my pet is boss

Chapter 311 Greeting the Victorious Division

Chapter 311 Greeting the Victorious Division
"Other than that, what else do you think?"

Shen Fei attached great importance to Fat Hu's idea, because from the very beginning Shen Fei didn't regard Fat Hu as just an NPC, but something that surpassed virtual numbers and formed his own thinking consciousness.

Shen Fei didn't know how to describe this feeling, even he himself sometimes felt a sense of tearing.

On the one hand, he told himself that the fat tiger was just a bunch of data in the main brain.On the other hand, Fat Tiger's thinking has completely surpassed the game settings, and he can even communicate with Shen Fei about the 200-year space voyage of human beings.

"Don't panic, wait for me to wear the equipment to increase a little attribute."

Fat Tiger said as he took out a British cap, a pair of round glasses and a cigar from his belly pocket.

Logic +100!

Quick thinking +100!

Insight +100!

Holmes is officially online!

"Let's make a bold guess and carefully verify whether there is such a possibility. In fact, this game was not created out of thin air, nor was it all evolved by the mastermind itself according to what the Federation said. Instead, it concealed some facts and wanted players to be in the game Getting in touch gradually, adapting in advance? It’s like generating aura.”

Shen Fei listened carefully to Fat Tiger's analysis, which can be said to be well-founded.

If there is no spiritual event as evidence, Shen Fei must have taken Fat Tiger's words as a fantasy.

But now players don't have to go offline to rest, the aura system, these are all evidences that the Federation has concealed something.

So much so that Shen Fei is now questioning whether the so-called 200-year voyage is real?

After all, this is what the Federation is saying, and the people simply don't have the technology to verify whether a planet more than ten light-years away is really suitable for survival, or what to face.

"We are all in the game now, is there any way to verify these guesses?"

Fat Tiger rubbed his chin pretending to be deep and said: "If ships are used for space travel and everyone enters the game to 'sleep', then there must be a unified control center, and this mastermind is likely to control the ship's navigation at the same time. and game progress.

If my guess is true, then we don't need to go outside the game, as long as we contact the mastermind in the game, it is very possible to understand the truth of the matter! "

"The main brain in the game should be the God of Creation, right?"

Fat Tiger himself got excited first, and this matter was extremely challenging when he heard it.Exploring the most critical center of the game and obtaining information from it is an epic level of difficulty.

Shen Fei was thinking about the feasibility of this matter, Fat Tiger's analysis had something.The main brain, a central control system spanning the three Ark spaceships, gathered the wisdom of all human beings.The calculation of the main brain is huge, and it can even provide services for everyone in the ark.From space navigation data, route planning, down to credit point payment, network provision, and game operation, the mastermind is in charge.

It stands to reason that the main brains are all connected, as long as he has the opportunity to get in touch with the main brain in the game, that is, the God of Creation, then Shen Fei will have the opportunity to prove Fat Hu's point of view.

However, this matter needs to be discussed in the long run, and we need to communicate with Shia to get to know the Creator God before making a conclusion.

The most urgent task now is to prepare for the celebration banquet the day after tomorrow.

The holy city is changing all the time now, and people are constantly coming back from the outside, all with joyful smiles on their faces.They thought that the apostles would attack, the holy city would no longer exist, and human civilization would be completely destroyed. They didn't expect that on the way to escape, they were told that the apostles had been completely defeated and the human empire had won the final victory.If the person who notified the news was a human knight, they really thought it was a trick of the apostles.

When everyone returned to the holy city, they found that the city hadn't been damaged much after a fierce battle, and they were all grateful and grateful in their hearts.Some houses damaged in the battle were also taken care of by Fuman, spending money to rebuild or renovate them.

On the third day after the war, a small group of people galloped into the city, rode all the way from the city gate to the Royal Quarter, dismounted and climbed up the thousand steps, waving the documents of victory while running and shouting: "Great victory, Owendale victory! "

Although Shen Fei used the teleportation ring to return to the holy city to tell everyone the news, but now the front troops have sent the news of the great victory, and this is the real news of victory.

"The large army will return tomorrow, and there are also emissaries of dwarves and elves who are willing to re-conclude the covenant with humans."

Although Joshua had heard these things from Uncle Shen once, but now that he heard the news with his own ears, he still felt shuddering and unbelievable.

Defeating troops several times larger than their own, defeated the Frost and Cold Orcs on the battlefield, led people to attack Doom Mountain at night, destroyed the Frost and Cold Orcs' secret plan, and even joined forces with the undead troops from the Immortal Spring to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy's rear.

Joshua's body was still trembling with excitement at first, listening to the herald's narration, it seemed as if he was personally fighting on the battlefield.But when he heard that Zorak, the frost-cold orc warlock, summoned demons to deal with the human army after joining forces with the undead army, Joshua began to worry again. how many times.

This document is quite detailed, including everyone repelling the Great Demon God together. The Archbishop Mailer turned out to be a lich. The Ancient God was behind the scenes and led to the guardian dragon of the earth. The generals worked together, and Shen Fei finally subdued the dragon alone. All told in exceptional detail.

"It turns out that so many things happened in the first battle of Owendale, which can be called a legend." Joshua was stunned after hearing this, and the leader of the Royal Guards guarding Joshua was also completely stunned. Is the empire at war?This is clearly a battle against terrifying forces.

The Great Demon God of Borderlands, the sneaky and dark ancient gods, and human warriors fought against these ghosts and gods with flesh and blood, and finally won the battle.

"It turns out that the ancient gods bewitched the frost orcs. This battle killed their strategist Zorak, and they will probably not make any more moves in a short time. It's a pity that they can't wipe out all the frost orcs at once."

The leader of the Royal Guards on the side couldn't help saying: "Under the leadership of Fei Gong and the Regent, we finally won the victory with a numerical disadvantage, and even defeated these terrifying gods and demons. It is really rare. This battle is already perfect. gone."

Joshua nodded again and again: "Yes, this battle has been perfect. It can win the Frost and Cold Empire at the least cost, and even caused the apostles to suffer a lot. It's just that if the Frost and Cold Empire is not eliminated for a day, it is like a sword The sharp sword hangs above the head, making it difficult for people to sleep or eat."

The leader of the Royal Guards couldn't help but nodded, who said it wasn't?

Human beings were forced to fight against the Frost Orcs 40 years ago, and there will be another battle 40 years later. Who knows how long the Frost and Cold Orcs will come back after recuperating this time.

It's just that now Joshua has figured out the truth of the matter, and it turns out that the ancient gods are behind it.

It seems that as long as the ancient gods are eliminated, the frost orcs will have no backing, and they will not easily attack in the future.

Of course, after signing an alliance agreement with the dwarves and elves, the frost-cold orcs would be trapped to death within the scope of the Snow Mountain, and there would be no trouble.

There is Owendale to the west and Lonely Mountain to the east.As long as the alliance is willing, the two sides can enter the Frost and Cold Empire at the same time, and the front and rear attack will be completely destroyed.

Thinking of this, Joshua couldn't help being in a good mood. It can be said that he has solved a big problem for mankind.

"Everything is ready for the celebration banquet. Let's wait for the soldiers who are triumphant and triumphant to return to court tomorrow. Your rewards will be distributed together on the day of commendation. You should also go down to rest and meet your family members."

Hearing the reward, the expression on the herald's face remained unchanged.But when the little prince told them to go back and see their family members, the herald couldn't hold back the tears anymore, and burst out of his eyes.

When they left the holy city half a month ago, these fighters were already shrouded in horse leather and prepared to die in a foreign country. No one thought that they could retreat to the holy city with their whole bodies, let alone win a legendary victory.On the frontal battlefield, I learned from Zorak that the Frost Orcs joined forces with the apostles to attack Owendale and the Holy City simultaneously.

When they heard the news, all the soldiers on the battlefield were in despair.

They chose to come to the frontline battlefield to die, isn't it just to protect their wives and children in the rear!But now the apostles are dispatched to attack the holy city. The holy city is full of old and weak women and children, and all the young and middle-aged people in other towns are transferred to Owendale. !
After the battle in Owendale, the Regent used the teleportation ring to return to the holy city immediately, which was their only hope.

But everyone knew that the apostles' armada had at least tens of thousands of people, and the major forces in the holy city had no more than a thousand people behind them, so they couldn't resist the tens of thousands of troops.Perhaps the apostles could take down the entire holy city in less than an hour.The most frightening thing is that the little prince Joshua is still in the holy city. This is the last blood of the human royal family...

However, after returning from the first march today, seeing that the holy city was safe and the people in the city were all safe, I couldn't hold back my excitement, and wanted to fly back to my home to have a look.Hearing what the little prince said, the herald couldn't bear it any longer, and burst into tears.

"Okay, okay, let's go back and have a look." Joshua comforted with a smile.

When the holy city was besieged before, he ordered all the old and weak, women and children to leave, just to see the scene in front of him.Isn’t this the greatest motivation and comfort for the soldiers who fought bravely for the country to see their wives and children well after returning?

The herald went out "crying" and didn't care that the others made fun of him.But it is true that no one laughed at him. Whether it was the front soldiers or the people left behind, they all experienced an unforgettable battle.

Shen Fei's whereabouts in the past two days are mysterious, but the Holy City is immersed in the joy of victory, and lights and festoons are everywhere, preparing to welcome the return of the troops. Even the foundation of the Empire State Building has been cleaned up, and the initial scale has been built. layer.

On the day of welcoming the front-line soldiers, the holy city exudes a cheerful atmosphere. Children take to the streets to play, and the reports from the front line will be sent to the holy city every half an hour.

Joshua, Shen Fei and others have already greeted everyone ten miles outside the holy city.

The moment the returning troops appeared on the horizon, the residents and the defenders of the holy city all burst into loud cheers, which could be heard by the returning troops who were several miles away.

"The Holy City has finally been saved!" Fei Gong was quite touched when he saw the glory of the Holy City again.This can be said to be the biggest battle in human history, far more than 40 years ago.The objects they face are also ghosts and gods in legends.Shen Fei used the teleportation ring to return to the holy city, no one can guarantee whether the holy city will persist.

Perhaps when Shen Fei returned, the holy city had already been turned into a sea of ​​flames?
"With the White Tiger God, the guardian dragon of the earth, and the strength of the regent king, no amount of apostles will be given away for nothing!" Archmage Jordan said with a smile.

In Owendale, all the soldiers were teleported away, but everyone present had seen the horror of the guardian dragon of the earth.This kind of existence has already surpassed the power of the mortal world. Fortunately, Shen Fei arrived in time, and the holy city was not too damaged.

After everyone met, Fei Gong praised Shen Fei without hesitation: "Regent, it is thanks to you that the holy city can be preserved. You are the first to fight Owendale and the holy city!"

Shen Fei smiled and did not take the credit, and said: "If I tell you, the little prince and Fuman took advantage of the environment of the Holy City and the small number of resistance troops to forcefully stop the hundreds of thousands of apostles' troops for three hours, Do you believe it or not?"

There are only 3000 people left behind by the major forces in the holy city, blocking the hundreds of thousands of apostles for three hours?
Fei Gong immediately laughed: "The Regent, stop joking, how is this possible!"

Even Ferdinand himself was determined not to be able to do it.

Mailer, Jordan, and Mary also thought about it, and they got the same answer as Ferdinand, which was completely impossible.

Shen Fei shrugged and said: "But it's true. They recruited death row inmates from the Holy City Prison to form a resistance army of 5000 people. I just came back when I was fighting, and this solved the crisis."

Ferdinand opened his mouth, unable to speak.

Joshua and Fuman simply pretended not to know. After all, can they show off the bombing of the pier and the statue of Fei Gong?
But Shen Fei asked with evil humor: "Joshua, Fuman, tell me quickly how you stopped the hundreds of thousands of apostles' army?"

Joshua blushed and said hastily: "Fuman is the commander-in-chief of the Resistance Army, everything is due to Fuman!"

Fuman didn't expect that Joshua would sell him so soon. This is different from what they agreed on the way when they came!His mouth was wide open and he didn't know what to say.

Joshua looked at Fuman apologetically, and seemed to be saying: It's better to be scolded by two people than by one person, you just hold on, big brother...

Fuman had no choice but to explain his strategy at the time.

After hearing Fuman's actions, everyone opened their mouths in astonishment, not knowing what to say.Then he kept staring at Fei Gong, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh...

(End of this chapter)

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