my pet is boss

Chapter 304 Not Today

Chapter 304 Not Today
"Thousands of people just disappeared like this?"

After Sloppy's resurrection, everyone hurried over by boat, but now they told him that all the human resistance forces had disappeared strangely, which he couldn't accept at all.

"Chairman, the explosion and thick smoke from the north of the prison should be related to their disappearance."

"Everyone in the guild, come to the prison to search. I don't believe that they can all disappear in a short period of time. There must be some kind of secret passage." Sloppy spoke, and all the players from the Ma Group guild poured into the prison and nearby. The barracks began to search, and after a while, it was discovered that a hole had been blasted between the barracks and the prison.

It was just that when Joshua and Fuman left, the SI[-] agents who were in charge of finishing off cleared all the footsteps left by everyone, and at the same time sealed off the entrance to the secret passage leading to the barracks, so that the enemy There is no way to find the entrance by searching.Because the sealed entrance of the secret passage is no different from other places, even if the barracks are completely demolished, no traces can be found.

Everyone in the Ma Clan guild entered the prison and barracks to find traces, and the remaining apostle players were gnashing their teeth outside.

"Sloppy is really too domineering, and now he directly dominates the prison and prevents people from entering!"

"Hush! Keep your voice down, aren't you afraid of being heard and sued!"

"It seems that the human leader BOSS has escaped, so let me tell you, how could a faction leader BOSS be killed by us so easily?"

"Isn't that sloppy rushing for nothing?"

"So, the BOSS should return to the rich area. Now that all members of the Sloppy Guild are searching here, let's rush to the rich area to grab a seat in advance. What are you doing here?"

"Yeah! Why didn't I think of it, let's go!"

Some quick-response players took advantage of the sloppy search of the prison to reach the main road leading to the rich area, but no one went up.After all, the player is not a fish with a memory of only seven seconds. The monstrous flood just now was not forgotten so quickly.

Soon everyone returned to the wealthy area from the secret passage of MI3000. When two or [-] outlaws appeared in front of everyone, the resistance army was surprised at first, and then joy flashed in their eyes.Instantly doubled their combat effectiveness, and they could last longer.

Outside the protective circle, the bombardment of the Apostle Armada continued.

All the apostle players have entered the holy city by boat, and the hundreds of thousands of apostle players are mighty, and the entire civilian area has been completely reduced to the player's territory.At the same time, the real elite troops of the apostles also started to go out, entering the holy city in batches in small boats, and even began to set up camp.

Fuman held the crystal ball in one hand, and maintained the supply of magic power with the other hand, and all actions in the civilian area fell into his eyes.

Joshua frowned slightly and said: "This is troublesome, the regular troops of the apostles have also come in, it seems that the next attack will come soon."

Of course, this is not what Joshua is most afraid of. He glanced back at the clock tower in the rich district, and the countdown had already begun in his mind.

The magic crystal of the floating city can last for half an hour. After half an hour, the holy city will lose the protection of the protective circle. At that time, the real siege army of the apostles will enter the holy city.At that time, the method of releasing water could not stop the apostles' catapults and siege equipment at all.

The two sides were in such a stalemate. During this period, a small group of enemies wanted to rush up to see the situation, but they were blasted away by opening the gates and releasing water. Even the main road leading from the civilian area to the rich area was empty, and there was no sign of this situation at all. It is the key point of the great confrontation.

The resistance army is not in a hurry, only Fuman and Joshua are in a hurry, and perhaps Edward can be added.

Only these three people know that there is a problem with the stock of magic crystals.

At the same time, the apostle players are also anxious!

The task given to them by the supreme officer Anubis, the god of death, is time-limited.If the defense of the protective magic circle cannot be opened within the specified time, everyone's missions will all be dealt with as failures!Even if you kill the faction leader later, you will not be able to get the reputation reward.

Everyone is afraid of death, but even more afraid of not being able to complete the task.

Now there are only three hours before the mission countdown, and if there is no way to disarm the defense for three hours, then all subsequent actions will be in vain.

The Ma Group guild turned the prison and barracks upside down, but still did not find any clues.Thousands of people did not leave even a trace.

"Boss, shouldn't they use group teleportation to leave?"

Sloppy was silent, and did not find any clues, so this is the only way to say it.But there was no trace of the use of group teleportation on the ground.

"They must still be in the city. It is very likely that they have returned to the rich area. We don't have much time left. We have to find a way to break into the rich area, otherwise this trip to the Holy City will be in vain." Sloppy led tens of thousands of people across the ocean this time, and the direct and indirect economic losses exceeded tens of billions of credit points.

If he can't get what he wants, Sloppy will feel like a lucky boy, spending a lot of money hanging by NPCs, but getting nothing in the end.

With a wave of his hand, all the members of the Ma Group Guild came to the main road in the civilian area.

This time, Sloppy decided to put all his eggs in one basket and use batches to fight against floods in wealthy areas.

"Send 5000 people first to force the opponent to use water attack. Once the water attack is over, immediately send the second 5000 people up. I don't believe that it doesn't take time to store water in the rich area!"

Players from other guilds didn't dare to go up, and if they were washed by the flood again, they would have to wait for three hours to revive, and the mission would definitely not be completed.Only a rich and powerful trench like Sloppy dared to attack by piles of heads.

Soon the first batch of 5000 guild members were killed.

When these people charged, they all had smiles on their faces. After all, there is still money to be paid for being a death squad, and the president will give each player a certain amount of financial compensation.

The real combat forces of the Ma Group Guild are all guarding Ma Hu's side, and those who rushed up are just ordinary members. As long as they are given a little compensation, they can make them grateful and wish to 996 every day.

Everything went according to sloppy expectations. After two waves of floods, the third group of death squads rushed in first, but they were quickly beaten out. This time there was no flood, so he added another 5000 people to attack.As expected, after the "overweight", another flood came.

Half of the entire civilian area was flooded, and some were flooded.

Sloppy waved his hand again, and the fourth group of players went up without hesitation.

The members of the other guilds were all dumbfounded. It's not like they haven't thought about the method of exchanging heads for the opponent's city defense resources.It's just that the rest are small guilds, and there is simply no way to get so many people to try.

So now they can only watch helplessly, watching the sloppy use of human heads to break through the defense of the rich area.

The other guilds are not fools. The flood in the rich area is obviously due to the reservoir, but it takes time to store the water. They will continue to use a large number of players to attack. If they do not open the gate to release the water, they will immediately catch up with more The player rushes in.Once the water is released, the opponent will have less resources to defend the city.

If things go on like this, sooner or later the cisterns in the wealthy area will be drained, and then it will be time for the sloppy attack and the elite to come out.

It's just that I didn't expect this time to come a little faster than everyone expected.

Within half an hour, after the last batch of death squads rushed into the wealthy area, there was no monstrous flood, and the death squads directly fought hand-to-hand with the resistance army.

The corners of Sloppy's mouth raised slowly, it seemed that the Resistance Army was at the end of its rope.Raising his hand and making a forward gesture, all the real fighting elites of the guild officially marched towards the rich area!

The cistern in the rich area is indeed out of water.

Seeing that the "time of death" was approaching, Fuman immediately organized everyone to retreat to the royal area.

Everyone desperately killed all the apostles who rushed in, closed the gates of the rich district, and then all went to the royal district under Fuman's command.

As soon as everyone arrived in the royal area, the defensive circle in the sky faded away little by little.

Edward teleported to the Royal Quarter with a tired and ugly face.

"Sorry, I couldn't last longer."

Fuman patted Edward on the shoulder nonchalantly: "The vice president has worked hard for you, and you have done a very good job."

When Fuman saw the infusion frequency of the magic crystal, he had already guessed the ending.All these preparations are made on this basis.

In less than half a day, this is the last time that Fuman can fight for the holy city, although it is meaningless.

But it is better to give all soldiers a little hope than to go to the battlefield with despair.

At this moment, after a short period of panic, the soldiers seemed to have calmly accepted the result.Accepting this ending calmly is their last dignity.

On the other hand, those desperadoes, talking and laughing, couldn't see anything unusual.It seems that the disappearance of the magic circle and the extinction of human beings have nothing to do with them.

Anubis, the god of death, saw the magic circle disappear naturally, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and the next thing is the end.

"All the apostles, attack and take down the holy city!" Anubis gave the order for a general attack, and all the ships launched and approached the gate of the holy city.

The players in the city also exploded immediately.

They originally thought that the task could not be completed, but first they captured the rich area, the enemy retreated, and then the defensive magic circle disappeared, allowing the apostle army to rush in.In this way, human beings have no room for resistance!Their tasks can also be completed on time!
In an instant, these apostle players attacked like crazy, and the shouts of killing almost flooded the entire holy city.Even in the royal district, you can hear it clearly.

The red light of the setting sun shone, and the whole holy city seemed to be covered with blood.

The setting sun sheds blood, and what follows is destined to be a battle to shed the last drop of blood.

Fuman ordered people to pull out all the horses and the best weapons and equipment of the Imperial Guard.

"The final battle has come, put on the thickest armor, take the most convenient weapon, and ride the strongest horse in the empire, let us launch the last charge!"

(End of this chapter)

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