my pet is boss

Chapter 295 General Mobilization

Chapter 295 General Mobilization

The little prince's words had already reached this point, and the captain of the royal guard didn't want to remonstrate him again and again.

If His Majesty the old king was still there, he would probably have made the same choice.

It is absolutely impossible for a person with Lucian's blood to run away from the people.

"Okay! Since His Highness chooses to stay and live with the Holy City, all the Royal Guards will swear to protect His Highness!" The captain of the guard drew out his long sword and swore.

Joshua has matured a lot after experiencing a series of things. At this moment, the sound of artillery fire is still stirring in the inner sea, and the human navy is making its final resistance.

"The royal guards listened to the order, first organize a large number of people to transfer the masses, gather all those who can hold weapons, and build trenches in the holy city. Our goal is to persist for three days!" Joshua had a clear mind and quickly arranged for the royal guards to enter In the task of transferring civilians.

There are hundreds of thousands of civilians in the holy city, and it will take at least two hours to transfer them all.Now the protective magic circle of the Floating Void City has been opened, and there are left behind personnel from various major forces, which add up to a good combat force.Joshua even made up his mind. In more difficult times, he could even take the initiative to blow up the holy city to create obstacles and delay the enemy's attack.

"When I first came here, I found that people from all forces had already moved. Let's go to the front line to see now." Fu Man firmly believed that Shen Fei would come back with thousands of troops, and by then, these apostles would all be finished.

As soon as Fuman moved his front foot, Joshua suddenly grabbed Fuman, his face was full of sincerity: "Brother, can I ask you for a favor this time?"

"Junior brother, why not be polite, just speak up if you have something to say."

"I want you, senior brother, to be the commander-in-chief of this holy city defense battle!"

Fuman's first reaction after hearing this was to refuse, and quickly waved his hands and said: "I can't do it, I don't know anything about the art of war, if there is a slight mistake in command, the whole city will be buried with him."

Fuman did not dare to take on such an important responsibility.

If you want to talk about holy light, magic, monk's way or investment skills, Fuman can speak clearly.But the art of war, I'm sorry Fuman has really never touched it.

Joshua interrupted Fuman's defense: "But you are lucky! Those who stay in the city now do not have a general who can lead the army to fight, nor a commander who arranges the troops. It’s better to let you take command. Although you don’t have any military leadership skills, senior brother, your luck can definitely convince everyone.”

Fuman was speechless, and seemed to be persuaded by Joshua.

Even some royal guards around Joshua couldn't help nodding.

In terms of commander-in-chief ability, the generalissimo must be number one.But when it comes to Fuman's luck, there is no one in the entire empire.

Joshua continued to strike while the iron was hot: "And there are many forces in the city, but only one person can connect these forces together."

Fuman knew that this person was himself.

Chanzi, Holy Son, Nine-Layered Dharma God Talent, God of Investment, these identities alone are incredible, but concentrating on one person will only make everyone feel that he is the Son of Destiny.

Joshua talked about this point, so Fuman had no choice but to agree. "But let me say it first. If the holy city is really destroyed, I don't care about my business. I will try my best."

Joshua nodded again and again: "If we really can't hold it at that time, we will find a way to blow up the holy city, block the way of the apostles, and delay a little longer."

Fuman gasped for Joshua's crazy ideas, despite his young age, he had a lot of ideas.They are all ready to blow up the holy city, he is a ruthless person!
Fuman became the supreme commander of the battle to defend the Holy City. After thinking for a moment, he said: "The navy can hold on for a while now. The most urgent task is to transfer and resettle the masses first, and at the same time transform the Holy City to form a civilian area, a wealthy area, and a royal area. Three major theaters, constructing progressive fortifications layer by layer.

Our last hole card is Floating Void City, trying to find a way to requisition all the magic crystals in the city to provide energy for the mage tower.The magic crystal can not only provide energy for the shield, but also lead the remaining people to fly away from the holy city at the last moment.

Of course, whether you can escape is another matter. "

Fuman glanced at the densely packed warships on the sea, thinking that these artillery pieces are not vegetarian.With the remaining magic crystal "fuel" and Edward's "driving skills", I am afraid that the speed will not be too fast, and it is easy to be concentrated fire by the apostles' armada.

Fuman was well-organized, and Joshua was full of praise after hearing it, and immediately sent the Royal Guards into preparations.

"Brother, your arrangement is very good, is there anything else I can do?"

Fuman originally wanted to say that living well is the greatest help.But looking at Joshua's expectant eyes when the words came to his lips, and thinking of his mature and responsible conversation before, he finally held back and changed his words:
"We now need a lot of manpower to help us build fortifications, as well as combat troops. We can't last a day with only the left-behind personnel of the major forces in the Holy City.

With your identity and charisma, you can definitely persuade some young and middle-aged people to join the team of defending the city. This difficult task is entrusted to you. Find a way to persuade more men to stay and defend, so as to buy time for the people in the rear to retreat. , Also buy time for Owendale's troops to return. "

Joshua did not expect that Fuman really arranged a task for him, and it was still a very difficult task, so he immediately accepted the order: "Okay, I will do it now!"

Joshua didn't have any airs, and immediately walked out of the palace and began to mobilize the people, looking for all the personnel who could fight.

Fuman thought for a while, glanced at the remaining royal guards and said, "It's just right, you stay to build the defense line of the royal area, and I will go find extra magic crystals."

As the owner of the Nine-Layer Dharma God talent in the Floating Void City, Fuman also took more than half a month of "private lessons" under Jordan, and gained a detailed understanding of both the Floating Void City and the knowledge of spells.Even as the person who "inherited" Jordan's mantle, he had full control over the property of Floating Void City.

It is extremely mana-consuming to operate the protective circle.

There are nearly a thousand ships in the Apostle Armada. When they arrive at Joshua Port, a round of artillery fires, and the entire protective circle can be described as "thousands of trees and pear blossoms", and the loss is around a piece of top-quality magic crystal.

There are not many magic crystals like this in Floating Void City.But the artillery ammunition on the apostle fleet is definitely much more than the magic crystal.

The first thing Fuman did was to come to the Imperial Bank and find the housekeeper of Countess Mary.

There are not many places in the Holy City that have magic crystals, but as far as Fuman knows, the most abundant ones are the Countess' Mansion and the Imperial Bank.

"Old butler, I now need all the magic crystals provided by the Imperial Bank and the Countess's Palace to defend the city. I can buy them with gold coins of equivalent market value." Fuman did not directly requisition, after all, these things are the Countess's private property. He is more used to buying with money.

The old butler bowed slightly and said, "Before the expedition, the countess has given me full power over the operation of the Imperial Bank and the residence, so I can be the master. Although the magic crystal is the count's private property, I also have the right to dispose of it now. I can agree to your request to buy all the magic crystals."

The old butler ordered someone to bring the quotation and the quantity list, and finally put them together and glanced at the end, saying: "All the magic crystals in the Countess' Mansion and the Imperial Bank total 2355 pieces, worth 100 million gold coins, as for the fraction of more than 5000 I Erase it for you."

Magic crystals are expensive, and even some high-level mages with all their net worth cannot afford a top-quality magic crystal.

"Okay, no problem. I'll write a check now, and we'll deliver the goods. I need you to transport all the magic crystals to the floating city and hand them over to the vice president Edward."

Just as Fuman took out his pen to fill out the check, the old butler stopped him with his hand.

The old butler said with a smile on his face: "Considering the factors of the apostles' attack and the sharp drop in prices, there are no citizens in the Holy City who can trade. If the apostles attack the Holy City, all the property of the Earl's Mansion will be wiped out. , so the value of these magic crystals has to change accordingly. In order to minimize losses for the Earl's Mansion, we decided to sell these magic crystals at a price of 2355 gold coins."

Fuman was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect the old butler to make such a decision in the end.

2355 gold coins, which is equivalent to buying all the magic crystals at the price of 1 gold coin each.

What made Fuman even more unbelievable was that Countess Mary's private property was several times larger than that of the entire Floating City Mage Academy.This also made Fuman more confident. As long as there are enough magic crystals, they can not only defend, but even... counterattack!
Joshua helped evacuate the masses in the holy city, and also communicated and did ideological work.

In 10 minutes, Joshua's mouth was dry and he finally pulled in five civilian volunteers.

Joshua squatted on the stone steps and suddenly drank a bottle of water, panting heavily.

"This speed is too slow. We won't be able to pull more than a dozen people until the apostles' invincible fleet arrives at the port."

With this number of people, the impact on the battle situation is simply a drop in the bucket.

Joshua looked at the people who organized the evacuation below, because there was a conscription during the expedition to Owendale, and there was news of a vacancy on the front line a few days ago, and thousands of people were recruited for the last time to set foot on the road to Owendale. journey.Now there are hardly many people in the Holy City who can fight.

"Where do I go to find a viable force that can go to the battlefield..."

Joshua sat on the stone steps and fell into a daze.

People from all major forces around them are busy, either transferring the masses, or providing front-line reinforcements, or building a defense line.

"Quickly, find a few apprentices from the Mage Academy. The Holy City Prison needs a few people to go over and strengthen the maintenance of the magic circle."

"When is this? The apostles are attacking, we will all die if we can't defend, who has time to manage those guys in the prison!" Joshua shuttled back and forth with several people, and when he turned back, The soldiers who had just hurriedly talked and walked by could no longer be seen.

However, the episode just now reminded Joshua. There are hundreds of prisoners in the Holy City Prison. These people are all bloodthirsty people who have committed murders. A big help!What's more, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. If the holy city falls, these people will inevitably die, so Joshua is confident that he can definitely persuade them.

Joshua came to the most remote location on the west side of the civilian area alone. The barracks next to the prison was empty. All the soldiers had joined the battle to defend the holy city. Only the prison guards were still "fulfilling their duties." , to ensure the safety of prison operations.Although they also desperately want to fight on the front line at this moment, in this case, the management of the prison should be strengthened to avoid prison escapes and riots.

Regarding the little prince's visit to the prison at this time, the two persons in charge were all dumbfounded.

However, when Joshua revealed the reason for coming to the Al-Quds Prison, the two persons in charge gasped and backed away, "Your Highness, this is absolutely impossible! These prisoners in the prison are vicious people. If they are released, they will definitely not help guard the holy city together, and they will even turn swords against their own people!"

"That's right, they are all dehumanized prisoners. They were all prisoners severely sentenced by the countess. Each of them has at least a few lives in their hands. They have long been dehumanized. They have no bottom line and national consciousness at all!"

The two persons in charge are extremely determined. After all, they get along with these prisoners every day. It is not clear what kind of virtue they are.

After listening to the persuasion of the two responsible persons, Joshua's heart was already half-cooled.

The hundreds of prisoners in the prison are all vicious people who are not afraid of life and death, and their combat effectiveness is absolutely guaranteed.But they are also difficult to tame, and it is absolutely impossible for them to stand up for the empire and for the righteousness.After all, it was the law of the empire that sent them to prison, to lifelong bars behind bars.

Joshua considered for a moment, and said firmly: "I feel that this time has come, maybe tomorrow there will be no holy city, no human empire, even if there is any tiny, small chance, I am not willing to let go. Why don't you let me go to prison , have a good talk with the person in charge among the prisoners, and fight for it!"

The two responsible persons hesitated and looked at each other.

"It's not impossible, but you must not reveal your identity, Your Highness. If you let these prisoners know the identity of your little prince, Your Highness, it is very likely that you will take the opportunity to hold them hostage and ask them to be released. Then the Holy City will be in complete chaos! "

Joshua thought for a moment and said, "Then I will go in and lobby them as an elite disciple of the Wu Monk Temple. Even if only a few dozen people are willing to help, I think the outcome will be good."

"Okay, we will also send someone to protect His Highness, you must be careful!"

Joshua changed into a monk uniform, and under the protection of a group of soldiers, entered the Al-Quds Prison.

He used to hear about this place from his aunt.

The impression of the Holy City Prison also stays at the level of a group of vicious and inhuman gangsters.

When Joshua walked into the prison, he immediately attracted the attention of many prisoners.

After all, it was a rare scene for a half-grown boy dressed in monk costumes to come in with dozens of prison guards.

"Hey, a rare visitor? He's actually an elite disciple of the Monk Temple?"

Joshua glanced at the prisoners in front of him, all of them looked vicious, and they didn't look like good people, even looking at him, there was a bit of... murderous intent!
(End of this chapter)

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