my pet is boss

Chapter 299 Explosions are art!

Chapter 299 Explosions are art!
The battle line on the pier is already a little tired.After all, the pier is only ten meters wide, and there are less than 50 people who can really face the apostles, and the rest are guarding the defense line behind.

Explosives and mutual multiplying circles were placed under the pier, so large-scale firearms could not be used on the pier.

After everyone has withdrawn, engineers will be arranged to ignite the fuse, detonate the buried explosives, and activate the mutual multiplication circle to double the explosion effect.

Of course, this idea comes from Fuman. Using the mutual multiplication array in this kind of place can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Seeing more and more enemies on the pier, Fuman frowned slightly. The madness of these people has exceeded his imagination.

"Transfer some people to the middle of the pier for defense."

On the three-kilometer-long pier, Fuman arranged three interceptions in total, trying to get the enemy to board the pier before detonating them completely.

At the end, the priest troops of the Holy Light Cathedral retreated first, and then the mages of the Floating Void City...

Joshua returned to the holy city and first went to the hotel in the civilian area.This is where Uncle Shen, Fuman, and Peiqi first came to the Holy City. Peiqi would come here for a stroll every day after school at the Royal Academy of Music.Now the whole town knows that there is a pig professor who is good at music in Holy City.

There was no complete figure in the hotel, and Joshua went to the next place, the Royal Academy of Music.

As soon as I walked to the door, I heard the sound of a symphony from the Conservatory of Music.

Joshua wondered why there was still a passionate symphony in the conservatory after all the people in the holy city had been evacuated.

Pushing open the door, Joshua found music coming from the radio of the Conservatory of Music, and all the phonographs along the way were playing, with the same song scrolling inside.

Joshua searched from house to house, and finally found the match on the stage of the concert hall.

He was wearing a suit specially tailored for him by the college, lying on the performance stage in the concert hall, with a half-drunk glass of red wine in front of him, his eyes were blurred and his cheeks were slightly drunk.

"Can you still go to the battlefield like this..." Joshua was inconceivable, and it was obvious that he was an artist who appreciated music.

But since the elder brother spoke, there must be his reason.After all, luck is something that cannot be seen or touched, but it does exist. It is mysterious and mysterious, so Joshua just does it.

Joshua ran up to the bandstand, walked up to Qi Qi with blurred eyes and said, "Second Senior Brother, Senior Brother told you to go to the pier."

Hearing this, Pei Qi raised his head and glanced at Joshua, groaning and groaning, expressing that he didn't really want to go, but in the end he staggered to his feet and made a small acceleration to jump off the bandstand handsomely.Who knew that when he ran to the edge of the bandstand, he didn't count his steps well, he stepped on the space with his front hoof, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Joshua covered his eyes in embarrassment. If the second brother is drunk like this, what can he do at the front line?
Qiqi rolled a few times on the ground, stood up unsteadily, and ran out of the academy in an S-shape.

When Joshua chased to the entrance of the Conservatory of Music, he was stopped by an inner disciple of the Zen Academy, "Your Highness, Zen Master asked me to take you to the defensive trenches in the civilian area, where we wait for the return of the large troops."

Joshua is not an idiot, and only then did he realize that Fuman asked him to find a partner just to find a way to distract him.

"Okay, then I'll wait for them in the trenches in the civilian area." Joshua returned to the pier without willfulness.Knowing that his identity would affect his whole body, he followed the inner disciples of the Chanyuan to the trenches in the civilian area, waiting for the evacuation of the people on the pier.

The battle at the pier has also become fierce. Players continue to push forward to board the pier. From being chaotic at the beginning to now being organized.

Warriors and knights are at the forefront, followed by a long-range output combination composed of mages and hunters, and later on is a healing unit, which will increase blood without brains on the front row.

On the human side, only the dozens of people in the front row can really cause damage at the pier.

The three consecutive shots of the Musketeer Battalion and the damage dealt by the mages in the front row were overwhelmed by the soldiers and knights, and immediately recovered by the healers in the back row.

The troop is advancing slowly like this. Although sometimes some people will disappear into white light, but the people behind will immediately make up for it. The player's attack is becoming more and more methodical and rhythmic.On the human side, Fuman has led the resistance army to retreat behind the last bunker on the pier.

"What's the matter, have everyone left?" Fuman asked.

"Well, it's almost time to withdraw. The priest troops have already retreated, and the musketeers are also withdrawing one by one. The engineers and mage troops are already ready, and they will wait for the order."

Fuman took a look at the apostle players who were advancing cautiously. They have now reached the middle of the pier.

In front of the last line of defense, they placed many huge deer to delay the enemy's attack.

Fuman directly ordered: "The mages directly build an ice wall, and then we all retreat into the city."

The mages of the Mage Academy teamed up to create an ice wall more than two meters thick, which stood on the only way from the pier to the city. Then, under the leadership of Fuman, everyone evacuated.

As soon as Fuman entered the city, he stumbled and scrambled all the way from the civilian area to the gate, almost knocking Fuman to the ground.

Fuman leaned forward to smell it, matching the smell of wine all over his body, which reminded him of another famous wine-soaked pork chop of Celia.

"From the entrance to the trenches in the civilian area, some traps are set up along the way. I will insert the true vision guards nearby. Later, the enemy will definitely arrange for thieves to come and dismantle the traps. At that time, it will be up to the musketeers and mages to single out these thieves .”

Fuman's thinking is clear, the arrangements are well-arranged, and he can use the most reasonable method to delay the enemy's footsteps to the greatest extent in every link.

Now the enemy's attack is generally carried out according to Fuman's script.Except that the black kobold burned a gap in the defensive circle with black flames.

The apostle player crippled his intelligence and removed all obstacles to come to the ice wall.

Ma Hu, the president of the Ma Group Guild, also landed by boat, and the crowd made way for the big boss to come forward.

"The AI ​​of these human NPCs is quite high, and they have set up so many obstacles, but they have no troops, and they are at the end of their wits. Break through the ice wall and enter the human holy capital. Whoever is the first to discover the human leader BOSS or enter the mage academy, You can come to me to receive a reward of 10 gold coins."

Sloppy gave everyone a shot in the arm, 10 gold coins, 1000 million credits, this is not a small amount.This money is enough for them to live a comfortable life after arriving on the new earth, and everyone is anxious.It seems that it is not the ice wall that blocks them, but the gate of wealth.

The melee began to slash the ice with weapons, and the mage who was farther away cast various fire spells, melting the ice wall little by little.

As the ice wall melted, all the traps in the civilian areas of the city were set up, waiting for the enemy to take the bait.

The ice shattered, and the apostle player frantically ran towards the main entrance of the huge sculpture, walking casually, seeing so many people working for him and charging forward for him, he felt a sense of superiority in his heart.

Looking at the incomparably magnificent human capital, and thinking that their leader will be folded in his hands, the entire holy capital will be burned to nothingness, Sloppy smiled.Although Shen Fei is very fierce, he can get world announcements everywhere, and is known as the No.1 game.But so what?The leader of mankind will still die at his hands, at the hands of the Ma Clan Guild, no matter how powerful he is, what can he do?

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take advantage of the big event of the expansion pack.

Usually, the race leader boss has many NPC guards around him, and there are millions of players in the main city. It is simply impossible to kill the leader boss with such a population!This time humans and orcs are at war, most of the NPCs and players have gone to the front line to exchange fire, and the rear is empty, giving them an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Sloppy is sure that this is definitely the only leader boss who can have a chance to kill at this stage. As long as he wins the kill of this leader boss, he will almost be the only person who kills the faction boss in the whole server.The gold content of this achievement is much higher than anything else.

The intelligence personnel standing at a high place saw the shattering of the ice wall and began to send information to the city.

The engineer lit the fuse, and the mages began to cast spells, awakening the multiplication circle buried next to the gunpowder.

The three-kilometer pier in Joshua Harbor was full of apostles.

As the first gunpowder at the door was detonated, under the blessing of the mutual multiplication array, the power of the explosion was doubled.

Immediately the second tipping point, the third...

All mutual multiplication formations are connected, and the effect is superimposed layer by layer, double, quadruple, and six times!
The explosion effect is getting stronger and stronger.

By the time the apostle players in the back reacted and wanted to run, it was too late.

Players are shoulder to shoulder with players, and there is no place to run, just jumping into the sea.But it didn't help at all, because with the blessing of the mutual multiplication array, the power of the explosion doubled, even if it jumped into the sea, it couldn't be avoided.

Fuman in the city forced his eyes to count.

One, two, three...

A total of twelve explosion points were dug on the entire pier, and there were twelve explosions.

The intelligence personnel at the height were excited, extremely excited, and even stammered, and said through the communication equipment: "Boom, all of them were killed, and no one survived at the dock."

A mage opened the mirror of perspective to reflect the outside picture.

The pier had been completely blown up, reduced to ruins in a dozen explosions.All kinds of sawdust and wreckage floated on the surface of the sea. Tens of thousands of players disappeared into white light in this explosion, and were resurrected at the shrine on the small island in the inner sea.

Scores of players came back to life with shock and confusion on their faces, not knowing why they died suddenly.

And what happened to the explosion at the pier?

Ma Hu's face was gloomy, never expecting that the chairman of the largest guild would be assassinated.

After the explosion sounded, all players fled in panic.When Sloppy turned around and ran away, he didn't know who was knocked down, and then thousands of troops stepped over him.

That kind of feeling, as if you bought a baked sweet potato with the last dollar on your body, and the sweet potato in your hand was touched to the ground as soon as you turned around.You were about to bend down to pick it up, only to see that the baked sweet potato was trampled so hard that it turned into a paste, and then countless feet stepped on it until it was beyond recognition.

That's right, sloppy is now that baked sweet potato.

It was stepped on by countless people, and then it was completely changed by the explosion.

This is a shame for sloppy!

Anubis, the god of death, also saw the continuous bombing of three kilometers, but he was indifferent.

Now he can only maintain such a large gap, constantly wrestling with Edward, the vice president of the mage academy, and he can't control the rest.What's more, these apostle warriors died when they died, and they could be resurrected from behind anyway.

He is even happy to see this situation, let these apostle warriors go up to the mines and remove all obstacles, so that the real apostolic elite army can go out and sweep the holy city.

The adjutant was dumbfounded, and kept cursing human beings for being vicious and vicious, and even chose to blow up the dock directly, causing tens of thousands of warriors to sacrifice.

Anubis snorted coldly and said, "Go and arrange a few ships to pick up the resurrected warriors on the small island behind."

When the players on other ships saw this scene, they all gasped.

This fucking is for real!

They thought that there were not many humans left in the holy city, and they would definitely not be able to withstand the artillery fire of the apostles' armada. They wiped it out in minutes and occupied the human holy city.But I never thought that such a small number of human beings could come up with so many tricks, and an explosion at a pier directly killed more than 1 people.

Before entering the gate of the holy capital, 10% of experience and money will be lost, who can bear it!
Those players who didn't board the ship were also lucky. Although they didn't get the chance to kill them first, they were saved from death in this way.

Now that the pier is completely blown up, they can become the first batch of players to enter the city.


With big smiles on their faces, the second group of players rowed into the gap.

Because the pier was blown up, only the last half is left to enter the main entrance directly.

"Pay attention, everyone. If President Ma comes over later, put away all the smiles on everyone's faces! This person is very narrow-minded, and if he sees us happy, he will definitely not give us good fruit to eat."

"Brother, your number is gone!"

"Don't make trouble, I vaguely saw that Chairman Ma was pushed down and trampled on when he was running away. I don't know what's going on with him."

"Resurrection is certain, but there must be psychological shadows!"

"Hahaha, this guy is usually arrogant and domineering, but this time he was devastated. The predecessors planted trees and the descendants took advantage of the shade, and they made money."

These apostle players just took advantage of their sloppy death and made fun of them while rowing.

Now the pier is gone, and you can’t abandon the boat and go to the pier after entering through the gap, so everyone is 10 people, rowing the boat and starting to move towards the main entrance of the holy city.

Fuman in the city saw the situation outside through the mirror of the mage.

Groups of small boats began to approach through the gap.

Because the pier was blown up, the sea was full of debris floating around, so the speed of the boat was not fast.

One after another, densely packed.

"Holy Son, what's going on now, is it going to be bombed or not?"

Everyone saw that the sea was covered with boats, and the people on the front boat were rowing hard, with excitement on their faces.

Fuman glanced roughly, this sword fell down, at least thousands of people could be killed, and the huge waves created by the giant sword were enough to overturn all other small boats.

Calculated in this way, it is easy to kill 1 people with one sword.

"Fei Gong, if you know that your sword can instantly kill thousands of people, you must be very pleased!"

"Now, light the fire!"

Following Fuman's words, the engineer remotely sensed and exploded, breaking off the hands of the statue of Ferdinand.

The apostle players who were crossing the river heard the explosion, and then saw black smoke rising from the huge disconnected hand, they were all taken aback for a moment...

(End of this chapter)

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