my pet is boss

Chapter 293

Chapter 293
Fat Tiger can assure you that this is definitely not an emotional roar after confirming Xia's identity.

Simply fear.

On this day, Fat Tiger once again remembered the fear of touching Xi Ya's butt.

Shia rushed towards Aoun like crazy, the dragon scales on her chest couldn't even stop the hot dragon's breath accumulated in her lungs.

Originally, Aoun was exhausted and knelt on his knees, bathed in the sun, which had a sense of the vicissitudes of a hero's twilight.But after seeing this scene, the instinct for survival came out of both legs immediately, he jumped up from the ground, and patted Shen Fei's knee: "Brother, it's up to you from now on!"

In the blink of an eye, Aoun had already left the battlefield, and Shen Fei only had four words to describe this.

"Well trained!"

Shen Fei raised his fist, and gave a big middle finger to Ao En who had fled behind him.

The guy ran off after pretending, leaving all the mess in his hands.

Shen Fei came back to his senses, and the eyes that looked at the guardian dragon of the earth became complicated.

Although Fat Tiger doesn't pay attention at ordinary times, he will never play jokes and let go of his guns when it comes to such big things.

Risking his life to yell these words, it is absolutely a certainty!
Originally, Shen Fei thought that after confirming his identity, he would be ecstatic.

But seeing Xi Ya's crazy appearance now, Shen Fei's heart was pierced like a knife.

The whispers of the ancient gods bewitched, ordinary people can't stand it after hearing a few words, and the manic blood orcs even turned their swords against their own race.Xi Ya didn't know how long she had been bewitched by the ancient god and how much she had suffered.

Of course, what made Shen Fei most uncomfortable was that Xi Ya was killing him at full speed, her lungs were burning red, and another "enthusiastic" dragon's breath technique was inevitable.


Shen Fei let out a mouthful of turbid air, and then it was time to test the operation.If there is any flaw in the operation, the chance to resurrect the Heart of Light will be wasted.

Now that Shia's identity is confirmed, she cannot be killed directly.

But Xi Ya rushed directly towards Shen Fei, she had obviously lost her mind and didn't know him.

"Fat Hu, is there anything you can do? Xi Ya doesn't seem to recognize us now?" Shen Fei used telepathy to talk to Fat Hu.

After Fat Tiger confirmed that it was Xi Ya, Shen Fei took a look at his skill column, and found that Xi Ya was still gray and unable to summon.

After being brainwashed by the pyramid scheme of the ancient gods, Xi Ya's memory has become chaotic, and her rage has overwhelmed her reason, and she can't tell anyone apart, including Shen Fei and Fat Hu.The current Shia is completely acting on instinct.

"Now, there is only one thing to tame again..."

"Because, with the previous taming and experience, as long as it is successfully tamed this time, it should be able to clear the abnormal state on it!"

Fat Tiger hugged Shia's tail tightly and refused to let go, using four words to describe its current state - Pidianpidian.

Shen Fei's face was solemn, it was not easy to tame him again.

The first is the ten-second taming progress bar. When taming before, Shen Fei took the damage directly and forcibly tamed it.

Facing Shia running wildly now...

When Xi Ya was 500 meters away, Shen Fei checked Xi Ya's panel with the scouting technique.

【Earth Guardian · Shia】(Crazy)
Type: Dragon Boss
grade:? ? ?
HP: 30
Attack: 100
Skills: Dragon's breath, mad attack, dragon's roar, will of the earth...

Description: Bewitched by the ancient gods, the guardian dragon of the earth fell into a state of madness, and its attribute status has been greatly improved. It will have evil thoughts and attack all surrounding creatures.It is recommended to escape immediately after the encounter, and then live or die.

With a blood volume of up to 3000 million and a normal attack of [-] points, with Shen Fei's current attribute state, he couldn't even block it with a single blow.

The crazy Xia was getting closer and closer, and Shen Fei felt the ground tremble violently.This is no longer the earth, it's like a trampoline, and it's a problem to stand still, and it's like a flat boat drifting with the current in the sea, and you can't help yourself.

The red-hot lungs always showed how fierce Shia's next dragon's breath technique was.

"Fat Tiger, are you behind the tail now?" Shen Fei asked suddenly.

We all know that when an object is bumped, the shock is most obvious at the tail.

As Xi Ya rushed forward, Fat Tiger was almost speechless, his head was shaken into a mess, and Shen Fei could only hear the cry of "Waaaa!".

Well, now only Shen Fei can rely on himself.

When fighting against the evil dragon Kersu in the lonely mountain 97 years ago, Shen Fei accumulated a lot of experience in avoiding the dragon's breath, and now it can be used again.

Shia's two nostrils began to open slightly, inhaling a huge amount of air, which was a sign that she was about to exhale.

Shen Fei was well prepared, not daring to miss any second.The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, silently reciting the countdown.

When Shen Fei counted to one, a ball of fiery flames spewed out from Xi Ya's mouth, sweeping across the ground.

At the same moment, Shen Fei greeted the dragon's breath with a flash of walking away.

[Phantom Flash] Leaving a clone on the spot, Shen Fei used the invincible state of the flash to avoid the damage of the dragon's breath.

Standing in the mage tower and responsible for teleporting the soldiers, the archmage Jordan looked at the "strongest in history" dragon's breath technique and couldn't help but take a breath.

If the guardian dragon of the earth is in the center of the battlefield, at least thousands of people can be killed with a breath of dragon breath.

Jordan looked at Shen Fei who flashed into the range of the dragon's breath, and could only wish him good luck.

Although Shen Fei dodged the first dragon's breath in a flash, but the range of Xi Ya's dragon's breath is more than 30 meters?
The moment he appeared, Shen Fei used the second flash again, and then the third flash!
The three flashes directly opened up a distance of 100 meters, allowing Shen Fei to escape completely from the range of the dragon's breath technique.

Behind him was the fiery dragon's breath technique, and Shen Fei even felt his ass was on fire.

At this time, Shen Fei had already arrived under Xi Ya's body, Shen Fei quickly placed a [Freezing Trap] under his feet, and then immediately ran towards the back of Xi Ya's tail.

Shen Fei's position at the moment is directly under the belly of the giant dragon. He looked up while running, but he didn't find the figure of the fat tiger.

[Freezing Trap] Under Shia's feet, it was determined to take effect.

Shia's breath stopped abruptly, and the whole dragon was frozen into an ice sculpture.

But the earth guardian dragon's elemental resistance is extremely high, and the [Frost Trap] lasts for only one second. Before Shen Fei took two steps, Xia had already broken free from the trap and noticed something under her abdomen.

The moment Xi Ya froze, Fat Tiger knew that Shen Fei must be approaching.

As for how it got here, I can think of it with my butt, it must be [Phantom Flash].

Fat Tiger held onto Xi Ya's tail tightly with his four legs, turned his head to look for Shen Fei's figure, and then looked at Shen Fei running like a wild donkey running wild.

Fat Tiger was ecstatic, if Shen Fei ran over, there would be something to say.

Can you imagine the joy and excitement of the dog running towards you?

But Fat Tiger's smile gradually froze before it bloomed, it watched Shen Fei run wildly, away from the route.

Shen Fei is now under Xi Ya's stomach, how dare he relax when he is discovered?

If this is eaten in one stomach, it will not turn into meat sauce in minutes.

Shen Fei still didn't know whether the Heart of Light was actively revived or released passively.It would be fine if he took the initiative to revive, and he could control the time; if he revived passively, he might be "crushed a second time" by Shia.

"Going off course! Going off course! This way!" Fat Tiger didn't let go, turning his head and shouting.

It was only then that Shen Fei noticed that the fat tiger was on top of his head, clinging to the dragon scales with all four limbs and refusing to let go, his firm temperament was like a bamboo in the wind and rain.

Without further ado, Shen Fei shot an iron chain, and the other end appeared on Fat Tiger's body, [pull the chain] and dragged himself to Fat Tiger's side.

Because there was no place to grab, Shen Fei directly grabbed Fat Tiger's tail with both hands.


Fat Tiger made a dull sound in his throat.

Before Fat Tiger opened his mouth to speak, Shen Fei was already ahead.

"Think of a way to throw me up!"

Fat Tiger froze for a moment, forgetting what he wanted to say.

"Throw me up!"

Shen Fei yelled again, Fat Tiger reacted now, his hips exerted force and his tail clenched, and he threw Shen Fei directly onto Xi Ya.

Shen Fei's idea is to go to Xi Ya's back to perform [Taming the Beast].

There is a [-]-second progress bar for using the taming skill, which cannot be interrupted during this period, otherwise it will not succeed and needs to be tamed again.

"Shen Fei, be careful, I'll go up and help you right away!" Despite Fat Hu's words, his limbs hugged even tighter.

Shen Fei started to use taming skills.

Shea felt that someone was forcibly entering her thoughts, and she could clearly feel that this person was on her back, she instinctively began to struggle, her hind legs flew directly into the air, and she began to perform various difficult movements.

Standing on Shia's body, Shen Fei was as steady as an old pine whose roots had all been submerged in the crevices of the rocks, facing Shia's various difficult movements as motionless as a mountain.

Xia was a little flustered, it felt that the other party's thoughts were getting deeper and deeper, if she didn't react, her will would probably be completely occupied.

Although Xia was driven out of her mind by the "pyramid scheme" of the ancient gods, she instinctively felt the threat.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Fei found that Xi Ya no longer swayed around, but swooped directly towards the Doomsday Mountain not far away...

The flying speed of the guardian dragon of the earth is extremely fast, and now it is diving from a high altitude, flapping its wings, and has reached the front of the doomsday volcano.

Shen Fei glanced at the progress bar, and there were three seconds left to completely tame it.

But looking at this time, it seems that it is not enough.

Just now when Xiya sprinted, Fat Tiger had already hugged his tail so tightly that he couldn't move. Now that he was diving at this speed, Shen Fei no longer counted on Fat Tiger.

For today's plan, I have to bite the bullet and grit my teeth and stick to it.

Archmage Jordan is still teleporting soldiers in the mage tower, but the speed has obviously slowed down.

Landos took off his invisibility cloak and appeared in the place where he disappeared just now, looking at the earth guardian dragon swooping down from the sky above Mount Doom in the distance.

Jax broke through the ruins with the double ax in his hand, and got out of the ruins, covered in blood all over his body, turning into a blood man.

The chief pharmacist trotted out from under the cover, saw Jax like this, and hurriedly gave him a crystal bottle filled with red liquid.

"Drink this thing quickly, and you can recover quickly."

Jax didn't know why, so he thought it was the recovery potion prepared by Merovingia, and he took a sip without thinking about it.

It's just that Jax felt something was wrong after entering the stomach.

Why does this liquid taste so much like blood?And it entered the throat like hot lava, constantly stimulating the esophagus.

After entering the stomach, it became extremely cold in an instant, and shivered all over.

After the scorching heat and extreme cold just now, Jax felt his blood energy was extremely strong.

Merovingia was observing the changes in Jax, and found that his eyes had turned golden, the wounds on his body had healed visibly, and his skin had become extremely tough, and it felt like steel when he poked it with his fingers.

Jax asked in surprise, "What did you give me to drink?"

It's just that Merovingia didn't answer, and pointed to the Doom Mountain in the distance, and the two of them fell silent in an instant.

Aoun had just dug out from the ruins when he heard a loud noise behind him, and then he looked back and saw that Doomsday Volcano had been knocked down by more than half.

"What's wrong? What happened? Where's the guardian dragon of the earth? Where's Shen Fei?"

Landosi walked slowly to Aoun, grabbed his beard and pulled him out like a carrot, then pointed to the half-collapsed Doomsday Volcano in the distance and said: "The guardian dragon of the earth led Shen Fei, It hit Mount Doom directly..."

There was silence on the battlefield, only the whistling wind could be heard...

Human holy city, in the palace.

Joshua looked at the battle report sent back from the front.This information was sent from the front line three days ago.

Judging from the content, the battle of Owendale this time is definitely a desperate battle.

"The first attack of the Frost and Cold Orcs failed, but this warlock named Zorak is too terrifying, right? He almost killed the White Tiger God! Instantly reversed the decline of the first battle."

After reading the report, Joshua couldn't help taking a breath.

To change the balance of the first battle by himself, such an orc is too scary, right?
Moreover, Eugene, the great chief of the frost orcs, did not make a move in the first battle!

Woo--! ! !
Just as Joshua was feeling emotional, he suddenly heard a burst of intensive whistles coming from the distant port.

The Royal Quarter is at the highest point in the upper part of the Holy City. From the Royal Palace, you can directly overlook the entire Port of Joshua and the Inland Sea.

Joshua trotted all the way to the window, only to see the inland sea billowing with anti-inflammatory, followed by the sound of cannonballs shaking the sky.

The human fleet in the Inner Sea is at war with a group of unknown navies. There are hundreds of ships on the other side, almost filling the entire Inner Sea...

The invincible fleet of the apostles attacked the port of Joshua in a devastating manner.

The supreme commander of the apostles, Anubis, the god of death, stood on the deck of the ship, looking at the vulnerable human fleet, showing a contemptuous smile.

The apostle used the secret method of sea fog to approach the inner sea in stealth, suddenly appeared in the human inner sea, and launched a surprise attack on the navy.The human fleet that didn't react was caught off guard, and some ships sank directly to the bottom of the sea without even having time to resist.

"There is a void in the holy city of mankind. We will not only destroy their navy, but also completely flatten their docks."

Looking at the majestic "White City" in the distance, Anubis waved his hand and said, "Today capture the holy city of mankind, and hang the golden sun of our apostle over the Lion Empire!"

PS: Thank you Xichen Xichen Children's Shoes for the rewards, very grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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