my pet is boss

Chapter 314 Great Bright Emperor

Chapter 314 Great Bright Emperor
During the royal palace celebration in the evening, Mary announced on the spot that Fuman would take care of the imperial consortium, and that she would take care of herself and start a retirement life.

Although everyone was surprised, they also understood Mary's choice.After all, Joshua is now able to shoulder the responsibility of the country, the old king Lucian has returned, the three races of humans, dwarves, and elves have become friends, and a combat alliance has been established in the northern continent. The security of the empire has been greatly guaranteed.

In addition, Fuman's various talents are perfect, and he is even better than blue in business. In just a few months, with very little initial capital, he has operated the second largest wealth in the entire empire. It is obvious that Mary chooses to retire now. Sensible.

As the largest financial organization in the empire, the imperial consortium moved extremely quickly.Shortly after the countess announced, all the rights were officially handed over to Fuman.

"This time the empire was preserved, thanks to Shen Fei's contribution, Shadow, go and get the secret box I put in MI[-]."

Everyone was holding champagne, wondering what the old king was going to do.

Shen Fei somewhat guessed what Lucien meant, quietly finished the handover, and called Fuman with a messy hair to his side.

Although Fuman didn't know why he suddenly took over the imperial consortium and became the finance minister of the empire, but since even the young master agrees, then he should just do it well. Anyway, there are many things on his body now, and this is not too much.The only thing Fuman wanted to complain about was Mary the Countess, who said she wanted to retire and enjoy life even though she was so young, rich and self-willed!
Shadow quickly fetched the secret box placed in MI[-].

This is one of the few secret boxes of S+ rank in SI[-]. It has not been opened since the day King Lucian handed it over to SI[-].

Lucian took the secret box, gave Shen Fei a meaningful look, and put his palm on the secret box.

The color of the secret box changed several times, and it was opened layer by layer. After opening, there were several letters covered with wax seals.

Lucian searched for it, took out one of them and opened it.

"This is the agreement I signed secretly when SI40 was established [-] years ago, and there is also the king's seal inside." Lucian opened the letter as he spoke, and the big characters on the first line attracted everyone's attention.

Joshua squinted his eyes and read the first line: "Reference opinions on dividing the east of Green Tooth Peak into a principality..."

Green Tooth Peak is located in the very center of the Human Empire. This is a mountain range that stretches for hundreds of miles, perfectly dividing the territory of the Human Empire into two halves.After the establishment of the Human Empire, Archmage Jordan and Archbishop Mailer slaughtered a young dragon here.

As the letter gradually unfolded, everyone saw all the contents inside.

To put it simply, it is to donate all the territory of the human empire east of Green Tooth Peak to Shen Fei to establish a principality.

"When I was fighting the world, I said that when I really succeed, we will rule the world together. It's just that you disappeared before I succeeded. But I firmly believe that you will come back, so I wrote this early. The agreement will come into effect automatically after you appear." Lucian pointed to the trigger conditions at the end and the imperial seal.

Mary folded her hands on her chest, and said with the eyes of the imperial law minister: "This agreement is indeed true and effective, so there is no need to doubt its authenticity."

Now everyone gasped, including Shen Fei.

Back then, he was just bragging about Lucian. No one thought that he could really be the one who united all human beings. He really drafted such an agreement and gave him half of it without hesitation. territory.

You know, now that Lucian is back, he can choose not to take out the secret box and announce the agreement. No one will know about it, and he himself can pretend that it doesn't exist.

Shen Fei crossed his hands in front of his chest, with an awkward smile on his face: "Did you take the previous joke seriously? And even if we rule the world together, I will be my regent. There is no need to establish a principality alone. Still stuck between humans and dwarves."

Ferdinand and the others were already dumbfounded and didn't know what to say.

The discussion was clearly about the ownership of half of the territory of the human empire, but in the mouths of Lucian and Shen Fei, it sounded like they were talking about how much Chinese cabbage cost a catty, and they seemed to ignore the huge territory at all.

The two couldn't stop arguing, and everyone else could only listen.

Countess Mary just smiled and shook her head, they would not know how many people dream of what they are refusing to refuse now.

"I'm sleepy, please take me back." Mary knew that this matter would not be discussed in the end.She is now "wearing a crime", and all rights have been handed over, so there is no need to stay here.

The guards of the royal palace escort Countess Mary away.

Mary really didn't think about running away. With the current strength of the human empire, she could be found wherever she fled.What's more, Lucien and Shen Fei saved her the last face in front of everyone, but they must have arranged a large number of people to follow behind their backs. Once there is a change in themselves, they probably will take action in the next second.

The two were still arguing, almost strangling each other's neck, without even realizing that Mary had left.

"Well, I'm going to run around. It's not realistic for me to manage a principality, and I don't have that much time. You can just reward Fuman. Anyway, those who are capable will do more work. He has outstanding talents and can do whatever he wants. , managing a principality is not a problem." Seeing that Lucien was about to draw his sword at the end, Shen Fei immediately threw the hot potato to Fuman.

Lucian's eyes lit up, and he thought it was a good idea.

It has been several days since he was released, and he also knows something about the commander-in-chief who performed best in this battle to defend the empire.During the past few days in the intelligence room of MI[-], I heard many legends about Fuman.Judging from the records of MI[-], Lucian was silent.

How do you feel that this guy is the real Son of Destiny?

If he had been blessed with such luck back then, he might not have been able to unify the northern and southern continents in ten years?

"Let Fu Mandang be in charge of the principality? I agree with this matter!"

Anyway, Fuman is Shen Fei's loyal servant, Fuman took over the principality, what's the difference between this and Shen Fei taking over by himself?
"Then what should be the name of this principality?" Lucien paced back and forth with his chin resting on his chin, but he didn't have much culture in his mind, so he wasn't allowed to come up with any earth-shattering and literary names. : "Forget it, it's not my business anyway."

Shen Fei was also lazy to worry, and waved his big hand to make Fuman want to go.

What does his blessed principality have to do with me, Shen Fei?
Joshua on the side was stunned, are all the grown-ups doing things so hastily these days?Every minute, the territory of the human empire is reduced by half.

But on the other hand, Joshua is also secretly happy. Fuman has been divided into principalities. After that, the human empire will change from the situation where the holy city is the main city, and become two powerful cities side by side, and the strength of the entire human empire will also be integrated. rising.

Fuman scratched his head, but still didn't understand what was going on.

Others such as Ferdinand, Jordan and Mailer all had smiles on their faces.How can I say that Fuman can be regarded as their successor, and the more powerful they become in the future, the more the major forces will move away.

"Brother, come up with a good name for your principality!" Joshua urged excitedly from the side, more excited than the person involved.

Fuman hadn't figured out what was going on yet, he was still enjoying the delicious food at the banquet, and had no time to care about other things.Anyway, he only vaguely knew that his Majesty would reward him for his meritorious service this time.

Seeing that Fuman hadn't reacted yet, Joshua hurriedly said: "For example, if you are allowed to be the king now, what name are you going to name your country?"

Without even thinking about it, Fuman blurted out: "The Great Guangming Empire, and then I am the Great Guangming Emperor! How about it, does it sound domineering?"

Joshua was stunned, and everyone else was also stunned, but Mailer was giggling.

Look, this kid still knows who loves him, and his name is Da Guangming Empire.

Lucien motioned to the clerk beside him to write it down, and the land east of Green Tooth Peak would be the territory of the Great Bright Empire.

When Ferdinand and the others came to their senses, they all stepped forward to congratulate: "Congratulations to the Great Bright Emperor!"

Fuman raised his head to look at the crowd, and even Bi Qi under his feet raised his head, staring at each other...

It took a long time for Fuman to accept the fact that he became the king and controlled half of the human empire.

"Okay, let's announce this matter directly, and at the same time order the craftsmen to start building the main city in a good place in the Great Bright Empire." Lucian ordered from the side.

After Lucien finished speaking, Shen Fei stopped him and said: "Forget it, let this guy take care of the repair of the main city. Don't you think there is anyone in this world who is luckier than this guy? What's more, he has With so much money, let him handle the maintenance of the main city by himself."

Lucien wanted to refute something, but then thought about it.This guy is the second richest person in the empire, and now he is in charge of the imperial consortium and concurrently the finance minister of the empire. It is estimated that there is no second person richer than Fuman in the entire human empire.If I want to spend money to help build the city, it is really unnecessary...

Lucien glanced at Joshua again, this kid is much better than he was back then.Just like Shen Fei, give young people a little room for development.

"Joshua, you performed very well in the defensive battle this time. You took the lead in the final decisive battle, and you were very brave as a father. At that time, you also said that as a king, you should protect the people. Now you are a king. You are a qualified king, and I will rest assured that the human empire will be handed over to you in the future."

Joshua was still celebrating that his elder brother became a king, but in the blink of an eye he himself became a king, and his face was filled with astonishment.

Just as everyone was pushing cups and changing glasses at the palace banquet, all human players received a message.

[From now on, the Great Guangming Principality is established, the location is all human territories east of the Green Tooth Peak, the leader: the Great Bright Emperor. 】

The announcement was sent three times in a row, and all human players received this message.


Almost everyone is curious, who is the Great Bright Emperor?
There are map sellers in the holy city, and almost every player who goes to the holy city has a copy.

Green Tooth Peak is a place they know, located in the very center of the entire human empire.

This hand directly cut off half of the territory of the human empire, shocking all human players.

Absolutely generous!

"Great Guangming Emperor, with such a coquettish name, shouldn't it be Shen Fei?"

"Certainly not, this guy Shen Fei is already the regent, so this time he wants to go out independently? And if it were him, he would definitely not have such a name."

"Who knows, but the news has been one after another in the past two days. The most urgent thing now is to find out who this Great Guangming Emperor is!"

"It must not be Chen Fei, it must not be Shen Fei, it must not be Shen Fei..."

Some players simply babbled and prayed to the gods and Buddhas, not Shen Fei.

The players around looked sideways curiously, and asked weakly: "What's wrong with Shen Fei?"

"It would be miserable if it was Shen Fei! This guy is a devil who eats people and doesn't spit out his bones! If someone comes to pass the boundary and needs tolls, then we are probably doomed..."

The player shuddered, thinking about it was really scary.The area to the east of the Green Tooth Peak has become the Principality of Great Light. Players who want to reach the dwarves or white elves can only go by land or through the strait.If you go through the strait, you will be easily attacked by the apostles, and if you go near the shore, you will definitely be charged tolls by Shen Fei.

The celebration has been celebrated, and everything must be back on track.

The ambassadors of the dwarves and white elves did not go back, and directly opened the mansions of the two countries in the holy city to provide guidance for the dwarves and white elves in the future human empire.

The two of them originally wanted to send people back to explain the establishment of the Great Guangming Principality. After all, this is a country established by Shen Fei's servants, so it naturally deserves a lot of attention. However, Shen Fei stopped them before the troops were dispatched. .

"You don't need to send people there. I'm going to go to the kingdom of dwarves and elves in these two days. I'll talk to Ornn and Landos about opening up the principality in person, so you don't have to worry about it."

"But Master Shen Fei, this journey is far away, you definitely need some people to take care of food and daily life, why not bring dwarves and elves, they can show you the way and arrange your itinerary..." The envoys of dwarves and elves are extremely Respectfully.Not to mention Shen Fei's status as regent among humans, just Shen Fei's status among dwarves and elves is not much lower than that of a king.

"No need, this time I will go there by the guardian dragon of the earth, and it only takes half a day, so let's just skip these worldly and cumbersome etiquettes. I believe Ornn and Landos must be waiting anxiously."

"Then, may Mother Earth/Goddess of the Moon bless you on your journey."

The holy city is now safe and secure with Lucian here.

Shen Fei has almost got rid of the player's identity and goal now.

Since owning Fat Tiger and Xi Ya, the player is no match for Shen Fei at all.Shen Fei also focused on more important things.

This time, when I went to the Lonely Mountain and Elf Island, meeting old friends and fulfilling the promises were secondary. Shen Fei mainly wanted to meet the Moon Goddess again and learn about the God of Creation...

(End of this chapter)

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