my pet is boss

Chapter 309 The Truth Comes Out

Chapter 309 The Truth Comes Out
Shen Fei was carried by Xi Ya and flew in the air. After approaching the holy city, he could see a dark red glow everywhere, but the outer layer of the stone had gradually cooled, flickering, and it seemed to be breathing in the air. .

Shen Fei jumped onto the ruins of the Empire State Building, and the words -1, -1, -1 appeared above his head as soon as he landed.

"Hey, it's so hot!"

Shen Fei jumped hotly, although these stones seemed to be cooling down quickly, the actual temperature was very high.

Suddenly, the sluice gate not far ahead was opened, and countless waves of water rushed down, making close contact with the baked bluestone slabs, making a sizzling sound, and then a large area of ​​steam rose...

"Huh!" Shen Fei let out a long breath, the water under his feet was very warm, and suddenly he felt like he was in a sauna.

"Thanks, Shia."

Shen Fei turned his head and took a look, then the whole person seemed to see a ghost, plopped and sat in the water.

Sia was nowhere to be seen, replaced by a little girl with pigtails, heavy smoky makeup, and red lipstick.This is not the most important thing. This little girl is wearing a dark gothic suspender dress, with a pair of bright red leather shoes and lace translucent thin socks on her feet. She looks like a dark loli.

"Whose family are you a child? Don't you know it's dangerous here? Go back to the house and hide."

Shen Fei stood up from the ground, his clothes were completely wet by water.

"I'm Shia, Master doesn't know me?"

Shen Fei was dumbfounded, his jaw almost fell into the water, he was shocked for a long time, he couldn't believe that the dark loli in front of him was the black dragon that made the apostles fearful just now.

Although Shen Fei was stunned, Xi Ya approached with brisk steps, with both hands wrapped around Shen Fei's arm, very affectionate.

"I thought you would turn into a lizard with a hard shell, but I didn't expect you to turn into a human." Shen Fei recovered from the shock and said.

Xia Ya suddenly covered her face with her hands and stood there, shaking her body back and forth shyly, "Can you stop mentioning the embarrassing things from the past, it was dark and ugly back then..."

Shen Fei was made a little schizophrenic. After all, the Xia he knew was just a lizard. The one who was talking to him now seemed to be a girl who knew how to be beautiful. Shen Fei felt that he suddenly had a daughter. The lizard eggs were all hatched in Shen Fei's arms, so Shen Fei could be regarded as a legal guardian...

Changing from a pet to a "daughter" suddenly, such a change of mentality is a bit subtle for Shen Fei, and it will take a while to get used to it...

Shen Fei took Xi Ya's limp little hand and walked towards the royal area.

As soon as they reached the common ground, Xi Ya suddenly squeezed Shen Fei's hand and gestured with her eyes.

A black shadow moved quickly on the wall, and then quickly appeared on the only way for the two of them.

"Boss, why are you in the holy city?"

Shen Fei was still a little surprised when he saw the shadow, he didn't expect that he was also in the holy city.

The shadow bowed slightly, his eyes rested on Xi Ya for a second to look at her, and then his body trembled imperceptibly.

Just now, Xi Ya transformed from a black dragon into a loli from the sky, and he saw everything in his eyes.

Thinking of this little girl who looked a little "non-mainstream" in her attire, and the terrifying black dragon that breathed out flames and harvested the lives of the apostles just now, the huge contrast still made Shadow feel a little palpitating.

"I investigated clues in Mithril City and Flaubert before, and finally gathered them all to the Earl's Mansion in the holy city, and I simply came back directly. However, the Earl's Mansion is heavily guarded, and I have never found a chance. I didn't expect such a sudden incident today. The accident finally allowed me to find an opportunity to go deep into the Earl's Mansion to investigate, and as a result, I found some important evidence of the countess' rebellion, as well as some clues about the disappearance of His Majesty the King..."

When Shen Fei heard about Lucien, his eyes lit up immediately, and he asked urgently, "What did you find?"

The shadow came out of the shadows, took off the hood on his head, and his face gradually emerged from the shadows: "It is very likely that His Majesty the King is not dead, but is only imprisoned!"

"I investigated and analyzed the expenses of the Earl's Mansion in a short period of time. There are detailed records of all expenses and goods arrangements in the Earl's Mansion. I found that there is a small difference between the two. People may treat it as an error, but I am extremely sensitive to the number of consumption, because this number happens to be recorded in the secret information of the empire, and it is exactly the amount consumed by His Majesty's appetite! So I guess the old Majesty must be imprisoned in the female Somewhere in the Earl's Mansion."

The news seemed like a thunderbolt. It turned out that they had been searching for so long, and Lucian had been hidden in the Countess's house. No wonder they couldn't find him no matter how hard they searched.

Shen Fei breathed a little and said: "Then why are you still standing there, there is no one in the Countess's mansion right now, so let's go there now!"

After saying that, Shen Fei was stunned for a moment, and stopped the shadow: "No hurry, I will go to the Royal District to help you stop the people from the Earl's Mansion, to buy you time, and you go there alone to rescue His Majesty, remember not to leave any traces, and don't wantonly Xuanyang. After finding the secret stronghold that will be brought back to MI[-]..."

The shadow nodded, put on the hood again and retreated into the shadows, then disappeared in place as a shadow.

Shen Fei watched the shadow on the ground leave. The shadow on the ground was a little distorted when it was moving, and even tilted a little out of thin air. Sticking to the ground is hard work."

After the shadow left, Shen Fei hurriedly explained to Xi Ya beside him: "Don't tell anyone about what happened just now, including Fat Tiger."

Xi Ya rolled her eyes impatiently: "I'm no longer a child, so I won't be the same as Fat Tiger's big mouth."

Shen Fei thought for a while, and based on the hatching time, Xi Ya was also an "advanced age" in her nineties, which suddenly made him a little messy.

Lizard, little girl, nineties.

Shen Fei shook his head helplessly, it takes time to accept the habit!

Shen Fei and Xi Ya came to the royal area to meet with everyone.

Everyone's faces were flushed, and they didn't know if it was because the temperature was too high just now, or because they were too excited.

Joshua walked in the front, and the others followed behind with bright eyes.

This battle made everyone desperate, and Joshua was even ready to die for his country, but he didn't expect that at the last moment, Shen Fei suddenly appeared with a fat tiger and a black dragon covering the sky, In less than a moment, all the menacing apostles were sprayed to death. This is no longer a matter of strength.

In front of the black dragon, they all became tiny, vulnerable mortals.

When Shen Fei and the black dragon went to the small island in the inner sea just now, Joshua regained his senses and whispered, and asked Edward beside him: "Deputy principal, if you fight against such a black dragon, how long can you last?"

Edward laughed "haha" twice to hide his embarrassment, and then calmly said: "The dean may hold on for a second or two, if I say... I guess the black dragon will be gone as soon as he opens his mouth..."

This is not because Edward is modest, in fact, he really has no means to deal with the black dragon's breath.

Even if the protective shield is erected, from Edward's point of view just now, it can't stop the black dragon at all.

Joshua took a deep breath, and finally had a deeper understanding of the specific strength of the black dragon.He originally thought that the vice president could entangle with the black dragon for a while like Anubis, the god of death, but he didn't expect Edward to say that it was impossible, only to be killed instantly.

Joshua saw Shen Fei leading a little girl, and went up to meet her.

"Uncle Shen, if it weren't for you, we would be finished today."

No one wants to be the king of subjugation, and Joshua does not want the empire to be ruined by him.

Shen Fei looked at Joshua's adoring gaze, which was extremely beneficial.He raised his hand and rubbed the ruby ​​teleportation ring between his fingers, and said with a smile: "Don't panic, I had expected all this, otherwise I wouldn't have teleported back at this time. By the way, you don't have to be nervous about the front line, Frost and Cold Orcs!" Except for a small group of troops who escaped, the remaining 10,000+ troops have all been wiped out, this time is a big victory!"

The people present were extremely excited when they heard the news, big victory!

Human beings fought at the same time from the north and the south to resist the Frost Orcs and the Apostle Alliance, and finally won a complete victory.

If this was said before the war, no one would believe it.

"By the way, the dwarves and elves have also come to help this time. It is estimated that after the battle, they will send envoys to the Holy City to formally submit the alliance letter and some other breaking news. You will know when the time comes."

Shen Fei said a lot in a vague way, but each one was no less than a blockbuster.

Humans, dwarves, and elves have been in harmony for a long time. This time at the Owendale border, they did not expect that the two races would send out help. This is something they never figured out.And what is the breaking news that Shen Fei said?They were completely enthralled by Shen Fei now.

Of course, there are some things that Shen Fei can't say right now.

After all, Mailer is a Lich Skeleton, so if he says it now, he might explode right away?

When everyone was chattering non-stop, Shen Fei clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention.

"We have blocked the enemy's attack, and now we are about to enter the post-war reconstruction work. Because the holy city is short of manpower, everyone will listen to my unified arrangements from now on..."

No one objected to Shen Fei's words. His status as regent, coupled with his wonderful performance today, almost turned the whole defeat around by himself. At this time, everyone was convinced and even worshiped.

At this time, there were less than 3000 people in the whole holy city. The people were all sent away and fled, and they would definitely not come back within a day.It is reasonable and reasonable to recruit all the staff temporarily.

Of course, Shen Fei's purpose is to forcibly keep all the people in the Earl's Mansion here, to buy time for the shadow.

Shen Fei believes that with the strength of the shadow, since he has found the clues, he will be able to find Lucian soon.

After Shen Fei finished speaking, he assigned tasks to them, anyway, to let them find a way to get busy.

Joshua looked back and forth between Shen Fei and the little girl next to him, and couldn't help asking: "Uncle Shen, has that black dragon left?"

After returning from the inner sea, Joshua saw the black dragon suddenly disappear from the sky without a trace, thinking that Uncle Shen had invited such a powerful black dragon back to help the Human Empire.

Fat Tiger almost laughed out loud, but immediately covered his mouth after being glared at by Xi Ya, and walked aside with his arms around Fuman.

"Fuman, come, come, come and tell me how you survived the apostle's attack today..."

Fat Tiger also panicked, he was not worthless to Xiya before.I thought that after finding Xi Ya this time, Fat Tiger has the identity of the White Tiger God, and he can finally stand up. I didn't expect that Xi Ya is doing better than him now, and even got the blessing and appointment of the Creator God, and became the God of the Earth. Guardian Dragon.

No matter in terms of status or strength, Xi Ya can crush Fat Tiger now.Not to mention that Fat Tiger is still in an incomplete state of leaving his godhood at home.

At this time, Fat Tiger must learn to wink and endure humiliation!
Before Shen Fei could speak, Xi Ya spoke first: "I am the black dragon you mentioned, what can I do for you?"

Joshua froze, opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

He couldn't connect the little loli in front of him with the black dragon who soared in the sky before and said such domineering words like "everything under the wings is ashes".

"Little sister, stop joking." Joshua reacted and laughed, how could this be possible.Judging by the dress of this little sister, she should have been brought back when passing through the rich area, and it is very likely that she was a lost child when the civilians were sent away.Uncle Shen found it and brought it back.

Xia Ya was in a hurry, she broke free from Shen Fei's hands, put her hands on both sides of her face and kneaded them into claws.

"Wow, the dragon is roaring!!!"

Joshua froze for a moment, then smiled unkindly, holding his heart trembling.

"This, it's really... too scary!"

I trembled with laughter.

Joshua even wanted to touch the little girl's head, saying that she was so cute!
The performance just now swept away Joshua's pressure after the war.

Shen Fei clutched his forehead, this is really difficult...

"Okay, Shia, don't make trouble."

"Joshua, in fact, what she said is correct, she is really the black dragon just now, Shia."

After Shen Fei finished speaking, Joshua completely froze in place, his eyes were extremely wide, staring at Shen Fei as if confirming "Is this true?"

Shen Fei nodded affirmatively again, yes everything he said is true.

Joshua's feet were flimsy, his feet were unstable, and he took two steps back. He couldn't believe that the dark gothic little loli in front of him was the black dragon who was rampant in the sky above the Holy City just now, raising his hand to make troubles.

Then Joshua noticed what Shen Fei called her just now, Xi Ya.

The name was somewhat familiar, and Joshua racked his brains to think of the source.It was when his father Lucien told him the old stories, he mentioned Shen Fei, and the two pets beside him, Fat Tiger and Xi Ya.

Joshua gradually believed.

It's just that in the next second, his brows frowned, and the expression on his face became complicated and hesitant.

What should he call Shia, that's a question!

(End of this chapter)

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