my pet is boss

Chapter 292 Confirmation of Identity

Chapter 292 Confirmation of Identity
The guardian of the earth is huge, and the Frost Dusk Dragon has made everyone tired of dealing with it, and it took a lot of effort to kill it.

The wings of the guardian of the earth are 800 meters long, covering the sky and the sun.

Even through the dragon scales, one could see the raging flames in the lungs.

Now it is quite difficult to find a way to see the scars on the tail of the guardian dragon of the earth.

Shen Fei looked at the double pupils of the earth guardian dragon, and became more and more sure that this dragon was Xi Ya, but the final confirmation was still needed.

"By the way, Fat Tiger and Xiya were waiting for me at the seedling of the World Tree in Haishan. Later, Fat Tiger was taken away by the Turtle Immortal. Where did Xiya go in the end?"

Shen Fei took the time to ask.

Landos just shook his head vigorously.

At that time, she was already the head maid of the priestess, and every day she asked her subordinates to deliver food to the sea mountain world tree.

"After Fat Tiger left, Xiya stayed in Haishan for a few more days, but one morning the maid who delivered the food told me that Xiya had disappeared. I thought she couldn't wait to leave on her own..."

Shen Fei remained silent, not knowing what happened to Xi Ya.

"I'm fast and can still fly. You are holding back me from the front, and I will go around to the back to confirm my identity."

Fat Tiger picked up the tiger fur on his two arms, but in the end he picked up two lumps of fat, and quickly lowered his arms while no one was paying attention.

"We are holding back from the front, so be careful." Shen Fei hastily reminded that with the Heart of Light and the phantom flashing, he can still hold on for a while, provided that the guardian of the earth does not take a breath of dragon as soon as he comes up.

Aoun picked up two more warhammers from nowhere, and a thunder force poured into his body: "I still have the last rune."

Archbishop Mailer and Undead Emperor Aiken also walked to Shen Fei's side: "We can work together to help you resist the dragon's breath technique."

Landosi wielded the halberd, and the halberd of fate stood on the ground with a bang: "I can delay for a few seconds."

Shen Fei pinned the arrow without the arrowhead to his waist, replaced it with an ordinary sawtooth arrow, and said: "With the blessing of the heart of the Holy Light, I will try my best to buy time, and everything depends on you, Fat Tiger!"

Fat Tiger nodded emphatically. This group of guys are all in a showdown, and they must not fail this time.

After the ancient god felt the power of the blood on the battlefield decrease, he almost went crazy.

It can only move the tentacles on both sides of the canyon now, but it can't touch the battlefield, otherwise it will go out and absorb all the power of flesh and blood.

"Killing, you are eager to kill, turn the entire canyon into a sea of ​​flames, and let the earth feel your pain!"

The whispers of the Old Gods are constantly bewitching the dragons who guard the earth.

The Earth Guardian Dragon was ensnared by it, and brainwashed and bewitched at Mount Doom for 20 years.However, the mental resistance of the earth guardian dragon is too strong. After such a long period of brainwashing and bewitching, the ancient gods only made the earth guardian dragon's thinking crazy, and did not fully control it.

This time, if the orcs won the war, it would come forward to sacrifice all the orcs, complete the ceremony, break part of the seal, and then spread the infection, gradually reducing the creatures on the land of the frost empire to its own minions.

Now that humans have won the war, they use the same method to let the guardian dragon of the earth clean up all these, and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Hearing the whispers of the ancient gods, the guardian dragon of the earth became extremely agitated and lost his mind.

At the moment it just wants to vent, vent madly!
The crazy guardian dragon of the earth shook its wings vigorously, setting off a hurricane on the battlefield, and the wind blade cut like a knife, overturning the boulders.

The soldiers fled frantically and sought shelter for refuge.

The legendary heroes were also avoiding each other. Fat Tiger took this opportunity to fly up, and his figure disappeared into the flying and blinding sandstorm.

The guardian of the earth swooped down from the sky, and the powerful dragon power made people breathless.

Even these legendary heroes had to show their abilities to resist Longwei at this moment.

The air in the sandstorm suddenly became dry and hot, and then everyone saw a group of crimson lights appearing behind the sand and gravel all over the sky.

The light is getting stronger and stronger, and the range is getting bigger and bigger.

Mailer and Aiken were the first to react, and quickly shouted: "Everyone hide behind me!"

This group of light is clearly the dragon's breath technique.

It was only because of the wind and sand that blinded the eyes that everyone misjudged.

It is completely unrealistic to avoid a dragon's breath technique of this scale. The only way is to fight head-on.

Mailer and Aiken joined hands to prop up a Holy Light Shield.

Because of the fetters with the Heart of the Holy Light, the two have a much deeper understanding of the Holy Light.

Shen Fei, Ornn, Landos and Jax all hid behind them.

The fire was so fierce that it swallowed everything around in an instant.

If the two of them hadn't come into contact with the Heart of Holy Light just now and mastered the more subtle Holy Light spell, perhaps everyone would be wiped out in the dragon's breath spell now.

The dragon's breath stopped abruptly, and the guardian dragon of the earth whizzed past the heads of the crowd. The strong air current carried countless small shining particles, and dragged out a "ribbon" as bright as a galaxy behind the dragon.

This is a small diamond formed by the coagulation of gravel under the ultra-high temperature dragon's breath.

On the ground where the dragon's breath gushed just now, there are sparkling diamonds everywhere, shining brightly in the morning light, like the road of the galaxy.

Then everyone saw a white lightning behind the guardian dragon of the earth, flying along the trajectory of the dragon.

Seeing this, Lan Duosi transformed the halberd of fate into a glazed bow in his hand, and the moonlight arrow hit the guardian dragon of the earth like a shooting star chasing the moon.

The omnipotent moonlight arrows can easily penetrate the blood orcs and cause damage to the dragon scales of the Frost Dusk Dragon.

But now it hits the guardian dragon of the earth without any impact.

But the guardian dragon of the earth soared to the sky again, and its eyes immediately locked on the ant that just attacked it.

Fat Tiger was scared to death by the giant dragon turning his head back. If it hadn't reacted quickly, its whereabouts would have been completely exposed.

Landos looked back at the crowd: "Now, the relay race has begun!" After saying that, he took the lead and ran in the opposite direction.

The white elf has a dexterous figure and a quick reaction.

Just in the time the giant dragon turned around, it had already run several hundred meters.

Seeing this, several others were also ready.

Aoun poked Shen Fei's knee with his elbow and said, "You are the last one to go, and we will leave the rest to us."

Shen Fei nodded, he has many means, and he still has a chance to be resurrected and reborn. The longest restraint time, and the higher fault tolerance rate at the end, he agreed to Aoun's arrangement.

The moonlight arrows continued to fall on the giant dragon, but facing the rushing dragon, these arrows were extremely fragile. After hitting the dragon scale, they could only leave a tiny white spot, and they could not even penetrate.

But the successive provocations angered the guardian of the earth, and he adjusted his posture and swooped towards Landos again.

The wind roared, shaking the air.

Landos ran quickly, but under the shadow of the dragon's wings covering the sky and the sun, there was a feeling of being extremely small and inescapable.

The dragon's two hind legs gradually stretched out, trying to crush Landos directly.

At the critical moment, Landos stopped and disappeared after a while.

The guardian of the earth stomped on the ground angrily, venting his fury.

Shen Fei and the others were very worried. If they were really stepped on by the guardian of the earth, they would probably be meat paste.

Fat Tiger's powdery tongue fluttered in the wind, and he was too tired to open his mouth wide.

The giant dragon bestowed with supernatural power by the God of Creation is different. It is super fast. Once it swoops down, the fat tiger can only follow behind and eat farts.

He had just caught up, and was about to lower his height to confirm his identity, when Jax, the weapon master, appeared, and threw two battle axes directly at the face of the furious Guardian of the Earth alone.

bang bang!

There were two crisp metallic sounds from the Guardian of the Earth.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon stopped its irritable movements and fixed its eyes on the provocative Jax.

Jax picked up a three-meter-long two-handed giant ax that the demon had used by his side.

With Jax's physical strength, he can still control this weapon twice as tall as him.

It's just that the giant dragon's eyes are staring at him now, making him feel an invisible pressure all over his body.This is an unprecedented pressure.Jax could even clearly feel the breath of the dragon, and the strange golden pupils.

"Mortal, you are afraid!"

The dragon opened his mouth to speak, and suddenly the wind howled around Jax, the wind blew his clothes, and it was difficult to even hold on to the place.

Jax put the ax on the ground and managed to regain his footing.

More than fear, he now felt that his heart might burst out of his chest at any moment.

But on the first day of becoming a warrior, Jax's first teacher taught him the first four words - there is no retreat!

Jax let out a yell, breaking the pressure off his shoulders, relieved.

The Guardian of the Earth was rampaging, and the back of Jax standing on the hill looked helpless.

Seeing this scene, Shen Fei couldn't help but feel worried, for fear that Jax would be hit by the giant dragon, and his bones would be wiped out.

However, Jax is not an ordinary person. After all, how could a normal person go to the library copy every day to find abuse, insist on challenging the limit to overcome Longwei, and finally let him succeed.

Jax jumped up and faced the difficulties directly, choosing to confront the Guardian of the Earth head-on.

Fat Tiger was just about to check for any wounds from behind, but the Guardian of the Earth charged directly, kicking up all the diamonds and mud under his feet, splashing Fat Tiger's face.

Especially the diamond thing, which is extremely hard, hit the face at a fast speed, ranging from disfigurement with pockmarks, to sudden death in severe cases, and the corpse was left on the spot.

Fat Tiger covered his face with his hands, wanted to cry out in pain but dared not make a sound, for fear of attracting the attention of the guardian of the earth.

Fat Tiger rubbed his face vigorously, and then took out a mirror from his pocket to look up, down, left, and right, for fear that his charming face of a charming girl would be disfigured.

"Fortunately, the fat on the face is relatively thick, otherwise it would be really disfigured."

Fat Tiger was relieved to see that nothing was wrong, only a little red and swollen.This is similar to being stung by a swarm of bees after accompanying Ah Li to poke a hornet's nest in Tianshen Island. The swelling will subside and heal itself in two days.

The guardian dragon of the earth charged directly, directly crushing the hill where Jax was located.

As for the flying Jax, to be honest, Shen Fei didn't see this guy's figure either.

Jax's time has passed, and Ornn is toying with the last avalanche rune in his hands.

"Okay, this weapon master has also sacrificed, and it's my turn next."

Aoun directly crushed the avalanche rune in his hand, and walked up "swaggeringly" holding two war hammers, pointing at the guardian of the earth and yelling: "Hey, this big fat dragon, now your opponent is me!"

The guardian of the earth just moved towards the side recklessly, trampling the ground along the road to pieces like a bulldozer, crushing the hills directly, smashing away when encountering the middle of the mountain, rushing all the way with wind, ignoring Aoun .

Before, whether it was Landos or Jax, it was just a casual provocation that attracted the attention of the Guardian of the Earth.

But he let go of his cruel words, and this guy actually passed by directly, completely ignoring Aoun.

Ornn blew his beard and stared angrily, and cursed viciously: "Be serious! I, Nicholas Ornn, challenge you now, Guardian Dragon of the Earth!"

It's a pity that after Ornn finished speaking, the guardian dragon of the earth glanced back, and then continued to dig into the soil...

Shen Fei pursed his lips in the back, wondering if he should remind Ao En kindly that he was standing on a concave slope, and with his height, his head was not exposed to the plane at all, so the giant dragon couldn't see him at all.

Aoun was so angry that he ran uphill in small steps, hitting the ground with a hammer.

Boom, boom, boom!

When the hammer went down, the ground seemed to become the surface of the sea, undulating continuously.

Then a wave of earth suddenly rose from the ground, covering the earth guardian dragon like a tsunami.

The earth wave is 50 meters high, almost forming the scale of a hill.

If the heavy earth waves hit Owendale directly, this pass, which has survived the war, may collapse directly.

Shen Fei opened his mouth wide open, how could this be the strength of a warrior?

Even a sorcerer might not have such a magnificent big move, right?
The waves of earth smashed mountains and seas, directly hitting the guardian of the earth who was arching the earth.

The fat tiger just sneaked behind the tail of the earth guardian dragon, ready to observe whether there were bite marks, but hundreds of millions of tons of earth waves smashed over.

"Nimma, what kind of tricks are these?"

By the time Fat Tiger reacted, it was too late to dodge, and without a word, he hugged the Earth Guardian's tail tightly, like a tough and straight bamboo, insisting on Qingshan not to relax.

The dust was flying, and the guardian of the earth was directly slapped down with a "slap". He fell down with a bang, and the ground trembled three times.

Aoun almost collapsed, the double hammers were dropped directly, and he lost his strength and plopped half kneeling on the ground.

The guardian of the earth was directly slapped in the face, and it took a long time before he struggled out of the hundreds of millions of tons of rock and soil. At the same time, he felt that there was something grasping at the base of his private tail.

This is the most private replacement for the giant guardian dragon of the earth. He was suddenly held tightly by someone, and he was immediately bewildered.

Turning over from the rocky soil, the earth guardian dragon, who became angry from embarrassment, saw Ornn kneeling on the ground without saying a word.

In fact, in normal times, a dwarf might not be able to see clearly standing there, let alone kneeling and being half shorter.

But unfortunately, at this time the sun rose from behind Aoun, and the light shone on Aoun's back, dragging out a long, long shadow, and the guardian dragon of the earth caught this man's body all at once. Location.

Then in the next second, Fat Tiger's heart-piercing cry came from under the earth guardian dragon's buttocks.

"Shen Fei, that's right! This is Xi Ya! I can see the wound!"

(End of this chapter)

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