to all the details of this forging technique in order to pass it on to others in its entirety.Forging products are bound to be produced in this process.

Because of the power of the ultimate forging technique, the forged product that contains all the effects must also be an extremely powerful weapon—an artifact!
Therefore, if you want to teach forging, you must be accompanied by the creation of artifacts.

"Well, don't you need to fast and take a bath?" When it came to imparting the forging technique, Aoun instantly became a curious baby.Although he has mastered the exquisite forging technique, he has become an ignorant child in front of the dwarves' peak technology.

"No, just spill a couple of glasses of wine to express yourself."

Without saying a word, Shen Fei walked towards the Void Anvil with Aoun in his arms. This is the most secret location in the Lonely Mountain, and it is also the location that goes deep into the center of the earth.

"By the way, the three of you are coming with me." Shen Fei thought for a while and decided to bring a few people with him.

After all, Shia's dragon's breath is more violent than the fire in the center of the earth.There is also Fat Tiger's thunder and lightning, and Fuman's luck.If these things are added, will it be possible to forge an artifact more powerful than the Brotherhood Sword?To be honest, Shen Fei was also very curious.

The forging ninety years ago was dominated by Professor Ryan.

This time forging, Shen Fei couldn't wait to gear up.

The dragon cub Xiya, Fat Tiger and Fuman followed behind Shen Fei in a decent manner, and Pei Qi followed up with Fuman, not feeling the slightest difference in the increasingly hot surrounding environment.

It's just that the dwarven guards guarding the Anvil of the Void God got into a tangle.

Shen Fei said to let three people follow in, but in the end they followed a pig, should they be stopped or let go?
But just as he was thinking about it, Pei Qi followed a few people into the forging room at the center of the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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