my pet is boss

Chapter 291 Guardian of the Earth - Shea

Chapter 291 Guardian of the Earth - Shea
The earth began to tremble violently, far more terrifying than when the ancient gods "emerged".

Tears rolled down the corners of Ornn's eyes, and tears welled up in the eyes of the other dwarves.

As dwarves connected to the earth, they clearly feel the pain of Mother Earth.

What shocked everyone even more was that the words just now were still spoken in Dragon Language.

"I'll go, didn't everyone say that giant dragons are rare, why do you see so many in one day?" Shen Fei dragged his body and walked forward a few steps.

Another dragon, another fierce battle!
The dragon language of this giant dragon alone is stronger than the strongest dragon language that Shen Fei has mastered so far.

With just one sentence, the entire land from Mount Doom to the battlefield was sunk three inches deep.

"This guy is much stronger than the Frost Dusk Dragon just now. Have you ever seen a dragon of this level before, Landos?" Shen Fei asked with a serious expression.

Landosi's expression was solemn, even more serious than when he saw the tentacles of the ancient gods.

"I've never seen a dragon of this level, it's just..."

Lan Duo thought about the records in the ancient elf classics.

"It is recorded in the Elf Secret Book that there is an ancient giant dragon appointed by the Creator God in the world, named [Earth Guardian Dragon]. Dragon. It is rumored that the emotions of this giant dragon are connected to the earth, and its emotions will be displayed in the form of the earth."

Shen Fei took a look at the two mountains on the east and west that had been completely damaged, the tear of dozens of meters in front of him and the erupting Doomsday Volcano.

"So, it is extremely angry now, right?"

Everyone was speechless, if it was true that the roaring dragon was the legendary [Guardian of the Earth] as Landos said, that would be terrible.

How strong is the [Guardian of the Earth] endowed with divine power by the God of Creation?

It's just a Frost Dusk Dragon, which has made everyone miserable, and it's almost impossible to get rid of it.

As a result, a stronger [Earth Guardian] giant dragon suddenly appeared, parading on behalf of the gods, and even the leader of all giant dragons. The strength of such a giant dragon can be imagined.

But what everyone couldn't figure out was, how could the well-behaved "Guardian of the Earth" turn to the ancient god, the enemy of the Creator God?

It's just that the ancient gods have no chance for everyone to clarify their doubts.

All over the valley of Owendale, the cracks in the mountain streams, and the torn earth, there were whispers frantically.

Everyone had a feeling of hysteria, and their spirits were under the most terrible torture and devastated.

All the soldiers on the human coalition side fell to the ground, and only a few heroes could barely resist this kind of mental torture, but they looked extremely painful.

Human beings are already like this, and the frost orcs "across the river" are even more unbearable.

Originally, the blood orcs were extremely violent, but now bewitched by the whispers of the ancient gods, their eyes were filled with terrifying madness, and they even picked up the weapons in their hands and slashed at their own people.

The normal blue-skinned orcs were better, and they could still wake up under the command of the great chief Eugene, but their hands and feet were weak, and they were confused by the whispers of the ancient gods.

The red-skinned blood orcs were remodeled, and they were already extremely manic. Some even extended their weapons to the great chief Eugene.

Eugene watched the few blood orcs unilaterally massacre their own race, and some blood orcs fought each other, and his heart was bleeding.

This is the only remaining blood orc in the Frost Cold Empire, and it is also the foundation for the future development and comeback of the empire.

But now the few blood orcs are completely crazy in the whispers of the ancient gods, and their relatives do not recognize them.

Facing the blood orcs rushing up, Eugene could only kill the killer, and at the same time ordered the remaining orcs to retreat.

Eugene knew about Zorak's dealings with the demons, but nothing about the Old Gods.

He doesn't know now whether Zorak had some kind of deal with the Old God behind his back, or if it was the Old God who manipulated all of this behind the scenes.

But whatever the reason, this is no longer the stage for humans and orcs.

If the frost orcs continued to stay here, it would only increase unnecessary casualties.

With Eugene in the palace, the other blue-skinned orcs were finally freed from the butcher's knives of "our own people", and they gathered together and gradually retreated.

Eugene looked at the corpses all over the floor, feeling an indescribable sadness in his heart.

If you succeed, you will be a blood orc, if you lose, you will be a blood orc.

Originally, the Frost and Cold Orcs used the Blood Orcs as their trump card in this war, but who would have thought of asking him to personally deal with these carefully selected elites, the most familiar faces in the past.

When Eugene killed the last blood orc, he turned into a blood man with a look of loneliness in his eyes.

With the determination to win, he assembled all the combat power of the Frost and Cold Empire, and now he can only return home defeated with less than 4000 remnants.

This battle completely crushed his arrogance, and he could even imagine the disappointed eyes of the people after returning to Frostfrost Fortress. Those eyes cast over him, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on their heads.

The frost orcs were completely defeated and chose to withdraw from the battlefield.

This defeat will take at least decades to recover.

What Eugene couldn't accept the most was that Zorak, the strategist of the Frost and Cold Beasts, sacrificed, causing the Frost and Frost Beasts to lose a powerful combat force, and the recovery of the Frost and Frost Beasts would be greatly reduced in the future.

But Eugene still had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Humanity is still on the frontal battlefield in Owendale, and has encountered an unprecedented crisis of the ancient gods.

According to the time, the apostle's armada had already reached the holy city of mankind. Facing the holy city with no troops, the apostle could definitely take down the holy city.

When Owendale's army rushes to the Holy City and the northern troops are empty, he can take the remaining troops to attack the city again.

The orcs retreated halfway, and Doomsday Volcano suddenly shook violently.

The ground trembled violently, and there were countless gravel landslides on the mountains on both sides. Eugene directed the remaining orc soldiers to avoid danger.

The volcano erupted again, and the strong magma rushed to the sky, solidified into rocks in the air and fell down.

This scene is very similar to the previous Great Demon God's "Chaos Rain".

Eugene could feel the ground trembling, and heard a violent commotion in the air.

It's like... like the dragon is panting.

Before the war, Eugene felt that he was unparalleled in bravery and invincible in the world.

But after seeing the dwarf king Aoun, Landosi and Shen Fei, and Archbishop Mailer carrying the Great Demon God's "Rain of Chaos" with his hands, the arrogance in his heart disappeared.

Now with the astonishing power of the ancient gods, he realized that he was not a hero fighting for hegemony, but a pawn in the hands of others.

The remnants of the frost-cold orcs retreated against the volcanic ash all over the sky. The closer they got to Mount Doom, the more powerful the power of the dragon felt. Even Eugene felt that his whole body seemed to be filled with lead, let alone the other orcs. It is difficult to move an inch under the will.

All the orcs found a slope to escape.

The earth undulates violently, like the lungs of a dragon breathing.

"Taste death well!"

The whispers of the ancient evil gods echoed throughout the canyon.

Doom Mountain erupted again, this time the eruption was deafening, as if it directly blew a hole in the sky.

In the distance, everyone saw a huge shadow flashing away from the magma and volcanic ash.

Shen Fei and the others looked at each other, and if nothing unexpected happened, that thing was about to come out.

The long sword in Ferdinand's hand slowly slipped from his cuff, the blade was polished brightly, giving off a cold light.

"Everyone, get ready for battle!"

Ferdinand's words spread quickly throughout the army with the orderly.

All the people took out their weapons, their faces turned from initial surprise to numbness.

It was originally a life-and-death battle between humans and orcs. No one would have imagined that overnight, it would evolve into what it is today.

Undead, demons, dragons...

These creatures that only exist in the mouths of bards, they have seen all of them today, and even killed a Frost Dusk Dragon with their own hands.

There is also the Great Demon God [Wu] in the land of chaos, who was also sent back to his hometown with the concerted efforts of everyone.

At first they were shocked, hesitant, and nervous to suffocate.

But now, there is only numbness on the face.

Zorak said that the apostles from the southern continent led the Armada to the Holy City.

The distance between the two places is more than a thousand miles. How can the imperial capital be broken?
There is only a desperate situation.

Fight to the death!

Fight to the death!

"I am the terror that covers the sky, the shadow that covers the sun, the death knell..."

With the light of dawn, the crazy [Guardian of the Earth] soared into the sky.

Immediately after the wings spread, the whole world suddenly plunged into darkness.

The wings of the guardian dragon of the earth are burning with fiery flames, and behind it is the magma splashed by the violent eruption of the doomsday volcano.

The heat wave is rolling in, flying sand and rocks, and the sky is full of flames, like red clouds, and like a red horse.

The guardian of the earth stared at the tiny mortal with a pair of yellow eyes, full of rage and hatred in his heart.

Bewitched by the ancient gods, it was imprisoned in the core of the earth under Mount Doom for 20 years, brainwashed by the whispers of the ancient gods all day long.

Now it has finally escaped and ascended to heaven, and the grievances accumulated for 20 years have been brought to light.

Feeling the corruption and devouring of the earth by the ancient gods for 20 years, it is like a carving knife, stabbing at the heart all the time.

"Blood, I crave more..."

From the broken mountain streams on both sides and the cracks in the ground, the whispers of the ancient gods came again.

When Shen Fei heard this, he was startled, and he and Landuosi looked at each other, as if they both realized a problem.

"Fei Gong, take these soldiers back to Owendale and hide in the mountains. The purpose of the Old Gods is to want more sacrifices and loosen the seal with blood."

As soon as Lan Duosi finished speaking, Shen Fei stopped him and said, "Scatter and run to an open place, away from Owendale."

Shen Fei and Lan Duosi's ideas run counter to each other.

Just when Lan Duosi was about to speak, Shen Fei patted her on the shoulder lightly: "The ancient gods are good at plotting and bewitching."

Landosi broke out in a cold sweat, and immediately understood what Shen Fei meant.

If everyone is really allowed to hide inside the mountain of Owendale, who knows if the inside of the mountain has been eroded by the ancient gods.

At that time, there is no need for the guardian of the earth to come out. The ancient god only needs to move his fingers casually, and the earth will shake and the mountains will shake to bury everyone, fulfilling his desire for blood.

"Yes, spread out and run as far as possible!" Landos reacted, his eyes became brighter.

In the face of a giant dragon of the level of the guardian of the earth, a mortal of flesh and blood has no effect at all.

Their weapons can't even break through the dragon scales. On the battlefield, they can only be reduced to flesh and blood to nourish the ancient god and help it break the seal faster.

"From now on, the Owendale battlefield belongs only to us."

Archmage Jordan stood up after a short rest, took out the few remaining magic crystals from the space ring, and placed them in the energy hub of the mage tower.

From the Mage Tower came Jordan's voice.

"I'm starting the teleportation circle now, and the target location is within a random hundred miles south of Owendale. After that, you can find a way to run inland."

A huge white teleportation circle appeared under everyone's feet, and gradually some soldiers turned into white light and teleported away.

The mana of the magic crystal and its own recovery are not enough to perform group teleportation for 10,000+ people, only fast and uninterrupted single-body teleportation.

However, Jordan's efficiency was extremely high. In just a moment, hundreds of people had already been teleported away from the battlefield and randomly appeared on the territory of the Human Empire south of Owendale.

Another ferocious heat wave hit, the air became sticky and it was extremely difficult to breathe.

Shen Fei turned his head and woke up, the biggest threat now is the giant earth guardian dragon who has gone mad in front of him.

Judging by its crazy words and gestures, it has obviously been brainwashed by the ancient gods.

"We pushed forward and bought Jordan a little more time."

Shen Fei knew that if the crazy guardian dragon of the earth rushed over, then everything would be over.

The size of the Earth Guardian Dragon is three or four times larger than the Frost Dusk Dragon that he fought before.

The wings spread out, and the battlefield is full of shadows.

"Perhaps, it is necessary to use that thing..."

Shen Fei took out five wooden arrows without arrowheads from his backpack and held them in his hands.

Landos first glanced at it casually, and was stunned when he saw that the arrow had no arrowhead.

What is the difference between an arrow without an arrow and a branch?
But after a while, Landos' complexion changed rapidly, as if the land swept by the "Katrina" hurricane.

Landos tentatively asked, "Is this the arrow made of that thing?"

Shen Fei nodded: "En."

Landosi suddenly took a deep breath, guessing that admitting to Shen Fei was two different things.

"Moon God, please forgive me..."

Landos put his hands together immediately, feeling extremely complicated.

I don't know if it's because he thinks Shen Fei is reckless, or because this guy is bold.

"By the way, the tree in Silvermoon City is already flourishing, right?"

Shen Fei put an "arrow" on the bowstring and asked casually.

"Ah? Yes... No, I haven't grown up yet."

Landosi was so frightened that he could not speak coherently. Having these five arrows was not enough, he even hit his idea on the tree in Silvermoon City!
Lord Luna, please forgive his sins!
Seeing Landuosi's reaction, Shen Fei couldn't help laughing: "Don't be nervous, it's useless for you to be nervous anyway. I planted that tree, and it was originally my private property. Thank you all Nian help me water and fertilize."

When Landosi saw the guardian dragon of the earth, there was no fear on his face.But one word from Shen Fei made her face pale.

She couldn't tell whether Shen Fei was joking or telling the truth.

Fortunately, Fat Tiger spoke at this time, as if a warm current broke the deadlock.

"Shen Fei, do the eyes of this earth guardian dragon look like Xi Ya?"

"How is it possible, Shia is a lizard, how could she become a giant dragon? What's more, Shia's eyes are black, and this dragon's eyes are golden..."

Shen Fei was stunned for a moment, and began to carefully observe the earth guardian dragon.

Landos on the side was also dumbfounded.

If she remembers correctly, this Xia is also Shen Fei's pet.

Isn't that a lizard?

Just now, the earth guardian dragon flew into the sky from Mount Doom, and when he was looking down at everyone in the air, Fat Tiger was also observing the earth guardian.

Although the color of the pupils had changed, Fat Tiger saw double pupils from the eyes of the guardian dragon of the earth.

Double pupils are extremely rare, and they are even rarer among lizards. What's more, lizard eggs were found from the lonely mountain occupied by the evil dragon Kersu.

So Shen Fei always felt that this lizard would definitely wake up after it grows up, so he kept it with him all the time, and cultivated a strong relationship like Fat Tiger.

The giant guardian dragon of the earth has a huge body, which leads to its large eyes, and the details of the pupils can be easily observed.

After a while, Shen Fei breathed a sigh of relief, his tone trembling with excitement: "It's double pupils, that's right, it's most likely Xi Ya."

"Is there any other unique details that can be confirmed? If I am wrong, I don't think we can bear the price." Landos added.

Fat Tiger thought for a while and said, "I remember biting her tail by accident when we were fighting, and there is a scar behind the buttocks of the tail. If she is really Xiya, even if she becomes a dragon now, that way The scar should still be there!"

Shen Fei was speechless, he didn't know anything about it.

Moreover, such a thing as biting the tail is not a mistake, but a slip of the tongue!The location is still so tricky and private, it is really fate that Fat Tiger can live till now!
"Find a way to find an opportunity and confirm it!"

(End of this chapter)

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