my pet is boss

Chapter 294

Chapter 294
Joshua broke out in a cold sweat, and immediately called out to the guards: "There is an enemy attack!"

The royal guards also heard the anomaly, and the people in the holy city also heard the sound of artillery fire from the inner sea.

At first, the common people thought it was a military exercise of the fleet, but the sound of the guns became louder and louder. Some people in the Empire State Building also saw the Armada stretched out along the coastline, and some nobles saw the golden sun flag on the mast of the fleet with binoculars.

golden sun...

The human nobles who reacted ran to the window and shouted: "The apostles are attacking from the inner sea!"

Are the apostles attacking?

The people who heard it were stunned for a moment.

As a country of the dark camp, the apostles exclusively enjoy the entire southern continent. It is said that there is an endless desert, with a golden sun hanging on the top of the entire continent, and there is never night.

The two continents in the north and the south are separated by the sea of ​​mist, and the south of the holy city is full of steep and steep mountains, which become the natural barrier of the holy city.At the border of the northern and southern continents, there are dwarves and apostles who built opposing cities. The two cities are only twenty miles apart, and everyone has always called them "Twin Cities".

The common people never expected that the apostles would lead the fleet to travel thousands of nautical miles, cross the sea of ​​mist, come to the heart of the human empire, and suddenly launch an attack!

More importantly, all the troops of the empire are now gathered in Owendale to fight against the menacing frost orcs. How can the holy city have the troops to resist the army of apostles!

The people froze for a moment, then threw away the things in their hands and started fleeing in all directions.

Soldiers patrolling the security of the city began to gather towards the port.The left-behind apprentices at the Monk's Temple, MI[-], Holy Light Cathedral, and Floating City also noticed the billowing gunpowder smoke in the Inner Sea.

Even if you are in a civilian area and cannot see the scene of the inner sea, you can still see the traces of war rising into the air with thick gunpowder.As a result, the people panicked even more, confirming the news that the apostles were attacking.

Edward, the vice president of the Mage Academy, saw the golden sun flag on the Armada, and his eyelids twitched wildly.

"Damn it, why is the apostle fleet attacking at this time!" Edward hurriedly teleported to the top of the mage tower in the floating city, and saw the boundless apostle fleet with his magic eyes.Through the scanning function of the magic eye, Edward got an exact number, one thousand ships.

The magic eye was analyzing quickly, and Edward took a breath when he saw the data on the crystal board.

One hundred ships of the [-]-ton class, two hundred ships of the [-]-ton class, three hundred ships of the [-]-ton class, and four hundred ships of the [-]-ton class.

A fleet of this level can be called invincible.

There are no more than 100 combat ships docked in the entire human inland sea.The apostles killed more than [-] ships in a sneak attack, and the remaining ships entered a combat state and were still "resolutely resisting".

Edward felt very uncomfortable looking at the sinking ship. The magic eye could even clearly see the ship caught fire and the crew jumped into the sea.Afterwards, moving the perspective of the magic eye, Edward saw a dense dark cloud following the apostle's armada above the head of the central fleet.

Focusing on the largest battleship among them, Edward saw the general of the Apostolic Empire, Anubis, the god of death, covered in black air.

Anubis holds a golden scepter in his hand, which is a symbol of power bestowed by the apostle Pharaoh and an extremely powerful magic weapon.

Edward naturally knew the famous death general in the apostolic kingdom, but everyone thought that the apostles and humans had no intersection. Who would have thought that at this juncture, the apostles' invincible fleet would choose to suppress the country on a large scale.

Edward calculated a little bit, and it took at least five days to reach the inland sea from the largest port of Ramses in the Apostolic Kingdom.This time happened to be the time when the human army swore to set off. The time was too coincidental, as if all of this had been discussed in advance.

A bad premonition came to Edward's mind. Could it be that the frost orcs had united with the apostles to launch a fatal attack on the human empire.

All the human troops were attracted to Owendale. With the current manpower, it is very difficult to defend the holy city.

But if they retreat now, the menacing apostle army will occupy the holy city, drive straight in, and attack Owendale with the frost orcs, and the last hope of mankind will be shattered.

Edward made a decision immediately, sent it to the Mage Academy, and rang the bell for emergency assembly.

"All mages go to the pier to set up defensive circles! The highest combat readiness!"

Joshua Port is the only place where the Apostle Fleet can land, and staying here can delay the enemy's time.

"There is still time to contact the military headquarters, the Royal Guard, and MI[-], and hurry up to arrange the evacuation of the little prince and the people."

Edward could foresee that the holy city after today would be reduced to ruins in a sea of ​​flames.

Other departments also moved quickly, and there was no need for collective command.

Edward re-transmitted back to the mage tower and loaded all the magic crystals in the floating city into the energy supply device.

"This is all the wealth of the floating city, I hope it can last until the residents evacuate..."

Edward controlled it with both hands, centering on the floating city, all the major magic points in the holy city began to overflow with surging magic power, gradually forming a white, translucent mask.

Fuman was practicing in the monk's monastery when he suddenly heard the commotion outside. He came to the top of the mountain and saw the battle in the inner sea.

The chef from the backcountry had never seen such a scene before, and he was dumbfounded on the spot.

No matter how stupid Fuman is, he can still tell that this is an enemy attack, and after realizing it, he scrambled down from a high place, grabbed an inner disciple beside him and said, "Hurry up and notify the three elders that there is an enemy attack! "

The inner disciples were stunned when they heard the word "enemy attack".Isn't the army all fighting on the front line of Owendale? Why is there a sudden enemy attack in the holy city?
But Zenzi gave the order, and the inner disciple looked dull, and ran towards the lotus pond instinctively.That way, like a galloping alpaca.

Fuman was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of what Shen Fei said before he left, keeping them in the holy city was to prevent some accidents.

"Is this the accident that the master said?" Fuman suddenly realized that the inner disciples were already very powerful in cultivation at that time, not much weaker than the elite disciples, but Shen Fei left them to guard in the holy city, and even said that there would be accidents.Fuman originally thought that it was Shen Fei who comforted the inner disciples, but he didn't expect that an accident really happened now.

"All inner disciples, grab your weapons and follow me! Go fight against the invading pirates!"

Fuman roared, and the disciples of the inner sect all responded.

These inner disciples with good strength were not selected to go to the front line, and they were already full of anger. Now that they heard that some unscrupulous pirates dared to attack the holy city, their eyes suddenly became eager, and they immediately took their weapons to Zen. Assemble in front of the children.

In less than a moment, Fuman's face was already covered with impatient inner disciples.

"Uncle, when shall we leave?"

"It is estimated that other forces have also seen it. If we go late, we will not be able to catch the enemy!"

"Uncle, the holy city is in trouble now. We, the monk monastery, must take the lead, take the lead, and guard the people's property. We can't delay any longer!"

Fuman was frightened by these jealous inner disciples, and backed away again and again.In the end, he simply waved his hand: "All the disciples of the inner sect obey the order and set off immediately to the pier to stop the enemy!"

The disciples of the inner sect erupted into applause like a mountain roar and a tsunami, with a mighty and majestic momentum.

These people dragged Fuman out and killed them.

The eyeballs of the inner disciples were all red, as if they were male dogs that had been imprisoned for three months during the estrus period. Now that they were unchained, they just wanted to rush to the pier as soon as possible and have a good fight with these pirates.

When the disciples of the inner sect came out with the three of them, the huge inner sect was empty and completely silent.

The inner disciple looked flustered: "Where's the person? There were obviously a lot of people here just now, why didn't any of them disappear? Could it be that I was hallucinating?"

The three elders who came out of the lotus pond glanced at the gunpowder smoke rising from the direction of the inner sea in the distance, and said in silence for a moment: "It's not an illusion."

Ai Chan had already stood on a high place, saw the one-sided situation in the Inner Sea, and also saw the golden sun flag flying by the fleet on the opposite side.

"The apostles are coming."

Gritting his teeth, he gritted his teeth and said, "I just said that I haven't been able to sleep these few days, and I always feel that something is going to happen. At first I thought there was something wrong with the front line, but I didn't expect the apostle to take advantage of it."

"The inner disciples have already passed, so let's get ready." After finishing speaking, Lan Chan patted the stunned inner disciple on the shoulder and said, "Go to the pier to support your brothers and sisters."

As soon as Fuman was carried out of the Wuseng Temple, he saw that the streets were full of fleeing people and crowds.

Soldiers from the military department and the Royal Guard were also on the road to help evacuate the crowd.

Seeing this, Fuman immediately struggled to get down and said: "You assign some people to evacuate the crowd, and the rest are waiting at the pier. I will go to the Royal District to find Joshua now."

The inner disciples have gone through the Shushan trial, and now they have a set of action arrangements.

Fuman went straight to the royal area, and the command of the inner disciple team was taken over by Luo Feng and Zhao Hao.Luo Feng led some people to evacuate the citizens, and Zhao Hao led a large force to the pier to stop the enemy.

It's just that the further down they run, the more voices and speeches they hear.

What made them even more incomprehensible was that these citizens shouted that the apostles were coming.

Isn't there a team of pirates outside the inner and outer seas?When did you become an apostle?

But when Zhao Hao led his inner disciples to the front line of the pier, he saw that the military headquarters, floating city, cathedral, and MI[-] had already built defense facilities at the pier.

Outside the white protective light shield, one can clearly see the end of the horizon of the entire inner sea, full of enemy ships, with the golden sun flag flying on the bow...

Zhao Hao took a breath, and couldn't help but sigh: "Didn't it be agreed that it was only pirates? How did it become an army of apostles in an instant?"

"How many people are there!"

The sea is densely packed with ships, and no one can even see the two statues in the inner bay.

"I heard from the vice president that there are a thousand ships in the apostle fleet at sea, and the army inside is tens of thousands..."

Zhao Hao glanced at the mage academy disciple wearing a robe beside him, and couldn't help but ask, "Are the numbers so accurate?"

The magic apprentice nodded resolutely: "The magic eye on the mage tower has a scanning function, as long as it scans the sea once, you can know the number."

"It's more than ten thousand. It feels like the apostle has brought the entire fleet to change homes!"

Fuman ran to the palace in two or three steps. Because he had many identities, the guards let him go immediately after seeing him.

Fuman found Joshua in the palace and found that this guy was actually wearing armor.

"Junior brother, are you actually wearing armor? Just follow me to the pier to fight against pirates!" Fuman's eyes lit up, and he took Joshua's hand and was about to leave.

The guards on the side were all stunned.

Oh my god, this holy son is not kidding, the apostle's [-] troops killed him, and he actually wants to bring the little prince to the front line to kill the enemy?
Is the Son really not a spy sent by the apostles?

The guards beside him hurriedly stopped Fuman: "Holy Son, you must not force it! This time it is not pirates, but the [-] troops of the Apostolic Empire!"

Fuman's eyes widened when he heard about the [-] army of apostles.

When he was in Tuk County before, he definitely didn't know what the Apostle Empire was, and he would even mistake it for a country that had good relations with the Human Empire.However, following Shen Fei to the Holy City, he saw the world, and obtained the right to openly learn from the major forces, gained a lot of knowledge, and also knew what the Apostle Empire is.

The Apostle Empire is attacking, with an army of [-]?
"What kind of armor are you wearing? Hurry up and leave now! The royal guards also quickly arranged for someone to escort Joshua out of the holy city!"

Seeing this, the guards beside him also quickly praised, "Yes, yes, the people are already evacuating, Your Highness, please leave quickly!"

"The holy city cannot be defended. If His Highness suffers any damage, the empire will fall apart without a spiritual support!"

Unmoved, Joshua grabbed Fuman instead and put his helmet on: "The battle situation in Owendale is stalemate. If we lose the holy city, everyone will be shocked, and the human empire will still fall apart. All the troops are gathered in Owendale, and there are many legendary heroes sitting in the battle, I believe that if we fight against the Frost Empire, mankind will surely win!"

"What we saw was information from three days ago. If there is no accident, humans and Frost Orcs are also in a decisive battle at this time. We don't need to win, we just need to persist for three days. When the frontline soldiers return, there will be more Hope for victory!"

Joshua calmly analyzed that in three days, it only takes three days for the soldiers on the front line to return. There is hope for everything.

"But if we flee with the people now, where can we flee to? All the forces capable of fighting in various places have been drained and gathered in Owendale. As long as this holy city falls, the apostles will spread like locusts. By then we The towns and villages behind have no strength to resist the enemy, and all the people will be buried with them!"

The head guard was silent for a while, and then said, "What if there is no reinforcement from Owendale?"

Joshua's expression was appraised and serious: "Then let me, the first in line heir to the Lion Empire, be crowned king at the last moment, and fulfill my promise to protect the human empire and the people!"

After Joshua finished speaking, Fuman blushed and applauded vigorously.

"Junior brother, well said!"

"But you made a logical mistake, the regent cannot fail!"

(End of this chapter)

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