my pet is boss

Chapter 303 The Last Charge

Chapter 303 The Last Charge

Sloppy watched as the countdown to resurrection entered within 10 minutes, his eyes finally moved a little.

Now he actually hopes that these desperadoes in the prison can resist for a while, wait until he is killed by the resurrected army, and then he will take over the battle situation logically and kill the leader of the clan BOSS.

10 minutes, these desperadoes only need to persist for another 10 minutes!
These crazy prisoners came out of the prison, and the bloody and unscrupulous attacks directly reversed the situation on the field.

The apostle player, who was like a wolf and a tiger just now, was beaten back and forth in an instant, and seemed a little overwhelmed.

A man similar to a skeleton and a kind old man also came out from the back of the line, still the same as before, and Joshua heard the familiar hehe sound.

These desperadoes in the prison are all small elites in the [-]s and [-]s outside the prison.

When Shen Fei came to the prison to challenge, it took a lot of effort to beat these people.Three or four thousand of these elites were released in an instant, and the apostle players couldn't stand it at all, and retreated steadily.

"No, let's withdraw first, where are there so many elite monsters!"

"Fuck, I can't stand it at all, these elite monsters can kill people in seconds!"

"Slip first, first, my life is important!"

If there is no time for resurrection, then these apostle players will spend their lives desperately until all these NPCs are exhausted.But reviving after death in an away game comes at a price, and it takes longer and longer.According to the player who died just now, the second resurrection time has already been half an hour. If he dies again, the resurrection time will be as long as three hours!

Three hours, I am afraid the siege battle is over!
Now that the identity of the human boss has been locked, as long as they block here, they will not be able to escape!When there are more people, just rush up and fight.Now eating the firepower of these prison desperadoes is completely making yourself uncomfortable.

So, except for some sand sculpture players who yelled "for the apostles" and kept rushing up, the other players were fighting and retreating, and gradually retreated to the safe area.

The desperadoes did not continue their pursuit either. After driving all the apostles back to the alley, they all retreated.

"I figured it out, today is not a good day to escape from prison, why don't we escape from prison another day, hahahaha..." The kind old man stretched out his hand and stroked in a decent manner, and the skeleton man and the bald man all followed suit: " I also feel that there are too many people outside today, it’s too ostentatious for us to break out of prison like this, let’s go back first!”

"I'm a bed-loving person, and I'm not used to leaving the prison suddenly, so I'd better stay one more day!" The skeleton man propped his chin up and said seriously.

Everyone went back to the prison again, and the gates were closed.

There were also many casualties among human soldiers and prisoners in the previous battle.The soldiers and prisoners who died in battle were buried in the nearby playground.

"These apostles are only retreating temporarily. When the apostles from the Inner Sea continue to come in, it will soon be time for them to launch a general attack on the prison." Joshua knew very well that the civilian area had completely fallen, and Fuman led other resistance troops to guard the prison. people area.There is a reservoir in the rich area, which can last for a long time. Without large-scale siege equipment, it is difficult to fight it by manpower alone.

So the focus of the apostles will be concentrated in the prisons in the civilian area, and they have already recognized Joshua's identity, so don't look at the apostles retreating temporarily, it will not be just these people when they come back later up.

Although he survived from the hands of the apostles, Joshua was not happy, because they were completely trapped to death in the holy city prison, and the next thing they had to face was the devastating attack of the apostles.

"Two persons in charge, are there any secret passages in the Holy City Prison?" Joshua asked.

Lying on the bed, the two people who were being rubbed with medicine grinned in pain, and shook their heads in unison: "When the construction of the Holy City Prison began, we both participated in it. It can be said that apart from the designer, we are the only ones who are responsible for the construction of the Holy City Prison. The layout is the clearest. When I participated in the construction, I set the keynote that the Al-Quds Prison was to hold important prisoners, so in order to prevent prisoners from escaping, there is even a layer of two-meter-thick steel plates under the foundation to prevent prisoners from digging. Tunnel escape. Not to mention a secret passage, after all these years, there is not a single mouse in the prison."

Joshua was silent, and these desperadoes were also silent.

To be honest, I haven't seen a single mouse in prison in these years, so I feel like something is missing...

Just when everyone fell silent, there was a sudden violent explosion from the prison, shaking the ground.

"There's an explosion!"

"Has the apostle launched an attack?"

"Find a place to hide!"

After a while of commotion, everyone found black smoke rising from the place where the prison was next to the barracks next to it, and the explosion came from the barracks next door.

But the people in the barracks had already joined the resistance army, and they followed Fuman to fight against the apostles in the rich area, so how could there be a sudden explosion?
"You are all here!"

A fat man suddenly appeared beside the shattered wall and walked out from the thick smoke.

"Eldest brother, why are you here! Aren't you in the trenches in the rich area?" Joshua's eyes lit up, and the person who came out of the dust was Fuman.

Fuman patted the ashes on his body, feeling a lot of sand in his mouth, and spat a few times.

"We waited until the appointed time, but you haven't come back yet, the apostle has already killed you, so I ordered all the staff to retreat to the rich area, and then asked the mage to look for your whereabouts in the civilian area through the magic eye of the floating city. In the Holy City Prison. The enemy’s attack has been contained from the front, and there is no tunnel in the copper and iron walls of the Holy City Prison, but MI[-] has a tunnel leading to the barracks next door, so we came here.”

"So, we're saved!" The two persons in charge turned over from the bed, and they couldn't tell that they were wounded who had just gone through the battle, and they completely lost the grimace of pain when they applied the medicine just now.

"Does the wound on your body hurt?"

The heads of the two shook like rattles: "This injury is a trivial matter. I think back when I was young..."

"Everyone, hurry up and retreat to the tunnel of the barracks. There was an explosion just now, and the apostle will definitely notice the problem soon." Fuman hurriedly called everyone to retreat.

Can live, who wants to die?

Thousands of people entered the tunnel in an orderly manner. There were MI[-] agents who had been waiting here for a long time, walking in the front to lead the way.

"Everyone pay attention to follow me closely, and you must not move around without authorization. The underground passages of MI[-] are very complicated. If you get lost, you may not be able to find the exit."

The human soldiers and desperadoes began to move, and Joshua and Fu Mandian were watching the situation outside from the prison wall.

The explosion just now was quite loud. After all, the Holy City Prison has the strictest defenses.The location of the gap where the explosion happened was that Fuman had found the blueprints of the prison design through SI[-]. After rigorous calculations by professional agents and the use of the most suitable amount of explosives, a gap three people wide was barely created.

The apostles who had retreated to the distance also heard the loud noise, and then boldly looked around at the entrance of the alley, and saw black smoke rising from the Holy City Prison, and soon the news spread to the entire group of apostles .

"Eldest brother doesn't seem to be surprised that these outlaws joined?" Joshua asked, he didn't expect the elder brother to still have a calm expression after seeing the soldiers and prisoners join forces.

"You have thought about recruiting these prisoners before, to contribute to the empire. With your charisma, isn't this ending normal?"

Fuman hesitated for a moment and said, "We can last for half a day."

Joshua originally had a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, thinking that with the presence of a big brother, this time the soldiers who guarded the front line would definitely be able to come back.As a result, before he could speak, he heard such a piece of news from the elder brother.

"This news is only known to me at the moment. I didn't say that I was afraid of losing the morale of the army at this time. When you arrive in the rich area, you hurry up and find a way to the Floating City with the cronies of the Imperial Guard. I will ask the vice president to send you away, and you will live There is hope for the empire."

"Brother, what's going on here? Didn't you say that you can last for three days? What is the problem? Let's figure out a solution together, and it can definitely be solved!"

The expression on Fuman's face could no longer be tense, and he said with a frustrated face: "The apostle's armada is too powerful, and the apostle has Anubis, the god of death who is good at black magic, there is a problem with the magic power supply of the defensive circle. .It was originally calculated that it could last for three days, but according to the current consumption rate, we can only last until today's evening."

Shock was written all over Joshua's face, but then gradually returned to calm.

"Although you are the commander-in-chief of the defense of the holy city this time, senior brother, this matter is unavoidable. Once the holy city is lost, the apostle army will drive straight in, and places such as Miyin City and Flaubert will lose their barriers and support. , only the old and the weak, women and children were left, facing the menacing army of apostles, they couldn't even resist!

As I said before, Lucien's bloodline must be indomitable when he dies, standing in front of all the people! "

Before Fuman could speak, the bald man climbed onto the city wall and pointed his head: "Everyone has already entered the secret passage, so don't hold back."

Fuman glanced at the apostle troops who were gradually approaching the temptation outside the prison and said: "Junior Brother, we should go too. If you really don't plan to leave, then come with me, after losing the protective magic circle at dusk, and everyone, The clarion call for the final charge."

Joshua nodded emphatically.

If this is the fate of mankind and the empire, then he chooses to face it.

Before he died, he blew the horn for the last time, and let the shout of charge resound throughout the holy city, accompanied by the afterglow of the bloody sunset, to fulfill his sole legal heir to the throne and the only order issued on the first day of his ascension to the throne.

Everyone entered the secret passage, and at the same time the apostle also came under the prison, tentatively launching the Jing Mansion.

Sloppy led his people to rush here against the clock, but only one person greeted them and went to the empty prison.

"What about people? How could thousands of people disappear?"

PS: This is a supplement to yesterday's chapter, Wan Jun went to sleep, there is another chapter when I get up during the day!Children's shoes with recommendation tickets can vote for recommendation tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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