my pet is boss

Chapter 310 The Weird Game

Chapter 310 The Weird Game

At this moment, Shen Fei saw a black shadow hovering under his feet.

Xi Ya also saw this shadow, if Shen Fei hadn't covered her mouth in time, she might have blurted out.

Shen Fei quickly glanced at Joshua, and found that this guy was lowering his head, worried about how to address Xia, and didn't see the abnormal behavior of the two just now.

"Okay, don't think too much about it. Fat Tiger has her own seniority. Don't be fooled by her appearance."

After Shen Fei finished speaking, Xi Ya covered her face with her hands and acted like a baby: "No, no, the Lun family is still a little girl, not an old woman!"

Shen Fei gave Joshua an apologetic look, you can handle this trouble on your own, for women who make trouble out of no reason, you Uncle Shen can't help!

"You all go back after you're done. The people will come back one after another tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. They will carry out production and construction in an orderly manner, waiting for the army to return. I'm a little tired and I'll go back to rest." After finishing speaking, Shen Fei rubbed Xi Ya's little head, He said to Xiya again: "You meet someone here, and come back with Fat Tiger later."

Joshua has no doubts about him and joins others in rebuilding after the war.

Uncle Shen must be very tired after going through two battles in one day. It's not too late to talk about something after today.

Joshua took a deep breath. After experiencing the test of life and death, he realized how sweet and precious the air of the empire is.

After Shen Fei left, he followed the shadow back to SI[-].

After entering the secret path, the shadow showed its real body, walking in front to lead Shen Fei.

Shen Fei didn't ask any further questions, the presence of the shadow here meant that the matter was done.How could he not be excited to finally see Lucien after more than ninety years?
Even the shadow noticed Shen Fei's undetectable trembling, but he was not much better.

When he finally found Her Majesty Lucien in the Countess's Mansion, Shadow's reaction was even more intense than Shen Fei's now, and he knelt down on the spot, unable to calm down for a long time.

Seeing Shen Fei's forbearance and performance now, Shadow felt sincere admiration: As expected of being the boss, this kind of scene can also be extremely calm.

Shadow walked to the door of the secret room, and stretched out his hand to signal that he was inside.Afterwards, Shadow withdrew, and what followed was the most secret and high-end dialogue in the empire. As the king of secret agents, Shadow knew that there were some things he shouldn't know, so he stepped back voluntarily.

After the shadow left, Shen Fei pushed the door and entered, then he seemed to have been cast with a freezing spell and froze in place.

Lucien was sitting on the brown leather sofa, with his legs crossed, one hand resting casually on the back of the sofa, the other resting on his knee, and a glass of red wine was swaying slightly in his hand.No changes can be seen on the face, only the pure white hair can prove the traces of the years.

"It's so useless that a woman can still be captured alive. It's amazing!" Shen Fei leaned against the door and clapped his hands feebly. Anyone could tell that it was mocking.

Lucien stared at Shen Fei for a while, drank all the red wine in the glass in one gulp, and shrugged helplessly: "You will understand when you get married, of course, the premise is that you have a sister-in-law."

Shen Fei regained his senses and walked into the room. This guy's words were still so sharp and his thinking was clear. It seemed that he hadn't suffered any major problems after being locked up for several years.

He entered the house and closed the door, and poured himself a glass of red wine by the way.

"You know it all?"

Lucian nodded absently, then shook his head again.

"Some things I know, some things I don't know..."

Shen Fei sat on the sofa opposite Lucien, put one hand on the back of the sofa, raised his legs, swayed the wine glass in his hand, and fixed his eyes on Lucien: "It doesn't matter, anyway, the long night will let you know everything."


Shen Fei came out from the secret passage of MI[-], and quickly raised his hands to cover his eyes. The sunlight outside was extremely dazzling, and it was already the next morning.

Shen Fei returned to Xiaozhuxuan in Wuseng Temple, when he just entered the door, he heard the voices of "Three Generations One", "Bomb" and "I can't afford it".

"Grandma, can we rest after this fight? I'm almost dying!"

"Even if you don't look at me, look at Joshua, he's just a child!"

"The master hasn't come back yet, we can leave when we come back."

Shen Fei stepped forward and pushed open the door. He had never seen Joshua and Fat Tiger showing such joy in their eyes. Even when the holy city was besieged by the apostles yesterday and was in danger, he appeared to turn the tide of the battle by himself. I have never seen Joshua with such ecstatic eyes.

One person and one tiger slipped out the door without saying a word, and ran away without looking back.

Xia Ya muttered, with disappointment written all over her face, she said aggrievedly: "After all, I'm not a devil, why did I run so fast..."

"Okay, I'm back now, and you should go and rest quickly."

As soon as Shen Fei walked away, Xi Ya's voice full of resentment came from behind: "The guardian of the earth does not need to rest!"

Shen Fei returned to his bedroom, lay on the bed and let out a long breath.

After several days of uninterrupted high-intensity combat, from Owendale to the holy city, Shen Fei can be said to have never rested for a moment.

Shen Fei lay on the bed, but couldn't feel the slightest bit of tiredness.

"It must be the continuous big incidents in the past few days, which made me a lot more excited..."

What makes Shen Fei feel strange is that it seems that since the start of the war, he has never been offline for a rest.Not only him, but other Owendale players never went offline to rest.This is completely different from what the mastermind gave them after boarding the ark.Shen Fei thought of the aura interface that Fat Tiger told him, and always felt that things were a little weird.

Shen Fei heard a slight rustling sound at the door, got up and just opened the door, when Fuman staggered and rolled in.

"Fuman, what are you doing leaning against the door?"

Fuman got up and dusted off the dust on his body, and said, "I heard from Joshua that the young master came back, and seeing the door of the young master's room closed, I thought he must be sleeping, so I planned to report the battle after the young master woke up." things."

Shen Fei was silent for a long time before saying: "Fuman, you are also a person with a face now, in the future you can just knock on the door if you have something to do, don't squat at the door and wait by yourself, I don't like it."

Fuman nodded again and again, and then began to tell Shen Fei the ins and outs of this holy city defense battle.

Shen Fei's blood boiled when he heard it at first, and he repeatedly praised Fuman's several decisions.

Dock bombing, giant sword bombing, triple trench defense.

You must know that what they are facing is the player, known as the "fourth natural disaster". Unexpectedly, Fuman relied on his own command and the concerted efforts of the rest of the team to defeat the attack of the apostle player several times.

As expected of the Son of Destiny, this battle was played to the fullest.

Shen Fei pondered, this time, Fuman, as the commander-in-chief, should be the first to defend the holy city.

This is the level of command and tactics that I have come into contact with for the first time. It is estimated that when Ferdinand, the "Military God", comes back to do a replay, he will be ashamed to the point of embarrassment.

But when Shen Fei heard that Joshua felt that human civilization should not just disappear, and then everyone launched an astrolabe containing human civilization and understanding of this planet, Shen Fei had an indescribably weird feeling.

"By the way, young master, except for the 327 prisoners who died in the battle, all the prisoners in the Holy City Prison returned to the prison on their own initiative, and none of them took the opportunity to escape."

"Well, I know about this. You haven't rested since yesterday, so you should take the time to rest."

As for what Fuman said before he left to take over the Empire State Building and the compensation for the renovation and reconstruction of the Empire, Shen Fei was so angry that he almost died.But after hearing about his deposits in the Imperial Bank, he calmed down.

"In the future, you must discuss this kind of matter with me first, and don't make any claims."

After Fuman left, Shen Fei lay on the bed, his mind was full of what Fuman just said about launching the astrolabe.I always feel that this is an easter egg buried by the game planner.

Speaking of this, Shen Fei thought of yesterday when the holy city counterattacked.Killing so many apostle players and NPCs didn't even give him experience, and the ships by the sea didn't give him any money. I don't know what this setting means.What also made Shen Fei curious was that not all the players went to the front line, and there were many players in the Holy City itself, but during the apostle's surprise attack and when he came back, he didn't see a single human player, which was very strange.

Shen Fei rested for a while and soon woke up.

Walking on the street, I found many players and a small number of residents who had returned.

"It's really cheating. I was offline in the holy city, but after I went online, I found that I was in the wilderness, and I was almost killed by wild monsters!"

"Don't mention it, I was in the holy city at that time. But when the apostle's attack horn sounded, everyone was teleported away, and the whole holy city became a restricted area. I could only follow the refugees to the city of Mithril."

"But it's finally won. I heard from the NPC that if the regent hadn't suddenly shot back yesterday, the entire human empire would have completely fallen."

"It is said that Shen Fei found a giant dragon, and sprayed the entire army of apostles to death in a few mouthfuls. Unfortunately, he was not there at the time, so he couldn't see the picture of the dragon."


The players were all excitedly exchanging about yesterday's siege, lamenting and regretting at the same time, but they didn't notice that Shen Fei passed by quietly.

"It turned out to be restricted by the system. No wonder no human player appeared, and the apostle NPC didn't give any rewards..."

The Holy City blocked the [-] apostle army with thousands of people, and all the people who came back had smiles of "survival after the catastrophe". After learning that the front line of Owendale had also won the victory, they had already begun to decorate excitedly, preparing to welcome Soldiers returning from the front.

It has been two days since Owendale's army came back. The holy city has undergone a great battle, and many places need to be renovated and decorated. It will take time.

Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner, and Shen Fei was also arranging his own plan.

Lucien didn't appear directly, Shen Fei had bigger plans.

According to the information provided by the shadow and the lurker Vespa sent out before, it is almost certain that Sean's death is related to the Countess, and even found out some more confidential things, linking Lucian's disappearance to Mary.

That's why Shen Fei later spent a lot of money to ask Jordan to make a teleportation ring for him.I was just worried that when everyone went to the front line, whether the people in the Earl's Mansion would be unfavorable to Joshua, and beware of any changes.

But before leaving, Joshua canonized Shen Fei as regent, but it saved his own life.

Without the identity of the regent, Joshua's sudden misfortune, the only person who has inextricably linked with the royal family is the Countess Mary. In addition, she controls the empire's economy and laws. The queen's position, the hope is great.

But Joshua handed over all the power of the empire to Shen Fei. Even if Joshua had some troubles, according to the legal documents, the power of the empire would fall into Shen Fei's hands, and Countess Mary had no chance of winning.It was this move that allowed Joshua to save his life.

But Shen Fei didn't expect that the frost orcs would collude with the apostles of the southern continent and launch attacks on the north and south of the empire at the same time. This is definitely a fatal blow!If it succeeds, the human race will end, and both players and NPCs will become refugees.

Fortunately, it's all over.

Now, as long as the last nail in the empire's bone marrow is pulled out at the celebration banquet two days later, the road ahead will be easy.

Everything is ready, and now we are waiting for our hero to return and enjoy the victory and applause.

After doing all this, Shen Fei thought about the astrolabe again in his mind, and always felt an indescribable feeling.

"No, I have to find Fat Tiger. This guy is proficient in programming and aura, and may have some unique opinions."

Shen Fei came to the peak of the Dreaming Zen Realm, and found Fat Tiger sleeping soundly in Tingtao Pavilion.

Fat Tiger was sleeping soundly, and suddenly dreamed that he fell from a high altitude, and subconsciously kicked his legs.

This kick didn't matter, Fat Tiger found himself suspended in the air, and there was even the sound of howling wind in his ears, as if he was falling weightlessly.

"Isn't this dream too real?"

"It must be that I've been exhausted for the past two days, and I've already experienced hallucinations. I feel sorry for my fat self..."

Fat Tiger closed his eyes again.

After a while, Fat Tiger opened his eyes suddenly, and found that he was really falling in the air at an extremely fast speed, he immediately thumped and slowed down in the air, returned to Tingtao Pavilion, and saw Shen Fei's figure.

"Are you awake?" Shen Fei crossed his hands on his chest and asked with a smile on his face.

The fat tiger was limp on the ground, his tongue sticking out and breathing heavily: "Don't ask, it's just that you haven't woken up yet."

"I found something very interesting, do you want to hear it?"

"Eh? What's interesting, let's talk about it." Fat Tiger didn't know when he had come to his side, with one arm around Shen Fei, he was very affectionate, Gossip Tiger went online.


Shen Fei told Fat Hu and Joshua about the "satellite launch".

"So what do you think about this?"

Fat Tiger crossed his legs and rubbed his chin back and forth with one hand.

"No matter how you look at it, it's kind of weird!"

Fat Tiger expressed his opinion, Shen Fei nodded in response, he also had the same opinion.

This game has been played for more than four months now, and the more I play, the more weird it becomes.

First, the rest time is reduced, but people do not feel tired.Secondly, what Fat Tiger said, this so-called system is an interface formed by the aura generated by the human body, not connected to any system panel.

It is said that games are automatically evolved by the master brain, but Fat Tiger's wisdom is obviously not limited to games, and he can even discuss with Shen Fei about human interstellar travel...

(End of this chapter)

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