my pet is boss

Chapter 300

Chapter 300
The hands of the statue of Ferdinand were blasted away, and the giant sword fell off due to the force of the explosion and was directly inserted into the ground at the gate of the city with a bang.

Everyone in the city felt the ground tremble under their feet.

The boat was heaved and wobbled by the waves, and everyone looked at the scene in amazement.

The changes in the siege today exceeded their expectations.Before they came, they thought that the enemy would be stubborn at best. They relied on the superiority of numbers to crush them directly, and finally stepped on the corpse of the human leader BOSS to complete the siege, and finally gathered together to take a group photo.

It's not that they didn't think that humans would resist, it's just that the bombing of the docks and the city was completely beyond their expectations.

The giant sword was not inserted vertically into the ground, but formed a certain inclination angle.

The engineering soldier saw the scene outside through the crystal ball, and pressed the second red button in his hand.

There is a small power propulsion device at the end of the hilt, which is to give it a certain power to lean forward after the giant sword is inserted on the ground, so that it can be accelerated and smashed down.

The two small power propulsion devices were activated, emitting two tail flames more than one meter long, pushing the giant sword forward.

Originally, there was a certain angle, but now with the propeller "fueling the flames", the speed of the giant sword's cover gradually accelerated.

The apostle player rowing the boat seemed to realize that this gigantic giant sword was about to be smashed down!

"Boat, run!"

Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted.

At the beginning, some apostle players reacted and started rowing backwards.

But the gap in the defensive circle is only ten meters wide, and now thousands of small boats are pouring in, how easy is it to get out?

"Fast backwards, are you paralyzed?"

"It's about to fall down, please get out quickly!"

Some players simply stood up, jumped directly onto other ships, and resorted to repeated horizontal jumps, trying to escape the area where the giant sword fell.

All of a sudden, the apostle players who wanted to land panicked, and some even jumped into the sea with nowhere to hide.

Fuman saw from the crystal ball that these apostles were in disarray, and they were completely in chaos.

The giant sword came down fiercely, directly smashing over countless boats, and countless apostles turned into white light under the giant sword and disappeared in place.The players who jumped into the sea were not spared either, as tons of sea water lifted by the giant sword directly submerged them.

In an instant, the monstrous waves mercilessly slapped the player's face, killing him without saying a word!
Countless small boats were photographed into pieces and sawdust, floating on the sea.The waves even hit the protective circle, stirring back and forth.There is also a small part that explodes directly along the gap, and kills a lot of boats and players blocking the gap.

As the "chief planner", Fuman couldn't help but gasp, the power was too terrifying.

"If Fei Gong knew that the giant sword in his hand could produce such an effect, he would probably be gratified."

"Although no accurate data can be obtained, the direct and indirect casualties of this sword should be [-]."

The human rebels in the city suddenly felt more confident, and everything was proceeding according to their settings.Apostles can come in, but you have to pay a terrible price!

Anubis, who was wrestling on the huge battleship, saw this scene and snorted coldly, these apostles and players are useless.When attacking, they don't use their brains at all, and lose everyone.The adjutant on the side looked dumbfounded. Human beings are determined to resist desperately!They even dared to blow up the huge sculptures at the pier and the main entrance, what else would they not dare to do?

"This group of trash, dying so hastily will only delay our attack plan. They thought that dying here is free. Order the remaining warriors to clear the obstacles as soon as possible and attack the human sanctuary."

The adjutant quickly notified Anubis, the god of death, about the idea. On the player's side, it directly became a mission, with a countdown bar added. If the mission cannot be completed within the specified time, the mission will be considered a failure.

This is completely unacceptable for players who travel through mountains and rivers and take a boat for several days to reach the human empire.It took a lot of effort to come here, but the mission failed and could not be rewarded. Isn't this a waste of time coming here!Although the remaining players are also afraid of dying like the previous players, what's the big deal about dying once compared to mission failure?

In just two waves, more than 2 apostle warriors were killed, which is definitely not a small loss for the apostle army.

Others don't know, but these apostle players who were resurrected after death felt the pressure of the away game.

After these dead players were resurrected, they all had an abnormal state called [Suppression].

[Suppression]: All attributes -5%, the waiting time for resurrection after the next death will be extended by 10 times.

The waiting time for resurrection is extended by 10 times!
All the revived apostle players gasped, this is completely fatal!

Usually the waiting time after the first death is 10 seconds, and the waiting time after the second death becomes 3 minutes.Now there is a [Suppression] effect on the body in the away game, and the resurrection time after the next death will become 30 minutes!

This news quickly spread throughout the entire group of apostle players, and the players who were eager to try before were instantly discouraged.

It's okay to die, but if you die a few more times, the resurrection time will take several hours, and you have completely missed all opportunities.

Especially among the entire group of players who came here, players from the Martens Group Guild accounted for the majority.If they rushed forward rashly, wouldn't they have made a wedding dress for Sloppy, and fought for a long time so that the other party's food was full in the end?
After the other guilds received the news, they immediately chose to stand still. Even if the mission failed, they couldn't be sloppy!
The warships on the front line brought all the resurrected apostle players back to the front line.

When Sloppy returned to the front line, he found that none of the apostle players chose to rush forward, and all of them were watching the show, which cast a shadow on Sloppy's face even more. These sand sculptures were all watching the show.

Sloppy saw through their thoughts at a glance, it was nothing more than not wanting to sacrifice in vain to make a wedding dress for the Ma Group Guild.

After all, this time the Ma Group guild has monopolized nearly half of the quota. With the death waiting time extended ten times, they will definitely not get any benefits by attacking first.

Sloppy waved his hand and said, "Members of the Ma Clan Guild, attack with the whole army!"

He can't control some other miscellaneous fish guilds, but he came this time to get the achievement of killing the boss boss, and by the way, he can get prestige by completing the task, and go to the sun disc to change jobs smoothly.

With the chairman's order, the players from the Ma Clan Guild swarmed in...

Seeing the apostles coming again from the crystal ball, Fuman quickly ordered everyone to take their positions and start a new round of defense.

As the main entrance was breached, players from the Ma Group guild swarmed in.Of course, what greeted them was not flowers and applause, but fire and traps.

Fuman's decision took effect again. The trap completely blocked the apostles. The human resistance army in the distant trenches, musketeers and mages were all outputting non-stop, harvesting these apostles like wheat in autumn.

Joshua was in the trench, dumbfounded watching the frontal battle.

All of these were arranged by the elder brother, including the previous pier and giant sword. The two waves of decision-making completely killed [-] apostles.

If he hadn't chosen the elder brother as the commander in chief of this battle, then such a good situation would never have happened.And in this process, Fuman showed more of his commanding ability than luck.

Joshua was in a daze when he suddenly heard Fuman's tone in the trench become urgent.

"Everyone, be careful, the apostle is a bit different this time, don't panic, the mage uses a large-scale spell to attack in a range! The priest adds blood!"

Joshua looked around and found that these apostles were completely fearless of life and death. They didn't go to the thieves to break the trap at all. Instead, they organized a group of death squads and stepped on the trap to kill them.

Although the traps are dense, the apostle can't stand up to the Death Squad directly!
Soon the number of traps was reduced by more than half, and there was still a distance of 100 meters to kill the front trenches in the civilian area.

Fuman was sweating profusely. These guys were not afraid of death at all, and walked directly from the trap.

All the apostles who were killed turned into white light and disappeared, but there were apostles filling their positions immediately behind, facing the difficulties.

"If this goes on like this, the civilian area won't be able to withstand it for long. They can kill them in 10 minutes at most!"

Fuman was also very anxious, but he was quite shocked to see that these apostles were not afraid of death at all.

He has heard from his young master that these people who turn into white light after death are called "players". These players are blessed by the gods and can be resurrected indefinitely, but they have to pay the gods some "price" for each resurrection.

But Fuman didn't expect that these people are so fierce, they are not even afraid of death!

"Now arrange for the retreat of personnel in batches, and we quickly retreat to the rich area, where we still have the power to fight."

Fuman has another preparation in the rich area, which can fight against these apostle "players" on a large scale.Now the civilian area can no longer be defended, and must be evacuated as soon as possible while ensuring that there are no casualties.

The resistance army was withdrawing in an orderly manner. When Joshua heard that the civilian area was about to be abandoned, he suddenly thought of the Al-Quds Prison.The Holy City Prison is in the northwest corner of the civilian area. If they choose to evacuate now and the civilian area falls completely, then the Holy City Prison will be completely surrounded by the apostles. There are still many guards in the prison. Doesn’t it mean...

"There are still some soldiers guarding the Holy City Prison. If we directly abandon the civilian area, they will be reduced to abandoned children and face the wrath of the apostolic army. I must go there and explain the situation to them and lead them to retreat!" Joshua resolutely said.

Fuman was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that the soldiers of the Holy City Prison were still standing firm.In the current situation, all the forces that can be united must be united and twisted into one rope to resist the invasion of the apostle army.

Fuman immediately decided to rescue all the soldiers in the Holy City Prison.As for the prisoners inside after the soldiers left, they might be able to resist for a while and kill some of the apostles when they waited for the apostles to attack.Of course, they may turn their backs and turn to the apostles to attack humans...

"Joshua, you are more familiar with the situation in Al-Quds Prison, so you are responsible for bringing all the soldiers back. Remember, our time is only 10 minutes, and you must arrive at Al-Quds Prison within 10 minutes to bring all the soldiers back !"

Joshua nodded heavily, with a serious face: "I promise to complete the task!"

Joshua quickly disappeared at the end of the street, and Fuman exhaled, "Let's stick to the last 10 minutes, everyone cheer up!"

Joshua rushed to the Al-Quds Prison as quickly as possible, and told the two responsible persons the news of the abandoned civilian area.

The two leaders responded quickly, and all the jailers were fully armed and began to assemble.

"Your Highness, what are we going to do with these prisoners? Should we keep them here?"

The words of the person in charge made Joshua fall into silence. Although these people are heinous murderers, now is the critical moment for the final survival of human beings.

"I want to let them go..." Joshua himself was taken aback by his own thoughts, but after speaking out, he became more certain of his thoughts.

Not only Joshua, but even the two responsible persons were taken aback. This idea is really too bold.

"I confessed my identity in the previous prison. They had the opportunity to hold me hostage and force them to go out, but in the end they didn't do so. So I think they still have a conscience when it comes to right and wrong."

"Now the apostles are about to attack the civilian area, and there is only a dead end for them to stay here. Let them all be released. Those who are willing to fight the enemy with us stay, and those who are not, let them leave. In the final moments of the Imperium of Man, I think they all have the right to make their own choices."

Joshua "talked to himself", but did not notice the radio equipment in the hands of the two responsible persons.

This is the broadcasting equipment used by the Prison Superintendent's Office to directly communicate information to the entire prison.Speaking through this device, words can be spread throughout all corners of the prison.

The two persons in charge did not speak, but just glanced at each other.

While His Royal Highness was speaking, the person in charge of the Royal Guard quietly took out the radio and recorded all the conversations of the few people just now.Although the two of them didn't know what it would be useful, at least let the prisoners in the prison know who let them out.

"Our time is only 10 minutes. I have already spent a few minutes when I came here. Now we don't have much time left. Hurry up and let people go!"

Joshua tensed a string, and every second counted.

In the four districts of east, west, north, south, the machine can only open the four gates and the main gate, and all the doors inside have to be opened manually.

"Go to each region to open the prison immediately!"

With the last command, everyone moved.

All the prisoners in the prison heard what the little prince said before, and they thought it was a conspiracy between the prison and the little prince. After all, Joshua also came in to talk with the three heavenly kings before, but it ended in failure.

Perhaps this is another scheme by them to buy people's hearts?
But just when they were suspicious, the prison guards opened the gate and came in one by one, with indescribable expressions on their faces: "You are free!"

At the same time, the scalps of everyone in the trenches in the civilian area were numb.

The crazy apostle player was almost in front of him, only 20 meters away from the trench.

This is already the final limit distance.

"Have the little princes come back yet?" Fuman asked.

"No, there is no news from the trenches in the rich area!"

The apostle players are all crazy, and they are about to kill their faces and fight these human resistance forces.

Fuman gritted his teeth tightly, his heart was already in a mess, heaven and man were at war.

When it was finally forced, the final order was issued: "Retreat, all staff retreat to the rich area for defense!"

(End of this chapter)

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