my pet is boss

Chapter 307 Shia took a deep breath...

Chapter 307 Shia took a deep breath...

"You're usually so lazy that you die, why are you suddenly so enthusiastic and active now?" Shen Fei was a little surprised, this guy Fat Hu usually asked him to do something, he could always find an excuse, but he was in such a hurry to return to the Holy City today.

"Crap, can I not be in a hurry! I buried two boxes of ham in the Monk Temple! And there is only one top-notch ham shop in Celia in the Holy City. If there is something wrong with the old master, this secret ham craft It will be completely lost, and you will never be able to eat top-quality ham in the future!"

Shen Fei wiped the ruby ​​ring that was still smoking on his hand.

He used the teleportation ring in his hand to return directly to the Holy City. When Archmage Jordan gave it to him, he promised to use this ring to return to the Holy City quietly and without anyone noticing.

But what happened to the explosion above the head after landing, and the magic spill?

This is probably because everyone in the Holy City knows that someone is coming from the Floating Void City. Did Jordan misunderstand the word "quietly"? (Black Question Mark Face.jpg)

When Shen Fei and Fat Hu came out of the teleportation hall, they stopped immediately.

Fat Tiger's chin was about to fall to the ground. After a while, he picked up his chin and pressed it back with a click. He said in a horrified tone, "Is this too much? At least 10,000+ people attacked the city? Civilian areas, The rich districts have all fallen! My Seria's secret ham!"

Immediately afterwards, Shen Fei saw the scene of the battle on the Thousand Steps Avenue in the Royal District. The human knights and the apostle players were mixed together. The white light of the death of the apostle players kept appearing, but the human cavalry gradually lost power and were surrounded by the players. It will be eaten away bit by bit.

"Where are there so many cavalry in the holy city?" Shen Fei was thinking, didn't all the fighting forces be taken away when the army went out?
Shen Fei patted the fat tiger's round head and said: "Go and save people, the royal district is up to you." After speaking, his eyes glanced at the civilian district and the wealthy district, and saw the large-scale attack of the apostles. City facilities and NPC troops.

"Leave the civilian area and the rich area to me."

Fat Tiger subconsciously said: "Then how do you play..." But he suddenly shut up halfway through the sentence, this guy was obviously going to pretend to be aggressive.

Fat Tiger turned into a flash of lightning without saying a word, and directly rushed towards the royal area.

The blooming thunder power is like a precise and sharp scalpel, drawing a gap from the apostle player pile, and directly dividing the apostle player team into two halves.

Fat Tiger took Fuman away with his mouth, and stopped beside the dizzy Biqi, and the apostles and players around Joshua all turned into a white light and disappeared from the spot.

Joshua felt a strong electric current around him, and even though he was wearing heavy and hard armor, he could feel the hairs on his arms bursting suddenly.

Joshua's pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw Fat Tiger, who appeared in a handsome posture, with one hand hanging in the air to make a handsome 7-character symbol, and a Fuman in the other armpit.

"Uncle Tiger!"

The apostle players were all stunned. A flying pig appeared just now, and now a long-haired pig appeared. The damage was even higher!
Joshua hurriedly asked, "Have all the frontline soldiers returned?"

Fat Tiger still had a willow branch in his mouth, he spat on the ground and said: "No, the teleportation ring is only enough for me and Shen Fei to come back."

Joshua glanced around, but found no one else, and there was a trace of sadness and loss in his eyes.

A Shen Fei plus Fat Tiger, such a combination has absolutely no effect on reversing the current situation.

The 10,000+ apostle army has already occupied the entire holy city. When will it be killed?
Just when Joshua was in a daze, the apostle player who reacted suddenly made a move, and just approached Joshua, a bolt of lightning appeared out of thin air, directly piercing the sneak attacking player.

Fat Tiger saw the worry in Joshua's eyes, but it had a calm face: "Don't worry, you should consider the follow-up restoration of the Holy City." Speaking of this, Fat Tiger frowned, two black lumps The thick eyebrows are like two caterpillars, drooping lazily above the eyelids.

"You'd better find a place to hide now, immediately, and leave these people to me to deal with."

Just as Joshua was about to say that he wanted to stay and fight together, Fat Tiger said meaningfully first: "You will understand later."

Fuman reacted quickly, grabbed Pei Qi's curled tail with one hand, and greeted with the other hand: "Go, everyone hide in the palace."

As the commander-in-chief of the Human Resistance Army this time, Fuman's words are still very effective.

Can survive, who is willing to die for the country?

Joshua made a decisive decision, pulled the reins and turned around, galloped along with the other soldiers, and returned to the palace.

Fat Tiger stood where he was, facing tens of thousands of apostle players without any fear.

Fat Tiger picked his nostrils and said lazily, "You guys go up together."

Apostle players feel insulted.

Shen Fei stood in the floating city, overlooking the entire holy city.

Fat Tiger has already started to fight in the royal area, and Shen Fei saw that all the cavalry had retreated to the palace.The civilian area and the wealthy area are all apostles, and there are no humans.

Afterwards, Shen Fei locked the Death God army surrounded by black air at a glance in the crowd.

Anubis, the god of death, held the golden scepter and looked at Shen Fei from afar.Surrounded by a group of guards also composed of black dogs, exuding black death, like a walking black cloud.

Anubis saw Shen Fei, but through his clothes, he could tell that this person was not Archmage Jordan.

Shen Fei glanced at other places calmly, and finally confirmed that Anubis, the god of death, is the highest officer of the apostle army this time.

Looking outside the city, Shen Fei searched for the docks for quite a while, but in the end all he saw were huge battleships densely packed like clouds, covering the entire inner sea.

"These apostles are really ruthless, even blowing up the pier..."

Then Shen Fei said to himself: "Fortunately, the holy city is made of stones, so even if it encounters a big fire, it is not afraid at all. In order to drive out these invading apostles, it should be no problem to deal with special circumstances, right?"

Anubis, the god of death, looked at Shen Fei. This young human should have used some kind of teleportation spell to appear here just now.

If the entire human army is teleported back, it may be a big trouble, but there is only one person, can it change the whole situation of the battle?

"You continue to act according to the plan, go and capture the human civilians back."

The cavalry of the apostles is a sand scorpion unique to the southern continent. It travels extremely fast, and there is a poisonous needle at the top of the tail of the scorpion raised up behind it. Physical and magic resistance.

The apostle army all got out of the way, and the army of sand scorpions was about to leave through the back door of the holy city.

"Isn't this too disrespectful of me, Shen Fei?"

Shen Fei took two steps back. The Floating Void City is a city suspended in the air, and the wind at high places is a bit strong.After that, he assisted an acceleration and jumped directly from the tower.

In the middle of the sky, Shen Fei began to read the call.

Three seconds later, a shadow suddenly appeared in the holy city, and even the air was shaken.

Shen Fei landed on the back of the earth guardian dragon Sia with a handsome gesture, and after Sia flapped her wings, she flew into the sky, her clothes rattling in the gust of wind.

"Cut, isn't it just a little bigger, what's so great..." Fat Tiger glanced at Xi Ya who was speeding past his head, the strong breath even made the three hairs on Fat Tiger's forehead rippling in the wind, and his tone was sour.

Everyone in the Holy City was stunned except Fat Tiger.

A giant dragon appeared out of nowhere, who can stop it!

The strong dragon breath made everyone breathless, and an abnormal state appeared on the interface of the apostle players.

[Longwei]: The breath of the earth guardian dragon makes you breathless, movement speed -90%, attack speed -90%.

Reduce the movement speed by 90%, what is the difference between this and being immobilized?
The apostle player tried to escape, but everyone seemed to be playing in slow motion, and they had to use all their strength to take a step, as if they were old people.

Everyone in the palace was stunned. The pen in the hand of the clerk in charge of recording snapped off in the middle, and the ink splashed half of the page.He has never seen a real dragon in his life, and now he has no words to describe the scene in front of him.

"My God, what a dragon!"

This is the only thing other people can say.

The menacing army of apostles was also stunned. There were also giant dragons in the apostolic kingdom, and even the pharaoh's mount was a golden dragon. This was a mount given to the pharaoh by the gods of the sun disc, representing the strongest power over the world.

However, compared with the giant dragon in front of him, the golden dragon is simply insignificant, not worth mentioning.

The face of Anubis, the god of death, suddenly became extremely ugly, and his heart was shocked.

If one person can't turn the tide of battle, then now that there is an extra dragon, everything has changed...

Anubis watched the rusty black dragon slowly ascend to the sky, and raised the golden scepter in his hand.If he doesn't make a move now, he probably won't have a chance.

Shen Fei stood on top of Xi Ya, and followed Xi Ya to the sky.

The setting sun on the horizon is still visible, and at this moment the sun, moon and stars appear in the sky at the same time.

Shen Fei looked at it from a high altitude, and at this moment, he had the illusion of owning the whole world.

"Xia, you've all flown into the sky, say something powerful to frighten this group of apostles."

Flying in the sky, Shen Fei saw the broken pier, countless ship wrecks floating in the inner sea in the distance, and the gunpowder smoke pervading the small navy island.

Apostle, this attack completely destroyed the Imperial Navy!

As the Regent, how could Shen Fei let them go back alive.

Xia snorted and snorted, spewed out a hot stream of air, and communicated with her heart: "Are you going to shock and pretend to be a little bit more aggressive?"

Shen Fei smiled brightly: "Sure enough, compared to Fat Tiger, Xi Ya is more understanding."

"Hmph, of course!"

"I am gentle, virtuous, beautiful, generous, beautiful, outwardly, intelligent, gentle, considerate, kind, dignified, elegant, noble, elegant, and ashamed. I am ashamed as a fish and a wild goose. I am as quiet as a delicate flower reflecting water and moving like a weak willow blowing the wind. Beautiful, beautiful, cute, smart, virtuous, gentle, sweet, sexy, elegant, and Xiaojiabiyu is born beautiful. Immaculate, shy, cute, gentle, elegant, bright, charming, beautiful, charming, with a small mouth, a peerless beauty, as beautiful as a fairy, in the moon, Chang'e, as beautiful as a peach, plum, peach, and apricot, as beautiful as a flower, like a moon, and a hibiscus, as beautiful as a face. Much stronger!"

Shia circled in the air, aimed at the holy city and began to dive at an accelerated speed.

"Mortal, under my wings covering the sun, everything is reduced to ashes!"

These words deeply shocked everyone present. Even Fat Tiger, who had activated the instant kill mode, couldn't help but stop after hearing Xi Ya's words, and took out a cover that read " Pretend to be a complete collection of four characters in the small book, and quickly wrote down what Xi Ya said just now.

"When the Chuangshi God is promoted, apart from the bloodline and the god position, he will also improve his character? Write it down, write it all down!"

Joshua has been speechless since the giant dragon appeared.

When Uncle Shen and Uncle Hu came back, they couldn't reverse the current situation, but now that there was an extra dragon, it would be completely different.

When Joshua was very young, he heard his father tell the story of fighting the dragon on the lonely mountain.It can be said that I have a deep understanding of the influence of the Dragon Clan.

Even a race as powerful as the dwarves was driven away from their homeland by an evil dragon and left their homes.Finally, the evil dragon Kersu was killed by combining the power of the three races of humans, dwarves and elves.Things like dragons are no longer as simple as affecting a local war, but enough to affect a country!
At this moment, an inexplicable sentence suddenly appeared on the interface of all the apostles.

【Shia took a deep breath...】

A few words left everyone at a loss.

Who is Shia?Why is she taking a deep breath?

But in the next second, all the apostle players understood why Xi Ya took a deep breath, because...

Shia swooped down, and the dragon's breath spewed out from her mouth, and the monstrous flames fell from the sky, sweeping the entire holy city.

The flame seemed to have vitality, spreading to every street and alley in the holy city, and everything the flame went was ashes.

The apostle players died instantly. The golden scepter in the hand of Anubis, the god of death, emitted black light, and a protective cover opened with Anubis as the center, covering a large number of apostle soldiers behind him.

Half of the entire holy city is black, and the other half is a sea of ​​flames.

As Xia flew lower and lower, all the dragon's breath fired at full power, and all sprayed on the black protective cover.

Where the flames touched just now, the apostles had already turned into ashes. The bluestone slabs and even the brick and tile houses on the ground were all burnt red, as if they were covered with a layer of sunset, and seemed to have just been fired from the kiln and had not cooled down. fine porcelain.

The pressure on Anubis increased greatly, and he even felt that the strength of this giant dragon was even stronger than that golden dragon of Lord Pharaoh!

"What is the origin of this giant dragon... How did this young man manage to control this giant dragon without a divine envoy?"

Anubis now has countless questions in his mind that need to be answered urgently, but no one can answer his questions right now.

The surrounding apostle soldiers all curled up together, their helpless eyes looked like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.Confusion appeared in many people's eyes, and they did not understand why the apostles who swept across the Holy City suddenly became the weaker party in the blink of an eye.

Xi Ya's height was getting lower and lower, and at the same time, Xi Ya frantically asked through telepathic communication: "Where do I step? Where do I want to land? The Lun family feels that their little jio has nowhere to put it!"

Shen Fei hurriedly pointed to the tallest building in the civilian area - the Empire State Building.

"Step there, the tallest cube building in the civilian area, no compensation for stepping there!"

PS: I recommend a book by a friend [Heavenly Chosen Poet], about urban rebirth, written by a thief G2 with a taste, "From 1998"

(End of this chapter)

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