my pet is boss

Chapter 296 Little Fire Juice Life 8 Can be donated to those who want it

Chapter 296 Little Fire Juice Life 8 Can be donated to those who want it

Joshua didn't stop, and continued to walk inside the Holy City Prison.

The interior of the prison is divided into four areas, southeast, northwest, and each area has a strongest boss called "Tianwang".Joshua knew that it was of little value to talk to these people in front of him. He had to talk to the "Four Heavenly Kings" in the prison. They had the ability to give orders to these ordinary prisoners.

"Hehe, it's really a rare visitor. I didn't expect people from the Wu Monk Temple to come to the prison."

"Couldn't this person want to learn from the king of the Eastern District and break through the prison?"

"It looks like it shouldn't be, otherwise there wouldn't be so many prison guards around."

"Say, do we want to create chaos and give this thin-skinned and tender-flesh guy..." the wretched man said and made a throat-slitting motion.

"Don't mess around, be careful that the king of heaven is back and asks you to go to the small dark room to practice with you."

After saying this, the wretched man shuddered all over, what better to do than being dragged to be a training partner!
Shen Fei, the King of the Eastern District, went to the front line to fight after challenging the prison.The prisoners in the prison were not fools either. Seeing that the Heavenly King of the Eastern District hadn't appeared for a long time and the room was empty, they quickly figured out that the Heavenly King of the Eastern District, who had overthrown the other three districts, actually came in from the outside.

To be able to secretly collude with the prison's top and bottom, and even the prison's top officials to help cover it up, must have a strong official identity background.It's just that the prisoners in the prison are not very "sensitive" to these things, and they will respect whoever can subdue them by force.The Heavenly King of the Eastern District swept across the four prison districts by himself, and it was this strength that was enough for them to recognize his supreme status.

Especially after Shen Fei would ask people to practice alone every day, most of these prisoners in the prison had been beaten by Shen Fei, and they were still the kind who were helpless to fight back.This is why the prisoners' talk about the "little black room" has turned pale.

Before entering the prison, Joshua had already known the power map of the prison from the two persons in charge.Joshua also learned that Uncle Shen entered the prison in disguise, first took down the king of the eastern district, and then swept the other three districts with this identity, becoming the veritable No. 1 of the Holy City Prison.

With this insurance, Joshua feels that the possibility of his lobbying success is greatly increased!At that time, as long as the relationship between him and Shen Fei is mentioned, these heavenly kings should give Uncle Shen a face, right?

The two persons in charge looked at the surveillance footage, and the person in charge of the Imperial Guard couldn't help asking, "Do you think His Highness can succeed?"

Another person in charge of the Imperial Court snorted coldly, as if hearing something ridiculous: "Don't you know the answer, why are you still asking me? What I am worried about now is that the prisoners in the prison don't know that the apostles are attacking now According to the news, after His Highness fails to recruit, if these heavenly kings are ready to move, our current strength seems to be unable to stop the riots in the prison."

"Then why did you agree to let His Highness go in?"

"What if?"

The two got acquainted, and then all the unspoken words were turned into a long sigh and four words, and they were resigned to fate.

There are not many people in the holy city who can take up arms to fight against the [-] army of the apostles, and now they can only rely on the disciples left behind by the major forces to barely support them.Although they shouted their beliefs and persistence, everyone knew in their hearts that the holy city couldn't resist the firepower of the apostles' armada. Could it stand against a hundred thousand enemy troops in the void?

"I have made the last effort to invite the heavenly kings of the three districts together. Now we will see His Highness's performance. I hope a miracle will happen."

The kings of the three districts in the south, north, and north were all invited together by the two responsible persons. After all, this kind of matter is not easy to discuss with each other, but the degree of danger is also doubled.

The two wardens were also fully prepared. If the Heavenly King of the three districts was violent, the guards around the little prince would immediately intercept them, giving the little prince a chance to escape through the secret door next to him.

Joshua saw these vicious prisoners with murderous intent or jokes in their eyes, and a bone-chilling chill surged in his heart.Isn't it too unrealistic to put your hopes on these desperadoes?
But now Joshua has nothing to do. Except for the evacuated people in the entire holy city, this is the only place where people with combat effectiveness can be recruited.

"Even if the hope is slim, you can't give up any chance to try!"

Joshua encouraged himself secretly, even if his own words didn't have any power, he could still use Uncle Shen to convince them, and it would be successful by then!
"Your Highness, the Heavenly King of the third district is inside the house." The guard who escorted Joshua walked to the front of a house and said.

Joshua was still organizing sentences in his mind, and suddenly realized: "Has it arrived so soon?"

Joshua took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in, and saw three bored people sitting in the seats at a glance.

From left to right, there is a muscular bald man; a skinny man who looks like a skeleton, giving people the feeling that he may blow the candle at any time; finally is a kind-hearted old man, who gives Joshua the feeling of a monk Master Lan Chan of the Zen monastery is the same, and he is very puzzled that such an old man appears here.

This is very different from what Joshua had thought before.

In his imagination, the three heavenly kings should all be like the first bald macho.

The second skinny middle-aged man who was dying, and a well-maintained old man with a kind face... This doesn't look like a murderous, domineering king.

"The head of the prison invited the three of us here, tell me what you want from us?" The bald man made no secret of his contempt for Joshua.It's just a brat in Wuseng Temple.If it wasn't for the face of the prison officer, the bald man would have turned around and left when Joshua came in.

The guards around Joshua were extremely nervous at the moment.Once His Highness speaks to explain the truth, as long as there is any change in these three people, they will directly kill them to buy time for His Highness the Prince.

Joshua walked in front of several people, hesitated for a moment and decided to directly reveal his identity: "My name is Joshua, and I am the little prince of the Lion Empire."

As soon as these words came out, the hairs of the guards behind him burst, and their nerves were tense to the extreme.They never expected that His Royal Highness would directly announce his identity.

The eyes of the three heavenly kings on the opposite side suddenly changed, and murderous intent emerged.

The first bald man stared at Joshua like a hungry tiger, giving Joshua a feeling of being watched from top to bottom.

The thin, skeleton-like man's eyes were as sharp as an eagle's, he kept looking at Joshua, and the small movements of his hands stopped abruptly.

The amiable old man remained motionless, his eyes fixed on Joshua, giving people the illusion that the top predator was ready to pounce at any time.

The hairs of the ten guards exploded, and their hearts were about to jump out of their chests.

Joshua was frightened by the gazes of the three, but still stubbornly stepped forward with one foot.

If reinforcements are not available today, it will be difficult for the Holy City to drag Owendale back to victory on the frontal battlefield, and Joshua will try even if there is only a slight chance.

"Humans and Frost Orcs are fighting in Owendale, and everyone in the empire who can take up arms has rushed to the frontline battlefield. Now the apostles are leading the invincible fleet to raid the inner sea port. Our fleet can't last long. The people are already thoroughly , all the disciples left behind by the major forces have all gone to the pier to stand by. But there are 2000 people at full strength, and they can't stop the [-] apostles' army, and now only the Holy City Prison has the fighting power..."

Joshua looked into the eyes of the three, but he didn't see any waves in the eyes of the three, and he even read a smile.

"Hahaha, you guys have today too? What do you mean, are you going to let us go out to help fight the apostles? Then you, a noble little prince, can escape?"

"I have no intention of leaving. I said in front of everyone at the swearing-in meeting that I will stand on the front line, leave my back to my compatriots, and become a wall for them. It's just that the people guarding the city are stretched. It will take time for us to evacuate!"

The bald man sneered and said, "I never thought that I would live to see this day. Your majesty the prince begged us vicious villains to go outside to protect the common people? The little prince didn't know that the prisons in the Holy City are all Is it a murderous big devil?

What's more, it is the laws made by the empire itself, which send us to prison and make us lose our freedom.Now you let us use our lives to protect the empire, this is the funniest joke I have ever heard, hahaha! "

The kind old man on the side also let out a "hehehe" laugh, and the fat on his chin trembled.

The skeleton-like man changed his sitting posture, leaning forward aggressively.

"Little prince, have you ever thought that you might not be able to get out alive by coming here directly to find us?" The skeleton man turned his head and asked the two people around him for their opinions: "Have you stayed in prison enough, now catch the little prince, Use his life for a few chances for us to get out of prison. Anyway, now that the apostle army has arrived, there are not many troops in the holy city, and no one can stop the three of us!"

The ten guards around Joshua stepped forward, the swords in their hands were out of the sheath, pointing to three people: "We will protect His Royal Highness with death." Then they shouted to Joshua: "Your Highness, stand up quickly! Let's come back!"

This is the "secret language" that everyone said before coming in. Once this sentence is said, Joshua will prepare to escape to the secret passage.

But Joshua not only did not get up, but raised his hand to stop the crowd, turned around and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, anyway, the Holy City can't last today, it doesn't make any difference whether it is killed by them or by the apostles, at least I made a last-ditch effort just to prove me wrong."

The guard was speechless, he did not expect His Royal Highness to say such a thing.

The old man over there was still smiling "hehehe". He didn't know whether he was laughing at Joshua's "high awareness" or that he was too simple.

The bald man joked again: "Do you think you want us to help you with this level of aggressiveness? Stop dreaming!"

Joshua stood up slowly.

Just when everyone thought he was about to leave, Joshua suddenly bowed respectfully to the three of them.

"The holy city is at stake. Once the apostles break the city, the millions of humans behind them will become the ghosts of the apostles, and the human race may even be wiped out. The laws of the empire have their own justice. You can come to the holy city prison, Naturally, I have violated the corresponding laws. I will not say anything against my will just because I ask you for help. I just hope that you still have a little conscience as a human being and help you in this critical moment."

After Joshua finished speaking, the eyes of the three did not change, and they even looked at the three as if they were watching a monkey show.

Joshua didn't expect these people to be completely reclusive. The bald man even scratched his head and said, "That's all? Finished? Can I go back and rest?" Do not catch a cold.

The two persons in charge are extremely nervous now. When the skeleton man said he was going to kidnap Joshua to escape from prison, the two of them almost pressed the alarm button. Rao Joshua's astonishing move temporarily stabilized the situation, and the two persons in charge also He was so frightened that he arranged extra manpower at the entrance of the secret room to take care of His Royal Highness in times of danger.

"By the way, Xiao Huozhi will give you some advice. Don't think that the Holy City Prison is a place where you can come and go whenever you want. If you want to live 8, you can donate it to those who want it. It's all up to you if you don't do anything today. For the face of the old man Lucian. Fortunately, it is the three of us, if it were any other person, ten guards would not be able to protect you."

The bald man stood up and shook his index finger at the ten guards who were facing an enemy.To be honest, it's not that he looks down on the guards in the prison. He can beat ten guards of this level by himself!
Joshua saw that the three were about to get up, so he had no choice but to draw out his last hole card.

"Shen Fei, the Heavenly King of the Eastern District, is the human regent and my uncle!"

In a word, the three people who got up all froze in place, as if they had been cast with a holding spell.

Joshua was waiting for the three men to reply, and the guards were also very nervous, fearing that the three heavenly kings would violently kill people.

"Hehehe..." The old man's signature laughter sounded, followed by the skeleton man, and finally the bald man.

"I've known for a long time that the Heavenly King of the Eastern District is an unusual one, and that he can help the entire prison to conceal his whereabouts, but I didn't expect that he was the regent of the Human Empire."

"King of the Eastern District, there is something!"

The bald man started clapping his hands and shouting good words again and again.

God knows what.

But now the attitudes of the three of them have obviously changed from before. This is a good thing, isn't it?

Joshua was looking forward to it, and felt that Uncle Shen's name was still useful here, and things turned around.

But before Joshua opened his mouth to speak, the bald man took the lead and said, "So you think that if you move out the title of King of the Eastern District, we will smile and agree to help you? Are you thinking too much?"

"We admire the Heavenly King of the Eastern District, which is what you call the Regent Shen Fei. This guy is a man! One person broke through the entire Holy City Prison and changed the situation for ten years. I respect him! If he speaks in person today, we won't say anything Said to go out and help. But what do you know, a brat? Do you think you can give orders by holding someone else's name?"

"Let me tell you a word, you earn your own face! Pulling the flag of others, I'm sorry we don't recognize it!"

Speaking of which, the bald man left first, and then the skeleton man also left. The old man smiled "hehehe", and was the last to leave.

Joshua didn't expect that it would be useless to use Uncle Shen's name.

"No, it's only me they don't recognize, not Uncle Shen..." Joshua felt a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart.

The guard on the side didn't know what to say, he thought that the three heavenly kings would use this as a threat, but he didn't expect to leave directly, and the three of them did not take the usual path.

It's just that with the current situation, it is obviously impossible to let the three of them out of the mountain again.

"Your Highness, why don't we go out first?" the guard asked cautiously.

Joshua nodded helplessly. The plan to attack the Holy City Prison failed. The other party had already made it very clear that there was no room for maneuver.

PS: Thank you Xichen Xichen Children's Shoes for another reward, and other friends for their rewards, thank you together!

(End of this chapter)

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