my pet is boss

Chapter 298 The Son of Destiny

Chapter 298 The Son of Destiny
Anubis, the god of death, looked very unsightly, and the armada fired with all its strength, but failed to break through the holy city's defensive circle.

The deputy who was flattering just now also changed his face when he saw this.

As soon as I finished bragging, the defensive circle slapped him in the face. Isn't this a clear way to lose face to Lord Death?
The deputy quickly added: "Humans are fighting in the corner, and they can't withstand such an attack for a few rounds!"

Anubis, the god of death, didn't speak, but his expression improved slightly.

The deputy observed the situation and immediately gave instructions to the following: "Continue to focus the fire until the human defense circle is pierced!"

The apostle's armada had no shortage of ammunition, and after the order was issued, they fired several rounds of intensive volleys.The flames illuminated the entire holy city, but the protective circle blocked all the damage and remained intact.

After resisting these rounds of damage, the confidence of the humans guarding the pier doubled.With such a protective circle, the apostle didn't know when he wanted to attack.

The expressions on the faces of the soldiers at the pier changed, and the pressure suddenly decreased a lot.Now there is no need to repeat the defensive effect of the protective magic circle, which gave them great confidence to stick to the holy city.

Fuman held his sword and preached back and forth on the pier with a certain posture: "Perseverance is victory! The protective circle can resist us for a long time, and we will definitely be able to hold on until the frontline soldiers come back!"

There were several rounds of strong attacks, and even many ships of the [-]-ton class were already lying across the sea, and the entire side of the artillery was fired at once, but they still couldn't penetrate the protective circle.

The face of Anubis, the god of death, became darker and darker. When the lieutenant ordered to focus fire again, Anubis, the god of death, raised his hand to stop it.

"That's enough! The opponent's defensive circle has sufficient energy, so who knows when it will last." Anubis, the god of death, stood at the front of the deck holding the golden scepter bestowed by the Pharaoh.Just relying on willpower can make a warship of [-] tons move forward.

Anubis, the god of death, was not afraid of human reinforcements. He was afraid that if the humans persisted for a day or two before the frost orcs attacked, they would not get much benefit.These stubborn human rebels must be defeated in a storm, and even before the frost orcs come, they can go to some surrounding towns and villages to plunder more population resources.

The apostles, like the undead, belonged to a race that could not reproduce and regenerate themselves, and could only be transformed through rituals.So the apostle agreed to the frost orcs' joint attack this time, also for the continuation of the race, to plunder a large number of population resources in the holy city of mankind, and carry out a large-scale transformation ceremony after taking them back to increase the new force for the apostles.

The battleship Pharaoh on which Anubis, the god of death, kept approaching the pier. The [-]-ton giant battleship slowly appeared in front of everyone like a mountain. Its huge figure blocked the sun, and the shadows gradually cast on the pier. The feeling of being overwhelmed.

Fuman and the others were dumbfounded, and some disciples kept saying to themselves: "What are they going to do? Are they going to come up directly with giant battleships?"

The giant battleship broke through the waves, and the sound of rushing water waves kept approaching. Finally, the giant battleship stopped three kilometers away from the protective circle.

Anubis, the god of death, stood on the deck of the ship, raising the golden scepter in his hand.

Black flames shot out from the top of the golden scepter and hit the pale white protective circle.Suddenly, the protective magic circle was corroded by black flames to form a fist-sized hole.As the flame burned, the cavity grew bigger and bigger, and finally maintained a semicircle with a diameter of about ten meters.

Anubis, the god of death, stared at the black flames, trying to make the hole bigger.But Edward, the deputy head of the Mage Tower, saw this scene through his magic eyes, and doubled his magic power on the cracked part of the protective magic circle.

Edward frowned slightly and said, "Magic Eye, help me analyze the composition of the black flame."

The protective circle is a masterpiece that he and the archmage Jordan have supplemented and perfected for decades, and it is reasonable to block countless intensive artillery attacks this time.But a big hole was burned by the black flame of Anubis, the god of death.If Edward remembers correctly, Anubis used this black flame to burn the shipyard and the small island where the human navy in the Inner Sea was stationed just now.

The pier rebels, who were originally confident, saw a mass of black flames burning a big hole in the protective circle, and they all gasped, and their faces immediately became stiff.

Fuman and Joshua reacted very quickly, and immediately asked a few magic apprentices to fill the hole with repairing techniques.

However, after encountering the black fire, all the energy of the repairing spell was ineffective, and even a lot of it was swallowed by the black fire.

The magic apprentice hurriedly stopped tinkering, shaking his head again and again: "This black fire is weird, it will directly incinerate our spells!"

Everyone hid behind the temporary defense at the pier, and Fuman shouted: "Everyone is ready to fight against the enemy. The gap is not too big now, and the apostle's troops cannot enter in large numbers. We can still hold on." Fuman said, Seeing that the Black Flame was no longer expanding, but maintaining the current situation, as the owner of the nine-star magic talent, he saw through the black-faced kobold on the deck at a glance, and he was wrestling with the vice-principal Edward.With the blessing of thousands of magic crystals, Vice President Edward can guarantee that he will not fall into the wind for the time being, and the loophole of the black fire will not change much for the time being, unless one of the two is completely stronger than the other.

Anubis, the god of death, also found that the other party had plenty of magic power, and it was difficult for the two to tell the winner in a short time. He said coldly, "Do you want me to teach you how to do it?"

The adjutant shouting and cheering on the side was speechless for a moment, but he reacted immediately after a while, and gave orders: "The small ship is on board, if there is a gap, if you don't rush up, are you all idiots? There is no wink at all!"

"By the way, let the apostle warriors go up first. Anyway, they can be resurrected, and they are not afraid of death. Let them clear the way for the army." The adjutant is also very smart. Isn't this the best opportunity for the apostle warriors to rush up and open the way?Those apostolic warriors are ambitious and eager to show their faces in front of the high-level apostles, so let them have a chance this time.

As the order was delegated, all the apostle players received a task called [Frontline Leading], let them rush into the holy city first, fight all the way to the mage tower, and close the defensive circle.

The most important reward for this mission is a high reputation point, which makes all players gear up.

The eyes of the members of the Ma Group guild led by Sloppy were bright, and Sloppy immediately made arrangements after receiving the task: "I don't care about the other guilds. In short, close the defensive magic circle, and the high-prestige mission must be completed by me in the end."

The vice president of Necromancer smiled and said: "Chairman, don't worry, I will arrange it now. There are 13 players participating in the mission this time, and there are 8 people in our Ma Group guild alone. Others dare not fight with us." You can't rob us. In this battle, the chairman will not only gain a lot of reputation, but also become the first player to kill the faction leader boss! Isn't that human player Shen Fei very powerful? It's not easy to be the leader of their faction Killed by us."

The corner of Sloppy's mouth raised a smile, but it's a pity that most of the human players have already gone to the front line of Owendale to participate in the war with the Frost Orcs. The remaining players in the human holy city are all low-level players who are not qualified to go to the front line.

If Shen Fei is here, he really wants to compete with Shen Fei, and let Shen Fei see what the demeanor of the number one player is.

The players on the [-]-ton small ship, after receiving the order, gradually approached the dock with the small ship.

Because of the obstruction of the protective magic circle, these [-]-ton small ships could not land, so countless landing boats had to be lowered from the ships.

The wrestling between Anubis, the god of death, and Edward, the vice president, is still going on, but the "advanced army" composed of apostles and players has already approached the "hole" by boat.

Fuman saw the enemy approaching, and the sea not far from the pier was densely packed with small boats, each with ten people on board.At a glance, there are at least a thousand such small boats, which directly fill up the three kilometers of the wharf.

At least ten thousand people are ready to log in!

Although the gap is relatively small, it can't hold so many people rushing over.

According to Fuman's estimate, the first layer of defense on the pier can only stop a few thousand people at most.

Fuman suddenly turned to Joshua and said, "Junior brother, I have something very important for you to do now."

Joshua had already "sharpened his sword" and was about to launch a frontal attack with the enemy, but he was suddenly stopped by Fuman.But Fuman is his appointed commander-in-chief, and orders must be obeyed.Joshua also knew that at this critical juncture, what the elder brother had to say must be extremely important.

Joshua looked serious: "Senior brother, is there any important thing for me to do?"

"I need you to find Qiqi and bring it to the front."

Joshua was a little puzzled: "Second Senior Brother?"

But Qiqi only has absolute pitch in terms of rhythm, and it can't play any role in the battlefield. What's the use of bringing it over?

"I don't have time to explain the details to you now, you just need to find it and bring it here. Your second senior brother still has a lot of unique skills that you don't know!"

With Fuman's words, Joshua didn't even think about it, put away his one-handed sword and ran towards the city.

The holy city transferred all the citizens, and everyone went into battle lightly. Now they have all left the city and took refuge in the nearest city of Mithril.

Looking for a pig in the empty holy city was originally a matter of finding a needle in a haystack, but fortunately, Joshua knew the preferences of the whole group and roughly determined several places.

After Joshua left, Fuman casually grabbed a young man from the Wu Monk Temple and said, "You go with the little prince. After you find Pai Qi later, ask Pai Qi to come to the pier. You take the little prince to Fu Just wait at the defensive point in the human zone."

It turned out that what Fuman did was just to pay off Joshua.

After all, now that the apostle army has started to attack, it is too dangerous to stay at the pier.A little carelessness will fall into an extremely dangerous situation.Fuman found an excuse to dismiss Joshua, also for the sake of the safety of the holy city.If Joshua was captured or sacrificed by the enemy at the pier, then the following guards would be meaningless.

As long as Lucien's blood is still there, there is still hope for mankind!
After Joshua left, Fuman arranged for all the staff to take their positions, ready to resist the approaching enemy army.

To be honest, Fuman was full of apprehension and nervousness in his heart, but after studying with several major forces, Fuman had seen the world, especially after passing through the three trials in Shushan. These apostles who looked like pale, It doesn't scare him at all.

"Everyone pay attention later. If we can't beat them, we will start withdrawing into the city. We have many ways to deal with them, and there is no need to waste them at the pier. And you should pay more attention to your own safety. It doesn't matter if you lose the pier quickly. You must not Die. Now every combat power is extremely precious, far more important than a pier or a block!"

Fuman's words warmed everyone's hearts, and they nodded heavily.

For players, this is a good time to "make contributions". As long as they can kill the Floating City Mage Academy and stop the protective magic circle, they can get a lot of prestige, and then they can go to the [Sun Disk] to advance to a higher level Opportunity.This promotion is a higher level. For NPCs, it is the promotion of blood and priesthood; for players, it is a full-time job!
Sloppy also gave an order, whoever can kill the mage academy first will be rewarded with [-] gold coins!
One hundred thousand gold coins, converted into credits, is 1000 million!

Now the players in the guild seemed to be pumped, gearing up one after another, wanting to push all the way through, wanting to be the first to get the reward.

Sloppy thinks more, he wants to get this prestige reward, and he also wants to kill the boss of the faction leader.

The players in the first small boat came in through the gap in the defensive circle, quickly docked and climbed up along the pier.

As soon as he poked his head out, he was kindly taken care of by the mage and the Musketeers.

Spells and steel bullets came crashing down, and before the ten players had advanced a few meters, they all turned into white light and disappeared in place.

The player after death did not return to the port of Ramses, the apostle, but was reborn on the small island of the human navy in the inner sea just now.

Just now, Anubis, the god of death, also set up a black door to summon the soul when the brave black flame was burning.All dead apostle warriors can be resurrected quickly in this place.This is also the reason why the apostle Pharaoh Ramses II appointed Anubis as the general of this crusade.

As the god of death of the apostles, he has abilities that others do not possess.

However, tens of thousands of ships blocked the naval island, and the humans in the holy city did not know what happened behind it at this moment.

"Yes, everyone, keep working hard and keep this rhythm!" Fuman encouraged loudly.In the face of the "endless" apostles, courage is the best way now.

The second and third waves of players went ashore and were quickly suppressed.

But there are also some thieves players who want to sneak into the pier by stealth for the first time.

Fuman had been prepared for a long time, and pushed the Eye of True Sight, which was as tall as two people, from the side, inserted it behind the bunker, and directly illuminated a 300-meter radius, making these invisible units invisible.

Fuman looked at the apostle warrior who turned into white light after death, feeling quite emotional in his heart.

Human players, after the summoning order, all went to the front line of Owendale. Even if they were not on the front line, they were doing business in some surrounding towns not far from Owendale. There were not many players in the Holy City who could join the battle.

Seeing more and more apostle players, the distance is getting closer little by little.

These guys seemed to be completely fearless of life and death, and kept pushing forward.

Some templar knights even rushed up while staring at [Invincible Shield].Fortunately, the priest of the cathedral used the dispel technique to dispel the opponent's invincible shield, so they could not succeed.

The gap in the protective circle was densely packed with apostle players, the boats were already full, and the players jumped into the sea one after another, swimming towards the pier...

(End of this chapter)

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