my pet is boss

Chapter 306 The Return of the King

Chapter 306 The Return of the King

Anubis, the god of death, got off the huge ship and set foot on the northern continent for the first time, the territory of the human empire.

Oh no, this won't be the Empire of Man soon.

The horn of the final charge resounded throughout the holy city, Anubis' eyes were extremely cold, and human beings were already making the final fearless resistance.

I believe that soon those apostle warriors will be able to handle everything.

Although this group of people is not strong in combat, but they are large in number and can be resurrected, they are definitely the most difficult opponents.As long as they are given enough benefits, even if they go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, they will not frown, and even enjoy it.

Human beings are struggling for the last time. He doesn't even need to launch a large army to attack. When he reaches the royal area, he can just wait to take over the holy city.

Anubis raised his hand, and the dog-legged adjutant beside him nodded and bowed and leaned forward.

"Order to let the elite troops go out of the city to chase the fleeing human people and bring them back alive."

Anubis is very clear about the purpose of the apostles this time. The apostles cannot reproduce themselves, they can only be obtained through transformation.This time, they agreed to cooperate with the orcs because the human empire has a large number of population resources, and they can convert all of them into apostles through rituals to increase the number of apostles.

All the people in the holy city disappeared, obviously they had been transferred before the battle started.It's just that tens of thousands of people can't go too far in a short period of time, as long as they send out cavalry, they can catch up.

Not only that, but after taking down the Holy City "without bloodshed", Anubis also wanted to attack the two major cities of Flaubert and Mithril City to gather more population resources.

Humans are useless to orcs.All they want is the rich and vast lands of humans, enough resources for them to build a stronger empire.But for the apostles, population was the key.The southern continent no longer has the population resources for transformation, and the scale of the apostles has fallen into a bottleneck and has stagnated.This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to...

Holy City Royal Quarter.

Joshua galloped wildly, and rushed towards the apostle player who was under a thousand steps.

Vice-principal Edward held the staff, and the diamond inlaid on the top of the staff instantly burst into dazzling starlight, and it was like daylight in front of everyone for a while.

The apostle players standing in the front all covered their eyes and even screamed.

"Ah, my eyes are blind!"

"What the hell is this!"

"When you fight, you fight, why are you throwing flash bombs!"

Sloppy stood at a little bit in the middle, and was not blinded by the flash technique, but the front row of the apostle was already messed up, all kinds of skills were released crazily, and people started running around like headless chickens, everything was in chaos.

Fortunately, the damage cannot be applied to players of the same faction. Otherwise, before the human cavalry rushed down, the apostles would start fighting among themselves, killing more than half of them.

The crowd was chaotic, some yelled not to panic, and some yelled not to panic NMB you come and try.

"It's all a bunch of trash!"

The sloppy tone was a little displeased, and this kind of ending stage would embarrass him.

Some mages in the back row have already started releasing meteorite spells or storms in advance, and remote occupations are also ready.

However, under the encouragement of Joshua, the human cavalry reached its peak.The aura in front of him was enough to sweep everything away.

Jumping on the stairs with short legs, and other people's horses take a step, it takes three or even four steps to match.

Because Pei Qi's body couldn't fit a saddle, Fuman clung to Pei Qi's back, his hands tightly around Pei Qi's neck, and his legs clamped around Pei Qi's stomach, just like a big octopus.

The cavalry charged down, and Joshua crossed the blizzard, and with a sword, he pushed away the weapons of the soldiers in front, opening a hole.

The rest of the cavalry rushed forward like a torrent of steel, roughly tore a hole, and filed in.

"Hold it! Everyone go up!" Sloppy was holding a dark scepter, surrounded by the most elite and fully armed members of the guild, guarding Sloppy in the center.At the same time, Sloppy began to use skills. As a chaotic mage with explosive damage, as long as he was given time to read the bar, he could deal high damage.

As the leader of the human camp, Joshua rushed into the enemy camp first, and was naturally besieged by the players.

Edward raised the staff in his hand, and directly cast a silence spell on the area in front of him.

In the entire front row of apostle players, everyone found that they could not speak, and all active skills that could be used had a forbidden red cross on their icons.

[Archmage Edward released a group silence technique in this area! 】

Not only the skills, but even the players' mouths cannot be opened, and the chat bar is also blocked. This is a real group silence technique.

If it is possible to project the player's thoughts at this moment, then it must be——

"Fuck, it's fine if you can't use your skills, you can't even open your mouth, and you can't type in the chat box!"

"This group gag technique is really ruthless!"

"Those physics majors in the front row should run with a hammer and get an A quickly!"

"Ping A Nima, no one is gaining blood, the human leader BOSS looks young, and the strike is too ruthless, who can stand a sword..."

The cavalry directly tore through the battle line of the apostle players, and was about to go deep into the center where the sloppy was.

It’s just that Joshua could only rush to the front of his eyes, and encountered the most elite guards. These are a group of players over 40 levels, and many of them have purple outfits. Whether it is attributes, equipment or skills, they are all better than Those smelly fish and rotten shrimps in the front row are much stronger.

Joshua immediately saw the arrogant and sloppy eyes guarded in the middle.Even though he had never been on a battlefield before, he saw that the apostles around him looked like enemies, and he also knew that the person in front of him had a high status among the apostles, and he was probably an overseer.

But the surrounding apostles, looking at their equipment, knew that they were more than a little bit stronger than the ones they defeated before. Not to mention killing the warlord with their own hands, they simply couldn't move an inch.

A sloppy chaotic arrow hit Joshua's body, causing more than 800 points of damage directly.

If this damage hits the player, it can even kill the player directly!
Joshua gasped. The firepower of the apostle warlord was too fierce. This kind of chaotic spell hit the steel armor, and it couldn't even block the damage. There was a piercing pain in his arm, and he couldn't help but think about it. Let go of your arms.But Joshua carried it all by willpower. He knew that if he let go, he would be chopped into meat paste by these apostles in the next second.

Pei Qi was still running wildly, his neck was too tight due to Fumanle's too much force, his pink pig face had now turned into a sour purple color, and his eyeballs seemed to protrude.The harder they ran together, the tighter Fuman grasped...

There was a sound of "puff puff puff" from the well-aligned nostrils, and then because of being strangled too tightly, the brain was a little lack of oxygen, and the footsteps were vain, and he fell directly on the charging road.

Fuman was pushed by the well-fitted big buttocks, and he accelerated and was thrown away.

"Fit together, kill me!"

While spinning in the air, Fuman saw Peiqi sitting on the steps with his ass puffed up, his eyes were dazed and lifeless.I also saw Edward holding a staff in one hand and a long sword in the other, riding on a horse and turning into a melee mage, and repelling the surrounding apostles.There are other soldiers who are fighting bravely and fighting among the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, Fuman saw a chaotic mage guarded in the center in the distance, casting spells in his hands constantly, and all the well-equipped apostles were guarding the side. It looked like a high-ranking apostle.

"Look, there's a pig flying in the sky!"

An apostle player who was fighting felt something flying over his head, and looked up and saw Fuman.But as soon as the words fell, a kind-hearted old man next to him twisted his head off.

"Hehehe, another one."

The old man smiled and threw his head to the ground, clapped his hands and walked slowly towards another person nearby.

Other apostle players saw the pigs flying in the sky one after another, with incredible expressions on their faces.

There was such a big thing flying in the sky, so Ma Hu naturally saw it, and this guy rushed towards him directly.

"Hmph, courting death!"

Sloppy locked onto Fuman and started to read the next shot of Chaos Arrow. When Fuman flew in front of him, he killed the dead fat pig with one shot.

Fuman flew in the air, making the sloppy guards at a loss what to do.

Intercepting targets in the air, they have never encountered this before!The shield fighters or death knights in the front row are basically abolished.

Only the priest behind Sloppy began to heal the boss in advance, and some long-distance occupations also began to target Fuman, and began to output when he entered the range.

Fuman has no weapons, and as a Zen son of a Buddhist monastery, he walks around the world with a pair of fleshy palms!
In the past, Fuman must have just rolled down in a meatball chariot, but now after practicing, he is no longer a little chef in Tuk County, but a Zen son of the Monk Temple.

Knot and print with both hands!
This trick, fat, ah no, the flying dragon is in the sky!
As soon as Sloppy's Chaos Arrow was ready, Fuman came within his range.A burst of chaotic energy slammed towards Fuman, and at the same time the skills of the others also slammed.What Frostbolt, Frost Rocket, Chain Lightning, Concentrated Shooting...

Just when these energies were about to hit Fuman, the blue necklace on Fuman's neck suddenly covered him with a light blue ice shield, absorbing all the attacks and damage, as if a mud cow had disappeared into the sea.

All the apostles were stunned at this moment, this guy has a treasure on him!

Immediately afterwards, a greedy light flashed in Sloppy's eyes.

well known...

These NPCs with powerful equipment, after killing them, will have a chance to pop out the blueprint of the item...

As long as this fat man is killed, this damage-absorbing necklace may explode.

"Full firepower, hit this fat man for me, hit..."

Ma Hu just raised his hand and made an attack gesture, before he finished speaking, Fu Man had already flown in front of Ma Hu.

Immediately afterwards, Fuman's hands became palms, and they directly collapsed towards Sloppy's head.

Sloppy's head shrank back, like a frightened tortoise, retracting its head back into its shell.

"You still want to hit me, dreaming!"

Fuman made an empty shot, and the whole person flew directly over Sloppy's head, but suddenly Fat Tiger had an idea, and when he was about to fly over, he spread his legs, and suddenly a life-threatening scissor kick directly clamped Sloppy's head, They flew out together.

Fuman has practiced before, and his playing skills are extremely stable.

When the smash hit, it even knocked down the entire back row, making it extremely chaotic.

When Fuman stood up with a flexible carp, he found that the apostle warlord turned into a white light and disappeared.

At the same time, Sloppy reappeared at the resurrection point in Neihai with black lines all over his face.

He, the dignified president of the first guild of the apostles, was crushed to death by a fat man with his legs!
Carelessly opened the damage summary and found that the damage display was 9999.

Instant kill!

But when Sloppy saw Fuman's complicated name, his mouth opened so wide that he could stuff his entire fist into it.

[Commander-in-Chief of the Resistance Army of the Human Empire, Chanzi of the Monk Chanyuan, Personal Disciple of Master Lazy Zen, Owner of the Nine-Level Dharma God Talent of Floating City Master Academy, Personal Disciple of Archmage Jordan, Son of the Holy Light of the Holy Light Cathedral, Personal Disciple of Archbishop Mailer· The god of investment recognized by the imperial consortium, the second richest person in the empire, gourmet food connoisseur, imperial philanthropist, loyal servant of the regent Shen Fei, Fuman]

"What kind of monster is this guy!"

The entire apostle players fell silent for an instant.

Their boss, the sloppy chairman, was pinched to death with both legs.

But after a while, a necromancer suddenly stood up and shouted: "The president chatted with me privately, saying that he killed that fat man! There will be rewards! Ten thousand gold coins!"

All the apostle players in the back exploded. Whoever kills this fat man will get a reward of 100 gold coins, which is [-] million credit points. This is completely sending warmth to the countryside.

The fat man went into the pile of apostles alone, and killed their boss in an incredible way.

Now, as long as someone can kill him, he can get a reward of 100 million credit points!

All the apostle players had red eyes.

Fuman's obese body trembled, and his innocent eyes seemed to insult sheep of wolves.

"Don't come here! I know kung fu!"

Fuman stroked a few more strokes with both hands, and carefully looked at the apostles who gradually surrounded him.

"My master is the human regent, be careful when he comes and kill you in minutes!"

Fuman wanted to retreat, but there were also apostles standing behind him.

Joshua also noticed that Fuman rushed in, and instantly killed the opponent's warlord.It's just that Fuman was also surrounded. Joshua wanted to go up to rescue him, but the apostles around him were like difficult little ghosts, and he couldn't kill them all.

"Fuqi, you're killing me now!" Fuman couldn't help but mutter to himself.

At this moment, a burst of extremely strong magic power burst out suddenly over the Floating Void City Mage Academy.

Immediately afterwards, a strong magic force exploded.The sunset glow in the entire sky was even overwhelmed by this magic power.

Anubis, the god of death, suddenly became serious, and there was such a strong wave of magic from the floating city. Could it be that the archmage is back?
"Fuck, why is there such a big noise! ​​Did you agree to keep it quiet? Jordan, don't you think you lied to me with millions of gold coins!" Shen Fei's voice sounded from the teleportation room in Floating Void City.

"Stop cursing, wait until Jordan comes back and complain about quality problems, the most important thing now is to see how the Holy City is doing!" Fat Tiger said.

(End of this chapter)

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