my pet is boss

Chapter 297 Death God Anubis

Chapter 297 Death God Anubis
Under the leadership of the guards, Joshua walked out of the meeting place and returned to the prison chief's office.

For the guards, letting these desperadoes serve the country is simply the biggest joke in the world.If they had a conscience, they wouldn't be in a place like this.

The best news for them is that the little prince was brought out unharmed.

The roar of the Inner Sea artillery can also be heard in the holy city, and even people with hearing loss can feel the enemy's artillery fire getting closer.

Time is running out for Joshua.

When Joshua returned to the warden's office, the two persons in charge also breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they are fine.

"Trouble the two wardens for taking risks. It's because I don't have enough appeal to make them change their minds."

The two persons in charge didn't have any idea. They could be said to "get along with these desperadoes day and night."So it is the best ending for His Royal Highness to come back safely.

"Then where is His Royal Highness planning to go next?"

Joshua fell into a daze, and there seemed to be no combat population in the holy city.

"I should go directly to the front line to guard the pier with the soldiers. The people in the Holy City are already on the way, and there should be no combat forces in the Holy City that can be recruited." Joshua replied.

The two persons in charge nodded to express their understanding, and looked at each other as if they had made a decision: "Just now we discussed that if the apostles really attacked the civilian area, all the guards and guards in the Holy City Prison would join in the defense. In the battle of the holy city!"

After all, it doesn't make any sense to guard the Holy City Prison until the apostles attack the civilian area.

Joshua nodded emphatically: "Thank you for your hard work."

There is an atmosphere called despair everywhere in the Holy City, but everyone is holding on, waiting for a miracle to come.

Joshua walked out of the Holy City Prison. The originally bustling Holy City was now empty of people, only occasionally soldiers or disciples hurried past.

The streets are full of desolation and dilapidation, and there are endless artillery sounds outside the protective circle, rumbling.

The three lines of defense are already under construction, and everyone has prepared for the worst. Explosive gunpowder has been placed in the civilian area, wealthy area, and royal area. Once the troops are unable to defend, they will directly transfer the line of defense and detonate the road to delay the enemy's attack. attack.

Joshua came to the front line and saw that the soldiers were seriously preparing.

The Mage Academy has set up many spell traps and teleportation points in the rear. Once the pier cannot be defended, everyone can evacuate to the civilian area through the teleportation points.

Fuman was standing on the pier directing, when he saw Joshua approaching, he hugged him and said, "Junior Brother, there is something I need to discuss with you."

Joshua didn't know why: "Brother, you are the commander-in-chief now, and you can decide everything. No matter what the decision is, I will support it with both hands!"

Fuman was obviously a little embarrassed, rubbed his hands, and turned around with his arms around Joshua: "I think, if the pier can't hold on anymore, we all have to evacuate and enter the civilian area, right? Then the apostles will not be able to enter without people. So I thought about blowing up the pier by then, so that their ships could not dock on a large scale!"

Joshua was stunned for a moment, was it so hard to blow up the pier?But after thinking about it, what the big brother said is right, even the pier is blown up, so the large-displacement warships of the apostles will not be able to approach the port, and they can only use small ships to continuously transport troops to land on the beach. time.

"I agree with this method. The pier can be rebuilt in the future, but every minute and every second is precious. And I think, don't blow it up when you evacuate, wait for the first wave of enemy soldiers to rush to the pier, and then Use the magic circle to detonate!"

Fuman couldn't help giving a thumbs up, Joshua's method was even more ruthless than him.He just bombed the pier, Joshua is even going to blow up the pier and people!However, this kills two birds with one stone, it can destroy the pier and deplete the apostles' strength.In particular, the pier at Joshua Port is extremely long. If the landing station is full of people, at least a thousand people can be killed at one time.

"By the way, there is one more thing to discuss. Didn't the pier also explode? At that time, the small ships of the apostles will be used as transport ships to transport the soldiers to the gate of the city. We will detonate them again at that time. You see How about the giant sword at the main gate of the city?" Fuman pointed to the giant sword in the soldier's hand and said.

The main entrance of the holy city faces the inland sea and the port, and above the main entrance to the holy city is a huge sculpture of Fei Gong. The sharp sword hanging upside down in his hand is a symbol of guarding the holy city.

Joshua thought for a while following Fuman's train of thought, as long as Fei Gong's hands were blown off, the upside-down sharp sword would directly fall down.

Tens of thousands of stone swords smashed straight at the apostle fleet, causing unparalleled damage. This scene is absolutely spectacular.

More importantly, the length and width of the stone sword are extremely suitable, enough to smash down a [-]-ton ship and deal a painful blow to the enemy.

"No problem, I agree with this plan, now hurry up and let the blasters and mages arrange it, and we must not let the enemy discover our plan."

Taking the opportunity, Fuman took out another blueprint and said, "Junior brother, actually, I think the Empire State Building seems to be okay..."

Just as the holy city was intensively deploying its defenses and arranging for the civilians to evacuate, the apostles' invincible fleet had already swept across the human fleet.The inner sea is full of smoke and sunken human ships.

The apostles with the widest coastline are most proud of their naval power.

This attack on the Holy City of Humanity truly brought out the might of the Apostles Armada.

Edward, the vice president of the Mage Academy, presided over the defensive circle, and saw with his magic eyes that the human sea power was completely wiped out.

Hundreds of ships were beaten by the apostles' invincible fleet without any power to fight back.

Edward glanced at the scan data displayed on the magic crystal. More than 300 human ships smashed and sank more than 50 warships desperately.Facing the artillery from all directions, the heroic navy chose to sail directly into it and detonate the warship, which delayed the people in the Holy City long enough.

Just now the old housekeeper from Earl's Mansion came to Floating Void City and brought five or six hundred boxes of magic crystals.According to the old steward's account, Fuman bought these with money and ordered them to send them over to defend the holy city.

Edward had never seen so many magic crystals, more than 2000 pieces of magic crystals, more than the foundation of the Mage Academy.

Of course, he was even more shocked by Fuman's financial resources and the background of the Earl's Mansion.

More than 2000 pieces of magic crystals, how much does this cost!
But Edward's gloomy face finally smiled.With so many magic crystals, and many top-quality magic crystals, the defensive formation can last longer!He can even do some tricks.

Standing on the deck of the ship, Anubis, the god of death, looked at the sunken human warships with black smoke all around him, with a smile on his lips.

The human fleet has been wiped out, and now humans have no resistance. Even if their holy city is shrouded in a protective circle, they can't stop the endless apostle armada.

"There is no room for human docks to exist. They can be burned directly." Death General Anubis waved his hand, and a cloud of black magic flames enveloped the entire dock.All the shipyards, factories and naval bases in the Inland Sea of ​​Humanity were wiped out.

As Anubis, the god of death, pointed at the holy city, all the ships began to rush in the same direction, preparing to land on the holy city and plunder all human resources.

"Now we have to sweep away the wealth of the human sanctuary before the arrival of the orcs, and plunder all their population as slaves."

The [-]-ton ship has the longest range and is the first to enter the range at full speed.

Under the supervision of Anubis, these behemoths on the ocean opened fire towards the holy city.

The artillery drew an arc in the air, and then smashed directly towards the pier.

The human soldiers guarding the pier subconsciously retreated when they saw rows of artillery bombarding them, and a feeling of panic spread among the crowd.Although they are all well-trained disciples of major forces, they have never seen such a terrifying scene.Hundreds of cannonballs were fired at once, the scene was extremely spectacular, but it also made everyone fearful. Can a protective circle block a shell of this size?
Fuman is well aware of the effect of the protective magic circle, as long as there are enough magic power crystals, even super S-level forbidden spells can be completely blocked!
"Everyone, don't worry, the protective circle can block the artillery, don't mess around!"

Joshua didn't back down either, and took out his one-handed sword to stabilize the army's morale: "Everyone performs their duties, don't panic!"

All the inner sect disciples of the Wu Monk Zen Academy had seen the world. At this moment, watching hundreds of cannons firing, they stood still and watched, without even the slightest intention of retreating.The biohazard monsters in Lawrence Manor didn't scare them away, but these hundred or so cannonballs are trying to force them back, isn't that ridiculous?
With Fuman and Joshua stabilizing the morale of the army, and the inner disciples of the Zen Academy "defying the law with their own bodies", the disciples of other forces who were about to escape all stopped and returned to their positions hesitantly.

Boom boom boom!
The shells hit the protective circle one after another, stirring up dazzling flames and black sulfur dust.

The magic circle only fluctuated slightly, and there were not even any cracks on the pale white surface.

Except for the loud sound, it has no effect on everyone.

"Don't worry, I bought all the magic crystals in the whole holy city. According to the current supply of magic crystals, we can last a day without any problem!" Fuman stood up and spoke at this time, giving everyone a boost.

Sure enough, after hearing Fuman's words, the faces of these disciples turned cloudy, and the fear in their eyes was much less.

These people are just disciples of big forces, so it doesn't mean that they must fight this impossible battle.

Anubis, the god of death, also had an ugly expression. He did not expect that the protective circle of human beings is so strong, and the damage caused by a hundred ships of [-] tons in unison did not affect the protective shield at all.

However, Anubis knows that the large-scale resources and combat power of human beings have been concentrated in Owendale. Now the Holy City does not have much combat power. It just relies on the daily reserves of magic crystals to maintain the protective circle.

"Continuing the bombardment, most of their resources have been transported to the front line, and the Holy City does not have much resources to maintain the operation of the protective circle."

"General, you are very familiar with the judgment of human beings. It is thought-provoking. We must be able to take down the human capital today without bloodshed." The apostle lieutenant at the side naturally would not miss this opportunity to flatter.

The apostle players are all watching the other ships.

The human imperial capital is within easy reach, you can kill the human leader BOSS when you enter the holy city.This is definitely the first leader boss in the game to kill other forces.

Each of the six major races has its own supreme leader.

Currently, the supreme leader of mankind is the underage Joshua, but after Shen Fei obtains the title of regent, he can also be counted as a half-leader BOSS.

The leader of the Lone Mountain Dwarves is Ornn, the Rune King; the White Elf is the priestess of the Temple of the Moon.

On the side of the dark camp, the orc chief Ornn, the apostle Pharaoh Ramses II, and the strategist commander of the night elves are all bosses of their respective races.

Sloppy and the members of the Ma Group guild are all eyeing up, ready to kill Joshua to complete the achievement of killing the leader of the faction.

Sloppy is the first player in the world to create purple equipment, but now he is no longer seen on the equipment list.This is definitely a major blow to Sloppy, so he is going to lead the guild to get the first faction leader to kill in this apostle's attack on the holy city. This is definitely a major blow to all human players.

Ships of [-] tons and [-] tons have also been lined up, approaching the Holy City from the gaps of the giant battleships, and entered the firing range.

This time, the artillery fired in a volley was densely packed, and the black tail flames at the end of the artillery even formed a curtain in the air.

Compared with the one hundred rounds just now, the number of artillery this time has increased several times, and it looks more exaggerated.

Fuman comforted him in advance: "Don't panic if you're fine, the magic crystal tube is enough, this little damage won't have any effect! Everyone stick to your posts!"

Boom boom boom!
The density of artillery can even carpet-bomb the entire port terminal several times.The defensive magic circle was filled with light for a moment, and even in the Holy City, the sudden burst of light could be felt.

The reverberation of the explosion was endless, but the defensive circle was not damaged at all.

Edward in the mage's tower glanced at the depleted magic crystals, and in just a moment, more than fifty magic crystals had been consumed.I have to say that the apostle's armada has high damage, but there are still more than 2000 magic crystals, enough for them to last for a long time.

The [-]-ton ships also approached, and this round of salvo covered the entire inner sea with a layer of gray-black smoke, which rose into the sky and condensed into dark clouds, even covering the sun.

More than 900 warships fired salvos at the same time, and the damage can be imagined.

This time, even Fuman swallowed tons of saliva, a little uncertain.

"it should be no problem?"

Boom boom boom!
Pieces of flames fell on the defensive formation, and there was another burst of light. Even in the Holy City Prison, one could see the sky suddenly glowing red, and the rumbling sound of explosions resembling thunder.

The bald man returned to the area under his jurisdiction, kicked his subordinates who were watching the excitement two or three meters away, and said viciously: "Notify the people below, and prepare weapons for me!"

At the same time, the skeleton man and the kind-hearted old man also issued the same notice to his subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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