my pet is boss

Chapter 305 Charge!Warriors of the Empire!

Chapter 305 Charge!Warriors of the Empire!

Fuman had already put on his armor, but instead of getting on his horse, he walked to Pei Qi with a chain mail in his arms.

"If we die in battle, you won't be able to run away. Maybe you will be roasted and eaten by the apostles. Rather than die aggrieved, you might as well charge forward with me.

I brought you out of Tookshire with my own hand, to put on this chain mail, and you are a war pig. "

Pei Qi understood Fuman's words, stood where he was and let Fuman put the chain mail on his body.

Human soldiers and outlaws put on armor and took on the best weapons.

"It's ironic. I was a vicious murderer yesterday, but today I am a knight who protects my home and country."

"Who says it's not? I was afraid to avoid wearing this dress before, but I didn't expect to be able to wear it openly one day."

"By the way, you said that if we really died in battle and shrouded our bodies in horse leather on the battlefield, will someone find our bodies in the future and enshrine us as soldiers protecting the country?"

As soon as the words fell, the desperado himself laughed first.

This is really ironic. A prisoner who killed people without blinking an eye and regarded blood as glory, but after death, he will be regarded as an imperial soldier who died for his country.

All are dressed and mounted on horses.

These desperadoes wore excellent battle armor with the imprint of the Lion Heart Empire, and their silver helmets covered their entire cheeks, revealing only a pinch of resolute eyes, which made people feel that they were the most elite knights in the entire empire.

Joshua has also finished dressing and riding on his own exclusive war horse.

The human empire was founded on a horse, so the royal family of the empire has always retained the custom of raising a war horse in person, so that future generations will remember what the country is built on.Joshua, a war horse, was raised by him since he was a child. Now he is young and strong, with amazing feet.

Joshua reached out and patted the side of the horse's neck, and said softly, "My good partner, I can finally fight side by side with you today."

Joshua had thought about fighting on horseback more than once, but both his father and the countess used "you are still young, and you will have plenty of opportunities in the future" to prevaricate.

The war horse neighed slightly, responding to Joshua.Under the long black eyelashes, there is a pair of bright eyes.This is also the first time it has been covered with battle armor, and it is also the first time Ma has fought in life. The steps under his feet are constantly stepping, looking very excited.

Joshua knew that the holy city had come to an end, and even the entire human empire would be annihilated in this war. This was the end of the human empire.

Even if there will be a small group of humans surviving in the future, but no leader will stand up. From then on, humans can only be reduced to exiles engaged in lowly labor, dependent on the dwarves or other races for their livelihood.

Especially in the library of the holy city, there is a collection of all the civilization materials of human beings for hundreds of years. These precious historical materials will disappear in the flames of war.

The clerk beside Joshua is still writing hard, recording the final fate of mankind.Even though he is very old now, the speed of writing on his hands is not slow.In his hands, the victory of Owendale can be reproduced, and the rise of the Holy City is still vivid in his mind, and now it is up to him to record the last tragic battle in human history.

"Eldest brother, I don't think human civilization should be destroyed by our hands, it's worth continuing!" Joshua pondered.

Fuman didn't know that the magnificent human civilization was a treasure, but now that the apostle was below, he could even see heavy siege facilities being transported into the city.There is no doubt that today is the end of human civilization.

"But after this battle, people are gone, how can civilization continue?" Fuman looked blankly at the apostles in the city, who were almost everywhere in the holy city except the royal area, and they were rushing here.

"Culture, art, history, these things are all kept in the Holy City Library, and there is no way to transport them out."

Why didn't Joshua know this, and said directly: "It doesn't make any sense to lose human civilization, but I don't think all of this should only exist in the records of the victors. Does it mean that every time we are mentioned in the future, we will appear In the epic of the orcs and the apostles, as the underfooted losers... I think, at least we should let human civilization continue."

This time Fuman was even more at a loss.

Now that the apostles have rushed up, no one can leave the holy city with human civilization.

Or, no one has been able to rejuvenate human civilization.

Joshua raised his head and glanced at the sky. At the moment, the sky was filled with rays of light, but some stars could already be seen vaguely.

"Perhaps, we can send the astrolabe that records our civilization here?" Joshua raised his head and pointed to the sky, and then Fuman raised his head and opened his mouth wide, squeezing out the wealth bag from the back of his head.

Send information that records civilization to the vast universe.

Fuman's lips trembled for a while, but he didn't say what he wanted to say.

Joshua's eyes sparkled, and he said to himself: "Maybe 50 years, maybe 100 years, but one day other civilizations will discover astrolabes that record human civilization. Our civilization will eventually be different form, to exist."

While Joshua was speaking, Fuman had already retreated quietly, whispering something to the vice president beside him, Edward.

The astrolabe is used by the Mage Academy to back up spells. Paper documents that are not easy to save are only circulated when students are studying, and everything else is through the astrolabe.When Shen Fei organized the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds in the Monk Temple, the spells sent by the major forces were all through the astrolabe or jade slips.

Moreover, this thing has a huge reserve and is easy to transform.

After a while, Joshua saw a group of people in Fuman gathered together and busy with something.

A trace of bitterness began to flood in Joshua's heart. By this time, they were all thinking that they were insane!

The apostles quickly occupied all the rich districts and were already heading towards the royal district.

Standing in Wangcheng and looking down, these apostles are no different from the ants that Joshua squatted on the ground before, densely packed.So soon, they and the holy city will be like dying insects, wrapped in a ball by ants, addicted to biting, and finally completely lose their vitality.The ending of the next step can already be guessed. Countless ants returned to the nest with "trophies" and enjoyed a delicious meal.

Fuman came over, holding something wrapped in cloth in his arms, and motioned for Joshua to unwrap it.

Joshua wasn't in the mood, he lifted the cloth casually, and saw an astrolabe the size of a washbasin.

"All the materials in the library are in it. Not only that, I also stuffed all the materials and skills of all forces into it, and even the content that the clerk wrote so hard just now, I asked the vice president to add it in. "

Holding the astrolabe in both hands, Fuman said earnestly: "Now, all the history of human beings in the past 100 years, the understanding of other races, detailed introductions of major forces, skill books, etc..."

Fuman said a lot in one breath, a bit like reporting the name of a dish, and finally took a deep breath: "So, now you decide where to launch this astrolabe."

Joshua's heart skipped a beat. Unexpectedly, Fuman had already prepared everything in a short period of time. At this moment, tears flashed in his eyes, and his eyelashes were wet.

Then, there is the lengthy silence.

"Well, now is not the time to be dazed."

Fuman glanced back at the apostle players, they had slowly moved up the line and were about to reach the stairs of the royal area.

Joshua came back to his senses abruptly, and suddenly smiled: "I'm not very lucky, I think you can do the job of specifying the location."

Joshua gave the opportunity to Fuman.

Holding the astrolabe in both hands, Fuman was stunned, but recovered after a few breaths, trotted all the way and handed the astrolabe to the vice president Edward.

"Vice-principal, shoot me here!" Fuman pointed to the west, where the stars were dim.

Edward will extract the energy of the last few magic crystals and use them all to cast spells.

The entire astrolabe was wrapped in a golden beam of light, and a moment later a "golden meteor" soared into the sky at such a fast speed that it flew to an unreachable place in the sky and disappeared in the west in almost a moment...

Anubis, the god of death, saw it, and there was a vague sneer at the corner of his mouth: "At this point, no matter what signal you send, it will be futile..."

Right after the launch of the astrolabe, the apostle players worked together to break through the thick oak doors in the rich area, and rushed towards the royal area like a swarm.

Standing at the highest point in the royal area, you can see the black apostles pouring in from the main road, diverting to various branch roads, and finally gathering together and rushing towards the royal area.

Because the defensive magic circle had been disarmed, the apostle players did not rush to the floating city, but rushed to the royal area with a tacit understanding.

The road leading from the wealthy area to the royal area is a very wide, long, wide staircase with an inclination.

In order to reflect the solemnity and sense of ceremony of the royal family, this road can be said to be the most magnificent landmark except for the two sculptures in the inner sea and the statue of Fei Gong, the gate guard of the Holy City.It can even cover the Holy Light Cathedral or the Floating City.

Each step is [-] meters wide, a total of [-] steps.

In the early morning, when the morning sun rises on the sea, the sunlight cast by the rising sun will rise step by step until it reaches the gate of the palace. At this time, the palace will think of the morning bell.At dusk, the setting sun and sunset will disappear from the steps. Standing in the rich area and looking up at the palace, you can see the afterglow of the setting sun shining on the palace. The light shoots from the back of the palace building, like a peacock spreading its tail.

The apostle players showed their abilities. In order to rush to the royal area as quickly as possible, the players did not hesitate to use various acceleration skills and displacement skills.

When all the apostle players rushed to the royal area and saw a grand and wide staircase with thousands of floors, they couldn't help but gasp.

"I now feel that I shouldn't have handed over the skills so early just now..."

The other apostle players around nodded silently, and these words seemed to reach their hearts.

Standing at the bottom of the steps, looking up at the thousand-story steps, the apostle player felt inexplicable pressure. This road seemed to lead directly to the sky instead of the human palace!

At this moment, black cavalry in silver armor appeared at the end of the steps.

The setting sun sprinkled on the carefully maintained and polished armor, shining with amazing light.

Joshua rode a war horse in the forefront, and next to him was Fuman who was straddling Pei Qi. He was half shorter than the others, but he still had the momentum.

The two persons in charge of the prison, the three heavenly kings, Edward on a white horse, the commander of the Royal Guards, the three elders of the Zen Temple, and the few remaining leaders of the Holy City were all in the first row.

Just now Fuman had mentioned the pre-war mobilization, but now that he was actually riding a horse and meeting the apostles in the distance, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Joshua looked up to the west, and the light of the astrolabe carrying hope had faded to the point where it was almost invisible.

He knew it was time for him to say something.

Joshua's legs pinched the horse's belly, and the horse immediately took two steps forward.

Joshua drew out the long sword at his waist, which was the king's sword his father used to use.

When he picked up the sword last time, Joshua was still a child who lost his father, his eyes were confused and helpless.

This time he pulled out the long sword again, he was already a qualified emperor, his eyes were firm and resolute, like a sharp sword tempered after thousands of tempers.

"Go forward! Fear not the dark!"

Joshua rode on a horse, held the King's Sword high in his hand, and walked on the [-]-meter-long staircase.

"Fight! Fight! Knights of the Empire!"

"The spear is broken! The shield is pierced! The day when the sword is swung! The time when blood is spilled!"

"Bathed in the afterglow of the empire, the sun of the empire will never set!"

The setting sun in the sky gradually fell, and the light just fell on the knight, and the silver light shot up into the sky, mixed with the color of the setting sun, as if a flame was burning out of nowhere on everyone's head.

All the knights raised their spears and aimed at the apostles in front of them.

Joshua galloped on the horse, and the sword of the king in his hand collided with the spear continuously, making clanking noises.

"Charge! Charge! Charge!"

"Rush! Rush to destruction! Rush to doomsday!"

Joshua yelled, his voice hoarse.

The vice-principal had already been blinded by tears, but vaguely felt the old Majesty Lucian from his back and voice.

"Maybe we will lose our way one day, but not today!"

"Flowers will wither one day, but not today!"

"We will all die..."

"But, definitely not today!"

"Kill!" Joshua shouted, raising the king's sword in his hand.The tip of the sword just pierced towards the setting sun, stopped in the air, and divided the setting sun into two halves.

"Kill!" All the soldiers, including Fuman in the front row, the warden, the leader of the imperial guards, and the three elders shouted together.


Joshua raised his sword again.


This time, the desperadoes were also infected by the momentum and shouted loudly.




The sound of shouting and killing was overshadowed by waves, and the momentum was surging.

The apostle players standing under the stairs in the royal area were all dumbfounded, some even had twinkling eyes and leaned back slightly.

"Forward, warriors of the empire!"

The knight's horn blew for the last time, and the long and melodious sound of the horn spread throughout the royal district, lingering in the sky of the holy city.

Joshua adjusted the direction of the horse's head, held the rein with one hand, and raised the king's sword with the other.

The war horse under the crotch seemed to feel the surging fighting spirit of the master. After three or two steps, there was only a gallop of kicking and kicking, charging from a thousand steps, and taking the lead!
PS: This chapter is really hard to write...

(End of this chapter)

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