my pet is boss

Chapter 301 Open the gate to release water

Chapter 301 Open the gate to release water

Fuman couldn't continue to consume it.

The army of apostles has already reached their front, and they are very close at hand.If they don't retreat now, all the Human Resistance Army will be lost here, and the Holy City will not be able to hold on to the front line to help.

Joshua did not return with everyone from the Holy City Prison on time, but the apostles attacked first.All Fuman can do now is to give up and leave.

"Quickly retreat! Everyone quickly retreat!" Fuman issued an order again, and everyone who didn't leave would be besieged and killed by the apostles.

The mage condensed an ice wall on the street to stop the enemy. Fuman and the last resistance army withdrew and evacuated to the trenches in the rich area.There, they have a tactic that could turn the tide.

Just Little Prince Joshua...

Fuman turned his head and glanced at the civilian area unwillingly, and one could guess what happened next.

Joshua and the jailer were all trapped in the Al-Quds Prison.Immediately afterwards, some of the apostles will launch an attack on the prison.

Everyone in Fuman moved to the defensive trenches in the rich area. At the same time, Fuman's first order was to let the mage go to the floating city and find a way to use magic eyes or crystal balls to observe the situation in the holy city prison and make sure that the little prince is currently Case.On the premise of guarding the rich area, find a way to rescue Joshua.

Although Fuman was extremely anxious in his heart, he didn't see any change on the outside.On the other hand, when they heard that the little prince Joshua did not come back from the Al-Quds Prison on time, the expressions on their faces were devastated, as if they were mourning.

"Everyone stand firm. We have the most complete facilities in the rich area, which can resist the apostles for a long time. As for the little prince, after confirming that he is alive, I will lead people to rescue him as soon as possible. The Holy City Prison is impregnable, and there are still many jailers inside. Guardian, it is impossible for the apostles to break through the prison in a short time."

Fuman's two words let everyone regain their confidence, and their eyes regained their fighting power.

"Yes, the little prince is a man of great luck, so he must not die so easily."

"They missed the final escape time in the Al-Quds Prison, and when they came out, they found that the apostles had already captured the civilian area on a large scale, and they would definitely return to the prison to guard them."

Members of the Resistance began to whisper, feeling more and more hopeful.

Some mages have already gone to the floating city to find the whereabouts of the little prince by borrowing magic eyes and crystal balls.

After a brief commotion, the rest of the people returned to their posts and acted according to the previously formulated plan.

The rich area has a lot of resources, and the terrain is quite open. The most important thing is that the architectural pattern of the holy city is a spiral rise, and each floor has a strict and unique entrance, which provides a great advantage for the layout of the defense line in the rich area. convenient.

Fuman took advantage of the elegant environment, open terrain, and unique entrance of the rich area to divert the main water hub of the rich area. The entrance of the people's area fell down, and all the enemies who attacked the rich area were swept away.Some water conservancy personnel from the Imperial Consortium have calculated that the potential energy and impact of the water waves are even comparable to some of the big moves of Archmage Jordan.

Moreover, Fuman did not gather all the water in one place, but set up five water storage points to ensure that this trick can be used repeatedly to force the enemy back.

Not long after everyone evacuated, the apostle player shattered the ice wall, killing it like a prairie fire.

Fuman saw the enemy's position through the crystal ball, and was about to rush to the gate of the rich area immediately.

The apostle player rushed up and found that since he broke through the defense line of the Human Resistance Army, there were no traps or obstacles along the way.Obviously, it is a posture that has completely given up resistance.

The entire civilian area was completely open in front of them, without any hindrance.

The civilian area has fallen, is the rich area still far away?According to this speed, he can reach the Floating Void City very soon, kill the boss of the Mage Academy, and force him to stop the defensive circle.

The sloppy who re-landed got the news from the front line, and came here with the elite troops without saying a word.

The human sanctuary has fallen, and all that remains is for Chairman Ma to come up to harvest and gain prestige.

At this time, it is completely impossible for other small guilds to follow up and have a drink of soup.

The members of the Ma Clan Guild directly blocked the road from the civilian area to the rich area. This is not an online game in the earth era. Characters can pass through each other without volume collisions.Members of the Ma Clan Guild blocked it, and these "late" players couldn't get in at all!Helpless, they had no choice but to focus on other places, such as visiting other places in the civilian area.

After all, visiting the main human city with a hostile force can definitely last a lifetime. By the way, find out if there are any human NPCs who can practice.

Sloppy came to the place where the civilian area and the rich area are connected. As long as you break through the gate in front of you, the rich area in the main human city will be open to them. Soon the resistance army will be unable to escape, and they can only flee to the uppermost royal area. At the same time, the floating city will completely appear in front of them.

Kill the BOSS, get achievements, and gain prestige.

And as the first person on the server to kill the leader of the faction, the world announcement will definitely be indispensable at that time.

A smile appeared on the corner of Sloppy's mouth, as if the situation at that time had already appeared in front of him, it was definitely a slap in the face for Shen Fei!
What about the legendary game No.1?The human leader died suddenly, and the entire empire collapsed. All human players became homeless dogs and became a disgrace among the player community.

When we meet in the future, let's say "your house is blown up" without saying a word, who can stand it?
Sloppy didn't stand in front of the gate, but in the middle.

With the lesson from last time, he dare not stand too far ahead.And if you think about it, you know that after the door is opened, the human resistance army will definitely counterattack. If they get too close, they will definitely be affected.

Standing in the back position will not be able to see the situation in the rich area, but also ensure that you will not be hit.

After the "Death Squad" rushes in to deal with the enemy, Sloppy will stand up and lead the guild to directly kill the Floating Void City.

According to the current information, the dean of the Mage Academy, Jordan, the human law god, went out with the army, and now the vice-principal Edward is manipulating the defensive circle.

A legal boss that should not be underestimated.

"Arrangement, when the time comes, we will go to the Royal District to kill the camp leader first, and then go to the Mage Academy to kill Edward. Kill Edward first, the defensive magic circle will fail, and the NPC will definitely come up immediately and grab the boss with us, maybe it will be black fall."

The deputy of the guild nodded again and again. After all, NPCs personally took action to turn a living boss battle into a cutscene. It has happened before.Especially the character of Anubis, the god of death, absolutely sweeps away all players, commits suicide to show bravery, and kills the masters on the human side.

"Rush open the gate and attack!"

Following the sloppy order, the "death squad" members in the front row rushed forward like crazy, hitting the gate frantically with their skills and weapons.

Everyone in the trenches in the rich area heard the sound of knocking on the gate, and all looked at Fuman.

Fuman turned his head and glanced at the inner disciples of the Buddhist monastery who were in charge of the sluice. Zhao Hao took the lead and made a gesture of no problem, and then Luo Feng, Longlong and others also signaled to get ready.

Fuman raised his hand and shouted, "Open the door!"

The people hiding in the high tower of the rich area started to turn the winch, and the gate of the rich area began to lift with a bang.

The apostle players who were attacking the city and breaking the gate were all taken aback, and all took two or three steps back.

Looking at the gradually rising gate, a player lay down on the ground and looked inside, and immediately shouted: "I see, I see, everyone is inside!"

Fuman saw that the heavy oak door was raised to a certain extent, and he stretched out his hand to make a gesture in the air, which was an order to the water gate.

Zhao Hao of Sluice No. [-] was very excited when he saw the order, and opened the gate himself.The water waves rushed out immediately, as if thousands of cavalry were charging out, and the sound of the water waves interacted with each other, like thunder.

The apostle outside the door was cautious. Hearing the loud thunder, he felt that the ground under his feet was trembling.

The players retreated cautiously, with inexplicable expressions on their faces, not knowing what was waiting for them.

Soon, some players lying on the ground saw the white water waves rushing endlessly.

Running down from the high point in the rich area, enough energy has been accumulated.

"Water, water, flood!"

After the player shouted these words, the white waves burst out from the gap under the oak door, and the frontmost players were directly blown away by the huge impact.

All the players who gathered in front of the gate of the rich area were like new shoots on the grass, and they were all "uprooted" by the violent wind and rain, turning into rootless weeds and drifting with the tide.

Ma Hu was completely dumbfounded when he saw the waves coming out of the wealthy area, and he wanted to escape but found that there were also people behind him.

Everyone is like the filth in the toilet, as soon as the button is pressed, they are all washed away with the rushing water, as if they have never appeared before.

The violent current is still going on, not only the apostle players standing in front of the rich area, but also many players behind, the water hits people, people lead people, all of them rolled down together, turned into white light in the water, and returned to the inner sea Temporary Resurrection Shrine.

This time, waiting for them is a 30-minute resurrection time.

Half an hour later, the day lily was cold!
From the crystal ball, Fuman saw the picture of all the apostles being washed by the flood.The road from the civilian area to the wealthy area has never been so clean.

Everyone was delighted with the effect of the water attack, Fuman reacted quickly and said: "Reservoir No. [-], hurry up and store water now!"

This flushing can buy them at least half an hour.When they next attack, they will continue to drive them away with water attacks.

As long as the apostle army doesn't bring in large siege equipment, catapult bombing or air strikes on the rich area, they are not afraid.

This involves another point, how long the defensive circle can last.And how long the defensive circle can last depends on the number of magic crystals.

Outside the defensive magic circle, the artillery fire of the apostle fleet is still hitting the protective shield for a moment, and the most important magic power nodes of the magic circle are basically in the Royal District and the Floating Void City. There are also some magic power nodes in the lower city, but these magic power nodes The locations are all in extremely tricky places, and it is difficult for normal people to reach these places even with the help of tools, so there is no need to worry that the apostles will destroy the magic power nodes in the civilian areas.

During the first big victory in the wealthy area, the Holy City Prison in the civilian area.

All the prison doors were opened, but the prisoners inside looked at each other suspiciously.

Although I heard the conversation on the radio just now, who knows if this is another trap?
Joshua knew that he had missed the time that Fuman told him, but there was no movement in the civilian area at this time, so they decided to try again. Maybe Fuman and the others insisted on it for a longer time?
All the guards in the Al-Quds Prison, as well as the two persons in charge, followed in Joshua's footsteps and walked out of the prison.

No movement was heard along the way, which made everyone even more delighted. Perhaps the front line had resisted for a long enough time.

Everyone quickened their pace and walked towards the civilian area.

The prisoners in the prison saw that all the guards were gone, so they boldly came to the main control room and the office of the person in charge.Others went directly to the top of the prison wall, and when they saw the jailer and Joshua, they all left.

Now everyone finally believed in the authenticity of the previous conversation, and Joshua really let them go.

Just when Joshua and the others reached the corner of the road, they suddenly saw some gray-skinned apostles not far away, searching from house to house.

Everyone froze in place immediately, just happened to meet the apostle face to face.

The apostle player saw a group of human NPCs, the head of which even had the name [Little Prince Joshua] on his head, his eyes lit up, as if he saw a rare treasure.

"I found it! I found Joshua, the little prince of the human empire!"

It was just that with a loud cry, all the apostle players in the surrounding area rushed out in a swarm, and the number of them was increasing...

Joshua did not expect to meet these people head-on when turning the corner, which meant that the apostles had already broken through the first line of defense, and now there were no human resistance forces in the entire civilian area, which meant that no one could save them.

Joshua glanced at the person in charge with a pale face, and immediately shouted: "Quick, run back!"

Everyone reacted instantly and ran back.

At this moment, the Holy City Prison has been controlled by all the prisoners. Seeing the guards at the corner suddenly running back in the opposite direction, the people at the top of the city were frightened and shouted: "Close the city gate quickly, they are coming back again!"

It only took a few seconds for the news to reach the central control room.Some highly intelligent prisoners who are proficient in electronic equipment successfully found the switch button and restarted the gate of the Al-Quds Prison, but this time it was the closing button.

Joshua ran back with the crowd, but halfway through the run, he found that the steel gates of the Holy City Prison were slowly falling, and there were still prisoners in the prison smiling and waving to everyone, as if they were sending off the dead.

Everyone's hearts fell to the bottom of the valley in an instant, and their hearts were frozen and cold.

His legs didn't even have the strength to run, and his whole body was like a deflated balloon.

They released the prisoners at the last moment, leaving them to decide their own fate.Now, in less than 10 minutes, there was a slash in the back of everyone.

Joshua's face was pale, he never thought that things would turn out like this.

"sorry Sorry sorry……"

There is nothing he can do now except to be sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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