my pet is boss

Chapter 313 A Decent Ending

Chapter 313 A Decent Ending
The moment Lucian came on stage, the entire Gospel Square was silent, and a needle could be heard.

Shen Fei understood their eyes, they all wrote the same sentence - hell!

The old majesty has been missing for more than three years, exhausting countless financial resources and manpower of the empire to find him, but now, on the day of celebrating the victory, he suddenly came up from the backstage, and it was impossible for anyone to remain calm.

Well, Shen Fei doesn't count.

The Countess came to her senses and stared at Shen Fei, but she saw a slight contemptuous smile on Shen Fei's face.

So this guy already knew...

Now the Countess has fully realized that the teleportation ring in Shen Fei's hand was originally prepared for her!
So Shen Fei just wanted to prevent himself from being disadvantageous to Joshua from behind when fighting on the front line.

Countess Mary had indeed thought about creating chaos while everyone was on the front line and ending the royal bloodline, but she didn't expect Joshua's blind cat to meet a dead mouse, unexpectedly adding a regent to Shen Fei identity of.In this situation, if he made a move, he would risk being exposed, and Shen Fei would take all the benefits. The Countess is proficient in business and would never do such a loss-making business.

It's just that he didn't expect that Shen Fei had already found out everything.

The countess Mary was sitting on pins and needles in the audience, she still had to keep a strong smile on her face, and thousands of thoughts kept rolling in her mind. What went wrong?
Lucian didn't go to see Mary. When he was rescued by the shadow, he knew that Mary was over.

Lucian hid in the basement of MI[-] for three days. During these three days, he watched the major events that happened in the past few years, which were recorded in the intelligence room of MI[-].

In Shen Fei's plan, the celebration of the return of the frontline soldiers three days later was the time when everyone's pressure was greatly reduced and they were most defenseless.The Gospel Square was full of citizens and soldiers. After seeing Lucien appear, no matter what careful thoughts they had before, they unconsciously knelt down on one knee, put one hand on their chest, and shouted "My King".

Mary got up together with Fei Gong, Mailer and others, and bowed to welcome Lucian.

Joshua in the audience was stunned. His father had been missing for three years, and he suddenly stood up from the backstage during today's celebration.Joshua rubbed his eyes vigorously, it was true...the eye sockets were already wet before he knew it.

Lucian scanned the front row and saw many familiar faces, as well as some slightly "unfamiliar" faces.Joshua grew up, the eyes between his brows and the demeanor exuding from his whole body made Lucian seem to see himself when he was young, and even a little more calm and introverted.

Lucien opened his arms and walked to the very center of the celebration platform.

"I'm sorry for worrying everyone, I'm back now." Lucian casually bypassed his three-year disappearance.

This kind of thing can't be said in public, not to mention there are foreign guests from the other two races in the audience.

The Imperial Consortium is an extremely large organization. During the conversation between Shen Fei and Lucian, they decided to downplay the impact of this matter and gradually make a peaceful handover.

This move was tantamount to strangling Mary's last chance. She had no way to raise her troops to resist in public. What's more, after seeing the old king, these soldiers might not have any thoughts of rebellion at all.In other words, Mary has now completely lost control of the force.Only the retainers of the Earl's Mansion are completely loyal to her, but now in the Gospel Square, she has no way to mobilize the retainers.

More importantly, all the soldiers are back now, and all the big shots are gathered in the Holy City, as well as Shen Fei and his two beasts.Mary wasn't crazy enough to think that she could use hundreds of retainers to deal with a force of this scale.

Lucian smiled gratifiedly. The difficulties encountered by the human empire this time are far more terrifying than 40 years ago, but the tenacity shown by humans is even stronger than before, especially the performance of Joshua. Is a qualified king.Even if Lucian was there at the time, there is no guarantee that he will do better than Joshua.

Many people in the audience have reacted and burst into tears.

The Human Empire has been really hard these past few years. Without Lucian, everyone seems to have lost their backbone.

This time, in the face of the joint attack of the Frost Orcs and the apostles, the tenacity that humans showed shocked everyone, including themselves.

Now humans have proved themselves to be the well-deserved kings of the northern continent, and the return of the old king Lucian is the best ending together.

Everyone in the Gospel Square knelt down and chanted the name of King Lucian, shouting the tsunami.

The people from other parts of the holy city who did not squeeze in to join in the fun also whispered to each other, and soon knew what happened at the celebration.

People ran around telling the news to everyone they saw, recognized or not.

At this moment, even the players were all blown up.When entering the holy city to understand the background, it was clearly stated that the human king Lucian had been missing for more than three years, the little prince Joshua was young, and several important officials controlled the government.Now they not only defeated the orcs and the apostles on the front line, greatly defeating their prestige, but now there is even the return of the old king NPC, and now the human power will become NB!
"Humanity has added another legendary NPC. We have heard about the deeds of the old king Lucian from Novice Village. We didn't expect it to come out this time!"

"It seems that this is the reward for mankind's great victory. If the holy city cannot be defended this time, the old king will definitely not be able to get out."

"I heard from the NPC at the scene that it was Shen Fei who invited the old king here, which means that Shen Fei already knew about it?"

"Shen Fei has made great contributions to protecting the country this time, and there must be a lot of rewards..."

"I heard from an NPC in the army that Shen Fei came back riding a black dragon to rescue the Holy City. With two dragon breaths, all the enemies and players of the apostle were sprayed to death."

All the players turned into lemon essence, which was too sour.

However, the strength of human beings has become stronger, which also means that the areas and influence that their players can walk on have become stronger.

No, just after humans and the other two races signed the alliance agreement, all players were prompted to obtain the friendship between dwarves and elves.

When we first came to the Holy City, everyone had seen NPCs of these two races at the pier, but the friendship between the two races was very low at that time. That would be even lower, and the default is [Indifference], which made the players at the time have a good time complaining. They obviously agreed with the Light Alliance when they chose human beings. How can there be mutual discrimination within the alliance...

Some bold players rushed over to chat with the dwarves and white elves, trying to trigger some hidden plot, but they naturally got a lot of blank stares.There were even people who broke into the ships of dwarves and elves, and were beaten to death directly.

But it’s all right now. When the agreement was signed, everyone was notified by the system that the initial friendship with the dwarves and white elves was directly increased to [Friendly].

"I'll go, the friendliness has increased so much this time?"

"This is the League of Light!"

"By the way, I also received a reminder saying that the exchanges between the three tribes will increase in the future, and the border defense will be coordinated to promote economic, trade and exchanges. What does this mean?"

"This means that in the future on the land of the human empire, it will be easy to see dwarves and elves, and we can also go to their territories at will."

"I'm going! Finally, the communication between the three races is open, and you can directly meet and form a team with dwarf players and elf players."

Some players were excited, and some players looked stiff.

Now there is no barrier between the three clans, and they are one, which means that the various guilds will finally meet.

In the past, they were kings and hegemons within their respective races, but now the entire "battlefield" has expanded to the entire northern continent. Now the title of the number one guild must be wanted by many guilds.In addition, the competition for resources and copy progress will become more intense.For ordinary players, it is convenient to communicate in the future, and the method of many grand guilds to lock supplies will not work for them.In addition, for merchants, high-value blueprints will only be fired higher, but some potions will become cheaper.

For a while, the players had mixed feelings, each with their own concerns.

Countess Mary is now in the same state of mind.

I couldn't find any reason to leave, so I could only wait at the scene.

Mary, who is usually decisive and straightforward, now has a rare "reserved".

After Lucian finished speaking, Countess Mary stood up and whispered to Ferdinand beside her, "I'm tired from the long journey, and now I want to go back and have a rest. I won't attend the celebration dinner tonight."

Ferdinand did not have any doubts, he nodded and said that he would bring the words to him.

But just as Mary stood up, Shen Fei didn't know when she appeared on the way to leave.

"Mary, you don't look well. It just so happens that there is a doctor in the palace, and my nephew Lanchan has been waiting in the palace for a long time. When the time comes, let him take your pulse and see if there is a wind evil in your body."

Shen Fei spoke slowly, every word was a kind of torture to Mary.

From the corner of Mary's eyes, she saw that just as Shen Fei raised his hand to "warmly invite", Lucien also came down from the stage, greeted everyone one by one, and slowly approached her.

"I'm really uncomfortable now. There is a professional doctor in the Earl's Mansion. You don't have to bother Master Lazy Zen. I made it up on my own. Don't let me spoil the happy day." Mary dodged a little, but Shen Fei seemed to be swaying. There was a big mountain in front of her, no matter how she tried left or right, she couldn't get around it.At this moment, Mary even wanted to make a move, but in the end her reason suppressed her impulse.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind her, like a holding spell, which immediately made Mary unable to move and froze in place.

"Mary, long time no see."

Shen Fei dodged it quite perceptively, just as other people were full of doubts now, where did Shen Fei find King Lucien?When did they get together and plan to surprise everyone today?Surround Shen Fei.

Shen Fei glanced at the two people who were "chatting privately" and "reminiscing about the past", thinking how much contribution he had made for their last conversation!

On the night when Shen Fei met with Lucien, Shen Fei understood the ins and outs of the whole matter.

After listening to the process and experience of Lucian's kidnapping, Shen Fei only summed up in three words - romantic debt!
It turned out that Lucian and his wife knew each other back then, and Mary was about the same age at that time, and was soon fascinated by the handsome Lucian.However, Mary did not intervene in the marriage between Lucian and his sister because of morality, and she was responsible for both the law and finance of the empire, and contributed a lot to the empire.

Mary's unrequited crush on Lucian quickly turned into a pathological condition. She extreme believed that all the power of the empire must be firmly held in the hands of Lucien or her, because she is the only one who will never betray the empire and Lucien people.But at that time, Lucian and his wife were making love, and the empire was growing stronger under the rule. They didn't notice what Mary was doing behind the scenes, so that Sean, the deputy director of MI[-], was murdered.

Mary is in charge of the economy and law of the empire, and she does things without leaving a trace.

After Sean was assassinated, Mary wanted to explain to Lucian that she would become the top officer of SI[-], but Lucian flatly refused.Mary didn't know at all that Lucian had always vacated the position of the top officer of MI[-], and all the positions he took up were only temporary deputy positions, and Lucian didn't make any requirements for deputy positions, all of which were decided by MI[-] itself.

As a result, Xiao En's former disciple, the most talented shadow, has naturally become the "Supreme Officer" of SI:[-] on the outside.

In fact, Mary also wanted to attack the shadow afterwards, but the latent image technique of this guy shadow is too tricky, he comes and goes without a trace, she can't find any chance at all...

This matter passed like this, until the queen died of dystocia when giving birth to Joshua, and things ushered in a turning point...

Lucian was immersed in the great grief of losing his beloved wife, but Mary's eyes lit up, as if seeing a ray of dawn.

My sister passed away, so her chance came...

But her greetings did not get a response from Lucien, and once Mary even stated that the queen was vacant and she wanted to replace her...but Lucien refused with righteous words.

Although Mary and the queen are not twins, they look very similar. Mary thinks she can take care of Lucian instead of her sister, but she doesn't expect that the other party has no meaning at all, and advises her not to think about it.

Mary thought she was no worse than her sister at all, but she suffered "a great shame", her psychology became more and more distorted, and her humble love turned into a pathological possessive desire, until the night of Joshua's spring outing...

Mary decided to possess Lucian forever, brainwashed the guards of the camp with warlock secrets, and once again expressed her love for Lucian after entering the camp.Of course, it was once again rejected by Lucian.But this time Mary came prepared and told Lucian that she only wanted one last hug. After the hug, she completely forgot about him and married someone who cared about her.

This was also the situation that Lucian most hoped to see, so he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief and agreed to Mary's request.

But who knew that during the hug, Lucien found that his consciousness became more and more blurred, until his vision became dark and he lost consciousness...

When he woke up again, he had already appeared in the secret room of the Earl's Mansion.

When Lucien was speaking to Shen Fei in the basement of MI[-], Shen Fei picked up a plate of small melon seeds and listened while eating.After all, this kind of emotional and ethical drama at [-] o'clock in the evening does not feel like a little melon seeds.

After a long time, the case of the king's disappearance was a bloody drama.Because of her own selfish desires, Mary has harmed many people, and eventually led herself to a path of no return.

"Hey, lick the dog, lick the dog, until there is nothing in the end..."

Shen Fei and Lucien also discussed how to deal with this matter in the secret room.

The truth must not be made public, otherwise the reputation built by the imperial consortium over the years will be discredited, and the consortium trade all over the country will be completely collapsed.Of course, the most important point is that Mary caught Lucian and nothing happened, so Lucian can't kill him, so he can only deal with it in the same way.

Shen Fei looked at the tearful Mary, and her final destination was to be imprisoned in the Earl's Mansion...

As for the imperial consortium, it will be handed over to Fuman in the future.

Of course, this decision will be announced by Mary herself.

This can be regarded as a decent ending for her.

(End of this chapter)

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