my pet is boss

Chapter 312 Above the celebration, the king returns

Chapter 312 Above the celebration, the king returns

That was the statue of Fei Gong built during the founding of the country, implying the protection of the home and the country, but it was blown off like this, and the sharp sword hanging upside down in the hand was also blown off, this is really...

Ferdinand did not react at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't help applauding Fuman's strategy.

"Wonderful! This idea is really wild and unconstrained. It destroys the docks and sculptures, slowing down the enemy's attack. There are also the three-zone defense in the holy city, and the sluice gates. These settings are extremely successful, even if I am temporarily the commander-in-chief , and may not be able to think of such a complete strategy."

Ferdinand looked at Fuman with bright eyes. Over the years in the military department, he has personally brought out many generals and marshals, but none of them has Fuman's talent, tactical thinking and strategic vision.This is a rough jade!

Ferdinand immediately grabbed Fuman's hand and seemed to be a threat to everyone: "Don't rob me, this kid will have to mix with me in the army department in the future, and there will be successors for the protection of the empire in the future!"

It's just that everyone looked at Ferdinand with "compassionate" eyes.What are they robbing, this person has nothing to do with them, even if you Ferdinand wants someone but can't pay.

Seeing the eyes of everyone, Ferdinand was stunned for a moment and wanted to ask why, but tears welled up in his eyes the next second.

He has no money!

The archbishop and the archmage spent a lot of money to let Fuman learn holy light and magic.The army was always poor, and the Duke's Mansion couldn't afford [-] gold coins to compete for the "source" of Fuman.

"Okay, let's hurry up and enter the city. The people are waiting for the heroes to return."

Everyone didn't spend too long outside, and they all walked towards the holy city together.

Shen Fei walked in the middle of the team, walking together with the envoys of the Lonely Mountain Dwarf and the White Elf, not letting the envoys of the two teams feel left out.

Seeing Shen Fei walking beside them, the emissaries of the dwarves and white elves didn't dare to speak loudly, and walked half a step behind unconsciously, just like Shen Fei's servant.

These two people who were sent as envoys had witnessed Shen Fei displaying his supernatural power with their own eyes.Dwarves and elves have relatively long life spans, and they are the mainstays of their respective races, but they can already be regarded as "old people" in the eyes of humans.

The two followed Shen Fei tremblingly, and they also participated in this battle, so they were appointed by Ornn and Landos to follow the human army to the holy city to sign the agreement.Both are equally powerful in their respective races and can serve as plenipotentiaries.

"I heard that the elves and dwarves also launched an attack north of the Lonely Mountain?"

"Well, the head maid has divided up a group of soldiers and launched an attack from the north of the lonely mountain together with Ori of the dwarves."

Shen Fei couldn't help but nodded after listening to the answer: "As expected of Landosi, all the troops of the Frost Orcs are on the front of the battlefield. I never thought that the elves and dwarves would come together to steal the house. When the time comes, the remnants of the Frost Cold Orcs When the troops go back, it is estimated that there is only a pile of ruins left in Frostfrost Fortress."

The scourge of the Frost and Cold Orcs can be said to have ended here. Even if the raiding team did not flatten the Frost and Cold Fortress, it must have caused a lot of damage to the Frost and Cold Orcs.This time, the Frost and Cold Beastmen had an army of hundreds of thousands, and only a few thousand escaped in the end. They would have to recuperate for at least a few decades before they could fight.

"Regent, His Majesty Aoun reminds you that you must come to the Lonely Mountain when the time comes." The dwarf's messenger said cautiously.

Seeing this, the elf hurriedly said: "Master Maid also told you to go to Elven Island. If you don't go, Master Maid will tell me not to come back..."

The female elf spoke so pitifully that she wanted to cry.The dwarf was completely panicked in his eyes, who can stop it!

"I'll go to the Lonely Mountain and Elf Island after the matter in the Holy City is finished. You don't have to worry." Shen Fei laughed dumbly, as if he had become some kind of treasure and was robbed by others.

Everyone entered the holy city, followed by cheers.

The soldiers all had smiles on their faces, and it was the greatest luck to be able to return safely from this battle.

The soldiers swept away the exhaustion from the battle and greeted this grand banquet.

Back in Owendale, everyone straightened their backs involuntarily, as if they were undergoing a review.

There are still some traces of battles in the city. It can be seen that the fighting was fierce at that time. Of course, the most unacceptable thing is that when we walked to the civilian area, the Empire State Building, the tallest building in the civilian area, disappeared. Now only the newly built three-story building is left. .Those returning from the front line couldn't help but turn their eyes to the owner of the Empire State Building, the Countess Mary, wanting to see her face now.

Ferdinand, Jordan, and Mailer all had gossip-like smiles on their faces. When they greeted them just now, Fuman and Joshua didn't mention the bombing of the Empire State Building, so it doesn't take much to think that they can make such a big commotion Yes, only Shen Fei was left.

Sensing the cold gaze of Countess Mary, Shen Fei quickly waved his hands and said, "No way, you know that the guardian dragon of the earth is huge, and it is not easy to settle in the Holy City... Besides, this building Fuman paid for the reconstruction and guaranteed restoration As is."

Only then did Mary's mood improve, and she no longer pursued it.

In the Gospel Square, the stage for the celebration has been set up. All the soldiers are still full of energy after the battle and the long journey.It was an epic victory to be told to the children and grandchildren, each of whom was a participant, enough to make the family proud.

As the regent, Shen Fei should have him to give a speech.But this time Joshua's performance in the holy city was really wonderful, enough to take on the heavy responsibility of a king, so this time Shen Fei directly asked Joshua himself to speak.

Whether it is the speech for the expedition or the "Not Today" during the charge, it has become the most classic "The King's Speech". You can no longer watch him as a child.

When Joshua took the lead in charging, he was walking on the edge of life and death.

Although he is not yet ten years old, maturity and stability can already be seen between his brows.

He came to the stage without stage fright, and didn't say much about victory and high-sounding words, but the words "tax exemption for one year" already made the audience boil.

Not the holy city, but the entire empire, exempt from taxes for one year!

Everyone was boiling, shouting long live His Majesty.

Joshua had not communicated with anyone about this matter before, and it was entirely his own decision.Among them, the one who laughed the happiest was Countess Mary. As the richest person in the empire, she held the most wealth in the empire. If she was exempted from taxes for another year, wouldn't she be making a lot of money?

Shen Fei turned his head and glanced at the expressions and states on the faces of several people, especially when he saw the bright smile on Mary's face, he suppressed the smile.

This guy still thinks he has earned it.

Rebuilding the Empire State Building and exempting from taxes for one year, in Shen Fei's view, are all good things to recuperate and recuperate.After all, the troops of the entire empire were mobilized this time, and the closely related lives of the people were affected.With the current funds of the imperial treasury, no tax within a year will have little impact. Joshua can even take out part of the treasury funds and hand them over to Fuman for agency investment, and he will definitely make a lot of money.

As for the future, the imperial consortium and the countess don't have much to do with each other.

After Joshua finished speaking, he invited Shen Fei to speak on stage.

The corners of Shen Fei's mouth raised slightly, the fun had just begun.

Fat Tiger and Xi Ya were both in the audience, and if any accident happened, the two of them would take action immediately.

Unless the God of Creation came, no one would be able to do things together with the two of them.

Shen Fei walked onto the stage and said with a smile: "Joshua is now a qualified king, I have to find a time to step down as the nanny job of the regent."

Everyone in the audience roared with laughter.

Shen Fei was satirizing those who said that Joshua had not grown up, and satirizing him for being greedy for power and covering the sky with one hand.

From Shen Fei's point of view, the position of Prince Regent is completely a nanny.

Now Joshua has grown up and can make his own decisions, so there is no need for a regent.

"Uncle Shen, I think I'm still young, at least let me think about the matter of being in charge in another ten or twenty years!" Joshua in the audience also took the opportunity to shout to Shen Fei, and there was another burst of laughter from the crowd.

Shen Fei pretended to be angry and said: "You even charged without my permission, is there anything you dare not do?"

The crowd burst into laughter.

When the people of the Holy City heard that the little prince vowed to live and die with the Holy City at the end, stopped the army of apostles for the people, and finally led the last resistance army to charge in the royal area, and rushed into the crowd of the apostles at the head of the horse, making a last-ditch effort, everyone cheered. It is gratifying for human beings to have such a little prince, and more people think of the missing old Majesty Lucian. Now Joshua is not inferior at all, even better than blue.

Shen Fei raised his hand slightly to suppress everyone's laughter, and said with a serious face: "Besides the great victory on the front line, I have two good things to announce and share with you."

The attention of the citizens and common people in the audience was all focused on Shen Fei.

The great victory of mankind is already great news, what good news does Shen Fei have to announce?

Fei Gong, the archmage and the others all know one of the good things, that is, human beings will sign an alliance with two other races, which is the first time in a hundred years.In the future, humans and other two races will help each other and become a true offensive and defensive alliance, greatly increasing their deterrence.If someone with evil intentions wants to attack the human empire, he must weigh the consequences.But what about the second best thing Shen Fei said?They racked their brains and could not come up with any good news.

"The first thing is that during the battle between Owendale and the Frost Orcs, the Lone Mountain Dwarves and the White Elves came to help humans. In the end, the alliance of the three tribes won a big victory, not only defeated the Frost Frost Orcs, but also expelled the great demon [None], and finally destroyed the conspiracy of the ancient gods descending to the world! After the war, the three clans unanimously decided to formally establish the Alliance of Light, and from now on, the offense and defense will be integrated, and one will prosper and the other will suffer!"

After Shen Fei announced the news, all the people in the audience shouted excitedly, at the same time the envoys of the dwarves and elves also came to the stage, and the three clans signed a covenant representing the common will on the spot.

When Joshua, the dwarf envoy and the elf envoy signed the covenant together, Shen Fei couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I've been waiting for this covenant for 95 years..." Thinking of the strange things back then, Shen Fei couldn't help but sigh. Can't help but sigh.If he had signed the covenant when he was here, maybe it would be a different situation now.

The dwarf envoy and elf envoy also sighed: "Why don't we, this is really a belated covenant!"

After signing the covenant, the three tribes will open all the borders for joint operations, and the borders will also cooperate with each other.All trade and people flow will become more convenient. In short, more dwarves and elves will be seen on the land of the human empire in the future.

Shen Fei secretly rejoiced, so that his initial imagination about SI:[-] can finally proceed.

"This is really great news!"

"In the future, the frost and cold orcs in the entire northern continent will be useless! Even the apostles were kicked back to their hometown by us! I asked who else?"

"I'm more curious now what is the second good news that can be juxtaposed with it? Could it be that the regent is getting married?"


The citizens in the audience whispered, and some even said that Shen Fei and Mary flirted with each other.

"Could it be that the Prince Regent wants to marry the Countess? I've seen something wrong with the flirting between the two, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

"These two are truly a match made in heaven! The countess is the second most beautiful woman in the empire, and the richest man in the empire. She is a perfect match for the regent!"

"But it is said that the Countess is of a certain age..."

"The regent looks young, but he is actually about the same age as the old majesty. This wave is not bad..."

Shen Fei stood on the stage with black lines all over his head.

In other words, it's fine for you to discuss, can you make your voice a little lower, he can hear everything while standing on the stage!Not to mention the countess who was sitting in the first row below, she naturally heard every single word.

Shen Fei glanced at Mary, but he didn't expect that not only was there no anger on this guy's face, but there was an inexplicable smile on his face...Shen Fei shivered in fright. What's the difference?
Shen Feiquan pretended not to hear, and started to announce the second thing.

As for the second matter, I won't keep it with everyone, let him come out and talk to everyone!

Shen Fei stretched out a hand to welcome the other person to the stage.

All the senior officials of the empire sitting in the first row leaned forward, wanting to see who Shen Fei invited to come up.

This celebration stage was personally supervised by Shen Fei, there were no idlers in the background, only one of today's protagonists appeared on stage, so from the beginning of the celebration to the present, no one has noticed that there are still people here.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

There was a sound of stepping on wooden boards from behind the stage, and all the citizens under the stage stood on tiptoe.The human players are at the end, trying their best to watch.Among them, hunters and warlocks are the most convenient. One directly observes with the eagle eye technique, and the other directly releases the warlock's eye to observe closely.

The first thing that caught everyone's eyes was a head of pale hair and wrinkled brows, followed by a pair of resolute eyebrows and resolute and unyielding eyes...

The countess couldn't sit still any longer, and stared at the person coming.

Others got up from their seats in fright, and the soldiers and civilians behind became silent.

At this moment, there is no distinction between high and low, everyone has the same expression on their faces - shocked!
This is the old king who has been missing for many years, His Majesty Lucien!
(End of this chapter)

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