my pet is boss

Chapter 308 There is nothing that cannot be solved by a mouthful of dragon's breath

Chapter 308 There is nothing that cannot be solved by a breath of dragon's breath
Shia also saw the tallest building in the civilian area, in her opinion it was just a slightly higher place.

Shia stepped on it, and the entire Empire State Building was reduced to ruins in an instant, with thick smoke billowing.

The Countess' butler saw this scene in the Royal Quarter, and his distressed hands were trembling. It was all a family business, and it disappeared in such an instant?
Fuman on the side patted the butler on the shoulder, and comforted: "It's okay, this building is mine, and I will pay for the rebuilding." Then he patted his chest, and said to Joshua: "This building is mine. I will pay for the loss of the Holy City this time."

Joshua couldn't help being speechless watching Fuman's rich and powerful performance, and couldn't help asking: "Brother, can you tell me how much money you have now?" Joshua remembered that Uncle Shen and Fuman only came to the holy city for a few days. Fuman was still a servant following him when he came here, but now in just a few months, he has become a landlord and old fortune in a blink of an eye, still that kind of huge wealth.

How much manpower and material resources were spent on the construction of the Empire State Building was mentioned in class when I was a child.Now Fuman pays as he says, without blinking his eyes. It sounds like he is not paying for the tallest building in the entire empire, but a random private house.

Fuman's eyes couldn't help but bewildered, yes, I don't even seem to remember how much money I have, anyway, the amount changes all the time.Before, he had to memorize this number several times a day, and he would have the opportunity to report it to the young master when he was preparing, but later on, because the changes were too fast, often he just memorized the number, and the next moment the number changed again, and finally he simply did not remember it.

"I don't know how much. Anyway, they all say that I am the richest person in the whole empire except the countess."

Well, Joshua shut his mouth, people are more angry than others, maybe this is talent!

He is also the talent of Chanzi, Shengzi, and Nine-star Dharma God. He was able to resist hundreds of thousands of apostle troops when he first commanded a battle. Now he is still the god of investment. In just a few months, he has changed from a commoner to one of the richest people in the empire. .

Shia stood in front of the black shield, and had already stopped the dragon's breath.But Anubis, the god of death, did not dare to relax his vigilance, and kept the black protective shield in operation at all times.At this time, he finally had a personal experience of the people who had been operating the defensive circle in the holy city.

Through the translucent magic circle, he saw the huge black dragon and the man standing on top of it.

Anubis, as the god of death and the great general of the apostolic kingdom, has always been under one person and above ten thousand people. Even the apostle pharaoh treated each other with courtesy.Now being looked down from a condescending angle, I suddenly feel inferior.

"Should I spray again now? Having broken free from the shackles of the ancient gods, I feel much more energetic now, and I can spray for a day without any problem." Xi Ya said excitedly.

Shen Fei glanced at the houses on the street that were burned red, the stones were still red, and said helplessly: "You can spray it for a day, but I'm afraid that the holy city will be completely gone after you spray it for a day! It's okay, Just leave it to me now."

Shen Fei took out a wooden arrow without a point from his backpack, and hit it slowly on the bowstring.

Xi Ya took a breath and looked shocked: "If you use this thing against him, will you be overkill? Why don't I spray him to death with a mouthful of salt soda!"

Shen Fei said meaningfully: "Landuosi said that the tree I planted on Elven Island before has grown into a towering tree..."

A few greedy eyes flashed in front of Xi Ya's eyes, and she said in surprise: "So, we now have a unique world tree? Then we are rich!"

Shen Fei was a little speechless. Sure enough, after transforming from a lizard to a giant dragon, besides the appearance, the most obvious feature is the dragon's "greed".

Anubis, the god of death, also saw the young man on the dragon's head. This guy actually pointed his bow at him. Is he planning to attack him?
Anubis was full of contempt deep in his heart, and couldn't help snorting coldly.

His own protective shield can block even the dragon's breath, and this small arrow wants to break through his defense, which is simply a dream.

Shen Fei drew his bow to the full moon, and the headless arrow made from the branches of the tree of the world shot at Anubis, the god of death.

The arrow drew an arc in the air and hit the protective cover. In the next second, a bright spot appeared on the protective cover. The arrow directly penetrated the protective cover and continued to run towards the god of death, Anubis.

This ordinary wooden arrow did not cause any earth-shattering movement, but it directly penetrated Anubis' defense. How could Anubis not be surprised?Now the wooden arrow was hitting him even more.

Anubis raised his other hand, and a ball of black flame flew up to meet the wooden arrow.

This group of black flames, known as the dead fire of hell, can burn everything.Similarly, it can also burn the defensive circle built by Anubis himself.This thing was bestowed on him by God when he was promoted in the Sun God Disk, and it can be said to be one of Anubis' trump cards.

But when the black fire and the wooden arrow collided together, the black fire, which used to burn everything, was completely misfired this time, and was directly pierced by the wooden arrow, extinguished by the way, and disappeared invisible.

Before Anubis could make another move, the wooden arrow accelerated rapidly, shattering Anubis' black armor, then pierced into the heart, and pierced out from the back.

Anubis, the god of death, froze. He didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary wooden arrow could pierce through his armor and his body, which was bathed in divine light and blessed by God, was known as the hardest body among all the apostles.

"You should aim at my head!" Anubis was surprised for a short time, the place where the body was pierced was constantly overflowing with black air, but after a while, all the black air seemed to be pulled back by some kind of traction. The body, together with the fragments of the armor on the ground, also returned to their place and healed, as if they were not injured.

But Anubis didn't see any surprise on Shen Fei's face, as if he had expected it.

Shen Fei really didn't think that he could nail Anubis to death with one arrow. After all, he is the supreme commander of the apostles' armada, and he is also one of the strongest among the apostles. Then Shen Fei would feel strange.

Shen Fei suddenly broke into a bright smile, a pair of big white teeth shining like the bright moon in the sky.

"Thank you for reminding me, it turns out I'm going to start!"

Anubis, the god of death, suddenly had a bad feeling, and quickly set up his defense again.


Shen Fei stood on the dragon head and whistled suddenly.

The arrow planted on the ground trembled violently, then flew up with a whistling sound, and pierced Anubis' head with a sharp turn.

There was no luck this time, and Anubis fell to the ground before he could react in time.

Countless black smoke came out from the gaps in the armor, and only the armor remained on the ground.At the same time, Anubis's black kobold guards also dissipated and turned into dust, only weapons and armor fell powerlessly to the ground.

The protective shield disappeared, and before Shen Fei could even give an order, Xia took a deep breath, and then exhaled, all the apostles' army and engineering equipment were wiped out in the raging flames.

When Xi Ya closed her mouth, the entire holy city was covered with red-hot stones emitting heat, as if the whole city was lit with red night lights, and even in the Royal District, one could feel the rising heat waves.

Everyone in the Royal District was speechless.

The apostle invader who made them fall into despair was sprayed out by the giant dragon?
Shia saw countless apostle ships moving in the inner sea, flapping their wings and flying into the air without saying a word, and there was another circle of dragon breath on the sea.

None of the apostle's ships could escape Shia's breath, forming a long red curtain on the sea.

"Let's go to the small island in the inner sea to have a look."

Shen Fei stood on Xi Ya's body, with his hands behind his back, suddenly wanting nothing.

The guardian dragon of the earth blessed by the Creation God, who rules all the dragons in the world and is also the guardian of the earth, has now become his pet.To be honest, Shen Fei doesn't know what boss is his opponent now?
Fat Tiger with his left hand and Shia with his right hand, let alone a war, he could even wipe out a race or a country if he wanted to.

Shia's strength is not inferior to that of the former evil dragon Kersu.

At the moment when they fell into the Doomsday Volcano together, Shen Fei completed the taming of the pet, but Xi Ya really bumped into it, and he was also shaken from his body. Live Shen Fei.Otherwise he would be dancing with lava.

Afterwards, there was a bitter drama at [-] o'clock in the evening. My amnesiac girlfriend was suddenly involved in a car accident, and recalled the previous scenes. The two cried and hugged each other, expressing their heartfelt pain.Then the wretched third party, Fat Tiger, appeared, and they scolded together: "Scumbag!"

Afterwards, things were much simpler. The guardian of the earth came out from Mount Doom, and a dragon's breath burned all the tentacles of the ancient god, preventing him from touching the seal and escaping.After that, Shen Fei didn't have time to explain Xi Ya's matter to everyone in detail, and used Jordan to create a million-dollar teleportation ring to return to the holy city and save the holy city.

When they arrived at the small island in the inner sea, before Shen Fei got close to him, he saw densely packed resurrected apostle players.

This group of apostle players were all resurrected before, waiting for the ship to pick them up and continue to fight in the holy city.

But after waiting for the ship not to come, they waited for a prompt from the system interface [Xia took a deep breath...], and then they were greeted by death.

The resurrection location this time is no longer a temporary resurrection point in the inland sea, but the port of Ramses thousands of miles away.

After these players came back, they found that everyone else had come back one step ahead of time, waiting to be resurrected.

"Ah, why are you all here?"

The faces of the others were ashen, and they said weakly: "Don't talk about us, how did you come back? Could it be that you were also wiped out by the dragon's breath?"

"Ah? You were also sprayed to death by that giant dragon? I have never seen such a big black dragon, which sprayed tens of thousands of us to death in one breath? By the way, why did we suddenly return to the port of Ramses, Could it be that……?!!"

"Yes, the army and players in the city were also wiped out. Anubis was directly shot through the head by a dragon knight on the other side and exploded on the spot. We were sprayed to death without protection. Because Anubis died , the temporary shrine in the inner sea can’t be used, so I went directly back to the port of Ramses and revived.”

The apostle players fell silent, and it took a long time before someone couldn't help but say, "So our attack has failed?"


"We don't want to. The total number of players and NPCs is 10,000+. After entering the holy city in a surprise attack, human players are also randomly teleported to surrounding cities. It can be said that they are directly facing an empty city. Who knows..."

"Can you blame us? But the enemy army has a black dragon!"

Although returning to the apostle's territory, there is no abnormal state that the resurrection time is extended by ten times, but the average apostle player dies three times or more, and the waiting time for resurrection is more than ten minutes.

On the other side, Sloppy's face was livid.

This time, all the plans were in vain, and all the money spent was wasted. I got nothing, but because I died three times, my level dropped by one level.

He died the most aggrieved, being pinched to death by a fat man who flew over with his back.

I heard from other people that they were all directly breathed out by the dragon that suddenly appeared, and the damage exploded directly, and they didn't even feel any pain during the whole process.

"You all be quiet, let him speak alone." Sloppy appointed his secretary to tell him what happened after his death.

The secretary told the story of what happened next, and after he finished speaking, he hesitated for a moment: "President, I finally took a closer look, the person on the head of the black dragon has a large line of words [ Human Regent Shen Fei]..."

Then he was too scared to speak.

The other guild members grinned angrily, thinking, why is your secretary talking such nonsense?Isn't this adding fuel to the president's head?

Originally, being killed by a fat man in a dramatic way was already aggrieved enough. They also wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. Now they tell the story of Heilong and Shen Fei. Isn't this making themselves uncomfortable?
If the boss is unhappy, they will naturally not be able to be happy.

Sloppy clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "Shen Fei, it's this Shen Fei again!"

Only this time, Sloppy suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.

From other people's mouths, he knew what kind of white tiger god, what kind of black dragon, and the little fat man with a long list of names who killed him were all inextricably linked with Shen Fei.

Just the White Tiger God and this black dragon can already turn all the apostle's troops into ashes, so what can he use against Shen Fei?
"These things must be one-off, otherwise it would be too BUG and completely affect the balance of the game. The optical brain is the crystallization of human technology, and it is certain that a BUG will not be allowed to walk around in the game and destroy the game process. It must be so!"

Hope suddenly rekindled in the sloppy eyes.

In this way, the only person he needs to face is Shen Fei, so he won't be afraid!

After finishing all the apostles, Shen Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The crisis is all resolved, and now I am "comfortable".

"Let's go back to the Holy City. After landing, you will return to your original appearance, or the entire Holy City will not be able to accommodate you."

"Okay master, we haven't seen each other for so many years, master, let Xi Ya sleep with you at night, okay..."

Shen Fei thought for a while, and it was true that he hadn't slept with Fat Huxia for a long time.In the past, he and Xi Ya slept together using Fat Tiger as a pillow.Shia is a lizard, quite human, but she loves to squeeze into Shen Fei's arms at night, which makes Shen Fei often feel like she is being hacked into pieces in the middle of the night...

(End of this chapter)

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