my pet is boss

Chapter 302 Don't stand in my way!

Chapter 302 Don't stand in my way!

The gate of the Holy City Prison in front of them was closed to them, and everyone's hearts sank to the bottom of the valley all of a sudden, and they only felt that their hearts were frozen.

Sure enough, these people are a group of white-eyed wolves, who have completely lost their humanity. They can hit back against those who helped them without any guilt.

Behind him was an endless army of apostles, killing them aggressively.

There was no way back and forth, and the faces of the soldiers in Al-Quds Prison were full of despair.

The two persons in charge patted Joshua's shoulder, who was caught in self-blame and unable to extricate himself, and said, "You don't have to blame yourself, the little prince. This is a decision we made together. Since there is no way to go back now, we have to face it."

There was an atmosphere called despair in the team, and everyone felt betrayed.

"Since there is no way to go back to prison, then we can only choose to face it. I am very glad to have worked with you for many years. Let us fight together in the last battle!"

The words of the two responsible persons made everyone extremely moved.

Now that he has fallen into a dead end, it is useless to blame others.As the person in charge said, it is a pleasure to work with you for many years.

"Brother, thank you for lending me 5 silver coins without telling my wife last month. It seems that this money can only be repaid in the next life."

"You're welcome, five years ago during the prison riot, if you hadn't risked your life to drag me out, I would have been beaten to death by the runaway gangsters in the prison."

"My back will depend on you later."

There are still many conversations like this. Everyone seems to have let go of their previous resentment, and they are pessimistic about life and death at the last moment.

Since you can't escape, then fight to the death vigorously!
There is no saying that the men of the human empire died on their knees.

All the jailers turned around and looked at the menacing apostle, their expressions became fierce.After sticking to the Holy City Prison for many years, time seems to have worn away all the vigor on his body.But at this moment, they were like swords that had just been unearthed. After wiping off the dirt and rust stains adhering to them, they still showed the same frontal cold as before.

In front of the fierce apostles, they fought for the last time, not to defend the honor of the human empire, but to defend the honor of being human.

"There has never been a savior..."

Joshua held down the shoulders of the two leaders, walked in front of them, and took out his sword from his waist: "Behind a king, the people should always be behind." After finishing speaking, Joshua raised his sword with both hands and took the lead. up.

The total number of guards in the entire Holy City Prison was only two or three hundred. Facing thousands of apostles, no one flinched.

"For the king!"

At this moment, in the hearts of all the soldiers, Joshua was officially crowned king from a little prince with little experience in the world.

Everyone followed Joshua and rushed up.

Face the enemies who are hundreds of times and thousands of times larger than them head-on, with the courage to go no matter how many thousands of people there are.

The fierce apostle players were all in a daze. This group of human NPCs didn't want to escape, but they still wanted to counterattack in this situation?

This AI is so hot, it's not real at all!
Of course, after a while, they forgot what they said before, because they saw Joshua, the little prince of the human empire, rushing to the front and directly killing them.

Needless to say at this moment, the throats of the apostle players in the front row felt thirsty.

As long as you kill the little human prince Joshua, you can get the most prestige and the opportunity to go to the sun god disk to change jobs.

Sloppy bullying the Apostle Kingdom for a long time, relying on his own wealth and wealth, he squeezed out all the guilds who opposed him. This time he even took the opportunity to attack the city and kill the boss, causing other guilds and players to complain.They sailed for four days and lost a lot of time for leveling and promotion. Could it be that they came here to be cannon fodder?
Although I don't know why Joshua appeared in this place, as long as the human leader is killed, all the achievements and benefits will fall into their hands, and there is no need to look at the sloppy face anymore.

Without saying a word, these apostle players rushed forward.

If it is an adult NPC, they will still weigh it, but the human prince is a teenager, and his blood volume and attack will never be high.

This is also something that players have figured out after playing the game for several months. Although the specific blood volume of NPCs cannot be seen, their blood volume is usually linked to their age and strength.No matter how much blood volume a boy has, it is impossible to have several million.

In other words, they can kill the human leader directly before they react sloppily.

After all, Sloppy said before that those who provide information on the location of human leaders can be rewarded with 1000 million credits.It is inevitable that some players around him will be tempted by the huge bounty.

The two sides quickly collided.

Joshua practiced martial arts in the Wu Monk Temple since he was a child, so he still has a solid foundation.Coupled with the guidance of a famous teacher, the progress is rapid.

The average level of these apostle players is more than 30, and they can't take advantage of it for a while.

The human soldiers broke their boats, and the fighting power they broke out was frightening.

All of a sudden, white lights burst into the crowd, and all the apostle players were sent back to the temporary resurrection point.

The apostle player was beaten back and forth by hundreds of NPCs, feeling timid.

But gradually, when a human soldier was swallowed by a sea of ​​players and then fell, the momentum of the Human Resistance Army gradually declined.

The two persons in charge were killing the crowd, and they were selected as the persons in charge of the Al-Quds Prison because of their real abilities.It's just that the Holy City Prison is not like a military department, and there are often opportunities to do it.

"15, 16, 17..."

"I killed 23 of them!"

The two leaders were not far from Joshua, and they still had the energy to count the number of people while fighting against the apostles.

"Hey, you're going to be aggressive, but you'll be soft in the back. I'm a persistent type, and you're definitely not as good as me in the number of final kills."

"What about the hammer? Do you think I sit in the office all day in the Holy City Prison? It's all used to paralyze you. I have to do a thousand squats every night when I get home. In terms of strength, I have already surpassed you!"

"You just went back to practice secretly? Do I tell you that I have to run around the holy city at four o'clock in the morning every day before I come to work?"

"You sinister villain!"

If there were human players nearby, they would definitely be taken aback by the conversation between the two, but in such a tragic atmosphere, the two are fighting and bickering at the same time, which eases the serious atmosphere a bit.

The two were more devoted to the last battle of their lives, bickering and encouraging each other, and died in the most honorable way of a soldier.

However, this situation did not last long. More and more apostle players got the news, and they were all rushing to the prison.

Enemies are endless, like willow catkins in the approaching summer, all over the streets, there is no way to avoid them.

Especially seeing colleagues who had been together day and night fell in a pool of blood, and then the apostles swarmed up, that kind of emotion can no longer be described in words.

The two persons in charge were "talking and laughing happily" from the beginning, and now they are covered with injuries and tired of coping. The whole person is brandishing weapons mechanically, defending, and attacking, and now there is only panting.

Joshua couldn't stand it anymore, there were too many enemies, they were all densely packed with people, and they couldn't be killed at all.A feeling of despair spread deep in my heart.

Joshua lost his mind for a moment, and was immediately kicked to the ground by a player.

Losing one's mind on a battlefield of this scale costs lives.

The two persons in charge also saw the little prince being kicked down, and their tired faces were suddenly filled with shock.Immediately after the apostles rushed up, they could directly bury Joshua!Such a scene has appeared countless times in front of them.But neither of them has enough strength to protect themselves, let alone rescue.

But this is His Majesty the Prince, the last bloodline of the empire.

Both of them were trying their best to rush towards the place where Joshua fell, but their legs seemed to be filled with lead, and when they lost their minds, they were hacked a few times by the sinister apostle behind them.

The apostle players were even more excited. Seeing the human camp boss fall, they swarmed up.

Joshua finally showed a terrified face when he saw the players pounced on like wolves and tigers.

Just at the very moment, a huge wooden board suddenly flashed in front of Joshua.The densely packed apostles that were about to pounce in front of them all disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

But Joshua had a hot feeling on his cheek, which was caused by the plank flying very close and the airflow passing in front of him. This is a real thing.

When Joshua turned around, the expression on his face became extraordinarily strange.

The bald man had no expression on his face, as if the person who flew the door just now was not him.

Perhaps because Joshua stared at Mao, the bald man turned into a villain, and said with a straight face, "Fuck, they are all blocking the prison door, how do we get out?"

As soon as the voice fell, countless desperadoes came out.

Those with weapons in their hands were holding weapons, while those without weapons were holding steel door panels and the like.

Don't ask how it came about, asking is to demolish the prison.

There are thousands of prisoners in the Holy City Prison, and they are all outlaws who have been murdered. The momentum of thousands of people rushing out directly overwhelmed the apostle players.

As soon as they fought, the aura of both sides reversed instantly.

The bald man stood on the spot, pointing left and right: "You, you, go and open the way, today is a great day for us to escape from prison, let these bastards get out of the way!"

Joshua's throat choked, and he didn't know what to say.

Many desperadoes rushed out from behind the two leaders, killing all the apostle players around them in a few seconds.

The two persons in charge finally breathed a sigh of relief, their legs gave way and they fell to the ground.

Just, why does it feel like a kick in the ass.

Waiting to look again, I only heard someone in the crowd say excitedly: "Haha, I kicked the warden just now. I have wanted to do this for a long time in prison these years, and I have never had the chance... "

The two persons in charge only heard the voice, but did not see that person, and looked at each other helplessly.

At this moment, at the temporary resurrection point in Neihai, the sloppy face of the soul state is even darker.Because while waiting for the resurrection, he got the news that in a remote corner of the human civilian area, he found a group of resistance troops, led by the human leader BOSS, the little prince Joshua.

All of them thought that the human leader, BOSS, must be in the safest place. Who would have thought that he would appear in a civilian area that had been completely lost!
More importantly, most of the players in the Ma Clan Guild were killed when they attacked the wealthy area just now, and now they are all waiting for half an hour to be resurrected on the small island in the inner sea.There are also some guild players who can't get in at all now.

According to the current posture, sloppy has completely missed the first kill camp boss.

This cross-sea attack, the Ma Clan Guild ended in failure...

The rest of the guild were all silent, standing behind Sloppy and not daring to move, for fear that any slight movement would set them on fire.

At this moment, Sloppy suddenly got the news that the prisoner from the human prison escaped and had a conflict with the apostle player. The human leader BOSS seems to have not been defeated...

PS: IG lost the game yesterday, and SKT followed suit today.In addition, this is a supplement to yesterday's chapter, and there will be another chapter later. It is estimated that it will be after zero o'clock after writing, and everyone will read it tomorrow.Finally, give me two monthly tickets, now 250, this number is not very auspicious, I feel that you are implying something!
(End of this chapter)

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